Meet My Boyfriend | Christian Relationship Q&A

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[Music] welcome back to my channel [Laughter] okay let's go like this okay i look like a giant [Music] hey guys how do people do this go for it ready set want me to be the clapper hey guys welcome back to my channel i have with me today a very special guest as you can see from the title my boyfriend tyler hopefully i won't just be a one-time guest anyway you want to be on the channel if you were just gonna be a one-time one-time special guest no this isn't like normal thing you do no oh okay yeah well then i'm honored to be here i'm here with my favorite person ever and it's gonna be a blast yeah we don't really know what we're doing but we're just gonna have fun with it and answer your questions so if you follow on instagram i have posted about tyler and our relationship and just shared a little bit about that over there but he's yet to be in a youtube video so we thought it would be fun to introduce him to all of you so that you can get to know him a little bit and just share how god has worked through our relationship because he's definitely done a lot it's been a really special story so we're gonna answer some of your questions that you sent in via instagram and we'll just jump into it so the first question is what are your favorite things about tyler and then tyler what are your favorite things about me so i'll just go first because i feel like it's a good one yeah so favorite thing about tyler hands down is his love for god that he is constantly pursuing god every day and that that was something that was a part of his life long before he ever knew me um and it's just really evident in the way that he lives his life and that um you can tell his relationship with god his walk with god influences just all of his decisions and how he lives i think another thing for me that's actually a really big thing for me is that he's someone i can learn from um and i think especially when it comes to like god and our walks with him and theology like i feel like i learn a lot from your perspective and i think i've talked about this before i think it was in my james video where it talks about how we can deceive ourselves when we are hearers of the word but not doers of the word and i think for me because i'm someone who has a natural bend to want to understand scripture and be able to articulate it in a way that's clear for other people to understand i can sometimes deceive myself into thinking that because i understand it or because i can articulate it to others that i'm actually letting it change the way that i live and i feel like tyler is the complete opposite that tyler reads god's word and lets it really like honestly just like doesn't understand it no like he lets it and unless his misunderstanding transformed his life and turn his life into a train wreck no what i was gonna say is tyler is less quick to just take it and sort of like turn it into some teachable thing but much more like take it and let it actually change the way that he's living like an example i feel like a couple like a month or so ago we were talking and tyler brought up some habit that he does in regards to like sabbath or rest or something and i was like oh where did that come from and it came from a book that we were both reading like a year ago um john mark comer ruthless elimination of hurry super good i'll link it down below but i was like oh yeah i remember reading that but i'm somebody who often times takes stuff in and obviously the goal is to have that ring transformation but tyler i think is really good at that that's a strength of his is taking stuff in from scripture or think from things that he's reading in different books and actually letting it transform the way that he lives and so i think for me i learn a lot from him not just from the things that we talk about but also just watching him live and seeing the way that he really submits himself to god's word and lets it challenge and change the way that he lives and so i think that's a big thing for me is that he and the way that he thinks in the way that he lives constantly challenges me to be more like jesus so that is a favorite thing about him and then i think another big one has just been honestly how he has been towards me um we'll share more of our story but he was and continues to be unwavering in his pursuit of me there's literally never been one second that i've ever had to question what he felt or what his intentions were or where things were headed with him your turn we're gonna get through like two of these questions sweet well i promise i'm not saying this just because casey said it but um of course her relationship with god is number one and like she said about me she took the words right out of my mouth none of the millions of incredible qualities about casey would matter if they weren't like rooted in christ or if she wasn't rooted in christ and just who she is flows out of who god created her to be and her faith and everything and that's not only is it the center and like her top priority like that's where everything flows from is from that faith and so that continues to inspire me every day and continues to inspire other people every single day and so i'm super thankful for that about her and thankful that she's excited about sharing that with other people too and just the way that she gets excited about sharing this abundant life that jesus offers us with other people as well and so that's absolutely the thing that makes me most excited about casey but she's obviously extremely gorgeous if you couldn't tell i'm not allowed to say it make me feel awkward but um she's just super fun to spend time with and very restoring to be around and she's just like the most caring person ever and you know we'll go to the world's end to celebrate people that she really cares about which is a lot of people she has a lot of really close friends and puts in a lot of effort to really care for them in really deep ways and even a couple weeks ago she was planning a huge birthday party for her mom and just putting a ton of work into it whereas i feel like a lot of people would just be like well i'll just use whatever little time i haven't planned something where you were like no i'm gonna make this happen it's gonna be the best day ever and even if it's like at my own expense for a little a little while you know so i think that's really incredible that you're self-sacrificing in that way let's see okay question number two this is gonna be like a one-hour long video so how did you meet slash how long have you been together let me take this away together today i think i got here at like five ish a little after so and put a little laundry in so probably 504 or something currently 6 p.m so that should tell you something about how long it took us to get in the flow you know um so we me how did we meet casey doesn't remember that's not true okay we've known each other's side okay so we've known each other for a handful of years i don't remember a specific first-time meeting remember either but i have some memories of conversations that we had before she does so honestly that probably remembers earlier conversations than i did right like one time we were paired up for a game at a game night one time and she doesn't remember that she has zero recollection of that and i was like wow i got paired up with like the cutest girl i've seen in my life so wow and then all my friends wanted to date her so i was like so the way we really started to get to know each other more is through serving in the high school group together we're both uh been leaders for the same group obviously she has the girls i have the guys but we've been doing that together for the past couple years let's see tyler has the junior guys i have the junior girl so we're like whenever we have grade events he's the guy leader i'm one of the he's one of the guy leaders i'm one of the girl and so we'd see each other around a lot and uh you know serving together there but we didn't talk a whole lot but i knew for a long time casey was someone that i wanted to get to know better so we didn't really start to get to know each other until i finally asked her out on a date for the first time because we were kind of like our circles of friends were kind of overlapped but not like totally it's like a little venn diagram you know and so we'd see each other around here and there but not we sound like we were seeing each other all the time um except that omega the high school group right but we didn't have like super long conversations then and i also feel like we didn't so we were both leaders um but i feel like we didn't really have like a ton of leader meetings or like leader team building stuff until like i feel like charles our old high school pastor who i've talked about like kristen charles on the channel before but um he like started to make that more of a thing i feel like in 2019 and then one night at one of our meetings casey talked about how she'd been reading this really cool book called ruthless elimination of hurry and i was like oh yes i can talk to her about that because i'm reading that too and then i tried to talk to her about it and she talked to me for about 20 seconds and was like okay i gotta go bye so long story short we met through church or knew of each other through church got to know of each other more through serving together and then aside from like a couple conversations here and there um we really didn't get to know each other until tyler asked me out for the first time in november of 2019 so over a year ago more on that story later i feel like we'll get into more of the details of it i actually we're not going to share the entire story of like our relationship in this video yet because i actually have a really special way i'm planning to share that um and so make sure you're subscribed and then also that you have a part of my email list i'll have that linked down below i feel like you never plug that but i will be sharing more about not only our story because there's just a lot that god's done in it in my heart and in your heart and in both of us um but also my own story leading up to meeting tyler because i've talked a lot on my channel about singleness and that i've been single for a really long time and there's just again a lot that god's done in my life and in that story that i really want to share with you all um but that's gonna come at a later time it kind of ties into another question um because a couple of people asked about like at what point did you feel ready to make it official and how did you know that this was a relationship that was from god and i think like i think one of the lies that oftentimes we as christian girls tend to believe in christian culture and maybe guys too i don't know you can speak to this is that i think we're told that you're just gonna know instantly right and i think that a lot of times those are the stories we see portrayed on social media we hear the stories of how we met and we knew on day three that we were gonna get married and stuff and that totally happens for some people and that's beautiful and that's amazing but that's not always the story i remember talking to my mom about it last fall when we had just started dating and i was kind of figuring all of this out and she actually brought an analogy that i thought was really helpful and just saying like it's similar even to our relationships with jesus and sharing our testimony some people come to know god through like these crazy stories where they have these super dramatic events in their life my mom used the example of like the saul to paul conversion story where he's blinded on the road to damascus and has this crazy event that marks the turnaround of his life and some people have those really dramatic testimonies where it's just like this instantaneous moment in time that they can point to and some people their process of coming into a relationship with god is gradual in a sense obviously there's still that point of decision but the reality is is that there's no one right way of coming to god that he comes after us and brings us into relationship with him in all sorts of different ways and the same is true with relationships for some people it is that super instantaneous we knew on date three um type story and for some people it is the more getting to know each other over time and for us it did happen over time and i honestly think that that is really reflective too of like what my relationship with god looks like or just that how he's worked in my life like for me i feel like a lot of the big things he's done in my life have been sort of more through a process rather than through like a moment instantaneous thing so in hindsight it almost makes more sense that that would have been how he brought you into my life because i think that that's just like how he tends to work in mine yeah i think that's there's a lot of wisdom in that i even think of um like elijah and he's looking for a sign from god and god's not in the earthquake and then god's not in the lightning and then god ends up coming it's like a whisper and so there's times when you know and there's other times when that knowing just comes with time and like with a solace and peace that comes with time we have to remember that god is not a cookie-cutter god that the story he writes in our life is not going to be the exact same story he writes in your life and the story he writes in your life is not going to be the exact same story he writes in everybody else's life because he's a creative god and he works in each of our lives according to what he knows that we need because he created us and he is the one ultimately you know writing the stories of each of our lives so that he would be glorified through each of them and so no two stories are going to look the same and there can be things that we learn and glean from other people's stories i know that for me talking to other people um just in their real godly relationships was super helpful for me and like discerning things with tyler but even in that there's little nuggets i can glean but my story is not the exact same as theirs um because god's a unique god because god's a creative god and works in our lives uniquely and so to that question of how did you know um i think that knowing isn't always this moment that it's oftentimes a process and for me that knowing came through spending a lot of time with tyler and seeing his heart and his character over time just spending time together having a lot of honest conversations asking a lot of important questions spending time around both of our friends and our families and in church community with mentors of both of ours and through that my sense of assurance and excitement and peace just continued to grow from actually knowing him and from building that relationship this one is how did he pursue your heart well and then somebody else also asked what was your role as like the woman in that like what is the godly woman's role in being pursued i guess is it weird talking about how you pursued well i can answer that sure you go first you answer it i think like i referenced before there was literally never a second that i had to question what tyler's intentions were or where he stood like he literally never left space for me to do that leaders lead with clarity and tyler was always super clear with me in both his actions and his words i knew exactly where he stood i think also tyler was very confident in his pursuit of me and he was confident not because he knew the outcome you didn't know what was ultimately going to happen with us but because your sense of self-worth or identity wasn't hinged on what the outcome was but you knew what you wanted and i feel like you were also seeking god and praying continually throughout the process and so i feel like that was like a big part of how you pursued well um also just like very intentional in like learning who i am and learning the things i like and what was important to me and acting on those things and showing that he remembered and asking about things and whether it was like you know learning my order at i don't know starbucks or pete's or something like that or just like something really little like that or just like really remembering when i talked to him about different relationships in my life or things that had happened and caring and asking about those things like just very intentionally learning who i am um so that he could know how to like better care for me and serve me honestly so we both just worked full days so tyler's trying to not make it clear that he's yawning but what we were saying was that what were we saying he wasn't afraid to let it be known to me where he was at even when he was not sure where i was at which i think in itself showed me so much confidence in him that he wasn't trying to like play some game or yeah try to play it cool um and honestly like that gave my heart such a sense of security and safety that i don't even really i didn't even really think that i needed but i did and i think i don't know it makes me think of the song reckless love or it just talks about how like god's love like there's no shadow he won't light up there's no wall he won't break down and i feel like tyler's just like unrelenting unwavering pursuit of me um god really used that to bring down walls in my heart that i didn't even really know were there and then another person asked um what is sort of my role in that is enter like what is the woman's role in that pursuit and i think the first thing that comes to mind is the biggest responsibility of the woman is honesty and where you're at and maybe with some people that's honesty in the sense of like yep i know i don't see this this isn't going to go forward and graciously clearly kindly letting that person down um and then maybe if it's in a situation like this where you're kind of figuring it out in the beginning being honest about where you're at and saying like look i'm not sure like i know i don't want to walk away from this and i want to continue giving it time and if that guy is willing to be patient with you and knows like tyler did what he wants and is willing to keep pursuing it even with you being honest about where you're at um and i think that oftentimes a lot of beautiful relationships can form out of that so yeah and then also be honest too if you're feeling it like don't don't give in to the lie that you have to like play these games and that you have to like pretend like you don't actually like them when you do you know so are you thoughts from you so i totally agree with you that honesty is huge i mean if you want to take dating seriously then like take it seriously you know not leading somebody on but once you like also give them continue to give them a chance if um you still see potential there and you might not be 100 sure that you see it as marriage you can be sure that you want to keep dating them i'm just being yeah being honest with where you're at i think everybody needs to be encouraged and so if they're pursuing you well let them know what they're doing well and so that way they can continue to do it too because everybody needs everybody needs encouragement and so i think that's huge and just pursuing the lord honestly is is always huge um and it's good for both of you because you want someone who's gonna notice that you're pursuing the lord and so that's that's i mean for both like you want somebody who's going to be attracted to that that that's something that's like right what they're looking for right exactly yeah you want someone who's going to be attracted to the fact that you're pursuing the lord with everything you have what does tyler do for work slash how does he feel about your social media presence what what do you do for work first of all presents you get presents for being on social media yeah maybe i should get back on it yeah tyler's not really on social media he has an instagram for music that he'll go on when he needs to post something for that he's not really on it um and in a way that's kind of nice like i don't know i feel like it's such a big part of what i do that it's nice that you're not like super wrapped up in that stuff but um it's fun to have you like do this with me yeah okay i love doing this kind of stuff with you so excited so far first video but maybe we're horrible let us know i'm a musician i've been pretty much my whole adult life just doing music full time and now i've been able to do that since august in the role of like music director at the church that i've been going through for a while i mentioned in case you've gone there forever so the church we go to got a job offer there and so it's been amazing to kind of incorporate those two worlds together because i feel like that's something that's been on my mind for a long time like years and years of like okay what does it look like to be passionate about god and also just love serving um in the local church while also you know wanting to pursue music but now i get to do it in the context of uh the church full-time ministry and still get to do some other gigs and stuff i just had a rehearsal this afternoon for for another uh gig but my main thing is doing it at the church now which is really sweet and love working with the team there and have some exciting things on the way with that job as well so yeah that kind of ties into another question somebody asked do you feel like you'll do ministry together and i think tyler and i both see ministry as just like all of life like everything is an opportunity to yeah just live in a way that reflects a life transformed by jesus and wanting to share him with other people but i know this question is probably referring to like specific things and i think the answer is yes like i mean right now we do high school ministry together like we've talked about and then i think it's cool because we also both get to kind of like participate in each other's individual ministries like tyler is saying for him that has been primarily music and it's not like expressing itself in a different context and for me it's a lot of what i do on here and with writing and even like speaking offline and stuff like that um and so i think first and foremost we've been able to really support each other in that and like tyler has always he's been like a behind the scenes go-to and just talking through so many of my videos and all of that stuff and somebody who's always supporting me and praying for me and asking me about it and encouraging me in it and i can hopefully do the same for him with his music stuff but then also getting to participate in it like i don't think we anticipate us making like a couple's channel and doing this all the time but i think that tyler will definitely be in videos and we'd like to do more of this type of stuff and just address some of these other topics and share what we can from our relationship and from what god has taught us um and then tyler part of what he's been doing in his job for the church is working on writing original worship music he's written a lot of original music like in the jazz world and with what he was doing before but working on worship music and so we've kind of daydreamed about like getting to work on that together which i think would be super fun and so it's exciting to see how we can have different passions but that can like come together and we can participate in each other's and sort of like blend them together and who knows what god will do you know yeah i think it's super fun to be in a relationship with casey who's someone who uh obviously has slightly different but in some a lot of ways similar passions and i love that our differences um complement each other and you know allow us to build each other up and make each other stronger um but then also at the root of everything you know we both love being creative we both absolutely love the lord and to be able to have that uh rootedness together in our passions is also sweet because it just brings us together and it's fun to i don't know step out of our normal roles at least i like i like variety i like difference and so it's fun to step into a kind of like slightly different uh world a little bit through casey okay so we literally have so much footage and i don't even know how long this video is going to be we had more questions that we wanted to answer that came in that are really good but i honestly just think this video is going to be an hour long so we'll save them and maybe do like specialized videos or like specific videos at some point on them but somebody asked like how did god prepare both of you in singleness how did you deal with discouragement and singleness when you saw friends getting married i have several videos i've made on that just like contentment and singleness and stuff so i'll make sure those are linked below if you want to check those out for now then maybe we can do another video about that sometime um somebody also asked about do how do you set physical boundaries that honor the lord that could also be an entire video in and of itself so we'll have tyler back in another video soon to answer some more questions and talk about some more things but hopefully this was at least a good little introduction so you can get to know him and just yeah see a little bit of what i get to see thank you so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it please be sure to give it a thumbs up and then also hit the subscribe button if you haven't already and ring the bell and punch the notification bell yep thank you so much for watching this video and i will see you in my next one you ready bye [Music] all right [Music] that's the outro gotta save it i'll never see you coming
Channel: Kaci Nicole
Views: 9,545
Rating: 4.9735975 out of 5
Keywords: meet my boyfriend, kaci nicole boyfriend, relationship Q&A, christian relationships and dating, christian dating, christian singleness, how we met, when God writes your love story, christian couple, christian singles, christian relationship Q&A, christian relationship testimonies, christian relationship advice for couples, christian relationship advice, christian relationship stories, christian dating advice, encouragement for christian singles, season of singleness christian
Id: elfXECFSOz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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