Meet The #1 Mirage In Apex Legends On All Platforms (150,000+ Kills)

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ladies and gentlemen boys and girls welcome back to another apex legends video my name is sweat if you guys are new and in today's video guys we are joined by abusing r2 the number one mirage in all of apex legends and it's not even close this man has over 155 000 kills you heard that right 155 000 kills on just mirage alone that's insane what makes it even better guys is that abusing is also a great individual this is a guy that you would hang out with on a sunday and drink a beer with and watch some football games and we were having the best talk beforehand and after him dabs and marshy all of them so far have been great to work with and i want to thank each of them individually if they're all watching this video for being on the channel it's been a great honor and the videos are absolutely doing tremendous so i want to thank all of you guys at the same time but anyways i hope you enjoyed this video we're going to hop in with some tips that he's going to give you on how to play mirage and then we're also going to hop in to a solo duo where this man dominates the competition you guys cannot miss this video he drops a 4k damage game in a duos it's the first 4k we've seen in this series so far and i'm sure it's not going to be the last because these guys are all very talented individuals but anyways guys drop a thumbs up subscribe to the channel if you are new we are so freaking close to 100k we might be able to hit it this week with all the support recently and i really freaking appreciate it much love guys and enjoy the video peace out so banner's looking pretty clean not gonna lie we're here joined with the number one mirage in all of apex legend by a landslide man has over 150 000 kills abusing thank you for being on the uh the podcast today no i'm just kidding how you doing today i'm doing great man feeling good feeling good good feeling good well i'd like to thank you first of all for being on the channel have you watched any other videos yet on it you know the layout that we're gonna be doing yeah uh i watched i watched a couple so hopefully i can uh provide the content oh easily he's easily gonna be able to provide the content guys don't worry so we're gonna start it off with the common question first off why are you playing mirage why did you pick mirage is it his handsome looks oh it's definitely the handsome looks so in the beginning everyone was like playing like wraith bang path you know and it was hard to like solo cue and acquire those characters so i decided to be like a little bit different give myself a challenge and pick like a essentially useless character because mirage was useless at the beginning like he turned into a holographic pokemon card like it was bad like i would literally use his ultimate just to get a slight speed boost because back then whenever you altered you actually got like a movement speed boost and people don't know that um so that i would just use it to rotate or like get her behind cover that's main the main reason why i picked mirage he's fine nothing better than bamboozling and breaking some necks true true very true have you come equipped with some tips for us some secret tips uh i got i got a couple things in my bag of tricks okay and also after that i'm gonna ask you how a casual player would hop into mirage how would you dominate with mirage as a casual player but first i'll let you say the tips all right so like the biggest tip that i try to tell people is when you're playing mirage you need to break a line of sight like i break line of sight i mean get behind some type of cover a box a wall something and then alt because it makes it more um distracting you don't see because what happens when you all is you turn into like like i said a holographic pokemon card for a second and it shows the real mirage and also there's another thing with his uh dust particles on his footsteps you can see the particles kicked up and that's the real mirage so any a decent player is going to pick up on that so it just makes the bamboozle makes the all way more effective same thing with like using your tactical shooting the tactical behind cover is way more effective you want to you want to rotate into the cover and slide and then shoot the shoot the tactical to make it seem like it's the the real person it lines up like it's the exact same movement you you understand what i'm trying to yeah i got that you got the gist all right i guess that's that's my main like tips that i can really give people and don't be afraid to use the ultimate it comes up every 60 seconds like it's crazy that they buffed them that much so how does the how does the basic newbie casual hop into mirage how what would you advise them to do i guess the biggest advice i can give is just remember that you're playing mirage so you have to play positioning a little bit more um remember to take height you know just the simple basics like that because you're not you're you're facing horizons the pathes the the octanes you know even bulk is extremely powerful right now where they have that ability to take height so if you maintain height and just use your bamboozles to just take their attention for a split second and hopefully land some shots that you're able to push off of all right sir i think you know what uh what time it is we're gonna hop into a duo game and see what this man has to offer gameplay-wise and i'm sure it's gonna be good so let's do it let's get it damn this guy's got some laser accuracy i will say oh crap doesn't miss tell them the sense you gotta you gotta after these shots uh five five man five five classic okay i know that's been a question i've been getting on the other uh the other similar types of videos does he know you know about the thing on the left of the window yeah [Music] we're worried about the third part yeah it's cap game sense 1000 here why is he still peaking now with no health just gonna sit there oh my god good boy takes instant control of the big building alex going on roof looks like oh jeez very nice place sit down jen it's not your time not today oh my god bro your r301 is disgusting it has no recoil on that thing very nice he's doing the dank thing we got light mags now oh yeah it's a wrap you didn't even have a light mag the whole time and you're flying like that yo this better this lobby better watch out it's about to get crazy real fast great decoy distraction right there these guys just love peeking forever today head push well good he can reposition oh that's an easy laser for this man oh my good stuff man oh this and third no oh my god yo that was crazy oh me got blown out oh my god notice how he's not forcing the fight guys he's repositioning until he has the advantage very smart don't have to always fight the uh at the initial location that nade was oh my god dude i was not ready i thought the nade was gonna hit you into their boat like down the tunnel and like they were gonna shoot you and you would have died i would have been i would have been at a loss for words i i'm just unlucky like that sometimes i guess so that's a part of the game i guess oh god no way you pull this off nice oh my god he does this check out that replicator coming in oh no not the stick oh he's just so much better oh my god that was beautiful oh my god the fact that you knocked that octane opened up so that was so good i don't know got lucky i wasn't you were playing those guys like a fiddle in that room this is a home field advantage man very building very true that was worth the price of a mission right there if i do say so myself holy crap amazing place good ammo thank you i appreciate it the hype is definitely helping me you got this i'm smelling it smells like a 3k in your future look at those shots oh straight lasers that's nothing but a tickle we're good issues messing me up after all that they finally decided to leave the ring they're losing every single bullet exchange and they're just peeking the same angles [Music] they fighting another team yeah they're getting shot in the back what the hell what was that oh yeah it was yeah yeah where is he he's a narnia he shot from the the cliff side all the way up god look here savage look [Laughter] they're zipping over something good what i can do here that's a long zip isn't it oh that's a long zip they take that easy fries hope they do they won't though until they break shields yeah or until they heard hear you fighting another team start shooting over here it's annoying good shot [Music] oh my god they'll zip over now no they won't apparently never mind they want to see a knock that's all they're looking for is that oh you didn't knock one of them though yeah i did this is a passive team playing for first place hundred percent no kills oh oh i think that other team yep good escape pinch them now pinch the team in the middle perfect these guys aren't giving me any breathing room well they might have got that knock i think that was close to you right shots oh my god stuff good shots this man is frying about to drop a 4k this would be the first ever 4k that we've seen okay one more team oh my god disgusting do it you gotta farm it you gotta get it all right hey what okay oh god bloodhound and all all right you gonna have to win the game maybe not oh my god let's go i think i got it that might be just short but you had you had an amazing performance nonetheless man it was a pleasure watching that i must say thank you man i really do appreciate the hype bro of course that was an amazing game and the man's man's dancing on him what else can he do he can do everything he got it got the first 4k let's go man very very impressive performance a pleasure having you on the channel bro anything you want to say before uh head out shout out your twitch do whatever you got to do i'll put it in the description below anyways but well first of all i want to say thank you for giving me the opportunity to do this with you like this is amazing like i really do appreciate it more than words can explain second um my twitch is abusing underscore r2 you can go follow me there if you guys want you play mirage as you can see but um yeah dude it's been a pleasure would love to get some more games with you absolutely man anytime you
Channel: Sweatband TV
Views: 345,466
Rating: 4.9387865 out of 5
Keywords: apex legends, apex, apex legends mirage, #1 mirage in the world, #1 mirage player, rank 1 mirage, number 1 mirage player, mirage, apex legends #1 mirage, apex #1 mirage, best mirage apex, best mirage player, best mirage plays, best mirage main, apex legends mirage tips, apex mirage tips, SweatbandTV, abusing r2, abusing, iSweatband, #1 mirage apex, #1 mirage apex legends, mirage tips, mirage apex legends, mirage apex, apex mirage, #1 mirage, top 1 mirage apex, top 1 mirage
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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