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how are you today we're here to talk cars with two gentlemen mechanics why don't you introduce yourself hi I'm Scott I'm Todd and both these gentlemen want to share some of their experiences in life intimately and with their automotive experience no we don't want to you forced us yeah that's true I said he knows cookies I promise I'm cooking food and I do have dirt on you both so any superglued my pants to this couch yeah basically I cut off the back of his Jean so really it's just bare ass on this pleather and now he's stuck to it there's some preset questions that we wanted to discuss that are constantly asked these are also questions submitted by our patreon supporters that donate money monthly to make sure that I continue to do this or I will starve to death and then have to sell my car and get a $300 Ford Festiva all right let's get on to it what is the worst car brand to work on and why we'll start with oh I'm gonna say GM because you can't really say a car brand because everything GM is pretty much the same whether it's a Buick or a Chevy or a Pontiac whatever they just cheap out on everything everything GM makes is just cheap tout every every single part of it from stamped steel to their Chinese electronics they're just the worst everything about them does it design they're do [ __ ] complete [ __ ] can you pick out a couple specific models that people should stay away every every GM the Corvettes I guess I'm sure there's a lot more engineering behind that then a cobalt or whatever the new Chevy small car for designer is what about a Firefly a time crew the cruds which is how many different models they have now they have different parts the tracks the other one with the horrible name the Malibu they should kill the person whoever makes these names to the equinox but I'd I like their commercials I greatly appreciate those oh those those Awards they went yeah they won a lot of awards but suck about the awards how great they are let's let's not - Jim they're a great American company that employs millions of people it's an American company at all the cars are built in Canada Mexico or China what a powerful American company well I think Tom's spoken his piece about that what about you well I'm gonna include you in there as well Saab later over well I guess I would separate well Cadillac mainly out of the GM's you don't think you know oh I hate calyx of junk okay cuz they're made in China now well you said what is the worst brand what's to work on yeah what's the worst Cadillacs suck to work on it's like the tribe you excuse to buy me like a North Star or something like that are you kidding me it's hard to say a brand I I'd say more clincal Omron what come conglomerate of vehicle manufacturers suck the worst and GM's worse I'd say I fringe every time I see a Land Rover pull up a Saab a Cadillac or jump in general really yes so little lumpy being towed up how we use you I got a ship Chevy truck and my brake pedal went to the floor imagine that well Chevy was gonna come out with a recall on your brake lines but they couldn't afford it because they're [ __ ] with the ignition switch so now there's the markets flooded with brake line kits and yeah screw that man all right well that was a real positive interaction let's move on to something a little bit even more positive what what's the most hated engine that you have like what's the worst engine you've seen ever well I mean I have nightmares about seeing a car being towed in on a flatbed and I remember opening the hood and if it's a 4.3 liter the Vortech engine just the amount of price I mean the engine was good they would last 300 miles miles but God they had so many problems with fuel pumps if they didn't produce 65 psi and start up it wouldn't start but it would run two pounds off it wouldn't serve those poppets the fuel you had to take the intake off to fuel pressure regulator we're always leaking and just nightmares they always leaked oil the coolant was that Ornt that when they first came out with coal and if it got air in the system it turned to like brown mud just terrible terrible engines so the Vortech 4.3 that or like the Chrysler 2 - that was an every minivan in the 90s every LeBaron with a nice big air cleaner with a little square what the hell was that brown screw things the head guess it's wrong on this Chrysler's were always blowing they always leaked oil I don't know there's there's so many shitty engines I can't just yeah but that what's you those are your top two I'd say those are the biggest nightmares I remember what about you what was the question again those hated engine that is junk or most pain in the ass to work on GM again really there's so many that are bad but namely the ones that stick out to GM 3/8 or the intake plastic in tape war warps suck schooling in and blows up the motor that's right you ask it's the three ones with those three ones in the three floors with the three eights were worse than a plastic intake we replaced more three eighths than anything ever since I work at what cars where's the 3.8 liter in Grand Prix Bonneville maybe the supercharged version remember that one yeah and then they had a recall because the front valve cover was leaking oil so the recalls they replace the front valve cover and gasket and they take the engine cover off and throw it in the garbage they let it dissipate more heat so that goes to show you those engine car covers garbage great designs oh yeah GM the three eight three six of course that's why I think that engine is just straight-up garbage oh yeah that's yeah I mean there's a lander those are the two that stick out okay well GM's hitting a home run here today so let's get on to something different what's the best engine what's your favorite engine to work on from a like ease to work on perspective and one that you would put you that you would want in your own car that you know is gonna last Honda d16 yeah yeah they're simple non-vtec er VTEC oh who cares yeah it's like they're gonna wear out okay head gasket might go bad we'll have two rear Inge it but five minutes and you're done okay nothing you need two tools well not really but you don't need very many so that's the Saudi sixteens your answer or whatever that two point who was in the Accords back in the day I don't know the latter yeah those Toyota - two sir was it the two - yeah the Camrys those things were pretty good but definitely Subaru - two is not the ones that needed all the head gaskets those are two fives but I actually have a 96 uber with it 240,000 miles doesn't blow oil it's got the it's it it's an amazing engine it really is so yours is a Subaru 2.2 liter not the two-five without what they went they went from steel shim gaskets to graphite coated gaskets and that's why all these two fives leak hood dude you just put this the Subaru coolant additive in this yeah you know fix all the peppers at the all right so that takes care of that but those are both old motors that's 90 [ __ ] all right well the the newer Accords whatever it is the J oh the dream and 32 no before that the so the 3 liter that was in everything right whatever it is 3.2 and the 3.0 yeah that's he all in the Accord v6 s it seems like good motors except for when today with a few cm crap but that's a whole nother story I know I'm gonna get a lot of hate for this but I I worked as a fleet mechanic on eath III 50s and they all had five fours in them and they all went 300,000 miles no problem they were squeak they would have exhaust leaks yeah the the plugs always blew out of a blowout coils but if you change oil they would last forever basic maintenance the other coils were a pain in the ass but in a van it's not that hard to do those are really well-built engines I think I mean I remember some had to 50,000 miles with original water pump that's an interesting spread of cars there let's go to something that people ask about what is the worst customer experience you had problem to deal with or the people in general that you had to deal with probably one so many I know but what stand out I work now the customers are very good for the most part there's a there's a few that are pain but the one was an old Cadillac we went to bring it in put your foot on the brake to put it in gear pedals right to the floor brake lines below guys like you did that on purpose oh yeah like I really want to place your freaking brake lines on this piece of [ __ ] Cadillac and it's like what are you supposed to do tell me get out of here now that I mean to kind of leave throw it out here then you get a light a letter oh yeah that was pretty bad I mean there were people at Honda that were well any people was going to bed ad to begin with yeah so what about you I I got I got one that I'll never forget independent shop I was working at we we had an office building across the street and there was this one lady that kept coming back to us she loved us she loved how clean we were always told everyone in the office how wonderful we were so one of her people that she told to come over came over and she had a 94 escort and it had a hundred thousand miles she never did anything to it I had the original wires and plugs never did timing belt never did anything so she's like it just doesn't have any power it doesn't run real good sort of like okay well let's do a tune-up throttle body service in injector service and I think we charged her 300 bucks 400 bucks which ain't a lot and then after we did it we gave it back so we couldn't tell the difference but I'm sure she you know she came back the next day and she's like this cars never run like this this thing is amazing I thank you so much blah blah blah okay job well done a week later it gets towed in and she calls us and says man this thing is it's making some ticking noise I don't know what it is can you look at it and it was like a lifter tick I wasn't too concerned I'm like okay if we knock something loose with carbon or something so we put a heavier weight oil didn't charge or anything we put a heavier weight oil in it and it went away okay a week later we're like okay not thinking about it it gets toting again started up knock knock knock knock knock knock knock the engine was [ __ ] blown completely [ __ ] blown and she's like what are we gonna do about this and we're like okay um it's not really our fault but how do you explain that to someone so we're like okay we're gonna put a used engine in how is that fair and she's like okay so we go to globe oh it's by O'Hare if you don't know about globe recycling they were on David Letterman for the owner of it was investigated by the FBI for cocaine so sales he had a helicopter flying over all the time he'd throw parts at customers and he was world famous for this if you look it up globe out of recycling you know here so we got an engine from him put it in and it knocked SUSE it of course it max pulled it out said hey can you send us another one well we'll do our best and this is bad before the Internet this is you couldn't just go online look up everyone so you had to deal with one of three junkyards put another engine in that they gave us that one was the original one that we sent them as the car so now we're get this lady is fury she's like why is it taking two weeks to put this engine and we're like we're working out and we're trying finally get another engine we're putting it in and and all of a sudden we get a letter from the lawyer that she she's gonna sue us if we don't give her a car back this is outrageous you people are horrible she told everyone in the office building that we're and we she was a black lady and she said that it was racist that what we were doing because I don't know whatever so we finally got it running it ran good gave it back to her and we ate that we ate that whole [ __ ] deal and I've always learned like when a car is that many miles don't do a goddamn thing to it just tell the people it's what it is because we were we wouldn't we don't try scamming her at all which did a tune-up and cleaning and that turned into a [ __ ] nightmare yeah and it became your problem well I'm sure you have a ton of stories like that mm-hmm where you start something and fix something and everything else starts domino down and it's your fault yeah we put a taillight in someone's car now their front brakes are worn out yeah and that's one of the things about it you know I had my car in a year ago for the check engine light now my brakes are worn out well that happens yeah and it you'll see that a lot and I think on this the video stuff that we do it's trying to appeal to people that want to learn and know more stuff but the average consumer knows about this much what cars are what at all does I mean basically turning a key is too much for people they don't even understand what's happening so you know as a consumer if you're totally lost like that lady well she probably had no idea and all she felt like since she didn't know the only way to get control was talk to her yeah exactly it's got to be scary for people but it sucks when like I know you guys are super honest like it's scary how good you are to people that are probably don't deserve it at the time and I'm sure you've been in that same situation you want to do right and then everybody thinks the worst of you because well now especially with the internet everything horror story mechanics oh yeah everybody wants to [ __ ] you over and that's not really the case but that's the society we live in what do you dislike about working on cars just what we're just what we're talking about that the customer if you work and your pay is based on customers like I I do use cars so no one really owns the car except the dealership so I have to worry about customers getting pissed off it's just when customers come in the door that are expecting to get just cheated and if we give them a price of a repair why is that so much I'm like did you do the research online and it's just I don't know it's very hard to explain to people things cost money especially service yeah and it's getting worse with newer cars Oh everything's way more expensive what about you oh I hate the mindless repair maintenance stuff like oil changes we got I think 50 freaking things out too well let's see that will put the oil filter on top one you got I spent a half hour taking the shield off and get a frickin drain plug something stupid like that our brakes and tires and god I hate that boring stuff yeah it's mind-numbing okay just the basic stuff that you hate mm-hmm brake lines too but yeah anybody could like doing that well it's nice to be challenged you know when I was thinking about this today with all this going on I had to do a wheel bearing on a Ford Explorer today should have been fairly easy to do but of course it was all rusted and the things a piece of junk whatever finally get it apart can't get the bearing out got a torch the hub ah gotta touch the bearing oh they ain't got to wait for it all cool down a foot put the bearing it's like you know what maybe I do love doing evaporators though there's no rust involved yeah you're sitting down almost the whole time I mean yeah you're in awkward positions but never had to worry about rust so maybe I do you like doing those and they're they're big challenge especially we don't work on the same car every single day yeah yeah that's the worst let's move on to we got a couple more questions here name three affordable cars that you would buy or recommend to a family friend or own yourself and why so well I don't recommend cars anymore just seems like anytime I recommend one that people buy the lemon of that car and they have the only ones you roll with that issue so I okay so God knows Toyota's you're pretty much safe with that which ones would you specifically dojo buy if you had to buy one for yourself or your mom or your boyfriend which would you get there you go with that homophobic stuff I'm talking about his Oh his life part his best friend that tanning go buy a Lexus LS 460 for whatever they are now done that's what it would be yeah okay I don't get into recommending cars what about for you Lexus LS really okay what about you what cars would you well every time this happens me well not really but I'm I don't want to get involved in that discussion all right cuz you're gonna get sued over SoDo it's a good car they buy all the four hundred fifty thousand miles out of sell original oil yeah I know I do shoot I don't get involved in that anymore Pass every time someone's ever asked me hey what kind of car should I buy er what's a good car to buy and I'll tell them there's a lot of them Lexus's are the best but a lot of people you're saying affordable the Hyundai's man they're they're pretty impressive nowadays I'd say that I'm always gonna be a Subaru guy always tell everyone Subaru but they're starting to get kind of funny with their management I guess you could say yeah but yeah I'd say a Honda honey or Alexis okay all right let's move on to there's two more questions here or three more questions what is the best and worse things about modern cars the best thing is they're under warranty and someone else gets to work on them and the worst thing is all the [ __ ] electronics they're putting in there yeah like what Oh everything from variable valve timing direct injection blind spot monitoring crash mitigation all that stuff like I said the other video I think that's good is that frontal craftsman Gatien because some [ __ ] always plan on their phone I'm so sick of seeing where ours getting rear-ended at stoplights okay let me have one my aunt and uncle 60 miles an hour kids wait a minute I was playing on my phone are you kidding me so that's I don't know you know I had a conversation about this because I rear-ended somebody just recently oh did you yeah I did and of course it was an LC 500 H I haven't really said this probably because you shouldn't say it but I did and it was unavoidable and it wasn't because I wasn't paying attention the crash mitigation was not able to stop the car either and something that should have cost did cost them something that should have cost you know a thousand dollars to repair wound up being severed though yeah because the headlight assembly your bra need led it was like thirty five hundred dollars off of the headlight we have we have I don't you what year is a Ford Fusion brake lights a normal bulb turns to the normal well whatever it is it's got the stupid ring around the outside I was Tony this four hundred and fifty dollars because that thing flickers going down the road for fifty are you kidding me it's crazy and this is this one I'm trying to say Scott's like saying you know all the technology is a negative thing and it depends like if you're somebody that wants all the safety there's a price to pay for all of it because all the modern stuff they're putting in terms of sensors crash mitigation like frontal camera side cameras there's cameras everywhere I mean the mirrors thousand dollars for a mirror now it's a scallop [ __ ] oh you're pulling into your garage oops I hit the lawn mower and take out the frickin headlight and the bumper and crash sensors it's it is it and you know that's the thing yeah it's great when it works but if you like you know maybe it doesn't break but if you ever crack it up you ever damage it I mean it could cost more than the cars worth it what's good about all these electronics is becoming easier to fix in a way like in the 90s when you had like obd one or was that easy see or whatever it when it told oh here chrysler remember trying to get codes out of a Chrysler in the 80s they're gonna blink yeah yeah jump you jump room turn the key on three times and you got to count the blanks now I mean using a scanner which cost fourteen thousand dollars you can pretty much pinpoint problem if you know how to use all that exactly right well we had up we had a Oh buddy one Mercedes and of course we have nothing communicate with it six cylinder three coils three wires misfiring where's one right if you press the button on it will still do flash as well of course misfire detected Thanks it's like you kid I mean yeah you can start switch and stuff but you've got to on each one and I remember those you can't yeah lucky we got right we guess we bought one coil and we're gonna switch it one at a time because yeah that was crazy doing that stuff well coils didn't cost six hundred dollars back well the other part of it is like Tom says it's easier to troubleshoot but when you go to a dealership or like a private shop like these guys and you say well why is it a thousand dollars to do something so simple well these guys got to pay fourteen thousand dollars for a scan tool that you have to pay yearly updates or monthly updates for twenty different brands of cars then you have to have all the specialized tools all the [ __ ] that you need to fix the modern cars with all this stuff that that first-time expense like your shop you look at an alignment rack you know like sixty thousand dollars just to do it do an alignment that's seventy five dollars people are gonna complain why is it seventy-five thousand dollars over five minutes yeah that took you five minutes slow easy yeah the buy-in for all this stuff to service your modern car is crazy expensive and that's why you're paying so much it would be easy if it was more simple and I think you know that's why we always complain about it but I mean we can go on about this forever so these are the last couple ones as a mechanic how would you go about designing a car would you be able to design something that is easy to work on reliable fast all three or only two out of the three also are there methods to an engineer's madness that you could kind of understand or are you always scratching your head no and yes designers are trying to make such a vague vehicle that appeals to as many people as possible if I was designing cars I'd make okay you want an economical small car I'll make that you want an off-road vehicle truck whatever I'll make that they're not being specific with their models you're just trying to make like that new Jeep Cherokee it's a minivan a 4x4 a minivan and they're trying to appeal as many people as possible they got to stop doing that I wouldn't even try designing a car what I would like to be on a support group or one of those things and say what the [ __ ] are you guys thank you yeah and that's a tough question because you're not an engineer no and if if you're working for a big company a big company like there's too many layers there's so many layers and and what they're what they want you to do isn't what you dream about as a kid oh I want to design cars I it just doesn't work that way you whatever you drop is gonna be neutered well it may be less than 1% of what you could dream up because you have the manufacturing you have the money aspect there's a safety aspect which we joked around about on the LLC amazing car but I mean you gotta have a hood ejector system for pedestrian safety I mean there's so many things that go into these cars that make it difficult to design them make them difficult to work on I mean they just hit like you're saying it's it has to be all these things and they're not so dedicated to one specific thing and if he made a car that was just easy to work on nobody would buy it I mean because it would just be a bread box you know and it would have a DC motor Suzuki Samurai yeah right exactly so I don't know I don't know that there's a really good question or an answer to that but you know you the more I'd get to talk to a lot of these automotive companies you realize they are a lot of them are car people and they can't just make the cars they want for so many reasons and and we can just got to deal with it I wanted somebody said I want to know what's the most money someone spent on a car that was worth nothing and this is gonna close it out well you can go first okay I don't have that many I just know one person and an egg it happens a lot it happens a lot because I think people get so used to their cars they don't want to try anything new so they're willing to spend twice three times what the car is worth okay no it's checking the time you got six minutes left oh [ __ ] all right I got two minutes left somebody get Howard it's almost 9:30 let's start what's the most money that somebody ever spent on a car that was worthless okay there's a lot there's I think people get so used to their cars that they don't want to get something new so they're willing to spend twice three times as much as the cars worth the one I can remember it was a 95 Civic completely rusted out everything was leaking power steering oil never had a timing belt on and the brake lines finally blew and the guy had been adding power steering and oil constantly because it always dripped out and he said what what out of these three breaks oil or power string do I need more and I'm like well you you need all new lines I mean he's like how much second a cost like $400 he's like uh uh the car was probably worth $500 it was completely rusted out this is like four years ago completely rusted out the all the the outside door handles were broken so I had to roll down the window reach outside was the inside out so I can't remember it was completely [ __ ] but people get so attached they're willing to spend anything to keep that car going what about you what's know how you well I the most someone ever spent in our shop was $6,400 but this is worth nothing is a 2008 Pathfinder okay we do the trans and some other stuff what's the others go down the line number 2 2002 zuzu axiom 5,500 bucks on an engine this one's right up your alley of the next one 2004 Sebring Cabrio Oh 5,300 on an engine ok 1999 voyager with a 3 3 they wanted a Jasper unit head heavy Jasper yeah $5,100 and the last one my favorite engine of course three point six in a Suzuki or whoever makes it the xl7 Zoe yeah whatever it is the g m36 jump they spent forty nine hundred bucks that those aren't the top five exactly but I figured ridiculous prices yeah yeah it's all for engine or trans work though right and there was one that was a 94 s work that was 4,800 bucks just for engine and the guy wanted the whole car basically rebuilt they feel like it's oh I got a new car no no nothing's gonna break for another 20 years yeah then it breaks another couple months but yeah I mean we've had I've been there for a long time we have had customers that have religiously been coming to us since we opened and you could do customer reports to see how much some of these people spent quite entertaining and with that we're gonna close thank you for watching and appreciate Todd for participating in this and please put some questions below and they'll try to answer it after all take care you
Channel: savagegeese
Views: 368,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cars, trucks, new, used, best and worst cars, buyers guide, mechanics, reliable, cost to own, how to, used cars, diy, repairs, honda, toyota, hyundai, gm, chevy, fca, ford, d16, comedy, vlog, best engines, mazda
Id: vYsr-W18B8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 2sec (1742 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 29 2018
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