Meet The Flying Apartment | Onboard a Private Airbus Jet

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today i'm getting on board one of the world's most luxurious planes a private airbus acj319 to put it simply think about the last time you flew commercially take all the seats out and refit with a lounge bedroom and shower i think you get the picture this is special priced new at a mind-blowing 80 million dollars this airbus corporate jet has space for 19 lucky passengers flying at 39 000 feet it's operated by swiss-based comlux who also happened to fly one of the most famed jets in the sky the bbj767 dubbed sky lady without any more to say let's head over to dwc airport in the united arab emirates and get on board hey guys what is up and welcome back to the channel you join me today in dubai where i'm going to be having a look at one of the most unique planes that you have ever seen the commlux acj319 where i've got special access to go and take a look on board so without giving too much away let's go inside and i'll explain a little bit more about what makes this plane so special well here we go then i hope you're ready let's step into the shoes of the one percent hi there hello how's it going thank you so much upon entering the jet you're met with well space given that this space would usually be rows upon rows of seats it's surreal to see an almost palatial level of room and comfort okay so as i'm more akin to flying commercial i think it's best we get some help to show us around today i'm actually joined by oliver over here to explain hello oliver how's it going welcome on board it's great to meet you now oliver is too much of a gent to mention i'd totally forgotten to remove my sunglasses i mean come on i'm not exactly casey neistat but i'll come to my senses in three two one i'll take my sunglasses i just realized i don't need to wear those inside do i know so the front of this acj 319 is a nice open vip lounge dining area this is where passengers come to socialize yeah you know it feels like an apartment like a hotel my experience of a an airbus a319 i know slightly different variant but the same sort of uh size of this aircraft i'm familiar with going on my holidays from london to spain instead of me sitting in i don't know maybe business class just here uh it's a completely different experience so sorry sorry to interrupt you i just a bit my bit blown away yeah i think one of my favorite things with these uh acj's you know similar to the other vip airliners there's there's so much space on board so you know normally if you're on a traditional business jet if you're sat down having a meal you'd be touching elbows there wouldn't be space between the seats yeah and you'd be in a much more narrow seat these these are like big arm chairs you know it's it's like being at home so how many of your friends can you take with you on your dream acj flight well oliver explains to me that 19 is the most amount of passengers most private planes are certified for including this one there are however some exceptions of course you have a another another jet as well isn't it a uh 767 am i right and saying exactly so yeah i've seen a little bit about that on online is that limited to 19 as well then the difference with the 767 is that she's registered on our aruban aoc yeah um whereby we're allowed to have more than 19 passengers i always see i've got you yeah and that aircraft is quite special it's got a 15 hour range uh wow 51 passengers 300 bag capacity yeah it's used by yeah another another level back to the acj what about beds i mean of course there's the private bedroom we're looking at in a second but what about the other guests we can have more people sleeping in this area of the aircraft as well yeah up to five in this space i've got you so these lie flat and we put oh i see the flea life wow yeah so we lower the table yeah yeah yeah but single mattresses so we can have two here uh one in the divat um another one on the front club too yup and then another uh one bed on the other demand wow before we go take a look at the bedroom shower and whole other section of the plane let's go take a look at the business end of the aircraft the flight deck oh hey guys join us thank you so much it's uh it's great to see you yeah obvious in the world oh this is the best office the best seats front row seats i love it so welcome to this acj which is an airbus corporate j8 yeah what is the difference between the normal levels of the corporation do we apply a specific protocol to convert them into coverage etc yeah so we had additional communication tools application tools sometimes we had an air stairs yeah but the main change comes in the fact that we increase the total fuel from 19 to up to 34 by adding a auxiliary cargo tank in the hole and the range differences of when you're adding that additional fuel tank what does that mean to where you could have gone and that now where you can go from the original 3000 nautical mile let's say you can have up to 4 200 nautical miles in in figures it says london to miami yeah it's a dubai to london winter time right i think it's time we go take a look at what we've all been waiting for the bedroom is in the middle of the cabin and we don't have one bed we've got two beds oh wow oh my goodness this is not what you're used to seeing on a plane is it how fantastic would it be to wake up here in the clouds oh my god it's a it's an absolute dream because i think the other thing as well is yes of course you've got the the plain windows but this could very well be on board a luxury yacht or indeed it could very well be an apartment dressing table as well and uh that's what i'm talking about earlier the adjoining uh ensuite shower oh my goodness this is goals i think in the frequent flyer world you know being able to shout on a plane the promised land of flying but of course when you're flying on board here it's not like you've got an allotted five-minute shower time yeah you could take your time that's incredible isn't it um so of course the throne the loo with a view now one thing i i do on the channel i do lou reviews so when you're looking at more luxurious experiences that then they come with showers and i mean various different things like some of the spaces especially on the a380s they're like um you know proper sized bathrooms yeah yeah however they still feel like a plane but what's what's incredible about this is again it feels like an ensuite i mean a hotel yeah it is it is like absolutely like a hotel i can give you two if you want no goodness um i love seeing the molten brown amenities that's one of my personal favorites to be honest so yeah nice touch i like that and then and yeah this is the shower in here lovely now at this point you may think that's it oh no there is more 24 meter long aircraft so there's still a lot more space to have look at this may you even forget that there's a whole other area here so here we've got 20 business class seats you know the the recent charters the trend we've seen this year is that friends will pitch in all together and go on holiday to the maldives or to europe yeah and this is where you know the guys want to have a nap or just chill out while the others are socializing at the front of the cabin i'm going to ask that i mean who has to uh get the benefit of the bedroom that's going to be a coin flip so oliver who else charters these flights obviously we're in the middle east the aircraft spends a lot of time here so with this configuration it's also very popular with families yeah so you know the family would be at the front and the entourage and the support staff at the back yeah and it's got a fantastic baggage capacity you know you can take 50 large bags so there's no issue with you having to be like oh you can only take one one bag with you it's really whatever you it's your preference isn't it if you're traveling with three or five bags or whatever you're going to be able to do so can we show you the back of the yeah let's have a look at the back so we have a full galley oh wow this is where most of the service will what happen yeah i've got you there's a smaller galley in the front of the cabin as well oh there's another i see there's another bath from there so if a lavatory here as well oh lovely another lou review there some more molten brown i love that and the crew have their own lavatory at the front as well oh we see perfect so there's three three uh on board so if the passengers want absolute privacy yeah they can have it they can get it and that as they say is that a special thank you to oliver and the comlux team for inviting me on board today to lift the veil on aircraft i previously knew little about well there we go guys one experience i hope you've enjoyed coming along with me let me know what you thought in the comments below as always and i'll catch you all again next week [Music]
Channel: Trek Trendy
Views: 831,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: private airbus, airbus acj319 private jet, airbus corporate jet, private jet, trip report, private jet tour, airbus acj319
Id: DWCg1Nz-Sj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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