Easy Freezer Meals For Busy Days || Meal Prep & Filling My Freezer || Cheap Family Meals

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hey everybody welcome back to my [Music] channel freezer meals we're doing freezer meals today and freezer casserole meals you guys remember a year ago guess probably a year ago I said I was slowly Sav up for a new deep freezer so we could have more space and I finally got it I finally saved up enough money and I got my stand deep freezer y' baby oh baby I got her so I have three deep freezers now one is kind of small and it's for deer meat it's for meat that the fellas get during hunting season and then I have another one that has all of my Costco goodies in it Meats things like that I wanted a stand deep freezer so I could do freezer meals I haven't did any in a long time it has been quite a while since I've done some freezer meals I think K was a baby last time so today's video we're going to be making some freezer meals I spent $155 at Wally World for all this this is all a part of a new series I'm going to do freezer meals Stefan my freezer with tons of freezer meals and each week I'm going to feature a different type of freezer meal this week is cassero next week it'll be something totally different today we're going to be doing tater tot casserole white chicken anelas beef casserole creamy stuffed cresant stuffed Alfredo shells chicken and rice casserole lasagna and John Wayne casserole a freezer friendly version of the John Wayne casserole so I'm really excited to do this it's going to help me so much on those days where I'm out and about or I'm busy Dusty can just go grab one let it all throw it in the oven wham bam we done we got dinner this is going to save my butt so let's get to this so some of the items that you're going to need for casserole freezer meals is these the casserole pans I'm using parchment paper to help protect it from freezer burn over top as well as heavy duty aluminum foil that's all I'm using you can use more things or less if you want what I'm going to do first I'm going to cook I have 8 lbs of ground beef I'm going to cook every bit of it and [Music] I have about 10 lbs of chicken breast I'm going to cook every bit of this as well and shred it up if I get all of my meat ready to go first everything will go smooth smooth selling and by the way everybody I will have my entire shopping list in the description box below as well as all of the directions recipes you know let's go to get started let's get out the good old instant pot to cook up his chicken to start I don't really I'm going to see if I can fit both packs of this chicken in here but I'm not sure if I can we'll see I just want this chicken to be like a blank canvas I'm just going to put a little bit of olive oil on it salt and pepper that's it I'm just going to do one pack at a time um so hi it's me George it's me you can boil this chicken if you prefer if you think it'll be faster but I really don't like the smellable chicken it's when I was pregnant with rder my mom was bowling chicken for something when I went over to her house and made me really nauseous just the smell cuz I was pregnant and ever since then I cannot stand the smell of boiled chicken I don't know what it is I just can't so if you want to boil your chicken instead go ahead and do that but this is a easy way to get shredded chicken and I don't have to smell that b chicken put a little bit of olive oil in here salt pepper and remember remember with an instant pot you always need a liquid so it can get to pressure so I'm putting a cup of water in here and I want to cook this for about 25 minutes and when I open it it should be falling apart when this is done I'm just going to stick this in there and repeat the process with the chicken I'm going to be cooking 8 lbs of hamburger meat that means I'm going to crack out my gigantic 17in iron skillet so I can get this all going here's a three [Music] pounder and here's 5 [Music] lb now to this hamburger meat I'm going to cut cook all of my onions and peppers in it okay there's four small bell peppers in here and a whole onion [Music] now we got to drain it hamburger is done so here we go we're starting the first one and it's going to be tater tot casserole I have approximately 2 lbs of hamburger meat right here to this I'm going to add one can of cream of celery and another can of cream of celery couple pinches of salt couple pinches of pepper garlic powder I want to eyeball a half a cup of milk pour half of this in here if you want to you can put green beans in this as well but we don't like our green beans mixed in with it we like to just like bow them up separately I'm going to take some cheese generous amount of cheese tater to time when you make tater to casserole do you just toss them in like this or do you make them in like a uniform pattern I do whichever I feel like doing at that day so today I just I'm just tossing them in I didn't use an entire bag I have some I have some left now for the tops of these Beauties I want to sprinkle some seasoned salt just a little bit of cheese for pretty on top and here's our first freezer meal teder to casserole let's wrap her [Music] up hi okay make sure to label it so nobody gets [Music] confused and it's enough to make two next I have around 2 lbs of the hamburger meat in this J drant Bowl we're going to do freezer friendly lasagna you're going to need four cans they're 28 Oz each of the crushed tomatoes four of the spaghetti sauce mix and you guys are probably wondering why not just buy spaghetti sauce it's because this stuff tastes awesome we like it especially with lasagna four pinches of salt two pinches of pepper no let's make that four pinches of pepper garlic powder you're going to need oven ready lasag your noodles it's easier let's go ahead and start out with some sauce on the bottom they start layering a little mozzarella cheese and there's our freezer friendly lasagna parchment heavy duty aluminum Bo the next freezer meal we're going to be doing the John Wayne casserole we start out with the Jiffy Mix cuz Jiffy Mix any kind of biscuit mix is the crust for a John Wayne Castle I'm I'm thinking just one for each casserole thinking it'll be enough so I'm mixing two Jeffy mixes cuz I'm doing a total of two johnne cassero I believe unless I have extra we need one cup of water for two packs of Jiffy buttermilk biscuit mix one cup of [Music] water mix this up real good now we're going to set these aside we do not pre-bake these they can be frozen raw like this I have around 2 and 1/2 lbs of the meat mixture some taco seasoning one 14 o can of PE diced tomatoes one of the large 7 oz cans of green chilies and divide it up between the two spread that around over top of the biscuit mix okay we are going to need approximately a cup of sour cream along with one cup Mayo equal parts and around a cup of chatar cheese we're going to mix this together now we're going to dollop this on top half for each cast Bowl smear on top doesn't have to be perfect okay now we are going to top it with cheddar cheese let wrap her up all right our last beef is called beef casserole very simple so we're going to take the rest of that beef mixture which is probably around 2 and 1/2 lb of beef and this one requires a little cooking we are going to cook up the beef reron while the beef reron is cooking let's go ahead and add two cans 14.5 o cans of PE DED Tomatoes let do around 4 tablespoons of chili powder I'm totally guessing y'all but I'm that looks like 4 to me just a little bit of garlic powder four pinches of salt two pinches of pepper and that's all we're going to do until that beef reron is finished ni is done P some both boxes in all right let's give her the good old mix I think this is going to make at least two I hope three but I'm not sure cheese wh generic cheese whz you can use other kinds of cheese if you want and believe me I have tried because this isn't the healthiest cheese but nothing tastes better than cheese whz on this casserole to me I'm just going to but dollops just going to start spread the cheese out mix it in a little when you bake this when it's time to bake you can take it out halfway and SAR the cheese around [Music] [Applause] too two more yes I'm a looking rough I got nine cassero made total now it's time for the chicken cassero all the the chicken is done I've got to shred it which is going to be really easy because it's it's Fallen the shreds so I'm going to shred up this chicken and I was also going to let you know that for the chicken cassero I'm doing I'm going to go ahead and have to prep a little bit I'm going to be making some rice so the rice is ready and I have to boil some noodles Al Dente so I'm going to go ahead and get that ready so it'll be ready for when I build the casseres that's that's a lot of chicken all right let's do the creamy stuffed crescents I have around four cups of the shredded chicken here I measured it out actually so it's four cups we're just going to put like a cup of cheese in there any seasonings you want I'm doing garlic powder onion couple pinches of salt couple pinches of pepper this is all we're doing to this I'm going to be using four cans of these big crescent rolls okay flattening these bead out take a little handful of your [Music] mixture however much you fit you're going to start rolling it up like a pocket don't leave it open roll it up like a pocket make sure you pinch the sides closed one and you're going to keep repeating this until you're out of Cresent [Music] and this is what they're going to look like I made three pans going take one of the gigantic family size 26 oz of cream of chicken and put it in a bowl fill that can up with milk salt pepper now we are going to pour this over top a good little c row unless it has cheese on top three more cassos down we're going to be making some stuffed Alfredo shells do about four cups of of that shredded chicken and I am going to finally dice up about four mushrooms just going to put a little bit of Alfredo so it'll get sticky some grated parm couple pinches of salt couple pinches of pepper garlic powder I want to just mix this up real good now you're going to wash your hands real good because it's easier to stuff these shells with your hands here I have my alente big shells and and I'm serious it's easier to do it with your hand you will get dirty just want to stuff the shells by the way I'm using the 22 oz jars of alfredo sauce I put a little bit of water in this to make it thinner so I would pour out easier pour it over top top it with some mozzarella cheese Mozzarella boom done next we're making white chicken enchiladas I have about four to five cups of shredded chicken here put couple handful of montere that cheese I have a 7 oz can of the green chilies and I am going to put a little swoop into this couple Pines of salt couple Pines of pepper we're going to put some adobo however much you want P this together now we're going to start stuffing the tortillas and after we get them all stuffed that's when we're going to make the sauce that goes over top all right we got two trays of enchiladas now we're going to make the sauce I'm just want to use the same Bowl because it pretty much has the same ingredients left in it that I'm putting in the sauce one can of cream of chicken one can of milk eyeballing two cups of sour cream the rest of those green chilies cup of montere Jack and some of that chicken broth from cooking the chicken I'm going to put probably half a cup to a cup in here a little bit more of the chicken broth along with a couple Pines of salt and a pin of now let's pour it on top and there's two more cassero hi last one taking the rest of that chicken however much is in there quite a bit we're going to make chicken and rice Castle to this chicken I going to add two cups roundabouts of sour creams for the rest of this tub y'all remember I said I needed to cook some rice well I cooked two cups of uncooked rice and it made this much cooked rice and I also cooked it in the left some of the leftover chicken broth from cooking all the chicken so I'm just going to dump all this cooked rice in here it's still kind of hot where it's been sitting a family size can of cream of mushroom Kon family size cream of chicken couple PES of salt a couple Pines of pepper we're going to stir all this up that's where it looks like pudding don't it it's not I swear let's start pouring around the cassero dishes it looks good as it is but we're not done take the some rip crackers crush them up pretty good and put them on top for each casserole that you make melt a stick of butter I'm just going to drizzle that melted butter over top if you would like to you could just you know slice the butter up and lay on top since we're freezing it but I just find it it's kind of easier to do melted butter we did it we did it two more casseres I made eight different types of casseres today with a total of 2 4 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 I made 18 entire castas to stock my deeper with sorry it's really late I'm so proud I did it oh yeah 18 casseres to put in the deep freezer look at that woo baby we did it you can tell that it's been a rough three hours no it wasn't that bad um I just got kind of hot cuz you know it's hot and humid outside here so I told you guys my total for the food was 155 155 yes well I spent and I used a couple things for my garden what I already had I spent $155 I have a lot the stuff left over cuz I bought too much I didn't calculate properly I will put the actual total of what I spent on all of the cassero that I made right here yeah so all the stuff I have left over I'll put it into my regular weekly realation somehow or just put it in the pantry or save it for more meals we'll see if you guys try any of these casser rolls I hope you love them and feel free to make it your own definitely this is just a little bit of inspiration and and you add this take away that whatever have you you do it to make it your own so you can love it all right I'll see you guys in next video remember as always be positive be kind be happy help each other and I'll see you later bye I love you
Channel: SouthernFrugalMomma
Views: 57,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7sV7KMy_tvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 16sec (2176 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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