Medha Anand UPSC Topper || Mock Interview || RANK_13 || Dr.Tanu Jain Ma'am || @Tathastuics

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may I come in ma'am come in good afternoon good afternoon sir good afternoon sit thank you MAA yes ma'am so are you really maidha ma'am I try to be medha so what is the meaning of maidha uh ma'am it means buddhi like a mavi chhatra so that's an intellectual child so so tell me five things that proves that you are intellectual or a MAV student ma'am I'll try my best uh ma'am one is that I graduated uh from hbti kpur in civil engineering uh then in my second attempt I got through civil services I'm right now uh posted in Indian Railway traffic services and uh ma I think usually I do well in all spheres be it in Life or academics so I would like to think that I've uh lived up to my name great great you are already a railway officer yes Ma'am why do you want to switch you don't like Railways anymore uh ma'am that would not be the right thing that I will say that I absolutely love Indian railways but I would like to see uh my scope and till where I can reach I think uh in Railways I have a very limited scope for example if I want to do something for women empowerment I have some very limited areas where I can work upon but if I'll get into maybe an administrative or a police service I'll be able to widen my reach and scope ma'am and IRS uh ma'am there also I think I will work for the taxation reforms if if possible if I'll be given an opportunity I would like to uh work in this field and know better about the taxation system that is present in our nation ma'am okay uh tell me like uh we are moving more and more towards Railway privatization how do you see it uh ma'am the core functions of Railways are not yet privatized uh what we have outsourced is basically the cleanliness aspect or the service aspect of it even the first train that was said to be the first private train it was run by uh Railway staff it was managed by manned by Railway staff and everything was there that belonged to the Indian railways the only difference was that we give more opportunity to the customers on board by giving them more food uh options giving them better services like uh rose that we give on the V bhat Express so these are the things that we are Outsourcing but due to the safety aspects I think we are not yet privatizing the core aspects of Railways ma'am or is it time that we should move on towards you know allowing the private players to work on Railways and make it world class uh ma'am I think in terms of the service sector service and Hospitality we can definitely do it like the cendon is part of it we can Outsource uh but going by what the major Nations around us for example UK tried privatizing its Railways but then that was not a successful experiment because the private party was never ready ready to work on uh the routs which were non- remunerative because they would always like to operate between say a lnno and New Delhi but what about maybe in a now or smaller places so that's why ma'am it will be difficult for us due to our social obligations to privatize it as such very right so what is the operating cost of uh Railways uh ma'am the operating ratio right now it is uh more than 100% like we uh invest 107 Rupees to earn 100 rupees and that is mainly because the third AC and is the only profitable sector that we have in passenger and uh even the freight is the one cross subsidizing the passenger traffic well and Freight is also I think uh becoming expensive more and more people are moving towards Road Transport how can we correct it uh ma'am in the National Rail plan that uh has been recently released uh our model share is 27% and we plann to make it around 45% in by 2030 the Indian railways part for that we have launched GTI shaki scheme multimodal cargo system we are developing U places from where connectivity is through all the three mediums uh via Port like via uh sea waterways via Railways and roadways ma'am I think we lack in door to door delivery because when we uh transport bulk Commodities it is difficult to give do to-do connectivity so that is one of the reasons we are losing it to the roadway sector any other reason uh ma'am this is the major reason apart from that the cost is less for us we are environmentally more sustainable uh ma'am to some extent red tapism we have very strict codes uh the the rules that are mentioned and any deviation from it is heavily punished in Railways ma'am okay uh there are certain uh you know opinions about uh given by people that we should not go for bullet trains because India is a poor country where we have so many things to deal with and we are investing so heavily in bullet trains and highspeed trains and all of these should we invest there ma'am definitely we need to invest there because I think India is transitioning towards a more developed uh economy we are the third highest in terms of PPP economically so it's time we give our customers the best possible uh services that the Indian railways can offer ma'am for example I see that if uh the businessmen are able to uh travel faster they'll be able to make more deals and that will have a trickle down effect on the economy as a whole so I think it's time that we move towards high-speed Railways because uh smaller distances should be covered faster that is perhaps the need of the RM okay very right uh so before I hand over to the esteemed member what is hyperloop uh ma'am hyperloop is a kind of uh transportation system which operates in a vacuum uh because of magnetic levitation uh it is able to move at a very high speed and it can cross around 200 kmph if if I'm right on on that fact and uh recently uh the one who was making hyperloop they even test drived it and they found it to be safe as well is it working anywhere uh ma'am not yet operational uh the trials were conducted and they were safe but uh not yet operational anywhere I think okay uh can you give me a small growth plan for any of the backward districts of up any three things you would do uh ma'am my focus first would be on women's Financial uh literacy because I feel that their participation in our in our state is still less because they could have outperformed considering they 50% of of our population ma'am second is on the education aspect with the mass the overall development of the place and in turn the whole country ma' third I would like to focus on the healthcare aspect wherein I would ensure that institutional deliveries are taking place all the non-communicable diseases that are on the rise for example diabetes hypertension somehow I'm able to find out a solution for them and I motivate people to maybe go for a run by uh making runways and Jog ways Etc but in a backward District so runways jog ways might work in Nida G uh but in backward District they are already working so hard in agricultural Fields like B like B yes so then maybe I'll motivate them that they should go out for a walk or at least have periodical checkups because ma'am I think once a district is backward health is the last priority that happens for people so if I'm able to tell them that it is perhaps that should be your first priority I'll be able to uh make the the best potential use of the demographic uh dividend there man right um supposedly there is a situation you are posted as a DM in a district or rather let's take the railways example first so you are appointed as the leader of a particular route and then you have to put women on the night Duty so you have to allocate the night Duty and uh your staff already feels that ma'am considers men and women equal and now you have to allocate that Duty between men and women and women are very skeptical for doing that Duty they feel that they might not it might not be safe or it will hamper their family life what will you do uh ma'am first I'll set it as an example all by myself I'll try to conduct tours at night wherein I go to places and see if requisite F facilities are present at that place or not M we have many small stations where it is difficult to employ women at night but I think if there is a proper restroom if there is a proper washroom then these women will also work really hard M the railway women that we have they are very very motivated and they would be ready to work in all conditions if there is a deviation because there are some people who uh don't want to work it's not because of their gender but that is how they usually are then I'll maybe take penal actions against them as well uh but considering that I'll be at the Forefront I'll be there to ensure that nothing happens to them uh in in any manner be their security be the functions that are required for their benefit ma'am I think they will have to serve there uh so you'll post equally yes ma'am and what if a woman tells you that she has a young child and she might not be able to do that Duty for that specific uh period especially at night uh ma'am if this constraint is temporary that'll be all right because then as a society I I'll try to understand it better if she's able to bring the child along you m we usually have crutches around in in our Railways department so if she's all right with putting the child in the crutch then then that's good if it's for a particular period maybe uh while she's breastfeeding or some kind of constraint is there I'll try to give it to her after she's done with that period ma'am very right uh social media you might have heard about it is bringing lot of influences on Generation Z but what changes is it bringing to the generation which is older the grandfather grandmother age uh ma'am I think one is it is making them more aware uh it is keeping them engaged while earlier I our grandfathers and grandmothers didn't have much entertainment options but as I see my parents right now doing because I don't have grandparents right now so it is a big source of entertainment for them wherein they know most of the things before I know about them the latest trends that are going on uh apart from that ma'am it uh helps in security aspect as well for example if somebody is in any form of distress they can just uh do a video call or an Instagram live and they can just showcase the person who's harassing them so I think it is a good thing for our elderly population ma'am uh what is this machine learning uh ma'am when machine starts to learn like a human using artificial intelligence it is machine learning ma'am we give it uh different types of situations we give inputed different Logics like fuzzy logic is used and all uh with it we try to emulate the real life situations and then see how the machine response so do you think that Singularity is possible ma'am I have to read more on it okay will AI take away the jobs uh ma'am I think it will change the nature of jobs that were present earlier we used to have telephone booths which were working all around the cities but now we don't had have them because of the Telecom Revolution so I think AI will just change the nature of job we'll have to skill our population in that direction wherein they can use AI well wherein they can identify uh the dangers posed by Deep fakes by for example a hologram on on that uh video or the information that is created uh but ma'am it won't take away the job it will just change the nature of it um there is this UCC debate that always erupts once in a while yes ma uniform civil code so if you are given the power then will you apply it and why and if not then why not uh ma'am I will take a stand for UCC because I think it it does gender justice uh but then there'll be certain caveats that I'll have to look about for for example if I take uh the Customs which are prevalent for the majority of the community that might lead to uh concerns within the minority community so I'll ensure that we hold a discussion we hold deliberations through which we are able to come at uh one solution where almost everybody agrees to the basic points of that UCC I'll try to create awareness about the importance that UCC holds for example in inheritance rights with women's rights accommodated into it and once I think that enough uh deliberation has been done and people are ready for the change I would like to implement it ma'am but if you have just uh what you say one day chief minister kind of situation or one day PM type of a situation where you have to implement it now or never there is no time of deliberation uh ma'am then I'll uh abstain myself from doing it because I think such changes need to be done in a calibrated way and any kneer reaction taken by me can have an impact on the society if because even I am a human person I can make errors what if I make a policy which is not right so first I would like to deliberate and see the pros and cons there can be unintended consequences of my decisions ma'am so I'll be careful very right uh what what do you do when you are angry uh ma'am I drink a glass of water and I call my father because uh he's the one who can really uh sooth me down and once in a while when he doesn't pick up I go for Mandel art okay okay and so recently lot of Wars are going on in international Affairs Israel Palestine Russia Ukraine do you think there is a possibility that India's neighborhood might also become provoked and the kind of impunity that is going on with the wars can be can be very detrimental to us uh ma'am I think because of our wisdom we will not escalate anything into a war scenario uh we might take heavy steps against our neighbors considering whatever they're doing at times we can be provocative on the borders but a full-fledged War I don't see in the future and that is probably because the leadership that we have be it in terms of the bureaucrats that we have they would not like it for the economy for India to go at war with any of the Nations we'll try to have deliberations and solve it first and if push comes to shove then maybe we'll take some uh Extreme Measures uh unless that happens M I don't see a war happening for India okay what is the GDP of utar Pradesh uh m'am it's uh m' it's an 11% of our GDP in national GDP uh gsdp of utar Pradesh ma'am exact number ma'am I'll have to read on the okay sex ratio of India uh ma'am it is 1,27 I think uh as per the NF 1,000 27 ma'am sex ratio yes ma'am I think it is more than th now with the recent data that I've read are you sure yes okay child sex ratio oh ma'am I'll have to read done it Unemployment uh ma'am it's around 5% okay how much NPA do we have currently ma'am it's around 11% and it will reduce I think to 7 and 8% uh very soon if I'm able to recall the right numbers uh labor force participation of women uh ma'am it's 37% 37% are you sure yes ma'am it's the recent data that I read ma'am 37% and what if there is is there some data of the IMF Chief once said that this much number will increase in our economy 27% GDP will increase by 27% if uh women's participation becomes equal to men's participation [Music]
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Keywords: Upsc motivation, ias motivation, upsc preparation, ias preparation, upsc interview, ias interview, upsc mock interview, ias mock interview, upsc topper interview, ias topper interview, mock interview, topper interview, medha anand upsc interview, medha anand ias interview, tathastu ics, Tathastu ICS, tathastu ICS, tathastu, Tathastu, upsciasenglish, UPSC IAS ENGLISH, UPSCIASENGLISH, upsc, ias, tanu jain Interview, tanu ma'am, tanu jain maam, Medha anand, medha, ips, Interview, Ias
Id: 3Jbgf0vXoDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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