Meet Fortnite's Most Toxic 8 Year Old.

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this is fortnite's most toxic eight-year-old devious Haiti since you have no risk I'll give you a wrist line prepare yourselves this is one of the craziest and funniest experiences I've ever had on stream can you text ninja and see if he can play instead of instead of Courage we can replace his Trio but ladies and gentlemen sit back grab a drink and enjoy the legend of devious Haiti oh sassy Turtle wants to play I told him I would ask you my arch nemesis I can get a couple games in all right so I was just gaming with courage when I got an invite from him he was a random Duo from a while back who I recently gifted his skin and apparently he had some beef with courage I got beef with sassy Turtle bro someone said prosby for the 10 year old [Music] seriously bro yo Beast what up Saucy Turtle yo I got beef with you bro yeah Sam you got beef with me war bro all right watch this what's what's four times two eight dang he got you are you serious you probably didn't know that card until you were 13. chill out I know everything now I'm saying courage didn't know that until he was like in eighth grade [Music] oh this is a grown adult Cipher o what the heck no this is a soundboard dude so right now he's on call talking smack and later he tries to 1v1 us and then we ended up playing some Trio games and that's when things really got out of control is any other YouTubers on get taken are we not enough we encouraged clicks clicks is bad literally clicks isn't bad all right who's better me or clicks clicks if you're better if you're better than ninja I'm better than both a ninja if you guys were all three if um if you you got it in Courage and typical gamer and Clicks in little Timmy boy they're all onesie wanting me I would still win bro what what was in your juice box this morning bro you're talking crazy dog yeah I drink coffee what no you didn't no way so I didn't but no this is a soundboard Cipher I know you're trolling me it's a voice changer it says Ashley how much kids do I have none actually because I'm not 40 because I am an eight-year-old chicken butt why does this keep happening to me it just happens in life can you give me uh like a life tip that you've experienced that you can tell me be a better version of myself oh yes um since you have no RIS I'll give you a wrist line you just have to go to a girl and and um and um if they're holding books and they're cute you have to drop her books on accident and fall and say I fell for you did that work for you Katie did that work to pick up the books you have to pick them up with her and then you have to look her in his eyes and be like oh my God what's your phone number that worked for you yeah okay you have to go first off okay first off let's get let's get a few things straight you have no risk okay L aim yeah what are you John Wick what is that voice dude do that voice and go yeah I'm thinking I'm back do that yeah oh my gosh John Wick bro all right all right all right question quick quiz for you nine divided by three go what's divided by one to one seems like 1v1 you right now and what do you usually play on keyboard and mouse or controller keyboard and mouse because I'm uh because I'm a fully grown adult with a full-time job when you're playing because I'm on controller too heck no what controller's op anyway it is okay two teams here nope we're in Cipher can I 1v1u and you go on controller because I'm on controller sure Cipher's cringe dude that's what's right right there threaten me it's gonna be on my fortnite friends list or else I will kick back no no we let you know what I'm down to 1v1 let's 1v1 up to this me versus you let's see who wins seriously okay that all one people on you but you have to go on controller so it's actually fair oh I I don't play build mode I'm gonna mute right now because I have to go to the bathroom Okay bye what is going on Cipher sassy Turtle I mean devioush it is is it actually him yeah oh my God bro we still hear you you know we still hear you bro oh crap was that was that your Nick a30 impression yeah yes 119. wait I'm watching you courage how do you not hit him when he was in the car bro why are you using a drum Gun Bros it's John Wick bro he Street sniped Us return the lobby John Wick was me yeah wait okay courage what one Cipher I'm gonna Cipher okay I'm about to send this kid back to the second grade okay okay I'm about to send you back in the lobby I'm about to send you back to kindergarten back to the kitchen you go I got it so I'll put us in a 1v1 is that a fat joke [Music] right that is not a good thing to say that's okay he just confirmed it's a kid Cipher The Tick Tock audio reference okay three two one I haven't played build mode in so long oh no he got height what up kid we're playing we're doing a 1v1 again can I 1v1 you Cipher you have to put on your controller right now okay okay literally cheating right now [Music] yo you see on the trail your mom's gonna get cold what I don't know all right let's actually work devious that's actually one come on all right all right hold on let me plug in controller I'm gonna plug it in give me one sec you hear me hitting it okay ready three two one go dude no I can't build a controller no no no no no seriously nobody's in my box oh oh that was closer than I would have wanted I got okay I'm setting up my controller right now I just have to change my settings let's do one more all right three two one go away what all right all right yo yo listen let's actually 1v1 here all right I'm ready I'm ready I'm gonna I'm gonna be mature let's go controller yes three two one go oh dude I'm so much worse at building a controller my settings are reselling no I wasn't even trying right there you weren't trying not really but I didn't want you to cry on Siri and like Ninja I just want to do it again how's that pump where you going where are you going willing okay I'm ready to play on controller okay I'm a judge oh early lead early lead goes to devious the only thing is about to get Scott okay you need to stop fighting through his low ground looking to see what he can do you don't have to be like it was in a World Cup [Laughter] guys guys why are we causing beef with each other let's go win a game yeah come on so that was the 1p1 against DBS Haiti but this Trio game is when things really get crazy watch this devious we put we play Zero build okay [Applause] all these kids have no attention span no attention span yo Haley are you are you on Tick Tock right now bro F you mean my gutter yeah bro you can't listen to that you're too young that's what they all say bro stop with the tick tock audio [Music] what did he say [Laughter] oh get off tick tock we're landing at Frenzy this generation bro all right devious I actually have something to tell you guess what chicken butt no for real guess what what I'll tell you later [Music] he's eight he's smarter than courage for real are you serious right now bro what what's what's what's nine plus eight seventeen okay okay not bad not bad are you asking me that because you don't know that come on excuse me go ahead ask me a math question I bet I know it okay what's 100 times 44. 4400 oh my God you're actually so smart bro oh my God thanks dude I'm literally gonna put my pants oh that's so cool okay and I'm literally killing a whole Trio right now and I just killed a whole Trio devious Shady listen we've had a lot of beef but now what what I need you to say I need you to be nice to cypher and I and say something nice about us yeah it's important shotgun is so bad that's not that's not about it say something nice about us oh nothing nothing all right bro this is our this is my LG what about the Skins I gifted you I want a game with someone that's actually nice bro Cipher after this I want to play with someone's nice okay I'm nice not to us so I thought kid 's ninja and see if he can play instead of instead of Courage we can replace his Trio damn that's cold that's cold let me text Ninja really quick I just thought he just replied he said uh he only games with people that actually can beat courage in a 1v1 so he said he won't play with you Rock can you get out now can you devious I'll move if you say please please Cipher I'm done playing with your friends they're mean I understand understand you know do you know who Conor is Devious [Music] you're gaslighting me huh what is Gaslight oh I love that movie can you say can you say this for me can you go hey you got a friend request hey you know doesn't it sound like the original yeah if you watch Tick Tock you're an l do you watch YouTube shorts for now no way she says the one who watches YouTube you can't say that in front of me in Cypher bro yeah we love you from shorts I'm sorry that much but okay it's not fun to be mean by the way it's not cool it's way more cool to be nice this thing let's practice saying something nice about each other okay Cipher you're really good at fortnite thanks man it says nothing at all you're very good at fortnite are you gonna say anything nice about me Cipher am I sorry I feel like you always got my back I feel like if I got into a into a fight you would be there to help me of course man of course you're my boy guys I got real players on me I don't know if they're real or nice but are you grittying on the real players over here they just open a slurp container yeah we're grabbing our slurps here not yours bro why are you taking all of this bro I'm killed oh yo oh I'm dead I'm alive I'm alive I'm alive the 48 on that guy on the Stormtrooper 100 on the Stormtrooper 100 you have you got more pushing you my dad I killed this one Trooper there's another full team pushing us another full team pushing us slip it up slurpers guys I might be dead here NPC is actually deeming me what not surprising uh 70 on one of them I'm running I'm running I'm running on money I'm safe I'm safe I'm safe 130 dead this guy's dead up here nice Markham he's in the he's in the L building we should we should hold it high we should all die okay yeah well the other two are running away I say something nice about you guys 112 on one here one of them's absolute on me dad I know why I'm grabbing slurps I gotta pop one he's right inside this building on me I'm sorry behind here 230 dead popping slurp can you reboot me so you got to say something nice about both of us and then we'll beat you okay you're good at fortnite nah it's got to be more unique than that gotta be more unique okay sniper you're good at fortnite courage you're better than ninja all right it's pretty good actually I'm going to wrestling right now that's the smartest thing I've ever heard you say to do double Rez and W res oh is that a miss some Vegeta just what did you just say Vegeta oh what did you think I said bro oh nothing I'm family friendly 30 curses in the car um encouraging Cipher is anyone um any of YouTubers online right now too we can play squads with us uh yeah let me look at my friends list oh D is online do you know D oh online he had a question he asked you a question uh devious you know who D is the YouTuber d oh actually never mind he's actually not that big of a Creator who is he though he's nobody he's not that good okay oh security or focus focus Focus I'll kill him dude who's your favorite who's your favorite fortnite uh YouTuber Ninja he's gonna love to hear that who's your second favorite who's your third favorite uh clicks who's your favorite let's see Somerset hey who's your who's your fifth favorite fruit um who's your sixth favorite if I make a 30 by the way oh yeah who's your uh who's your seventh favorite yo courage also does YouTube right who's your seventh favorite I guess there's like Lachlan oh yeah Lachlan okay okay who's your eighth favorite probably laser beam what about number nine head shotting Vegeta is impossible do you see this do you guys see this no one sees this how do I hatch at him for about number nine can't headshot him I got you given brought up Typical Gamer yet I'm getting pumped down what about uh what about your 10th favorite um you well I get bumped down safer you're still at third yeah at least in that time I'll kill them I'll kill them no you can't kill them we'll kill them let the real men handle this excuse me don't you got summer school reading to do yeah reading in 30 minutes each day but it's a weekend so fair point I used to skip my uh summer homework don't say that Cypher oh don't say yeah to that either I skipped my reading hey you know if you keep acting this way Santa's not going to show up this year oh no that's what you're on the naughty list yeah probably have you ever seen a Little Mermaid the new one came out and yeah I watched that do I sound like it oh anyways without the voice people are I wanna see wanna see them dancing oh my God where they walk oh where they run oh where they stay all day that's my voice I just killed a whole Duo and what are y'all actually doing uh devious it's gonna kill check bro all right guys kill check kill check guys kill check [Laughter] y'all can't be laughing I almost got up to sniper we play in like 30 minutes because I have to go outside for 30 minutes to earn more time I actually don't know how much longer I'm gonna be on I think this is a good session for today devious maybe we'll maybe we'll play together again soon um is anyone on who's like popular [Laughter] bro you're Shameless hog what just happened man so that was devious Haiti and let me know if you guys want more videos with him I don't know thank you guys so much for watching
Channel: SypherPK
Views: 5,423,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite battle royale, competitive, gaming, highlights, gameplay, fortnite highlights, fortnite tips, stream highlights, how to play, fortnite gameplay, sypher, new update, sypherpk, fortnite update, fortnite new patch, fortnite new item, everything epic didnt tell you, fortnite new update, fortnite leaks, fortnite event, mr beast fortnite, undercover, fortnite chapter 4, fortnite seasno 2, fashion show
Id: gCPY8JWqqsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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