Meeting someone for the first time ๐Ÿ™„ | English Small Talk with TTMIK

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hi i'm hi megan nice to meet you yes nice to see you too yeah yeah you're wearing a shirt that's nice um yeah okay what do you say when you meet someone for the first time of course it's great to say hi nice to meet you i'm megan but once you're done with those greetings oftentimes there's a long uncomfortable and awkward silence you need to find some common ground that will connect you to the other person if for example you meet that person at a certain place ask how they found out about that place or ask who introduced them to this place or event or wherever you are find a common connection and your conversation will work out much more smoothly hi i'm yanu hi megan nice to meet you megan are you a friend of polls no actually i'm friends with sarah we went to university together oh so you've known her for a while i know sarah through our tennis club yeah i've known her for about 10 years now and tennis sounds like fun how often do you guys play usually a couple of times a month do you play any sports no i don't play any sport but i like doing yoga when i have time i heard yoga can be a good workout too it is give it a try sometime it's so much fun here is one of the sentences that we sell are you a friend of paul's i think this is a great way to keep small talk going because it allows you to establish a connection with someone through someone else and i think when that happens it's much easier to keep the conversation going let's take a look at the next one i know sarah through our tennis club so after you've heard where someone knows someone from it's a great way for you to talk about where they know them so in this case it's tennis club which means you can begin a conversation about sports or any other hobbies or activities the next sentence we saw is this i heard yoga can be a good workout too and this is important because when you hear where someone knows someone from it's a way for you to continue the conversation by saying things that you know about that activity it allows the other person to know that you are interested and you know a little bit about their interests so if you want to be able to have great small talk then definitely use these tips and practice them in your daily life it'll keep you from having some very very awkward conversations we'll see you next time hi i'm janu hi megan nice to meet you megan are you a friend of poles are you a friend of paul's no actually i'm friends with sarah we went to university together oh so you've known her for a while i know sarah through our tennis club i know sarah through our tennis club yeah i've known her for about 10 years now and tennis sounds like fun how often do you guys play usually a couple of times a month do you play any sports no i don't play any sport but i like doing yoga when i have time i heard yoga can be a good workout too i heard yoga can be a good workout too it is give it a try sometime it's so much fun cake
Channel: Cake English
Views: 56,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #cakeenglish, #english
Id: amYcgo8Bg4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 25sec (205 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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