Meet and Greet

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legacy to me is also an honor to do that we got ready to leave those totally guys about this and because I think I saw the president there you know sitting on the front row and I think it's shake his head or anything I thought that cooler a country boy for people to have Kentucky to shake the precedent they awesome and so I didn't get to do that but as we were walking out he was sitting in the car and he looked out the window and he saw us and he went so I just win but life was good man got a baby on the way and starting a new project fix it to go on a cruise you know I gave the cruise a lot of great things happening how to God be the glory for all good things there and in all of our lives so the baby is due in June so I'm gonna have a June baby thank y'all some but where's the lady got me these gifts thank you so much that was so sweet and that dessert about love made me that made me cry really about messed me up so thank you so much I can't wait to show my wife this stuff that was very thoughtful I love you got a birthday coming up 25 they coming on good yeah do you feel older or in your mind you Phil look in the mirror and I realized Mike's a little older than me and so there's 13 years between me Mike and he has been waiting for me to turn 40 because I'm always teased him about being older and he is so happy that I finally hit 40 he's waited for this for years he's very excited so we're gonna have a party oh my there's a lot and like every real same love and your babies yes thank you this better thing Angelo it's out I have to get those readers you know it's funny like big bucks take those glasses off and I'm like I [Music] can't because they're cute yeah and I'm like are you kidding me oh well because that need to see but Mike and the girls are good the girls will seek tide and Mike as well and it's just they're growing up I've got an 18 year old so that makes me feel older than 40 I have an adult and child what in the world having a baby in months [Music] in the energies the Lord rebuke you you ain't alone you need to have another one we're selling wouldn't we better yes anyway it was a freshman in high school hope is a senior in high school and Gracie is in fifth grade and it's we've been on the best three days and about three days in on the road I'm ready for something different so I was so excited to come in here tonight and see unison because it's smaller and smaller imagine three girls at those ages and me and all of us trying to get ready and keep you important like poor Mike so honestly he takes this long on his hair as we do good and we're really wanted to be here tonight and just excited about cells being saved there's nothing that honestly is any more rewarding or it makes me any more excited than just these so say wait do we tease about getting Auburn but the truth matter is is I mean we've been out here 17 years I'm doing this every weekend and if it weren't for soaps being saved I'll be home there's just that that's the tribe behind it all so I'm expecting the tonight I'm just going to speak it will have even more so safe tonight [Applause] I'm doing really good and I'm just glad to be the baby today we were talking about how when you're younger well Kelly was saying how because that was tell her about a picture that I found a parent Jason when we first started singing and she said yeah we thought we were so cool because we were the oldest [Laughter] most pretty good being the baby ceases but anyway life is going good my son is 13 and he has six one Hey six one and he's playing football and baseball and now he's [Music] of course that my husband is on the road and he travels and he's doing great that woman I get to be home right when he's home does that come off the road so we get to spend more time together so that's awesome and I get to be a part of restoring hope Church and we teach toddlers class once a month [Applause] wonderful busy busy it's good it's really good I've got four kids four little E's I said busy you know we're being fruitful multiply but we're done as well done little head of bet she is so she's just a ball of joy and I actually had a text message from her that I sent it to have her uncle I see she was singing chain breaker I had this in that time I'd show you off I could it was really cute but just loving life I really am God is God is so good he's he's doing great things at the church and you know we're seeing all kinds of incredible things so say people healed saw lady her eyes were healed last year at overflow and and her ears were open another lady's ears were opened up and there was a gentleman that actually came to restoring hope not too long ago on a Sunday morning and he just came to attend the service because he had been hearing about healings taking place there and he said he had told my brother long because my brother-in-law said hey yeah you go to this what are you doing here and he said well the Lord told me if I'd come here I had received my healing and my wife was doing her Holy Ghost announcements I call him/her annointed announcement - no man I'm telling you go to church they're right there but but it was one of those moments where you knew God was moving and she walked off the stage and grab this guy's arm had no clue why I came there and she said you'll live and not Don declare the works of the Lord and he had stage 4 cancer and he's cancer-free today it has anything to do with our church has nothing to do with that building but it's a point of contact to their faith and if anybody exemple meant in that it was Billy Graham I just I'm capable back to him you said something yesterday out of where he said he's he's pretty good from the grave that was a that's a song a sermon in them and that's just amazing when your life preaches from the grave you've done something a man about you but I want to be that person that there's some kind of influence even when I'm gone that it's so I can hang on to some over you know just hey I can make it or I can be a witness because of the example that Billy Griffith laid before us just amazing but the life is wonderful life is good he's preaching from the ground 14 years [Applause] well that just kind of blew that out of the water though didn't it yeah yeah he's still he's no respecter of persons but Allah says he's the same yesterday today and forever salawa and heal you today if he did it yesterday so if you need healing just just have faith it's a gift it's a gift it comes with your salvation it's a gift amen amen it's here it's right we just released that right now you might needs a healing in here I just pray that God would heal you from the top of your head to the soles of your feet may you be set free by the power of the blood of Jesus by His stripes you were healed it's past ends it's already done so we received it tonight Amen Adam be healed in that shoulder word is that in Jesus name we could all pray for her some sanctions in a and scared she's knowledge is crazy let's do right now just raise your hands as a witness and Lord right what's her name Danny we just pray for Betty right now God
Channel: Kingdom Productions
Views: 51,749
Rating: 4.8714042 out of 5
Keywords: Crabb, family, Meet & Greet
Id: bgyr92BtVJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 09 2018
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