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[Music] [Music] [Music] sup guys we are in for shower this is the main city this is my guys it's a farm again for the venture today yeah yeah what's up what's so special about this part of rice rice right kabobs well those are things I love as well this is a very historical City too and we're really gonna spend one day here so gonna make the best of it is the oldest bazaar for show how it is it 1,500 years old bazaar yeah this is not just food this is like shoes and everything everything this is like an outdoor mall let's go a couple of things I really stand out about this market one is those gates over there they're the I guess boundaries of the market so every time you entered the marquee go through one of these gates but as this market gives you to expand its beyond the gates now and you look at these the top of these buildings you can see how the angel old and historic the structures are not just the shops by the top something that just looks so historical and it's preserved and I'm glad it's still there because looking from just the shops to that really gives you a sense of history and the words Kisa Kewanee literally nice storyteller so back in the day when the communication was no not texting and voice mails and Instagram people would travel all around because this is also near the mountains people will come from across the mountains and different cities then come here and sip green tea which is what the city has known for and just tell stories and news about what's happening so it's like a information hub of the old days and you see a lot of these old buildings say they're still old is that still exist today where people can come and sip sip on teens just gonna walk around see what we can find [Music] and right now I feel like that the parrot on the Froot Loops commercial you know the follow my nose guy and I follow my nose to this this gentleman is just like frying a big massive plate of fish and all the spices that's covering the fish mixed in with that boiling hot oil I don't think I have to tell you how good this smells and this is a fish called Rob it's actually a type of freshwater fish that's related to the carp in these things I mean being from China like.we carp a lot I think that's like one of the most eaten fish in that country when this thing like I said covered in spices after it came out of the oil look at it they powdered on even more flavor you know you got to do is to give it a splash of lemon juice this is my favorite part of the fish this is actually a part of the fish that my family used to cook a lot in China and it's my favorite because all it is it's just like a little rib the main skeleton in the middle and the side pieces break that apart and that's all good eating this fish it's got just pure Lakey white flesh although more lemon juice on the meat fried fish will never disappoint this country I travel the world there usually you'll find like you know fish and chips and whatever it's not my favorite thing because all it is maybe is a little salt and butter in the seasoning but here I mean there's like 20 different types of spices on this fish and the flavor are just unbeatable so if you're a fan of fish and chips come here and try this and you dip it in a little bit of the mint yogurt sauce to give this to you because sometimes this fish has even so much flavor not just the spices put the contrast and texture from the super crispy skin to the delicate flesh is simply mind-blowing that's my favorite part the little crispy any pieces like right here this is absolutely my favorite part it is like literally eating a crispy fish don't miss out on the finger looks at the end this dish deserves at least that much get a little crispy fish skin this thing your mouth melts crumples and melts oh this is a really good part check this out you see the end piece right here this has tons of fat it's all skin and fat look at this shoes just oozing out this is the part of the fish where you really should put it in some none because it is just sure flavor out to eat it with a little bit of lean meat melty fat on your tongue slight gelatinous flavor and the crispy skin of the fish that's like the melty pork belly of the waters I think we're in for a lot of good food today [Music] I laughter a little fried fish fresh pomegranate juice ooh I start that's really nice to have to eat something oily to drink something kind of sour and refreshing feel like I needed this and that these food stands set up everywhere you can go orange juice pomegranate juice carrot juice everything fresh this really is such a diverse market like you can come here and buy everything and fill your hell's up with it I just saw a mountain of something I must put into my mouth oh look at this it is a full-on mountain up a poppy you could bathe me in there this is a box and applause a dish I'm very familiar with but I never seen it as such shimmering glory I mean it looks like a rice and meat Christmas tree this is full of rice and beef and nuts and raises it is covered in bone marrow you hear bone marrow the next words that should follow that must be I need that in my mouth right now in a traditional way of eating this you gotta come in here and sit in these little seats like everybody else get comfortable and dig in just smelling this bone marrow on top of this aromatic spiced up rice this is pure ecstacy can you tell me this is just not something that should be on the front page of a magazine somewhere the tendon coursing through let me show ya a little it's half from my spoon see that juice losing out like you're stabbing into a juicy melon look at this oh are you kidding me this thing they won't even stay on my spoon because it's just breaking from its own weight and trust me it doesn't weigh that much and this screw fall look at this meat tendon bone marrow rice chickpeas raisin this is my but one of the first time my life where my taste buds are like felt abused almost too much of a good thing is just happening when I put that spoonful in my mouth I feel like the bone marrow you almost don't need it not saying I don't love you bone marrow but the beef itself is so tender like you could confuse that with the bone marrow let me try to talk about this although how do you even describe say the beauty of Helen of Troy or the gloriousness that is the Mona Lisa the ten dating the people you start to chew will flow like a gelatinous and river that beef breaks down as well putting just an almost surreal beefy flavor and all that is just covering every single drink of rice that managed to makes its way into your mouth it's just when you think like that's becoming overwhelming the little splash of sweetness from the raisins changes the flavor and texture just a slight bit it reminds you that yeah you're still alive and you are actually eating something this good on this planet these are my favorite cuts of meat because it's not as simple like just pure lean beef or fatty beavis fat is lean as tendon is Merrill it's like jingle ball where all the top performing artists come together just to make you happy all right Jennifer just ate that same claw vibe what's your impression did you try oh yeah that's right [Music] and the color is so bright orange oh my gosh nice yeah I'll buy one of these oh that's so different you can find in this porn wow this guy's such a nice subtly sweet flavor Jesus remind me more of Chinese corn kernels are more like starchy but when you're sure it's got really nice roasted flavor to it only in Pakistan your final form kind of looks and cooks like a curve this is called chana key and there's boiled mutton soup in these little jars that are roasting over charcoal there's not a lot of spices in here just about the nice mutton flavor let me give this a try [Music] so Afghanistan dishes the common theme is that there's not a lot of seasoning and spices that's a lot about the natural flavor of the meat so here just a little bit of onions chilies tomatoes and salt that's it but look at how tender the mutts in this that's almost as soft as cotton chased out with a little Afghan done some people I think that okay if there's not a spy sitting here it's not gonna taste this good not so my friends this thing it just highlights the great flavor of the mutton and it has a slight subtle sweetness to it I don't go shop okay easy Lee this thing is breaking a heart and lamb is great because it's got a really high fat content so the meat you're eating is never really gonna be dry especially when it's cooked like this and it's a little oily on top that's why you gotta take the nun take a little tip with it I'm rolling over again only thing here tomatoes onions and salt that's it see I'm low-maintenance four simple ingredients already made me so happy Ames do you want to spice it up a little bit little lemon juice you can take a nipple of chilies I'm totally fine without the lemon juice too but that completely changes the flavor profile it's now I get necessarily improved it because it's already got that nice sourness and the sweetness from the tomatoes without the lemon juice but it does change it up and keep things interesting and I like spicy things so Kareem this works very very well I'm telling you guys it's not a lot of gay meanness because the mutton that they use here I mean this is all like you know goats that are feeding off the pure ease up off the crash it's not just crowding together stumpy on their own feces like eating out of a feed bag they're all free-range so I'll roll me around and the flavor does taste amazingly different and that's the reason simple ingredients local mutton cook it all in a pot I'll come something spectacular and having the team tried the lamb right really good t-mac that is so yeah that's so crazy [Music] right now we're in uh McMunn D this is also known as the salt market and this plays a seizure step on this is one of the oldest food streets as soon as you step onto this block all you see is the smoke coming out of all these barbecue grills and all these storefronts all you smell is this roasted meat my nose is just breathing in heaven heaven is now a fragrance it's going in here [Applause] [Music] now we're outside the world-famous the South Chelsea see kakizaki and Chelsea literally means stoner you're like you know smoking something and that's because the person who owned a place he has some hobbies you know but typically people with those hobbies they tend to know where the best food spots are so check it out this is the mutton in the sauce this dish is karahi and we had this once before and tikka means barbecue so they do barbecue as well here this is a lot harder than it looks I mean he's still making this look really easy this is the chicken one that looks good - very nice being behind the scenes as smelling it's the other cooking it that just helps your appetite by so much this is the founder yes yes I heard this is the best world-famous mutton correct yes you saw Chelsea star yes okay first thing I came out and I saw her she came out and brought me this this is the whoa what are you showing me this I'm thinking it's just like fat from somewhere around the go I didn't know this but take a look at this picture this is what ghosts look like in around this region Afghanistan Pakistan I'll put it this way if the goats here had an Instagram account they would be uploading the emoji of a peach like every single day look at this picture do you know what I'm talking about sorry kids I've never seen ghosts like that I mean that thing has a nicer but than most models I mean this is like the Kim Kardashian of goats and I mean that in the most respectful and nicest way possible because come on check out like but I let go if you said my butt was as nice as that goats but I'd be thanking you and this is the meat from basically the goat but look at this toasty outside char crispy skin and just pure oh let's not knock my socks off please come here vegetable oh oh oh my god first of all this is insanely awesome don't let that reaction face you it's just so much fattier than I thought it would be but it is delicious this thing you got to eat with something not you can't you should not try to eat this on his own just like this it is fat overload and it's hosting part Rachel's fat when goes into your mouth it crunches and it melts and that's such a satisfying li lovely sensation but I feel like this with the nun little vegetable little yogurt be fantastic and this right here I'm still amazed at the only ingredients on this in the last dish is salt that's it Ben's gonna try the fat [Music] so fat hey hey don't fast shame the goal of the boss I'm so giddy right now look at this plate of freshly cooked barbecue splash of salt pure salt roasted over charcoal and is just brought in front of you because lamb chop nice chunks of fat the lean meats Crete char on the outside and these little things the little char bits of meat on the rib don't forget a get a little intimate and nibble on them the salt in this country we just went to the largest salt mine in Pakistan yesterday where it produces a lot of the world's pink Himalayan salt and we walked in there you know such a magical place it's one mountain hotel did a little research people actually go into that salt mine for about 11 12 hours a day for about a week to treat their illnesses and somehow there's some kind of magical property in that salt that actually heals people of ailments I feel the same magical property as applied when you put that salt on any food like the lamb soup I just happy for this and this BBQ if you put that super in front of me wore this BBQ in front of me it made me guess the ingredients used in if you told me it was just so I'm pretty sure I call you a liar to your face that was the best powerful that country fat once you penetrate that outer crust Eclair there's this sure gusher of a meat bomb not a lot of the gay meanest a lot of people fear because the goat share there's so much better it somehow creates a deeper flavor profile it than just typical regular salt I'm pretty sure I saw is so magical they spray something that some of my face I become better looking oh this piece is the best look at them there's a little fat crust that's like biting inside a roaster button Tootsie Pop the crown jewel of Lights it wasn't like in the beginning was all fat already tried the fatty features I was a nice combo of crunch fat me tendon and everything amazing about this in that one bite okay what's insane about this dish is that you saw all the month and that was put into this and all the tomatoes and it reduces like it was full and now it's like a quarter of this hot plate in this name is one of the must try dishes here in Pakistan karahi is amazing like when all that great ingredients is just like reduces and summers it concentrates into this little portion right here I had the chicken last time and this is the mutton oh I found something awesome barrel still inside the Bologna that's my special method get the mutton bone marrow out zip that and little of the oils [Music] a good day in life usually always involves bone marrow and the juice and oils here you got a mix of nuts and fat and lean meats with the lira fat fish our green chili put this meat on top the craziest thing about this dish said the champion was telling me I still have trouble believing the only ingredients the only seasoning in there's dishes salt I would have thought there's maybe a bit of cumin or something that made the fragrance really stand out nothing in here besides tomatoes chilies the mutton and salt that's it let's cook 40 minutes is steamed and simmered and reduced to dis delicious pile of meats every single pie you check is spicy a little sweep these are Monsieur fatty pieces right here that's almost too much fat for me to handle this should actually call this dish I can't believe it only uses salt if I come out to this country to the city in particular I'll definitely come back and give this dish this the awesome crew put together by my adventure there that biggest portal travel portal here in Pakistan so these guys been with me for like the past week thanks so much and fun thank you thank you and you get this guys been with me just today but really nice meeting you [Music] [Music] just back from the market a little reflection on how it's been on the strip so far we're nearing the end of the Pakistan trip I think there's two more days tomorrow and the next day then I'm flying out of the country I feel like what's been so amazing on this trip is to really be able to see different aspects of a country from the bustles of Karachi to the cultural significance of Lahore the international vibe of Islamabad in this city right here and there's still of course so much of Pakistan to see and to understand but I feel really fortunate to have been to these location and to talk to so many people from all these places and really gauge at least for myself how Pakistan is like as a country and to me it's pretty unfortunate that Pakistan sort of has a bad rep internationally like when I was coming here and my team was coming here everyone we knew from our parents to our friends have said Oh be careful be careful it's a really dangerous place and being here and seeing the people from these different regions and areas and cities and backgrounds my one surefire conclusion is that these are some of the warmest people you can find anywhere on the planet and just like every country in the city anywhere in the world there are areas that maybe you shouldn't go to but overall like the places that we've been the general feeling that I've gotten was that God I wish more people would know about this place and meet the people and see what I'm seeing taste what I'm tasting right now I mean to go from a centuries old fort to a thousand year old salt mine that apparently has magical healing and cooking qualities to a vibrant international metropolis to walking around exploring an ancient bizarre like we did today Pakistan really exudes a sense of wonder and mystery and warmth that I wish more people will be able to witness anyway as today is one of the last days we're here just some random thoughts I wanted to share with you guys what an incredible day today the market was vibrant it was historic the food was just ah that bone marrow plov I mean the first time I fell in love with plov was Rebecca Stan and this just reunited the passion and of course a huge shout out to find my adventure for providing the most awesome tour guys if you don't know they are the number one biggest tourism portal for Pakistan and of course I'll have their from and all the place that went to listed down below for you guys thank you all so much for watching until we eat again later
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 1,165,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: peshawar food, peshawar street food, street food peshawar, street food pakistan, pakistani street food, pakistani food, pakistani food tour, food tour pakistan, plov, bone marrow, bone marrow plov, bbq, pakistan bbq, bbq pakistan, pakistani pulao, peshawari pulao, peshawari mutton bbq, travel pakistan, peshawar pakistan, travel peshawar
Id: 8zVUuvQ-uVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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