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greetings ADV venturers and welcome to skill tree where we learn how to do just about everything now we make a lot of stuff on the show and every once in a while we get the request of like hey do any of that crap does that stuff work like obviously it looks good on camera and stuff but like when used out in the field does it hold up so that's what today's episode is today we're just going to kind of sit we're going to have a drink and we're just going to chat about the stuff that we made and how well it lasted I want to start with an oldie but a good which is our Ranger quiver here this is the first one we ever put together you can check it out in this episode right here and it is totally held up I actually didn't end up using this we had greme who's the mod on our Discord server he came with us this time and we let him use it and it seemed to work really well and why I'm bringing it back up even though I didn't use it but but we had somebody else use it is one it still does its job really well but two it holds up like look at it still it's covered in mud and honestly it was caught in the rain so it formed a little bit but I can just rewet that and put it back but otherwise like color looks good the all the straps hold up really well for just like a really basic project uh this one just worked out great I have a template for this one by the way in our website link in the description below if you want to go check that out and make it yourself I just really like when fun little projects kind of withstand the test of time so yeah I'm going to give that one a five star still I love this one next is actually just these really simple leather notebooks here our little notebooks here the ones that Maddie had put together are absolutely fantastic these were Lifesavers while we were out there the reason I'm especially bringing it up right now is because this whole design was actually done in our scrap leather project it's a super easy way to put together a pretty nice little little journal and she did the extra of like actually putting together the journal she she folded all the paper and she sewed them together but the design is just so like you could actually put any little notebook that'll fit whatever shape you make and this end up being a lifesaver again we were running just a whole bunch of little quests and I had a whole bunch of stuff I had to keep track of and my brain does not do that it does not keep TR a crap like that so having such a cool little in time looking Notebook on me is just it was perfect and super needed honestly I can't tell if my lack of memory as an ADHD thing or more just like I'm always tired I'm perally tired that's where today's sponsor magic mind can help out magic mind is a mental performance shot that says it can get you like sharper more mentally clear better energy all that kind of stuff I'll be honest I wasn't sure at first but honestly I do feel an effect from it now full disclosure I'm really like sensitive to things like caffeine I need them to live but like they make me shake and after a little bit I crash super hard so as much as possible I try to back away from them and having something like this actually really makes that a lot easier it helps with that balance of me like backing away from coffee a little bit and and having what would normally be a terrible time doing so and it has really kind of smoothed that out for me what I like about the brand is they're not a caffeine replacement they know they're not a caffeine replacement they're exactly for that they're like an additional thing you take almost like how you take vitamins or whatever and it's got a lot of cool other herbs and supplements in there that not only help you maintain your energy but also help dial back the stress which God knows I need just like a shaking little ball of stress over here but I've been drinking for the past week now and honestly I do notice a difference I do feel like I'm more awake and kind of aware things and and a little bit less stressed out I've seen a lot of different reviews of people where they'll serve it like over ice or inside an oat milk or something I actually kind of like the flavor of it so I just drank it right out of his little bottle here and the brand seems pretty comfortable in what they produce because they offer 100% moneyback guarantee no questions asked up to a 100 days after you've ordered it which I mean that's pretty cool if you're interested make sure you check out our Link in the description below and use our code skill tree2 to get up to 48% off of your first time subscription for the next 10 days or 20% off if it's a one-time purchase all right next we're getting into the chunky stuff the stuff that we specifically built just for uh going to Reckoning and we'll start with our actual like torso armor this bad boy right here now if you watch the review episode of how Reckoning was you'll know that that we vacillated between it being like stupid stupid hot and just downpouring rain and tornadoes it was a time but the cool thing is even though I I was wearing this on honestly the hottest day I felt great I don't know if it's just because of how I lined it or some of the other articles of clothing I was wearing but like I wanted to on day one set the tone like I am the rogish character if you want to do rogish things you come to me so I was wearing my full black kit my black armor and again it was really hot so everybody kept coming up to me being like are you okay you're wearing a lot of black there but honestly I felt great this was super comfortable and I will say at the beginning I was a bit worried because of how wide this section is right here now in this piece of armor that I made for Tandy Leather which you can see in this episode right here you'll notice that this is a lot more thin and honestly like from the get-go this is a a better design because if you take your hands and you put them together like this that's about how much space is left between your biceps there any wider than that than if you're like swinging a sword or whatever or or doing anything really you end up like hitting here a lot and you end up being really really bruised and I was worried because when I first put this on it felt like when I started to do things it felt tight right there but two things I think really saved me one was actually wrapping the edge of the leather when I made it I took another piece of like more Supple leather and I wrapped it around those edges and sewed it into place that actually end up giving me like a little bit of a cushion right there that really helped kind of like cushion that area for for lack of a better word but also I think because I used a really kind of light leather it it ends up getting really Supple very quickly I think because I was so hot and like sweaty but yeah that actually added some extra flexibility to the leather and made it so that like after wearing it for maybe like 2 hours or so that whole problem of that tightness there completely went away after that I wore this almost the entire time and was totally comfortable the part that did wear on me a little bit which I was surprised about and honestly it it weared on the the armor itself you can see some of the shininess right here on the chest is gone is the shoulder straps so these shoulder straps then attached to my belt which I'll talk about in a few minutes these are great to take the weight off of your waist which can sometimes be a real pain because that's where you keep all your like pouches and your swords and all that jazz so they were great for that but I think that that added pressure here on my shoulders after a while that's where I started to feel kind of like wear and and it was starting to hurt a little and at first I thought it was tightness to do with this but once I took these off it went away completely I was like oh no it was just it was just rubbing in hindsight makes perfect sense so I like these and I like that whole setup of how it like supports the belt but I think I wouldn't wear them for like super prolonged like all day in the baking sun type of thing you know it wasn't even so much that it was like more heavy here it was just the the friction right here started to actually literally wear at me like I started to feel like I was getting a sunburn there but the thing they held up my little kidney belt here was just money this thing was great great all around there were no problems from the get-go I loved this thing it was easy to put on it was easy to take off all of my stuff I still have like my pouches and my swords connected to it I had plenty of attachment points to put extra stuff it had Pockets built into it so I never really had to like go get another pouch if I didn't want to I just stick it in my pocket yeah I really like this whole design in fact the entire like armor design if I had to run into the tent real quick or I just wanted to take it off it took me just a few seconds I unbuckled a couple things and the entire thing just kind of fell off like the NBA sweatpants of armor you're just like Wham you rip them right off but then when I wanted to put it all back on it literally went on the same exact way I just kind of put it on I buckled like three buckles here and the two buckles for my belt and I'm done I will give this one I'll give it a strong four out of five stars I was very happy with the whole overall design this right here depending on the leather you you use I might make it just a little bit smaller to begin with if you're using a thicker leather and it won't get Supple on you fast that could have been a little tight for me but otherwise it was fantastic and again I I honestly think lining it went a long way for helping me not feel so like oppressively hot inside of it so yeah four for this I'm going to give these guys man I want to give them I want to give them like a four I'll probably go towards a three just because of how how much they were kind of a little uncomfortable here and how much they wore against my armor I may have to add some sort of like a padding or something to the back so they don't wear away the finish of my armor that was a little bit upsetting though they did do their job they took all that weight off of my waist so I didn't feel uncomfortable like in my waist and my legs at all just a little bit on my shoulders and the belt is a five all day long that thing is fantastic I love that belt it's so good another part of the armor I made were these little gauntlets right here and again for like ease of use like to put these things on is probably the fastest I've ever had something I could just kind of put on and take off if I wanted to they're real secure they look really cool but again this one ends up being a bit of a spacing issue kind of the same with the other one where I thought I was low enough on this one but it's just enough that when I come into here it rubs right here just into my my elbow I didn't think it did as much before but like I might cut these down and then kind of reso them there a little bit when you wear them for just a few minutes or whatever or you have them like turned in the right position you don't notice it at all but eventually it works its way back to kind of its natural position and it's just enough to be bothersome but that right there is the only thing that would bring this from like that five to a four because otherwise they look really cool they're super easy to put on and again to like take off you just kind of pull it and it's it's off again it has a pocket inside which I did make good use of somebody passed me a missive and I immediately was just like and it was gone I love I love Pockets man I like how much I haven't had the time to these things are still covered in mud from mud getting I think all of I think all of the the armor I have here or the mucking I think all of the armor I have here still has a whole bunch of mud on it the only bit of the stuff that I made that actually didn't really make the cut for me is on that full armor assembly I made the little the the thigh armor here here we go I have I have one right here I actually didn't even end up bringing it because the problem was and I didn't even think of this when I was putting it together the way these work is is the straps go around your thighs and then you've got these smaller straps here that hook onto the belt that help hold up their weight so they don't slide down the problem with these though especially in conjunction with those shoulder straps that I got going on is it forms like a solid band that goes all the way down to your thighs and if they're not set just right it makes it so you you can't fully extend your body right you can't stand up straight because then it it it's bottomed out how far up it can come up onto you and all the leather is so hard pulling against each other that it just it's actually kind of uncomfortable to wear all together with just the belt it's not bad at all it's just kind of hanging on the Belt but in conjunction with those shoulder straps man when I was trying them out it just it didn't feel right as I'm like walking around in them for a while so I end up just kind of taking them off all together again the way around that is either to not wear those shoulder straps in conjunction with this or to maybe make this almost like a little bit of a a bungee or a way to kind of like stretch a little bit so as I walk it doesn't pull so much honestly just giving it a little extra tension I tend to make things so like form fit and perfect that I I don't leave a lot of room for extra so yeah these ones these are getting a two for now they need some adjusting I I was missing having the pocket but I mean I had so many Pockets I just like having extras but yeah this one he's adjusting also when I when I strap these in because they're strapped in with this this button here this little flap is hanging you see how it just kind of rolls up on itself I don't like how that looks I need to put a keeper on there to keep that thing flat the rest of it is good just the little strappies these straps need a keeper and these straps need either some give or need to be a little bit longer so hopefully after those adjustments I am going to be bringing all this stuff to Conquest with me and we'll try them again we'll see how it goes okay so was the armor bits the other piece that I had made for my character though and I don't have it with me we actually packed up a bunch of stuff but it's actually this little coat robe thing that I made and that thing was money again I was walking around at some points when it was super hot and I felt fine like if anything the the way it kind of caught the breeze and the way it Wicked sweat away from me was just like it was great because of it and my armor and stuff I had Pockets just everywhere so like I had notebooks and pen and Quest items and and silver and stuff whole kit was super super useful and then on the occasion when it started to like rain or whatever like that's made almost like a giant rwana cloak so I can just kind of drape it over my head and and run to get out of the rain if I needed to so yeah that one I'm going to give straight up five stars I'm very very happy with how that whole thing came out how it wore how it matched with everything else I was going for in general super super happy with it okay for the MVP of this whole trip I'm going call out my little sewing kit that I made here this has both like regular like fabric sewing stuff and has leather like tools inside of this little pouch here this thing was so money on this trip first of all bringing back out these right here so we had promised like within the new player experience bags that we were putting together everybody got one of these little journals which means we had to put together like 40 of these which isn't crazy but we're like super low on time so most of the actual Construction of this stuff was done on the road while we were heading to the event so the the leather tools in here came in mint aside from being able to do like small repairs on like people's armor and stuff like for actually crafting things in the field everything I needed was in this little pouch so that was fantastic but then also no less than three people came up to me like asking if they could had anything that they could use to like sew with or whatever because they had costume malfunctions like somebody's pants ripped and somebody shirt ripped or whatever and the answer was always like yes I have a whole a whole ass kit you can use here you go so this was not only like wildly useful for me and my purposes but it actually like helped a lot of other people out there in the field which you know I always love that I like being useful as far as changes this one man I have no notes no notes on this I was very pleased with the way everything works inside of there everything's easily replaceable in case I need different parts again a bunch of different people were were able to use it and find it useful yeah hard five out of five stars on this one the the episode which I made it here if YouTube lets me I think we're getting a little heavy on the cards they allow if not definitely down in the description below get yourself one of these though this one's cool and for a quick honorable mention it's not something I made but something I treated and that is these here boots these are just like some Amazon special like I think they're motorcycle boots to be honest with you but then I just went back in and I I really really waterproof these I use some good like products to make sure they're nice and waterproofed and so far these have gotten me through both the the conquest like crazy mud event we were in last year and this crazy mud event we were in with Reckoning they just straight up withstood it I'd be like in this deep of mud and water and nothing no no water seep through I was dry and comfortable the entire time so yeah I can't recommend enough if you go out on adventures or whatever like you can skimp on a lot of things you can like sew up clothing or whatever if they break uh if you don't have a good pair of boots you're going to be suffering a little bit it is for sure what's worth investing in get yourself a good pair of boots and make sure you waterproof them these have been just incredible oh and also it was an extra bonus to make sure that they're just kind of slide on like I don't have to tie them at all because as I'm going in and out of my tent and again it was all muck and nasty it was so so mint to be able to just kind of slide them off go into my tent slide them back on go back about my business poor Maddie every time she had to go in she's untying her shoes and she's got mud all over the laces and she's trying to do that and then she's got a slide back in a tornado was coming I'm like put on your shoes hurry up hurry up and she's like hold on I got to tie yeah great boots I I highly recommend these ones these are Durangos I've had a lot of luck with these ones I'll leave the link to where I got it down in the description below but yeah any boots just make sure you actually invest in quality ones I had a lot of people asking if we use the tent that we made this time around we actually didn't we um We Rent Out tents to other people when we go to Reckoning mostly just to like lower the bar for entry so people can kind of go into it without having to buy their own like in time tent or whatever but as such we end up setting up like a whole bunch of tents during the beginning and that green tent it takes a while to set up if it's the only tent you're setting up it's mint the thing still works we have it we use it for other stuff but when we have a lot to do it's just way easier to set up like the white duck ones that we have it's just like Stakes around the perimeter and one poll in the middle and you're done also I really want them to sponsor me those white duck tents those things are incredible those survive like crazy storms they're comfortable and fast to put up I will say those things are great all day long now aside from some of the stuff I've made I also wanted to cover at least two projects that I saw well well out there that we've done on this channel that people decided to do themselves the first is the staff of The Wanderer project that I made this is a staff that can kind of break down become a bunch of different things have useful tools kind of built into it it's a really it's a really cool project and it was neat to see what other people did with it like there was this one I saw that had these big feathers that they put on the top of it that looked really like right with their character but it also formed a bit of an umbrella to protect them from the sun it's such a useful little addition especially with how hot it was they were just chilling they're hanging out with their pole there they have shade everywhere they go and again it has all the other tools that they found useful on it it's easy to break apart and bring with you now that was a that was a fun project to make but it's so much fun to see how You all take it and make it your own another one and honestly one that makes me super proud is the fact that again in The Wanderer series that I had done is the the backpack of The Wanderer which is a backpack that you can then like break apart and it turns into a whole tent that you can stay in well somebody had like giant balls and decided to use that as their tent that's where they would be living during the event the event in question again was crazy hot into downpouring mud everywhere to tornadoes and the person who did that came up to me after like the big storm that that went through and like ripped a bunch of tents apart he was like hey just so you know I used The Wanderers backpack tent and it was still standing after that storm everything in it was fine which to me is just like wow it is so cool to have like the stuff you've designed kind of feel tested out there and it turns out it works out really well I love that I love it it's obviously it's a really great Testament to your craftsmanship person who made that because like yeah there there's significant putting stuff together and it withstood the test because you made it really well so congratulations great job yeah I'm just I I always love to see how you guys take the projects that we make here on the show and you make them your own and it's just the coolest thing to me to see out in the world I love that okay as I mentioned we are going to Conquest this year and we are bringing a bunch of you with us I think at this point we have like 40 people hanging out in the camp with us which is phenomenal and we're hellbent on making sure that the camp itself is going to be like a fun place for people to hang out and just like set the good vibe as such we started to go fundme to go towards only that camp basically any of the money in there is going towards making that camp fun making sure we have like a lot of cool cookwar neat lighting a nice vibe in general not only for the people going this year but for any of you who want to go next year or any of the years to follow all that stuff will stay 100% of the stuff in the GoFundMe is only going to fun the camp it isn't going to us so if you're into it and something you'd like to support definitely consider doing that as an extra bonus to that though if you do give starting at $10 to the GoFundMe your name is actually going to be put on plaques that we're going to put around our camp we're calling the camp The Grove and you will be like the roots of the Grove the ones who help us grow so if you're interested at all again check out this QR code or check out the link in the description below to learn more and aside from supporting the community have you joined the community yet it is a group of amazing people and Crafters who are always putting together fantastic projects and just kind of helping each other out with whatever like check out these projects that they've posted recently I always find it amazing what incredible projects these people put together honestly most of the time it's like way better than I can do they're fantastic over there so if you want to meet like-minded Crafters or just need somewhere to kind of hang out and be a nerd definitely check that out Link in the description below all right well thank you for just hanging out and chattering with me for this it's really cool to go over the stuff that we've made in the past and just kind of assess to see if we're doing a good job or we need to change some things if you liked what you saw here today why don't you leave some of the comments down to let us know and give us some of that like it love also don't forget to subscribe so you know when I release new content and special thank you again to Magic M for sponsoring this video in the meantime though keep leveling up you you've made it to the end screen YouTube loves it when you do that it's a fantastic way to support this channel another fantastic way to support this channel is by joining these people's Noble ranks these are our patreon members and we cannot do this without extra special shout out to our newest High tier level patreon member Bill devau and as always a huge thank you to our grandmas tier members Yuri xanto Dragon designs froggy and Andrew Smith again I can't overestimate the effect y'all have when you actually give to our patreon it's amazing like it it helps us get all the things that we need helps us grow as a channel so thank you so much I really appreciate it if you like what we do here and want to help support us consider joining our patreon Link in the description below other otherwise you can click on one of these videos that YouTube thinks you'd like and that helps out a lot too I must go clean the mud off of all of my armors it's been 2 weeks it probably do
Channel: Skill Tree
Views: 17,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _Ld29ny4St8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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