Meet The Kindles! Comparing the 2024 Kindle Lineup

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book club hey guys Dan from one man book club have you ever been confused by all of the different versions of Kindles out there you go on the Amazon website and you see the paper White and The Oasis and the Scribe and the Kindle and Kindle kids and Kindle signature edition and all of the different types of Kindles maybe you're wondering what the difference is well I'm going to show you today but first I want to tell you a little bit about my uh my reading device history starts in 2010 so in 2010 I was not the reader that I am today I loved to read always I've loved to read but the volume of reading it just wasn't possible because you know physical books it was harder and libraries and waiting inline anyway physical books were harder for me in 2010 2010 is when the Hunger Games came out changed everything because I wanted to read them right away but I didn't want to go buy the books uh my um wife simply is amazing but she doesn't share the same passion that I have for uh you know clutter or or decorating her house with bookshelves lining every wall So Hunger Games came out instead of buying the actual books the first ebooks I bought were Hunger Games and I read them on my dedicated e-reading I mean I didn't read them on a dedicated e-reading device I read them on my tiny little uh iPhone 4 like a 3 and 1/2 in screen um as always been funny to me that I read those three books I read all three Hunger Games books in 2010 on my iPhone 4 tiny little 3 and 1/2 in screen and I discovered that e-reading worked for me it was super cool so that year right at the end of that year I've got a few show and tells for you that year end of that year I got my first Kindle this is my Kindle keyboard it's special to me because it changed my reading life um uh you can't charge it up anymore it doesn't work anymore but I keep it because uh of of the memories that it was um uh it it was not the first Kindle model but it was my first Kindle and um anyway like I said changeing my reading life here take a look this is my reading history uh over the years you can see the 2010 there were I had the Hunger Games I read The Hunger Games and maybe like a Photography book or something like that and then in 2011 um I realized that e-reading works and things are going to be different now because I had this guy and in 2012 my reading life exploded it turned into like what I always wished it could have been but I wasn't able to with traditional books they're more expensive that takes the bookshelves waiting for library books all these things that are just there were barriers a Kindle erased the barriers um erase the barriers and you know uh since then I've had many many reading devices um that that have gone in and out of my life I've had a few different versions of uh Kindle Fire for example I'm sorry ducking down here to grab some uh so these are these are Kindle Fires the Amazon logos on the back I read on these for a little while these were these are like tablets they're like back back lit tablets like you know staring at an iPad or a computer screen and they this experience was much much better than this experience um and I realized that the significance or the importance of of that um the e in and and the front lit versus back lit huge huge guys huge if you haven't experienced it changes everything now today in my house we have representatives of the full lineup of Kindle offering so I thought I would introduce you to the Kindle family today so meet the Kindles uh this is the Kindle base Kindle it's the they call it the model is Kindle uh it's the base Kindle um this one is the Kindle paper white and this one is the Kindle Oasis and this one this big guy is the Kindle scribe and uh let's just come over here I'll lay them out on the table next to each other so you can actually see the differences and I'll walk you through some of what the differences are okay good all right here we go moving over here all right uh these are the Kindles uh these are them all lined up next to each other you can see they're slightly different sizes um except this guy this guy is huge this is the Kindle scribe uh let's first talk about what they have in common so first of all they all connect to Wi-Fi um some models in the past they used to come with free cellular access but that's been phased out if I'm out and about and not somewhere where I want to connect to Wi-Fi I just connect to my to my um Hotpot on my phone phone if free cellular access is important to you there is one model of the Kindle Oasis that still comes with it it's actually a full $100 more than the next model and because the ease of just connecting VI hospa I don't see the value there but it is available um you have to search for it though through um by searching for Kindle Oasis cellular uh when you go to the and then if you look at the the item page for Amazon uh Kindles the grid the grid comparison page says that Amazon uh or I'm sorry that the Kindle Oasis has Wi-Fi Plus Cellular connectivity and it implies that all OAS all the Oasis models have free cellular AC access um that's wrong it's it's not true so don't be fooled if you want cellular access on your Kindle Oasis the only model that has available you have to search for it specifically uh Oasis Kindle Oasis cellular and and you'll find it $100 more anyway it's there it's available the other thing they all have they all have uh the same screen resolution 300 pixels per inch on their e e ink screens there's no glare on the screen it's like amazing I mean literally I dare you go sit in direct sunlight like outside on the beach shine this thing right into the sun um it actually is going to get easier to read the more direct sunlight you can put on it it's it's just such a cool experience you can't do that on a tablet there's too much glare there's no glare on these guys weeks of battery life weeks of battery life like if you left any of these in airplane mode the charge would literally last like 2 to 4 months I'm not even kidding Wi-Fi always connected Bluetooth for audiobooks um like normal use that's going to make the the battery life more like maybe two weeks for the Oasis and three or four weeks for the other models but seriously like we're talking weeks and plus they charge fast too so so charging is is a awesome they all also have uh twoo touch screens so you can um swipe to change pages and pinch in and out to change font sizes uh like so um and then the other the only other Nuance to that um is uh the pen on the Kindle Oasis that you or the Kindle scribe that you can use to write on um and I've I've actually done um some some in-depth videos on the um software for the kind for the Kindle devices because the software across all of them is the same um there's no difference between the software of each device and I'll point you to a video where I use the Kindle Oasis to walk you through exactly of the points and clicks of how to use a a Kindle it's it's a cool video and then I also did a a really in-depth video on the Kindle scribe when when it first came out that talked about the functionality of using the pen and uh the the unique elements of the Kindle scribe as part of the Kindle family so encourage you to check out both of those videos I'll post a link down below um the other way that I read is I read using the Kindle app on my phone um I'll use that occasionally there's a feature called immersion reading where words will highlight as it reads along and you can follow along like follow the bouncing ball along the words anyway there's also a I've done on that and I will link that one also down below but you can't cannot do that feature immersion reading on a Kindle e-reader device that's only available on a Kindle app uh a device with a Kindle app so let's look at the each device more individually and start identifying what is unique about each one so so first of all this is uh the base model of Kindle uh Kindle uh Amazon just calls it Kindle it's the base model it's 99 us doll on Amazon or pay an extra $20 to remove the lock screen ads which I always do because it's worth it not to be advertised to and as you can see you get to see the cover of the book that you're reading um otherwise and there if you don't want to see the cover of the book there's some very nice screen savers that come pre-loaded but I prefer not to be advertised to so I pay an extra $20 per device uh to have the lock screen uh or to have the ads not included uh the base model is a 6 in screen and you measure distance from here to here diagonally that's 6 in um it's 5.5 o 158 gam it is light it's like you're not even it's like you're barely even holding anything I mean you could hold literally hold this thing all day long and never uh Tire of holding it it's like it's like just it's it's light it's like holding air it's light um it has four LED front lights which means that there are lights around the edge and each device has lights around the edge and the base model has four lights uh along the edge along the edge and the the sides and the bottom and along the top and um also there's going to be more on lighting to come because that's actually significant difference between the devices is the lighting so just remember for now that this has four LED lights in the front it's um also feels very plastic it feels um it's it's plastic and this it's it's it kind of shows wear it shows scratches uh it also does not have a flush finish screen so like there's a bevel here around the edge where the screen is the screen is kind of like sunk down so there's like a frame and then the SC screen is inside of this Frame right here um it has 16 gabes of memory this is not waterproof um this is black the black base Kindle this is the white base Kindle so I can show you what they both look like black versus white um I'll put those there for now while we move on to talk about the next version the next model this is the Kindle paper white um this one costs $139.99 again plus $20 to remove the lock screen ads uh it's 7.2 o so where this this one was what did I say 5 and 1/2 this one 7. to so it's slightly heavier and believe it or not the 2 oz make a little bit of a difference um you can still hold this pretty comfortably uh you can still hold this pretty comfortably without without tiring but it's is is does feel heavier uh it has 17 lights around the edge remember how many of this one had four has four lights this has 17 lights um it's also plastic just like this is plastic the base model the paper right is also plastic however it's um a matte plastic and so it it holds up uh it's more durable the the the it's not um it doesn't show wear as much and it feels softer it feels much softer it's much nicer so it feels more premium for sure um what else it has a it has a 6.8 in screen so the screen is bigger here the screen is bigger here than here by just a little bit um and um what else I want to tell you about this one oh yeah it has a flush screen instead of the bevel so it feels my I don't know like like it feels more solid more premium I think like a cell phone would um it's uh has 8 GB and 16 GB memory options and let me just give you a little commentary on on memory on a Kindle device um memory on a Kindle device so there's 60 16 gigs here you have an option for eight or 16 here now okay like ebooks and audiobooks you're storing two things those are the only two things you're going to store on these devices ebooks and audiobooks a 300 page ebook it takes up like say like 2.6 megabytes there there's about on an 8 gab device like if this is an 8 gab 8 GB device that's what this is um you've got about 6 gigb of storage after all the operating system uh stuff space is taken up which means in about 6 GB of storage you can store around like 3,000 eBooks on this device 3,000 eBooks on an 8 GB Kindle now of course you also might want to save some audiobooks too which are larger they're like say 28 megabytes per hour so if a 10hour audiobook is if an audiobook is 10 hours that means it's like 280 megabytes so um an 8 GB Kindle could hold say like do the math that's like 30ish or maybe 40 audio books basically my point is there's plenty of room for storage on an 8 gigabyte Kindle the other thing is every bit of your content is saved for free and permanently on the Amazon Cloud so you literally only need to save the one book or one audio book that you're reading on your device so you don't need more memory they will sell it to you uh you can give Amazon your money if you want to but because the options are available but you don't need to 8 GB is plenty when you're talking about Kindle devices um so this is 16 this one has eight or 16 um additionally this is waterproof you can read it in the bathtub you can read it while you're showering you can read it while you're in the swimming pool you can read it at the beach um this one is the Black Version there's also a a Denim and a shade of green that's available that you can you can get now there's also another version of the Kindle paper white available it's called the Kindle paper white signature edition it costs $189.99 so it's $50 more money than this version here's the difference one uh for that extra $50 one you get the lock screen removed uh the lock screen ads removed so remember I said I usually pay the extra $20 to have lock screen ads removed you can have the lock that lock screen ads will removed um you get memory increase to 32 GB which I just explained I believe is pointless um it also adds the ability for wireless charging um so uh like if you care to have wireless charging on this device that is um a feature and um let's see it also adds Auto adjusting light so um the next thing that I wanted to tell you about in addition to uh uh the the paper white signature edition um there's also a version of both the Bas Kindle and the Kindle paper white called Kindle kids so the Kindle P the Kindle kids is $119.99 the Kindle paper white kids is $169.99 they're exactly the same models they're literally the like this device and this device it's exactly the same but they come with a one-year subscription to Amazon kids plus which is a renewing annually renewing subscription that gives kids access to like a library of thousands of kids books which is pretty cool you know unless the book that you want is not part of the of Kindle kids plus um it also comes with a kid-friendly case to put around it um parental controls which by the way they all come with parental controls if that's something that's important to you and they come with a 2-year warranty so for a little bit more money you can get those other benefits which you know it's it's pretty pretty cool in some ways but anyway just so you know when you go out there you'll notice there's a Kindle kids and a Kindle paper white kids that's what the difference is um now let's talk about the Kindle Oasis which um is my favorite uh my favorite e-reader and my e-reader of choice this is the Kindle Oasis and it is brilliant the it is $249.99 usar on Amazon the screen from corner to corner is 7 in and you can notice the dimensions are a little different here it's more Square versus long on the Kindle paper white it's 6.6 oz so it's a little heavier than the base but a little lighter than the paper white and where the paper white has 17 lights four lights on the base the Kindle Oasis has 25 LED front-facing lights again I and I'll show you some demonstrations of the significance of that here in a little bit the other thing the Kindle uh Oasis features actual page turn buttons so um these just bring me so much joy that I can actually push a button to turn the page I can also swipe to turn the page and I probably use both but I love that I can turn the pages like this and watch this if I turn it the page reorients what top is and then you know the buttons accommodate too based off of the direction you're holding the book which is significant also because if you notice when I turn this way you can see that there is a there this fat this part is fat and this part is super skinny which what it means is it's uniquely balanced to be able to hold in one hand all of the weight is over here where you hold it but where you turn the pages and it is so cool the center of balance the center of balance is like over here um so if I if I were to balance it like this you know it balance is over here this um and uh it's not in the center so uh I love the ergod ergonomic design of the Kindle Oasis it's just simply a glorious way to read um there is an 8 GB and a 16 GB memory option this one is also waterproof uh this is black there's a rose Gold version and instead of plastic this is a metal it's a brushed metal uh brush metal brushed metal body super super for classy uh this brings me a lot of Joy uh and happiness to read on I know I'm waxing a little bit poetic about my calois but that's how much I love it it's amazing and honestly guys I never leave home without it uh now let's talk about the last one this is the Kindle scribe this is the newest member of the Kindle family which features this amazing note-taking ability um using the using the accompanying stylus now um I'm not going to go into the details here of what it's like to write because I did that in another video which I'll point you to um but uh I will say that I use this thing daily to write on uh and and I read on it occasionally but mostly I use it to write on I wear this thing out uh reading on eaper is a joy guys writing on eaper is like even better I can't say enough I love this device um as far as its reading features the Kindle scribe is essentially a large Kindle paper white it doesn't have page turn buttons um instead you swipe it has uh 35 LED lights around the edge so 35 25 lights 17 lights and four lights um you don't really um it we'll talk again I'll talk about the lights the details of the lights and the comparison of Lights in just a minute but but um this guy retails for $339.99 on Amazon depending on the different features that you add as far as like memory goes um it's a has a 10.2 in screen from corner to corner and it's 15.3 o um which makes it um well it's just it's too heavy it's you you couldn't lay in bed and read this thing like over your head it's just it's it's it's a little too heavy it's hard it would be hard to do one-handed it's more like a two-handed um two-handed device uh there's also a a case that I'll show you that folds up into like an easel so you can prop it up like this or prop it up like that um it's also has a metal body super super premium super super classy it has these rubber these rubber uh knobs here on the bottom so when you put on the ground it doesn't shake doesn't move around this one stays in place uh and um let's see what else can I tell you about it oh 16 32 or 64 gigs of memory options are available memory maybe is a little bit more helpful here but still I mean 64 GB is going to be a whole lot of notes it's also waterproof so you can read and take notes while you're in the bathtub it only comes in black and I also never leave home without this device and yes if you're paying attention what it means is I take two with me wherever I go so yeah I know I'm a little obnoxious um okay let's me try to demonstrate the significance of the the lights the LED lights which I've been talking about so let's turn each of these devices on um the base has a button on the bottom the paper white has buttons on the bottom the Kindle Oasis has a button on the top or the bottom depending on which way it's oriented and the OAS say has a button on the side all right so now all devices are turned on um and then let's see why don't I let me see if I can make it dark in here again maybe that will help and okay we're starting to see the glow um and let's see maybe if I maybe if we maybe we crank the brightness up just to show this point [Music] here yeah so crank the brightness up now these guys are probably not going to let me crank the brightness up cuz they're going to start going getting less bright automatically but we'll we'll see what happens and what I want to show you what I want to show you is um okay so when you look at this guy the bass Kindle and I don't know how well it's going to translate on onto the video but there's actual dark spots around here and the feeling is because there's only four lights the feeling is it's not an equal brightness across the screen and the feeling is is that you're reading on something that is lit so if you're in the dark and you're in the dark and you're needing to read uh you're going to feel like you're reading something with a light on it which you know I mean it's not it's not terrible it's it's still front lit it's not shining at you like it's really hard to describe it's not it's not a computer screen shining on you like your face isn't going to be like lit up when you're looking at this in the dark instead the the light is facing down towards the screen the lights are on around the edges facing towards the screen like shining onto the words and so the light is not shining at you um but as you can you might be able to see that the there's it's a little bit uneven uh now the 17 lights around here improve this it's not nearly as it's not nearly as differentiated in the brightness of the screen however I can still see you can still see that the around the edge of the screen it's brighter it's brighter than the middle of the screen now when you get to the other devices uh where the number of Lights increase here and then ultimately here with the most reading lights 35 what this looks like in a in like say you're reading in the dark is this looks like um this looks like paper so in the dark you're not going to have it very very bright it looks like paper oops that's not what I want to do it looks like paper that period I I kept trying to fill in the rest but no that's what what I want to say is it looks like paper like instead of like looking at a screen it looks like you're looking at paper the lighting is perfectly even from top to bottom side to side edges to Center on both of the Oasis and on the the um the scrap uh and I just I don't know if it trans I don't know how well it's translating in the video I don't know how well it is but guys the reading experience is just awesome it is just simply awesome and I can't I can't describe it enough how much I enjoy reading on on any of these devices but mostly on these guys where the the it just you can't even tell your looking at electronic screen I guess that's what I'm trying to say you can't even tell you're looking at electricity here you can't tell it it looks like you're just looking at paper uh with with words on it and in the dark pitch dark no lights around you you can read it and it it's amazing not only in pitch dark in bright light exactly the same in bright light it works beautifully Works beautifully like a charm so anyway that is a little demonstration of what it means to be to have 35 25 17 and four lights around the edges and let's get this brightness back down to normal here um and let's see did I do it here yeah I already did it there okay okay I'm going to go turn some lights back on to show you one more them because I want you to see um um some case options because there's cases that go on these different devices and some people choose to use cases and some people don't as you can see it's totally optional so here let's look at the bass first here's a couple different cases that we have in our family for the base uh for the Bas Kindles and the way it works is the case uh cases just slip on like this slip into here clamp in and you're done and then they're all magnetic so when you close it uh the book automatically opens up to your page not bad right um this one works the same way just a different style or different color uh and then the paper white case it's the same just a larger version of it and I squished it down there we go so you can pop the paper white in the same way like so magnetic when you open it just opens up to your page now the Oasis so this is my Oasis this is my wife's Oasis and she uses this case it's it pop you pop in and it's got a space for the ergodynamic handhold close the lid when you open it you close the lid it'll turn off when you open it there it goes a little delayed when you open it it opens up to your book okay so that's that's the Oasis one of the Oasis cases now I choose to use um a this Moco sleeve for my Kindle uh so I just turn it off and I slide it in and carry around like that this is what I choose to use for my Kindle um I do that because the form factor here is such a significant part of the benefit of having the Oasis that you know I don't want to put put it into a case and and ruin the experience of holding this in my hand like that so anyway I keep my Kindle in there and then for the Scribe The Scribe the Kindle case for the Scribe is actually pretty cool this is the Kindle case for the Scribe it fits in like so uh there's little knobs for the for the stoppers or the the rubber grips it slips in just like so magnet magnetically fits in there so it's not coming out the pen has a little holder up here like so and then when you open it it'll automatically turn it on for your reading pleasure and you're not going to believe this but voila I also have a mocho case for this so I actually keep it in this case and I transport like that that is how I do it um let me show you one thing here that the case Folds so you can stand it up like this or you can stand it up like this whatever your pleasure so there you have it oh one other thing that's important to note that I didn't say is that uh the base Kindle the base Kindle uses a micro USB charger and the Kindle Oasis uses a micro USB charger oldfashioned they haven't updated the kandilla Oasis in a while the paper white uses USBC and so does the Kindle scribe also uses USBC all right let's see um I think that is pretty much everything that I wanted to share with you about these Kindle devices uh again let's lay them out this is the base Kindle and not get these cases out of here base Kindle Kindle paper white H Oasis subcribe in all of their Glory these devices are life changing and that's not even hyperbole for me it literally changed my life uh I used my kids have their these devices and my wife has these devices um and I hope you enjoy so if you decide you want to purchase any of these things from Amazon a Kindle or a book or anything from Amazon if you use the Amazon affiliate link that I will post down in the bottom um our book club will earn a bit of commission that we use to keep the lights on here at one book club so please use that link um into Amazon if you wish to purchase anything from Amazon if you don't mind I would super super appreciate it and of course like And subscribe to the channel so you can see all of the more all the updates and Kindle Talk and lots and lots and lots of book reviews all right happy reading everyone
Channel: One Man Book Club
Views: 2,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kindle, Amazon, Basic Kindle, Kindle Paperwhite, Kindle Paperwhite Signature Edition, Kindle Oasis, Kindle Scribe, ereader, Amazon Kids+, compare, ebook, one man book club, review, comparison, Best in 2024, 2024
Id: Ng-r1xkHR7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 57sec (1977 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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