Medieval Camping ON THE CHEAP!

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[Music] greetings adventurers and welcome to skill tree where we learn how to do just about everything now i want you to paint a scene in your mind you're a d and d character in the middle of a quest or perhaps you're part of the night's watch camping up north of the wall picture that scene your tent flap is open you're getting ready to kind of go in for the night what does that look like to you plush furs around and there's candle light kind of flickering in the distance it's that kind of warm but rugged vibe right well recently i had a chance to take my tent that i made in this episode here camping and i i did not i did not have that vibe going on not at all it was like your bag of travel things just just vomited onto the inside of it and that's where i lived for a few days the problem isn't just that i'm messy and unorganized which i mean that's a problem but it's just there wasn't a place to put my stuff and i spent so much attention on the outside of the tent and my own garb that i didn't think of treating the inside of a tent like its own character right there were some people who had their tents slung wide open and it looked incredible like something you'd see on pinterest it's amazing but if you opened mine up you would have just seen like armor laying about and like my phone and wallet laying around it just it was immersion breaking not only that but because that kind of really broke the feeling of it i didn't want to just have my tent open which meant in the middle of those 90-degree days it was sweltering inside of there so there just wasn't going in the tent i just stayed out of the tent during the day so in this episode we want to fix that we want to remedy it by trying to find some not only cool ways to kind of decorate things and make them look kind of accurate how you want them to be but also to do so just as cheaply as possible oh also make sure you stick around to the end because we have some projects that you guys the subscribers have been making and sharing with me over on the discord that i'd love to show off now i don't know what this will be this will be maybe like decorating skills i'll let maddie decide so without much further ado let's jump right into it and level up whatever this skill is this one now obviously step the first was setting up my tent and i know a lot of you had commented on the video saying that i should have had a ground cover but i just didn't want to use that same heavy kind of green tarp because one the project was already getting expensive and those tarps are more expensive and two these regular just green tarps that you can buy at any hardware store were cheap really lightweight packed up tight and just easy to maneuver now from this base code here is what we're gonna build off of we found that in making kind of your setting was a lot like when we covered over the um making kit from stuff that you find at a thrift store which you can check out that episode right up here but basically it all just comes down to layering as long as you're adding all these different interesting like colors and textures as a layer it's gonna end up looking really interesting our first layer though had to be covering over that ugly green tarp to do that we just end up using these cheap drop cloths that you can get from like harbor freight for seven dollars now i could have got one that covered the entire area just by itself but i already had those two just for my workshop so i wanted to save a little bit of the money but this ground cover here does a couple of things first and foremost it hides that ugly tarp right it already makes it look more aesthetically pleasing in doing so it also kind of brightens up that space like the walls are green and the bottom is green it just adds that separation that honestly made it feel more open than it was and then finally and this is something that cramer from living anachronism covers in his little tent setup where he shows you how to take a modern tent and make it look more aesthetically pleasing but it's the fact that having like a fabric on the ground like a carpeted ground somehow automatically makes you feel more like it's a medieval tent don't know why that is it's just something like reinforced by media or something over the years but yeah it 100 it does it makes it immediately be like oh this is this kind of posh this is nice now for the actual sleeping option i kind of played in my head with either like one end of the spectrum just having kind of a bed roll and on the other end of the spectrum making like a full portable viking bed out of wood and rope which i may actually still do if you want to see that once you leave it down in the comment section but for my first little foray i decided to use the real easy and portable route and just went for an air mattress though after a bit i was kind of wishing i went for just a bed roll i hear real dizzy doing that yo it's not it's not a good thing for me but it is a thing that i can like take on a plane with me if i need to rather than having these big boards to go around or whatever anyways with that down maddie went ahead and put on this nice white blanket that kind of had a woolen texture to it and then covered that over with an actual woolen blanket that we got from an army navy store for about 15 that is another clutch thing i know we covered going to thrift stores but check out army navy stores man they have really great gear for awesome prices this whole assembly was then just topped off with this faux fur pillow to complete the vibe and kind of the biggest takeaway with this portion is you can bring in some modern luxuries like an air mattress or whatever but as long as you're covering it over with quote unquote accurate like period accurate textures and and layering those together um it's gonna look good and it's gonna hide that anyway so you might as well be comfortable while you're out there now on the opposite wall of the tent maddie actually had a really good idea she just kind of folded up and layered some leather and some plush blankets to make a really loungy kind of sit area for yourself to relax or for you to bring guests into which is really cool especially if you have a big open tent like i do because if you want someone to come in and like spend any time in there they're either gonna sit on your bed or just be kind of huddled up against the wall so to have that plush sitting area really adds in that comfort and invites people in now to kind of wrap up that whole ground cover area we added one more of those green woolen blankets that we got from the army navy store this again not only adds a layer of texture and color but also makes it really easy to keep the bottom of the tent clean if you track something in you could just take that blanket out and shake it and when you wake up in the morning and you stand on something more plush like that it almost acts as kind of a thicker rug it has a really nice feeling to it anything to get you away from the cold ground and notice with these three kind of sitting areas like only one of them looks like a bed but if you were having three people come in that whole space is a space someone could put their bed roll somebody else can lounge on that really plushy blanket tower that we kind of made so there's a lot of spaces to accommodate more people without also having it look like it's just kind of an explosion of people's stuff everywhere right like we had three beds all next to each other that'd be kind of rough though i also suppose that's where the air mattress is kind of a superior option if you're having more than one person in there because if you wanted to you can just deflate that tiny air mattress every night and then just store it away somewhere just saying ideas we're spitballing here now as i mentioned before one of the main problems was that just my extra stuff the stuff i carried on me or whatever just kind of exploded everywhere like even if you piled them in one corner of the tent it was still just like a pile of stuff in the corner of your town to remedy that we actually used this tiny little cabinet thing that we found during that thrift store episode for like ten dollars it was great because we didn't have to do anything to it i like that it looked kind of ratty and used like a travel worn piece of furniture right and to make it just kind of match our aesthetic more maddie went ahead and added this nice piece of red fabric to give a pop of color and then layered a little bit of leather and then some fur over the top of that then to that we just added things like some books we've made odds and ends we'd find useful in the tent like cups and bowls and then top the whole thing off with this battery-powered candle to add a little bit more ambiance give us the feeling that we're somewhere where candles would be lit without you know lighting the tent on fire and this little cabinet really turned out great not only does it look good and fit the vibe that we're going for like it's super useful like it has a little drawer in which i was able to store my keys my wallet my phone along with like a charger pack so my phone stays charged all neatly hidden away not messing up the vibe at all and already the inside of that's starting to look kind of cool but i wanted to highlight the fact that everything we've done so far aside from the tent which is heavy is actually really small lightweight things everything on this and this was including other stuff because there was two of us or whatever fit in the back of my car it wasn't like a big investment to make something that honestly looked really great and we had everything we needed like we even found this really cool rope basket space hanger thing that again it's collapsible so it doesn't take up any space it weighs next to nothing but by hanging up by the door not only did it look nice but it gave me a place to hide those useful things that i might need on the way out and have them up off of the floor now as a final little a little extra something to not only take up some space but to make that space more useful we went ahead and added in this folding camp chair over in the corner that we got from cabela's now i know what you're thinking you spent all this time making everything look good and then you throw a camp chair in there have you learned nothing we're gonna hide it with layers all we had to do to make it more aesthetic was just cover with a little bit of this scrap leather i had around and some faux fur and not only did it make it look good but it honestly made it more comfortable and added that whole like layer of fur it was nice nice little seat okay so with all of our like foundational bits where they should be we just went ahead and started adding all the stuff like a tired adventurer would kind of put down once their day of adventuring was done things like my little travel cup my bag of excellent expansion that holds all of my clothes and gear and of course we need to make sure there was ample space for our weaponry to kind of show it off and make sure we can't get caught off guard for when marauders come you know camping and then finally to top it all off and make it like that comforting inviting you're in for the night kind of feel we added this nice little spread of like finger foods and fruit that should last through the night and make the whole experience just super comforting just anything the polish adventurer would need for a quick snack in the night and little ads like that and the whole rest of this setup is a lot of fun because it not only makes it look like you know you're dressing it up you're giving your tent a costume it gets to play a character but you're also making this space that i don't know for me isn't just like a fun medieval thing but like that's genuinely a comfortable space i'd want to spend time in there's a bunch of different surfaces to lay on there's some food there there's books there's like it's like that little nook you'd make for yourself if you like to read as a kid or even just like play your game boy or something that was small and hidden away and just had all the things that you loved inside of it it was that it was a really comfortable setup and then since at that point it was getting darker i just along the top ridge of my tent hung up some of these battery-powered lanterns that i have the ones you see in the back of my set here and transform this whole thing into this gorgeous night scene like check out that vibe you can't tell me that isn't great can you imagine just kind of walking by this tableau as you're on your way to your tent or maybe a campfire with friends seriously if you like to kind of reenact or go to larps or whatever or even if you just kind of are into trying out like glamping taking the extra time to dress up this space it's easy and it really pays dividends with just kind of the feeling of relaxation it gives you now though it is fun for me to sit here and make some projects and stuff you guys have been sending me some amazing projects on the discord like look at this next level stuff you guys have been giving me i am continually amazed at the amount of talent that all of you have and i i love the fact that you're sharing them not only with me but with the rest of the community that's on the discord if you're a crafter of any sort or just kind of want to try your hand at something and want some help with the project as you're going definitely consider jumping on the discord so we can see what you're doing i love watching especially when you tackle like a project i've done here and let's be honest most you do them better it's amazing to me to see that and i'd love to have kind of your voice thrown into it too so yeah if you're interested in joining the discord link in the description below join the conversation now i hope you liked what you saw here today if you did want to give me some of that like it love and don't forget to subscribe so you know when i release new content in the meantime though keep leveling up you welcome to my end screen you coming this far in the video either means you're crazy or you really like what we do here either way i really appreciate you being here because it lets the algorithm know that or assume that you enjoy what i do things like that really help support this channel so thank you so much for that speaking of help support the channel i wanted to shout out these incredible people who make this whole thing possible and also give a little extra special shout out to my newest high tier level patreon members astari greenfire vanessa stattler nick doodle tia all's house resurrect and rich alex again without the support of my patreon members i would not be able to do any of this kind of cool fun stuff so thank you all of you from the bottom of our hearts we really appreciate that you get if any of you would like to join the noble race you can find our patreon link 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Channel: Skill Tree
Views: 51,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: medieval, camping, larp, larping, historical camping, medievalcamping, dungeons and dragons, reenactment, diy, tutorial, medieval times, medieval history, SCA, Society of Creative Anachronism, Tent decor, tent decorations, camp aesthetic, camping aesthetic, cheap camping, modern tent, canvas tent, tarp tent, viking tent, larp camping gear
Id: oSJbcw6iq98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 14 2022
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