MEESEEKS vs MEESEEKS BATTLE - Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality VR - VR HTC Vive Pro

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all right he's gonna reach back grab the rich all right it's a battle my name is pimp our way back we're playing Rick and Morty virtual reality today we're continuing on with the story and we're gonna try some other stuff as well first of all I'm gonna try making a little tree now this comes from a comment on one of the previous videos and I thought it sounded pretty awesome cuz broccoli it already looks like a little tree but if we add it with a hammer we could probably make something that looks like an actual tree so this is gonna be fun hmm we're also gonna try doing a meeseeks battle see if we can get some meeseeks to pick up a mace and battle each other like whack each other in the head with it maybe we'll kill him I don't know I want to see what happens and if we get up to it okay so the broccoli has to be bigger definitely bigger than that also it's the wrong angle what's going on with this I guess it still kind of looks like a tree or something doesn't it I don't know I don't know yeah I thought we could try and get the the poison apple and feed it to the big giant mumm-ra Lee and you know the big one at the end there it's like pretty much the final battle all right big broccoli I kind of want to eat it get me some calcium but I'm not gonna all right and then combine it with a hammer here we go bang it's a trade it's totally a trade that is cool all right then we go like this hang on a minute hang on and then we get big more like that I really like that that is awesome all right so hang on now if we combine it with this do we get a super big version no no we don't but I think if we combine these two together oh hang on now we get broccoli and the things on the inside wait a minute wait a minute what about if you do this it's still in the inside it's like a bush now just get it get out of it we're already making a mess of the garage thanks guys thanks for your tips it's like a bush but with like a really small trunk alright that's gonna go over there it's fine don't worry about the broccoli alright this isn't some kind of crazy health fad some paleo garbage or something alright we're not doing that let's close that up let's go here punch the see alright I'm ready I was gonna do the what oh we might have to get meeseeks to do that hey pretty bottle alright so can I not teleport with that thing this thing it seems like soon as i teleport right okay alright meeseeks get us that stuff hey no worries man alright yeah yeah yeah yeah that's the stuff that's the stuff hand it over here I can't I can't yeah hang on wait wait there's gotta be another way doing this yeah this will work this is work alright let's put one over there and then put one there ray alright ready there you go alright now turn around give that to him did you get it on they dropped it you really hit no worse all right reach out grab it why is he keep dropping it what is that a bit I'm gonna rip your face off dude all right he's still there Wow that was close I know it the Nitro Dark Matter goes in there but I can't teleport with it and meeseeks is too stupid to grab it and put it in there as well unless we get him to hold on to it I mean maybe he could do that let's just get him to hold it all right here we go dude all right you grab me no worries thank you all right let's teleport here stand back and then we'll grab that thanks dude all right that's how we do it so let's tip that in there it is full hey Morty catch oh hang on a second okay all right it's in there it's in there where's the battery gone with the battery go okay let's jump in yup let's charge this bad boy up biggity-boom here we go I was doing this or I was playing this game on the dollhouse mode last time so this is kind of harder now all right here we go which one Oh yep come on yep okay this is hard all right there we go push a button put the knobby thing there what is that thing anyway it's like a fuse spin that ran push a button all the way down they and they turn it to their top yeah it's getting faster all right yep Oh got it got it yep no no I moved to think push the button that goes down there here we go push that goes up there oh god oh god you're serious yep whoo hey what is this where's this thing I stole it all right let's go oh hang on oh it's gone all right I'll let it go on it to spin again we've got the battery yes and it's charged let's put that in there biggity pain came from a conflict-free Microverse can't open it back up again all right so we've got one more thing to do I think we need to order the engine repair kit here we go so this is the this one's actually quite tricky it's a bit of a bit of a puzzle you know what I mean all right let's see let's go over here let's have a look at this engine repair kit at yep now if we just open this bad boy up here we go engine repair kit what do we got we've got a whole bunch of weird pipes throw the Box away boxes dumb boxes just super stupid all right put that day valid serial codes one linked serial ending in a number one link serial ending in a letter okay so we need one of those let's put all the numbers together mmm maybe these two at least at least to read least one link part with no duplicate which is this one no more than what one blue no more than five bands there's five bits that meets all the criteria all right bang did it I did it the car is wagon so mad man teenagers am i right come on keep it out of here hey drop the Nitro oh cool give me that that's an empty Nitro cannister grab that me six grab it already and just toss it bit further dude try to throw is that grab it it's empty this no way this stuff disappears soon as you let it go I think I think that's how it works all right we got all this let's get rid of this I don't want this garbage there we go hey awesome whoa oh that's right nope disappeared all right slow movements all right so this thing just counts as metal even when it's empty look at that you can shake this around now and it doesn't care doesn't matter nitro dark matter it's empty that one is also empty okay do you two want to battle an ass no all right here we go this is got to be fun but I'm gonna have to make some more weapons though maybe we can buy one can we buy another mace now okay we're gonna have to create a mace we could just create some weapons in general hang on a minute let's combine that with a wrench what do we get kiss super-long wrench I can't hit myself so that tells him how is this gonna work we got to manage this alright one of them has a wrench one of them has a mace that hardly seems fair it's funny though alright here we go this is gonna be a battle arena alright let's put one of them over there nice give us a thumbs up dude give us a thumbs up wrong button ok let's get another one stepping on the cable all right so let's put one of them just thing hey cool how they get a fight door let's go they should probably be facing each other I need to kill that one where's the gun this is this is how you do it this is how you eliminate one of the meeseeks alright cool let's put that over there alright dude you're going just there oh you guys are super course this is gonna be it just killed oops let me destroy that one for a minute step back yeah well put one there and we'll put another one just there okay that should be good that should be good alright now let's get the mace alright can you catch this dude Hey caught it oh you dropped it hang on just get bin Dan you pick that up pick it up camera that's it can you grab it with your other hand okay he's got it he's got the mess don't hit yourself with it dude please don't hit yourself with it all right here we go the other one we need to give him the wrench you missed all right he's gonna reach back grab the wrench alright it's a battle how are you gonna face each other oh god this doesn't work this is not how you battle you meeseeks the other one gonna be like face the wrong way Chris oh he just stole it I know you changed hands alright okay here we go yeah you turn around and hit the other guy or you can just hit him in the back of the head hey truck with the mace cone I mean that the wrench you already lost the wrench these guys are dumb very dumb all right hang on we need to make another weapon you guys go all right back there no fighting while I'm not watching oh god you didn't lose the mace as well did you yeah where'd it go where's that that oh my god I can't even order anything and the game is crashed what no so I'm back up to where I was after the game crashing thanks for that game isn't that awesome let's put that there I'm wondering if we have to go into oh wait oh you can grab that now you're the creator at the Macy's alright with drop a thing all right now you grab you rub this okay good now hit your friend just hit him oh okay take that back cuz that is dangerous actually you know you have it you have it all right hang on put in that hand though I'll push it me I push the button right mine alright alright grab this grab this you can't really make him battle it seems to try and do that oh god oh god it's a collision give me that it's mine alright you have that on the hand grab it enough I can't hang on wait there we go alright a wagon why am who why are you missing all you just did you just destroy his hands he has no I didn't even know you could do that how how all right hang on I'm gonna just try and destroy this one's hands all right give me this this is mine this is mine all right put out your hand you just stole it no you don't got it this wait a sec wait a sec maybe I could shoot his hands off maybe that's something we can do all right hold out your hand all right yeah you can all right swap hands put your hand out I'm gonna shoot your hand off there we go all right now they're just heads we're this and they can't take the mask off themselves [Music] all right what if I can get the gun and shoot Rick maybe not is that still there all right clones how do we got the egg what no what are you looking at summer can't even see your eyeballs there we go oh nice I forgot about all this stuff I mean I knew about this planet but I forgot about this thing all right yes sir I love these guns let's go all right I got it but you guys know I sure - sure them oh god oh god I'm gonna die on Oi please start dying yes I think it might be a little bit easier to kill these guys in the really guys left me are they going they're going um now what what's actually kill quite a few I wonder forget the attunement oh man that one was for the head room they're actually getting a little bit further back but in the head that's me done what was my school shut up Rick I'm not happy with you main well it's my school yes 100 awesome I got the achievement all right I'm gonna leave the video here the next part is cracking the egg which we've done before but if you guys have any ideas of stuff you'd like to see me try along the story let me know in the comments below and thank very much watching this video if you liked it give us well these ones I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 240,717
Rating: 4.8339543 out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality, Rick and Morty game, adult swim game, virtual rickality, rick and morty vr, rick & morty game, job simulator vr, vr htc vive, vive pro gameplay, owlchemy labs games, funny vr game, vr youtuber, vr lets play, steamvr, pickle rick, Meeseeks, fleeb
Id: 6rD5ukZidlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 09 2018
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