Meet the Finch Family

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how are you Rachel good to see you ready to go to camp at Crescent Cod we have three children Naomi is our youngest she is our 8-year-old with a whole wide range of complex care needs spinabifida is consider her primary but she's globally developmentally delayed she has a chromosomal translocation and has a lot of other complex medical needs whatever Naomi's quality of life was going to be we were going to make the best of it we were going to make her feel the most loved little girl our older kids Caleb and Carissa they have been just absolutely amazing helpers with Naomi there's a lot of uncertainties with all of her different diagnosis some days it feels like we have a thousand hours of appointments in a week God won't give you you know more than you can handle so this is what we can handle apparently Merlin shook his head all is not lost listen to a new prophecy my dad always makes time for us to read at night our family really loves it even Cooper cuz we're all together it's a really cool tradition I feel like because it brings us closer together as a family now that we have to go to Camelot on foot there is no need to carry unnecessary baggage you can tell she loves it she gets to snuggle to Dad obviously some very huge changes that we've had to make as a family came along with Naomi going on family vacations that just doesn't [Music] happen then Along Comes Crescent Cove wow we can do this we can get away as a family getting away was so refreshing and so needed hi Miss Naomi little sweetie good morning you remember Al breit Care at creson Cove is an opportunity for the families of children with life limiting conditions to have a reproval we'll let your nurse J get you inside and I'll meet you in there okay for just a few days or maybe a week parents can safely leave their children and have a break and have their children come and have time away from home all right here we go Naomi this moment is all there is is all [Music] is y hi our kids love going to Camp Crescent Cove is a Naomi's Camp the Crescent Co culture I mean that is evident the moment you walk in there it just comes through in every message and every smile we're truly committed to making each day that the child's here the best day ever [Music] one of the many blessings that come out of Crescent Cove is just how much more expressive Naomi is when she comes out her speech therapist always says I love when she goes to Crescent Cove because I can tell that she's had a wonderful time and I can see growth in her her emotions come out more vibrantly especially when she smiles it's very radiant I will piure we've grown tremendously as a family taking care of the sweet little girl it's really helped us to see the importance of giving back Caleb and Chrissa just recently packed boxes to help children with lifethreatening medical conditions we just realize that we have a lot of needs in our family and it's very complex and it's very hard but there are a lot of other people out there with a lot of needs we have an opportunity to bring joy every day but also receive Joy sometimes we say that Chris and Cove is surrounded by Pixie Dust because the joy that the children bring to all of us they make the family feel like what a blessing it is that you are entrusting your kiddo to us thank you for letting Nao stay with us this is who they are they truly love that you're entrusting your precious child to [Music] them cresen Cove has allowed us to get back some of the things that we sacrificed it gives families a place of hope of place where they can be refreshed where they can know that their children are loved
Channel: Crescent Cove
Views: 7,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: respite, pediatricrespite, pediatrichospice, MakingMomentsCount, Minnesota, palliativecare, specialneeds
Id: P6s0radnJhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 24sec (324 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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