Meeting Astarion's First Lover? | Baldur's Gate 3

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approaching the cells you're met with hollow-eyed faces there's an almost physical stink of Decay and neglect I don't even know what this prison is hid all of this from me and the others if I had to guess I'd say that part of his ritual that we're in the hell so they come from you I know you you're the one from The Tavern you smiled and choked and got me drunk you're dead you called me so many sweet things my name sounded like a lyric on your tongue Sebastian you remember me you are handsome shine you'd never been kissed you taught me how Droid me it's not just him I know so many of these fixes they're my conquests shoot them seduce them brought them to kazador he told us he was feeling on them but he turned them to support he turned every last one so we'd have souls for this cursed ritual how long what how long have I been down here 170 years you were one of my first my family my friends they're gone took them from me you took everything from me free will never be free while that monster lives that's why we're here you can't it's not possible the grand chamber just ahead but even if you can kill him what then what happens to us hi I don't know trust me when I say I know the feeling but you can resist the urge whatever you do just just go for it we'll be back you have my word shouldn't have wished to live in more interesting times was capable of ah he's played us for such fools and not just seven spawn to placate the devil seven spawn and seven thousand Souls bound to them in blood whoever trusted me enough to let down their guard innocence and they're lucky it doesn't matter I will need to sacrifice them all if I want to perform the ritual thank you yes this will all be over soon it's just seen them again I don't know what else
Channel: furotowa
Views: 44,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, Baldur's Gate, BG3, Astarion
Id: k1mD9mErt9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 0sec (360 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2023
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