Meditation For Stress & Anxiety - 10 Minute Guided Meditation

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hey there let's take a moment together just these nine minutes to spend with ourselves to relieve your mind and body of any stress anxiety or discomfort that you are feeling now you can do this lying down or sitting up whichever posture feels most comfortable to you in this moment so i'd like to now invite you to first close your eyes gently and let's take a few deep breaths here to really settle into this sacred space encourage the exhales to be a few counts longer than the inhales take a deep inhale through your nose and now a powerful exhale through your mouth [Music] now let's do that again take a deep breath in and feel the air travel down your throat filling your chest and deep into your stomach now as you exhale feel the air travel from the pit of your stomach up to your chest and squeezing all the stagnant air and energy out from your body through your mouth let's take a few more breaths here leading you back to your own rhythm and pattern [Music] we carry and store stress all over our body so now with every exhale let's intentionally focus on areas of tension breathe in and on your exhale let your eyelids soften breathe in and on your exhale let your tongue come away from the top of your mouth breathe in and on your exhale unclench your jaw breathe in and on your exhale allow your lips to gently peel away from one another breathe in and on your exhale allow your shoulders to melt away from your ears breathe in and on your exhale face your palms upward and open your hands out to receive breathe in and on your exhale feel your heart open welcoming in calm and comfort let the quality of your breath reflect all the qualities you'd like to invite into your heart patience ease space calm and balance our stress or anxiety usually comes from our mind thinking over the past all rushing ahead to the future let your breath be the anchor to your present moment use your breath to keep you right here in this moment know that when you are attentive to your breath you are in the present moment thoughts will naturally come but watch them as an observer and let them pass like clouds don't push them out aggressively don't try to ignore them just let them naturally move through the mind like clouds using your breath to constantly bring you back whenever you feel your mind wander we have the desire to control when we feel out of control our mind can often be filled with worry but just remember nothing you cannot handle will come your way i'm going to say this again and this time place your hands on your heart and repeat it with me out loud or in your mind nothing i cannot handle will come before me everything i receive is meant for me let's say that one more time nothing i cannot handle will come before me and everything i receive is meant for me feel the journey of your breath through your body and let any worries emotions or tension in your body be carried away with each exhale use this time to slow down your body to still your mind and to clear your thoughts breathe out the worries and the thoughts that no longer serve you and just surrender surrender your thoughts surrender your control surrender your worries and just keep reminding yourself nothing i cannot handle will come before me and everything i receive is meant for me slowly bring your attention back to your body gently wiggle your toes slowly move your fingers and now gracefully rotate your neck clockwise in circles and let's do this three times inhaling as you circle your head upwards and exhaling as your chin touches your chest do this slowly with love and care softening with each rotation remember your breath is always with you it is the bridge that connects your body to your mind and brings you back to the present you are not your thoughts you are not your anxiety and you are not your stress just take it one step at a time you
Channel: Radhi Devlukia
Views: 465,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SIaVziKqMz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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