Medieval Dynasty: Full upgrade village in Oxbow

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the one who hey there welcome back Mar here and today we have medieval Dynasty and full upgrade Village we are talking about the new oxball so let's not waste anyone's time and jump in right to the game I'm going to show you what you can expect so obviously we are chilling now because I have achieved everything it can be there with one exception I will mention it and talk about here so this is the Village Center and just to show what are we talking about uh this is the technology tree so way past that is set by the game it requires 10,000 I have double of that already so it was the easiest to achieve and the same is true for here of course all the recipes are bought every single one of them ah windmill this was my toughest to get and and yeah also here so everything is there but not only that also if you look at the screen here we have fully maxed out buildings it's not fully optimized but I have every single one but donkey because donkeys replace uh horses so every other building is there so and all the production chains and everything workers workers are still being raised let me show you this way so my oldest um inhabitants in in my um City and up to the literally just born so they are still reproducing and well they are pretty great if you look and why it took me how much it took me 20 freaking 5 years yeah it's it was wasn't a speedrun or anything you can also hear the location just showing you yeah this is familiar spot because there is a mine so pretty cool but honestly I now now that I'm looking back I wouldn't pick the same location but that doesn't that doesn't matter we are here for full upgrade and full upgrade H it can be of course it's it's opinions are split but every single building as can be seen is built up maximally upgraded uh everything is isolated so full upgrade that's that's what the the promise was and just going to go through so just to show some some herbalist uh to foodsheds um excavation main storage that I use all the time one storage only one storage and one Barn uh behind here I have two kitchens just to support everything then two blacksmiths otherwise the one iron mine just makes too much iron Wells I have two but actually no need also to seing station and the builder then in the middle yeah this is the pound Square this is how it looks like in in in the game pretty cool I like every single uh the separate colors that make distinguish uh look and and feel what's being sold there and then basically here is a lot of you can expect a lot of buildings and I try to go wild not like boring style so buildings over buildings we'll take some other look from the above yes I can look on my Village from above but as you can see um every single house has fully fored and also I have placed these uh on the windows it's not just by the looks they also like it it improves I don't think it actually improves isolation I test that doesn't matter nothing here's my windmill yes uh but the the happiness improves of course we need some sheds we need some fields and all that so I tried to well there are some uh trees cut down here because uh at the beginning um there wasn't unclear if I didn't read actually uh if it's um if you can dig out the stamps but then then soon we realized hey that means these trees are not growing and like oh and basically the the showel was was thrown away uh Tavern also one of the last buildings in the scene and the last part of the village yeah of course of course these are important not strategically placed because it doesn't matter in the game but in real life obviously you would place them close to the uh trees and and Fields and this is my production part my my f most favorite all the Liv stop as you can see yes we do love as I said every single one now I have I have even goats I wanted to get rid of goats because they also replaced by by cows damn it's hot damn those nasty cows and yes as as expected the mine is also here this is one of the building if you placed somewhere else you couldn't have that in village here I somehow manage to pull in and of course of course one extra that elsewhere you will not have this bridge you cannot build bridges in the game that bridge was there in built in a map so this road in between is originally by the game it was going through the empty field now through my awesome this this this whole thing and barn of course barn is here because this is where we gather and and yes I am growing every single one of the cultures of course cuz that's what you need and yeah that's how it looks like I am going to climb back up on the cliff to show you and then we'll go through we'll go through management I'm going to show you how end game Village looks like trying to get this nice view see see it's pretty cool right and at the end of the video I am going to uh I have some save games where I have loaded four different seasons so we can have a look from four different uh season perspective because that is huge huge uh part of the game uh how you grow uh what you grow what's what's how much uh firewood is needed and all that and it's really really really beautiful trust me guys you want to see this so this is my proud Village fully upgraded everything there everything in there oh yeah I will also show you my my my personal crib which is should be my wife should be the happiest ever oh yeah I forgot to mention I don't have why why yeah I started as me but why took 25 years because this is my daughter and I uh trans well it's not transcended I don't know the word in English uh but basically I continue playing me myself my original me my player is dead that's only way when your daughter or son is 18 and we look the management we should be able to see us oh no I am now separately I'm age 18 and I also kept the original name when the baby's burn you have a list that you can you need to choose uh your rewards so I had my original character not fully 10 all the tens but basically most of uh skills were 10 when I die then basically my full grown kid becomes me basically there there is no option no choice nothing basically if you die for whatever reason you are immediately sh like oh you continue with your as as your child and uh the problem with this is my child now me my player don't have so high stats so basically it means I had I had uh EXC extraction 10 I had production 10 I have uh farming 10 now I'm back to six so basically every time you move only option is if you have a wife that also is pure tense then your kid when it grows up when it when it's made will also be pure tens like the 10 in every single skill which would be nice but now I I have quite big setback and I was like do I really need to nah nah you guys going to forgive me because full upgrade Village I'm not I'm not Village I'm I'm person so just explaining so that is one downside this is not full this is not full which was oh damn it dang and yeah if you see the inventory uh there's one achievement to uh get uh 1 million money I don't know the coin uh I'm not there yet I'm making a lot of money obviously the attacks and everything is just pure doesn't you don't need any of that there's no worries about it and this is the this is the original House my dad father built it for me my mother now I am leaving here with my mom I'm showing up twice nice bug okay anyways Minor Detail Minor Detail but yeah I try to put everything that is can be put there of course with maximum decorations and everything uh you need some the these walls so you can put every single of these these trophies uh then from from the top there is hanging uh every single version of it with the lighting as well so when it's nighttime it looks pretty cool and yeah also Lantern outside there I mean you get the idea that uh if you're wondering yes I'm not even cheating but I'm going to show you under uh decorations there are plenty plenty decorations let's take a look for example these this could give more look uh and wide the cloth line if I put somewhere but the thing is every single one of these are aesthetic there are some for examp example Wash Tub where you can wash your mouth so basically when object has an actual need well usability then it's I have placed it all the other things they are just for looks and for in my books it doesn't count because every has his personal preference and my preference is not having all over the place because it's really hard to then um horse ride through so yes that is also not there and one more thing if you didn't notice just throw in one extra tap under workstation and farming workstations there is compass bin every single all of these rest are pure aesthetic values just just villagers sometimes use something this compost bin this actually is usable and and especially the beginning of the game when you have to make fertiliz you put a food item any food item there and after a season end it is now Rotten and rotten can be turned into fertilizer so that's about that all right let's take a look quickly at the management look I will put a Time stamps well you don't care if you watch this far then you're close to we are close to the ending but under management what I can show um sad thing is in the this new um oxball map somewhere written oxball no it doesn't we don't have Harolds there is one extra guy that sometimes uh in random time pops up and gives a huge Quest that impacts uh how the king reacts to you increase decrease the tax and something it is not implemented here yet so that is all out of this whole thing and another as far as I can tell the quests are done everything there's literally nothing else just random quests from my guys and so it seems like it's still being developed will be added later on so I expect currently Oxbo Stands Strong as um multiplayer map because that's that's only map where you can play with someone else but from game perspective from those 25 years I literally was about done at yeah 9 something and then just was farming and building up technology unlocking technology and adding skill that that that's it and basically now I was waiting for my daughter to actually grow up to age 17 sweet not 17 18 sorry sweet 18 so yeah I was I am right in between child here so that's that um otherwise 25 years you can count it's pretty long time uh I have played this game so management as you can see if if we order from the oldest the oldest uh people in my town they have one particular skill or I'm I'm trying to cross train but it doesn't matter at the at this point they have already two kids almost every single one of them so they will not give birth to anyone new knew I have full limits there's all houses nothing left but if you if I scroll down you can see one point where at this somewhere here this is the first child it was born in my city and what you can see is the average from well educated skilled father and mother is actually super nice for example they all are coming out five four uh in all the skills you can't find such people anywhere else basically it's just breeding oh breeding sounds a bit harsh but anyways you get the point you see how awesome one Sixx and all fives and these These are they are still growing those are kids they can from age 14 to start Master one particular skill they apprentice and that's that all right I you see I have de I have tax to pay but doesn't matter uh food items producing not every single one of them because it's just mess to uh control um we have all the possible sheep go you saw them all uh yeah oldest ones recommended to sell off uh Fields a lot of fields but basically two absolutely huge Fields just to get my farming skill and get that windmill because uh you can have a lot you add a lot of Technology if you basically have a huge field that adding and removing it's it's it's stupid and cheating and I needed my time to pass for my child to grow up so just having huge and allowing your Farmers to make uh plow and and saw and and and all that thing does the same thing so yeah currently I don't need them because I have too many floor and buildings yes as I said houses they are all simple uh there should be one small and one huge house yeah those are the additional uh but basically simple house enough because it's 4 * 4 uh the big house is just taking more space now additional value whatsoever and of course then's I'm not going into huge details uh two Wells two woodsheds otherwise one building for each max level up level up of course only two level fishing and hunting farming two Farm sheds because I have huge Fields I need more work forces at the moment Barn when it's fully upgraded can handle everything and of course when windmill kicks in then every single um this floor is automatically passed to Windmill because that's what it's for so I can put in resources here I need to S so probably everything is sold there yeah and and and animal husbandry takes a lot of people to take care of that two kitchens two s kits two smiies Tavern Workshop those two those can be only by one but otherwise yes for such a big um town it's actually City see development stage the latest when you hit six six plus buildings 60 then it becomes City so this the biggest not even a town and of course two storages only can't waste that precious building count and this is where the magic happens where food is being sold and you can see some few hundreds coming in tools are being sold not by much but hey I make a lot of them so there's Surplus I literally have to sell with my hand haven't sorted it fully out it's it's in the last patch they changed the the the resources yeah manure you see manure one big big SE is making so much manure I can't handle it and floor is just yeah I have I had 31 31,000 I sold every single one living being on the map for one season and found out I sold 7,000 or something so yeah I'm I'm the floor King yes that's that's how it goes Parable stall yeah making potions especially especially good is possibilities where you can respect because that's you need to do sometimes and closes yeah it's it's I rolled with only two uh particular the one this one uses wool this one uses four and leather just make them and sell them that's it you see thousand is coming in from here already and resources of course I have one dedicated res resource stall for only iron bar one of the blacksmiths whole 10 and 10 skill skilled blacksmith are just smelting iron ore those iron bar that's how many iron you can dig out from one Dam mine it's absurd fully fully leveled changes everything when you start the game you have uh users uh users uh people and and only with level three skill then you have to manage and you like oh oh oh when they hit 10 it's like oh my God where to put all this and and the answer is sell just sell through the Stalls and one more tool selling uh stall with 100% intensity just just sell everything you see we manage and still I have 24 freaking axes 27 pickaxes okay anyways you get the idea so money not problem at all and last part as I promised quick small glimpse of uh every single season I will load game but I will cut out the part of the loading because it's really long this this save game loads about 2 3 minutes at least I will count I I'm I'm going to tell you so let me load that one and going to show you all the seasons this is Summer by the way all right let's start with the winter and this is yes as you can see the save is with my original me but that doesn't matter look at at how gorgeous Graphics look like and all the town snowy beautiful the waterfall is still there some Fields waiting but they are L absolutely gorgeous looking game and yes now we're going to do next season one by one and end up with Autumn my favorite and we are back with spring and spring absolutely amazing green Lush you can see some of the cultures yeah can be uh gathered I don't recall was all try one of those or grain or even the Grain and yes yes there's also different shrooms different herbs different things growing in each season so and you see windmill yes going strong pretty amazing pretty amazing I actually honestly all seasons here are absolutely gorgeous the game is gorgeous right so let's meet in summer and here it is as you can see it is quite similar to Spring well obviously because there's green but there are a bit different tones and trust me if you think spring and summer is the same ask any herbalist or any Farmer they will tell like wait what wait what because in this game obviously when you are uh growing Rye o wheat uh be beads a lot of carrots onions and and much more they each have separate time when they are when you need to basically put them in the ground I'm bad with terminology in this regard but uh this is different for for so every season matters and I'm just yeah show you around summer really similar verus spring well I like it so no problems there of course there's no cold you don't need so much firewood absolutely amazing but but the cream the absolute best of the best let's get get to aumn shall we and this is the Autumn and of course as you can expect uh there are different colors color leaves yeah it's unfortunate moment Graphics is not there I just want to show you of course the fields the fields I don't know if they are already gathered but yeah this is the full Ultra Graphics but I've tested an even lower lower settings do pretty fine so the game is quite well balanced uh it's run on Unreal Engine 4 not the latest but absolutely is enough look look at this a little bit stutter because yeah graphics card currently is recording and the same time when I'm playing oh yeah here I have a little bit unfortunately I was just having fun and leveled there was Forest there was forest and I was like I felt a little beaver in me like what trees are standing full not on my watch and chut down all of the forest because I can and my favorite yes this is where I started my short hope of the field is already removed but these grains these Fields of Gold and the favorite part the favorite part how many games provide you this Chan where you can just oh my God and it's it's it's there it's there yes yes grain it will be turned into GR no We Gather wheat then it needs to be processed then we have grain then we will have floor and then we can bake things oh it's so satisfying this is this is the part which when someone says that yeah the game is too grindy and you do the same stuff this stuff it's so hard to to uh saw it this is the right word I'm using basically put the seeds in the ground but this guy Gathering when you set when you have this tool not many games give you this to this tool ooh yes nice job well done all right this is it if you haven't gathered from all what I'm Shing here I pretty enjoy this game I literally started back again the previous map there are two different maps on for this game uh just to see the comparison then I realized oh there's no harl oh there's no that oh the story line which is strong in the first single player map here it is there are quest lines smaller like more side quests there I felt more like a one streamline main quest that pushes you forward so found some differences and and another difference just just mention just and on a on on a on a quality note in this map if you die you reborn on basically you spawn back on your uh on your bed without nothing you lose health and and food and and water but you can regate them quite fast so almost no penalty whatsoever the first map if you die you have to load back so basically first map is like one straight line if it's interrupted you load back and basically you have full L here if you die it's like I don't know bare mold you like ah you died in the wood ah you spawn back if you were traveling somewhere okay it's a little bit setback but time continues you don't need to load game in this map whatsoever out which makes it I think cool the game is not about the stress or or something it's about peaceful medieval life where you gather your wheat when you build your houses when you put a place where your children can sit in your town where you get get your well where where some awesome beautiful looking trees just stand T where where people are gathering and they're chatting that it's it's the vibe itself I enjoy this is one hell of an awesome there are Bandits there are wolves there are danger but most of the time it's just good old ah why can't I have three roosters of course I can all right guys this is it this is me I probably if you want to I can make a video uh tips and tricks suggestions otherwise let's end the game with my friends BG's over here what a beautiful look shall we ladies and gentlemen if you like the video liking subscribing always helps comment section always free to discuss ask questions I'm there to answer them and we'll meet in other videos [Music] cheers
Channel: MLMariss
Views: 986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: medieval dynasty gameplay, medieval dynasty oxbow, medieval dynasty, medieval village life, medieval dynasty game, medieval dynasty tips and tricks, toplitz productions, medival dynasty tips, medieval dynasty tips, medieval dynasty beginners guide, medieval dynasty tips for beginners, tips for medieval dynasty, medieval dynasty beginner tips, medieval village, tips and tricks for medieval dynasty, medieval dynasty tips and tricks 2023, medieval dynasty tips and tricks oxbow
Id: PbbfmaZ4JxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 13sec (1813 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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