How to Butcher: Beef 116A Boneless Chuck Roll

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this is where the rib splits off of the Chuck so this side is sort of a value-added site if you cut it correctly and I'm going to show you a nice way to pull some nice Delmonico's out of the arrow they call them revise too but mostly demonical steaks now looking at this piece if you kind of roll it over like this I mean the the Chuck is split in half on the animal being a chuck roll the the neck is removed so the neck is taken off here so you can visualize the head of the animal being here so as I pet the animal down right behind the neck you have that that hump that you see on the animals which is basically right here and so it's a less desirable piece it's good for slow cooking and a stew type of application and great for grinding so the way I'm gonna start with this piece is I'm gonna remove this so I'm gonna get this off and we'll come back to it later and we'll what we'll do with this is figure out a way to make this profitable for for the stores to work with so I'm gonna cut it a little bit over the piece I here just to show you that I'm just working off of a scene so I'm letting I'm just kind of using the weight of the meat to kind of pull out finding the seam on it and just taking it off like this so after removing that the next thing that I want to do is is clean it up just a little bit so noticing over here when you see this kind of a thicker connective tissue this is where the blade of the back sits on the animal so when they when they pull this off you have a your flat iron and your mock tender underneath you have the scapula and the sub scapula and then over here you have where the bone physically touches the paddle bone physically touches the meat so this is something that we'd want to get off and noticing how how small this piece is and when some of the chucks some of the other cuts that you'd see this much larger and again this just creates a little bit of waste not a lot you can do with it getting it out clean looks good I don't see anything else I'm just Chuck that I would want to trim now so I can show you underneath how nice it looks and what we're gonna do now is split this Chuck so we're gonna take it up and over blade in an under blade here so again we're going to let the meat do most of the work I'm just gonna find the seams to run down so again I'm just separating the the upper and lower blade of the Chuck and again if you notice I'm using the weight of the bottom before the top one so if I kind of lift this up you notice it just kind of shows me the seam as I go very easy very easy to follow very easy to stay on track again and we'll just take it off here so now we've separated the the over-and-under blade and we're going to come back to this piece we're going to do some work on that but right now what I want to work on is the upper part of this and I want to take some of the del Monico stakes out just to show you so this is the RIP split we talked about earlier typically you can get two or three out of them depending on how thick you cut them and trim them that is a great tasting amazing piece of meat right out of your chuck roll this one it looks like we're only going to get two which is fine so again two pieces right off the chuck roll will come back to our trim which is we're gonna use everything on this show now after you split the upper and lower parts of the chuck roll I like to take a little bit of the fat out of the middle part a little bit of connective tissue a little bit of fat if you notice right around here there's a scene and the grain runs a little differently on this piece so when you cut the Chuck across you're not always cutting this the proper way so this actually is called a sierra steak and I'm gonna pull it out and it performs very similar to a flank steak so it'll plump when you cook it it'll be very tender piece and we'll pull it out and then we'll go back and we'll clean it up we could see how thick it is we're just pulling some of the membrane off the top go back and work on trim the other side a little bit okay great for barbecue application great as it is great for pepper steak just cutting it against the grain as you can see the grain runs here so you can pull off some pepper steaks out of here stir-fry pepper steaks you can also open this up with a pocket and I've seen this done quite a bit where this piece would get stuffed with a spinach cheese or anything that you need to put in here that would be that would work for your applications and then it would just roll up stuff on this side and then it would roll up this way and then we would tie it off and you can you can oven cook it that way so it's a it's another great application that you can pull out of this Chuck now typically the Chuck and give yields very little typically it'll yield of Chuck stakes jump rows stew grinds so we're just adding some value here as we go okay so what we have left now is a piece where the let's that the short ribs come off of where the shoulder is that's over here we're going to remove this piece and I'm going to show you a couple applications for this we basically this is called the Denver steak but I've seen it many many different names and many retailers put their own name on it so now this is a piece where if you notice this again you're typically your Chuck stakes would be cut this way and the grain is running that way also so this is a reason why this piece becomes super valuable and tender boneless short ribs under retail application boneless short ribs for food service and you can make steaks on as you'll see and again we're going to go back and look at all the trim get the top cleaned up pretty good little bit more we'll grab that later and I want to come on the bottom and I want to take this so we get down to the meat here okay this is the more seems to follow some of this fact see what separates right here now this is a unique piece when you look at it it kind of comes into a V I'll show you what I mean you just clean it a little bit better here take some silver skin off looking at this piece you can see kind of uh the grains running this way and the grain is running this way it's it kind of comes in a V to the back of it so we're going to cut it as best we can perpendicular to the grain again right out of the Chuck we're going to cut it perpendicular then a face the ball first and then I'm going to cut it perpendicular to the seams on my trim pile let's take it across but I cut a few of these just to show you a couple of things we can do with them so again this all added or added value to the Chuck role so looking at these here I mean they they this you can mix two on this end piece here a little bit like a strip steak performs well eats well it's cut against the grain so it's going to be very tender and that's you know one of the applications on this piece again right out of the center of the Chuck but cut the proper way one of my favorite steaks is right here on a barbecue it performs extremely well and it tastes really really good this makes me stew out of these pieces again it's Chuck so we can we can get a beautiful stew out of it beautiful grind out of it I've even seen retailers use this for a for a kebab so because of the flavor of the Chuck you would just cut the pieces much larger and you can get a more of a kebab out of it so okay so now I'm going to work on the the lower portion of the Chuck and I'm just going to trim it up a little bit so I've taken some of the fat off and a little bit of true here and I'm gonna again come back to all of that pile of fat show you how we're going to use it so you can open it up a little bit again you got seems to follow I'm just gonna roll this out here this piece here take a little bit of the silver off here this piece would be a little chilly in the back part so we'll remove it okay underneath just a little bit of trim some of this here now with this piece but a few uses over here so that we take this piece and we roll it like this I'll do just a little session of it just to give you an idea so this is a nice tremendous slow cook roast if you notice it's pretty much fat-free I won't I'd like a piece just to give you an idea we'll cut it right about here so you could tie this whole piece cut it in half or again you get a nice chuckles without that fat layer in it with with you know basically this whole piece is edible usable nothing left over on this piece you could again continue it down for a roast I've also seen this butterfly it opened up and then another way of cutting this piece here is just kind of making some some beef short ribs so actually they're more of a beef rib for a barbecue application I'm just going to cut some strips down here and go back to clean them off a little bit just we're showing you purposes this and then what we might do is kind of split them little animal give it a nice little barbecue riff you can cut them any thickness you want you can make thicker very usable that's just another application off the chuck we can continue down with ribs we can make another chip roast we can butterfly this stuff it a million different purposes on this piece here so what I want to do next is go back through some of the trim that we took off just to kind of give you an idea of what our total waste was on this complete cut so if you notice I'm gonna use this as an unusable very tough connective tissue pull both where the bone lies we'll put this off to the side so I'm gonna bring some of that trim back so on the Chuck the trim part of it is visually upbeat between an 80/20 grind it's a it's a tremendous flavor grind probably one of the best pieces of meat to grind so rather than cut up the whole Chuck and grind it we're gonna use all the pieces that we took off of this Chuck and we're going to get to about an 80/20 visually on this so again I'm just going to go back through you know a lot of this has got a great stew application also but depending on the time of the year what you're making kebabs and stuff so let's bring these over this is that piece that we talked about earlier the first piece I cut off its we call it the hump of the animal it's extremely tough piece of meat great to grind adds a lot of lean we'll just kind of rough cut it up here I've seen people cut this into stew which is fine because you slow cook stew but again this is a piece that grinds very very well so a lot of these pieces are already ready to go so if you notice there's very little more to trim on any of this a lot of it was trimmed as I took it off I took it off with the Chuck and I use the weight of the chuck to separate a lot of these muscles one thing about the Chuck it's very complex the neck is got a million different seams running through it in a million different muscle types in there so this is a great way to get through all of that utilize it the most and best way I'll just kind of move this over quicker a lot of this is done already as you can see that in the defense I'm gonna show you another application on the chopper ol 1/16 a very basic cut very usable for a retail typically how it's being cut today in most retailers so I'm just gonna kind of go through this fairly quickly a lot of you probably already seen this before but it's a it's another way of of cutting it and another way of displaying it in your me cases so we discussed before you have the rib separation over here on this side and then we on this side is where the would go up to the neck up to the Atlas bone where the head rotates on so so this is the the Chuck roll cut down very clean again I'm gonna do it a little bit of trim on the top and take off some of this connective bone tissue here not a lot of trim on it this time we're gonna cut into steaks so we're going to trim the steaks individually afterwards so again I'm going to pull a few of the del Monico steaks off the front to see usually get one or two sometimes you can get three depending on the size so on this one here we're not going to get we're probably lucky to get one off of this this piece here it's it's a lot thinner and skinnier so let's see if we can get it oh yeah we can get another one here so we got two what I like to do after this is keep all my trim separate we'll come back to the trim to get into students I like to work from the other side of it here and I like to sort of square it off a little bit so if you can see a lot of this there's a lot of interacting muscles that are all kind of combined right here so I'm going to just pick my mark and cut it right right straight back this way we'll come back to this piece later I'm going to flip her over and I'm going to sort of square it off here I'm going to take this piece here right off again we'll come back to that I'm going to clean up the side just a little bit okay now applications we got a thicker cut for your chuck roast we'll come back to this and finish this off I'm gonna put one string around it you don't need to but I think it holds it together a little bit better for the cooking process and it just looks a little bit nicer in presentation then I'll take a little over here okay now I'm just going to cut stinks when you look at this stake you can see all the individual muscles that run through this his neck the neck is very complex piece we talked about the room boardís or the the where the hump meet would be its up over here the Sierra runs over here the Denver lives over here so you can see the under blade and the over blade here with the fat in between them so there's a lot of different things happening inside of a mecca beef so again the applications here are very simple very easy she's making Chuck stakes why chuck roast and we'll just continue on down with this whole piece make another roast or states depending on as needed I'll be finishing with these roasts okay again you don't have to time your pot roast there's slow cook but it just holds it together a little bit just adds a little bit more look to it and everything else would be used for stew for grind or more steaks you can do more steaks more roasts more stew more grind depending on the time of the year and what your applications are for the product and what you need so that's the two ways to cut into chuck roast
Channel: Niman Ranch
Views: 69,593
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Keywords: butcher, how to, beef butcher
Id: UxPeEjxkbss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 40sec (1480 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 08 2018
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