Bisping vs. St-Pierre | Best Moments

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if i come back it's because i am my trainer our and my training partner are all convinced that i'm a better version than i was when i used to compete i believe right now i reached the perfect peak of athletism knowledge and wisdom as a fighter and i'm going to prove it to everyone fighting business is like the stock market some guys sometimes they're stuck as high some guy their stock is low and it's a question of timing so everything i'm gonna do i'm gonna do the biggest fight as possible and i want to make sure gives a [ __ ] no one gives a [ __ ] george everybody i'm sorry i'm late dana my apologies george my apologies um everybody gives a [ __ ] that you're late sit down you went away you went and [ __ ] chased aliens i don't know what you did no one gives a [ __ ] where you were or what you did you're coming back the sport is a different place game over what the what is going on with him i'm gonna go have a look your voice is kinda you what what is happening with you my god are you are you healthy are you okay is it is up up here is that hey hey hey get hit too much hey george i'll go out on an all night [ __ ] bender and still beat you pal hey george where's your belt where's your [ __ ] belt you don't have one the sport moved on buddy the sport moved on well i could have stopped i could have stole one while you were uh out in vegas drinking i'm here to do a job is to uh and it's gonna be to to beat up that that drunk man right there whoa whoa why is the onus on me being [ __ ] drunk what's that gonna do with anything i've been drunk throughout my entire [ __ ] career danny will testify to that see you look at me you don't scare me not even one bit not even one [ __ ] i'm not trying to scare you i'm not trying to scare you but here's the fact i'm a real fighter carlos can do it and everybody i i fought and drake's everybody bjpen won i came back like and i fought and i and i show true heart and uh that's why i'm here today i'm not a an easy target and my journey is honorable this is the guy the greatest of all time didn't want to face anderson didn't want to face anderson when he was the man but he comes out of retirement to face me yeah real good fighter it's six weeks after this fight i'll fight your romero correct dana correct so yoel sit on the [ __ ] stool do whatever you want to do [ __ ] your pants whatever it may be i'll be here and i want to make the biggest fight possible you know i want to make a story and right now i'm focusing on the on the short term goals which is this guy can you tell us a little bit that's all matter on that can you tell us a little more about these long-term goals no and you see that stupid [ __ ] little smug look on your face there like you've got some like you've got some plan like you know something we don't know what do you know that i don't know does it i let the things oh yeah george saint pierre is one of the best mixed martial artists of all time he will take on the winningest fighter in ufc history michael bespin doesn't get any better than that are you probably drunk like the last press conference i would have [ __ ] you up then and i'll [ __ ] you up now little guy hey look at your big fat face taking on those [ __ ] protein shakes and pull-ups look at you still got a skinny little neck though [ __ ] twerp is that george st pierre up there welcome back buddy thank you it's good to feel the love he didn't want to fight because johnny hendricks hit him in the head so many times he thought he'd been abducted by aliens i'm surprised you're not wearing a tinfoil hut today to stop the [ __ ] messages coming dude i'm going to hit you so many times you're going to think you're going to disappear on the mothership are you intoxicated or something yeah yeah you look like come at me [ __ ] let's go i'm going to [ __ ] who's your boy who's your boy yo romero the soldier of steroids listen you're all gonna [ __ ] miss me when i'm gone believe you me ain't gonna last forever but in the meantime come and see me afterwards pal boot on my face [ __ ] positive one little uh gsp fanboy believe it or not there's a few of them he's the one who's intoxicated george why don't you ask him are you intoxicated are you intoxicated um what was the question ariel water is wet fire burn and i'm gonna beat michael best me oh come on break you down how are you going to do that george i'll take and i'm going to strike you i'm going to put you down i'm going to submit you i'm going to re-strike you if you stand back i'm i'm going to do whatever i want so you're going to look whatever i want to do when i wanted to do it that's what i'm going to do yeah exactly i'm i'm boring but i was a pay-per-view king explain that to me you know yeah [ __ ] me i don't know they don't care dog knows why pal if you go out fight on the ground but as long as you're working and that as long as you're working are you okay are you getting are you finally getting worked up george what would make you happy he would probably say be world champion and now that he is world champion he's not happy anymore so i think he has a lot of hole that he can't filled in his in in in himself that's a problem hey george if you want to go out filling holes that's up to you pal i'm happy [Applause] [Music] one of the most diverse fighters in the history listen everyone it was a lot of talk about what's going to happen i need to hang up my glove for a little bit george rush saint pierre i know i'm the best i've ever been i come back not because it's easy i come back because it's hard i've been fighting the best after a decade in the ufc always in shape and rarely out of commission bisping racked up victories and octagon anderson times wrong for a second anderson goes down michael's pouring on the pressure the victory put bisping on the short list of athletes qualified to face new middleweight champion luke rockhold that spring when an opponent pulled out 17 days before the title fight bisping gleefully shot the world by knocking out rockhold and securing the title that he longed believed would be his he is the all-time best in ufc history saint pierre's dominance in the role makes him an even unlikelier challenger george pierre represents the very best aspects of martial arts in 2013 after his 12th straight win st pierre left the octagon on his own terms one of the ufc's best ever seeks to re-enter competition and re-establish himself as champion george st pierre is back make no mistake november 4th i'm going to knock you out first of all very happy to be back in toronto i love this place got a lot of good friends here secondly george you stepped your game up that's a lovely suit and thirdly no i am not intoxicated that's when you know i'm pissing george off because he does this it's kind of weird i don't know why you do it but i can tell i'm getting to you george you're going to waste all your energy trying to take me down see when you when you wrestle that's when you're trying to hide from fighting i don't hide from fighting and george is going to have to fight me you got a jab jab double leg bore everybody to sleep i on the other side is going to try and knock you out i'm going to do whatever i want to do whenever i want it to do okay water is wet fire burn he was an undefeated champion so of course you guys respect him and i respect him of course even though i'm sitting here talking all this [ __ ] i respect the hell out of george and that's why i've trained the way i've trained believe you me this will be the best version of myself there in three weeks trying to try to give the people a show george trying to fight what's it called the ultimate watch championship what's it called or is it wrestling is it wrestling or fighting um what is it you'll be in a fight don't worry about it nice there we go but i want i'm not planning on losing and that's called a little [ __ ] where i come from i'm not planning on it and losing any time soon i don't lose i do not lose i'm pretty sure you got knocked out of matt sarah who's a smaller guy than you you get knocked out i got full time too yeah it happens buddy [Music] like a glove last day of sparring let's get some rounds some good speed work and uh finish our camp you know before we go out to new york tomorrow mike's been stopping guys every training session i respect george i know he's a hell of a fighter i've talked to a lot of [ __ ] but i know i got a tough fight but that that will remain believe you me [Music] that's a terrible name george is a terrible day yeah so i think you're gonna win now you know what george is a lizard no he's not he is i am the better actor check this out you have been hearing about cryptocurrencies and they also give you five free coins to use enjoy what deliver it oh boy oh thankful apollo creed i follow creed oh yeah oh yeah ready might deliver me from these handcuffs sunday afternoon now have a little run i would run through new york but it's pissing down with rain outside so i'm not gonna do that it's about me proving all your doubt is wrong all you people that talk [ __ ] i'm one of the best i'll be anderson rockhold henderson the list goes on many many guys that were the best in the world when i fought them i don't think he's gonna be a walk in the park i really don't i respect george he's good now that said in the promo things he looks terrible he looks awful and he looks a little fat and a little impregnated by aliens i'm very excited and i can't wait making history never been done again and i'm gonna do it my wind down towards the end of the day oh my god they're hard training i can come here even in the winter when it's very cold hey guys i'm megan olivier here in new york city and i am joined by one of the stars for saturday nights ufc 217 main event george st pierre middleweight george saint pierre do you truly believe that he's going to be that much bigger than you on saturday night because there are some people who are saying actually forest griffin and i just recorded something where he said he thinks you guys are going to be pretty close in size come saturday night we'll see or found out about that about that looking at my training and i feel i'm i'm the best ever in my life i'm in my prime and uh very confident that's that's how it is i don't care about him what he thinks i care about me never looks like you need to improve anywhere i i i will be a lot more important a lot a lot more opportunistic when they're gonna be a an opportunity i'm gonna take it when you envision this are you thinking you finished michael bismay i think i will finish michael brisbane so many people would like to be in my shoes right now we live once and this is going to be a memory that i will cherish for the rest of my life and and i will take it i take their personality what can we expect from you when you step into that octagon we'll see the best gsp ever and you guys will see it's going to be a new a new day a new new beginning for me i started martial arts at eight years old i've competed in almost every discipline you could imagine kickboxing boxing grappling jiu jitsu tournaments my name is mike the count bisping i feel i've got what it takes like a real living out of this you know a real career [Applause] i'll tell you man you can count on a few things in his life death taxes and michael bisping being enthusiastic about entering the octagon new york city madison square garden the most famous fight venue in the world fast don't get much bigger than this how's it going guys how are you what have we said who wins me or gsp come on you're easy come on champ there we go are you you're just saying that don't let him wrestle you that's the advice i didn't think of that one feels good you know train a little bit water doesn't load up your joints so it's too far muscle they wrap you digging that's good and some drilling he's very preoccupied by what i do what's up george so good to have you thank you for having me why did you decide to come back and for this fight why why did i decide to come back why would i not come back right that's what i said it's fighting that's what i do best first time you guys seen each other in a while and well two weeks ago few weeks ago a few weeks ago yeah yeah yeah he's looking a little smaller i mean i know i am as well but could he wait down a little bit george gotta get ready bro i'm gonna get back on those pancakes i will beat you my [ __ ] is mediocre look at this oh i would be a bad quarterback he said like the little [ __ ] that he is if he loses i'm going to retire boo this [ __ ] this is how stupid you look with those [ __ ] headbands you look like a [ __ ] idiot hey george these are your people these are your [ __ ] people man what the [ __ ] look at that look at his face like he's got a secret like he knows you don't know [ __ ] pal you don't know [ __ ] oh i got bullied as a kid why the [ __ ] you think i do this why do you think cody does this i'm sure we all got bullied a little bit but george is special thank you george for cut just making me put that nail in the coffin because you're good so i raised my game no i don't regret [ __ ] i regret having to speak to you though that's the only thing i regret today cody i'm just wondering last week uh michael said a few things about you and your eyebrows i'm wondering if you said anything to him as you sat next to him always a [ __ ] stare at ariel always no man he just he just likes it i'm a good looking dude i think he's got a little uh infatuation with me what happened with uh george mas vidal yesterday and then the hotel can you explain who ain't no one will pick oh george mas vidal that little [ __ ] yeah he'll get a slap when the time's right [Music] well tonight was just to cut some weight and uh go over what we've been doing uh for sure we're keeping things basic now because it's just really about losing the weight looking good man how are you feeling another one feeling good yeah very good best ever i'm comfortable with that it's age man when you get old you learn those things you see what actually the person needs to improve do you love me [Applause] no okay okay how much do you love mom infinity and how much do you love having the dog infinity and how much do you love me 10. shame on you shame [ __ ] don't be shaming [ __ ] your mother who you think you are sit the [ __ ] down you get beat up lightweight you're a tough guy i still [ __ ] you up oh yeah oh yeah look at you you trash you're never [ __ ] here and you got 40 pounds on me right here [ __ ] you do it we have a tough prime minister he knows how to fight maybe we should have dana white is the best promoter of all time dana should promote that fight i think we just started world war ii i'll tell you why please please let canada out of it we don't have the military force to get involved in this oh my word thank you so much oh my god you're the best around has anybody got any questions for george he hasn't been here for four years he's trying to play my in-game and every interview he does is begging me you look like a [ __ ] idiot i'm not just to talk about it i'm going to show you it's saturday night can't wait yeah i can't wait either part i'm not that smug look up your face where's the tongue show me the tongue there it is [ __ ] lizard face he wants it as high as his voice you still have your sunglasses on michael no i took them off for you [ __ ] i'm on the next door pal come and see me a lot of ps saturday night is going to be a new middleweight world champion gsv george i'm going to punish you saturday night mate i can't wait to do it you made a big mistake just keep talking george somebody else pal my god what a circus of this what a circus man i heard why [ __ ] this [ __ ] that these nonsense the easiest way cut ever you had to lose a few pounds we did two times in the sauna you look like a [ __ ] with your sunglasses you're not a rock star michael you're you're a fighter so why are you dressing like one for sponsors for the fan that's that's how we do it not like a bomb screaming profanity no i don't do that right behind the scales once they announce your weight hold your pose for five seconds first time i hear this word 184.4 good job i'll go for the archer's pose right what about the quad one okay are you listening and you're [ __ ] ass what the [ __ ] 184 ufc fans we'd like to welcome you to the weigh-in for ufc 217 visiting versus gsp here is joe rogan what's up new york welcome to the weigh-ins thank you very much there's champions and there's the the elite champion the greatest of all time after a long period of time the pressure of being on top it become very hard that's why i need to step out to rejuvenate myself this whole storyline of him being amazing stepping up a weight class after four years out of the time wow what a legend [Applause] he's gonna lose and he's gonna lose viciously [Applause] 184.5 for the challenger [Applause] official weight 184.5 for the champion it's four years in the making i've been wait wanting this for a long time i've been waiting for this for a long time and i get it madison square garden for the title against michael bisping it can't get better than this all you guys that are booing on lucky [ __ ] because tomorrow night that [ __ ] [ __ ] is going down four years he steps away he's a drunk cheat he's a [ __ ] and tomorrow he's going to be a loser boomy [ __ ] you i brought my big brother over there just in case somebody gets out of hand again you know what that is i ain't here i'm coming for you you know i follow you whatever where you going i go remember i see you son boy 184.5 for the challenger and his opponent michael the count this big official weight 184.5 for the champion i'm gonna beat michael bisping because i'm better faster stronger more athletic better high q than him and it's gonna be my night this is a chance for me to cement my legacy as one of the best ever [Music] ah yes the mma leader has once again descended upon the city that never sleeps they're confident they're confident because they know what they have people don't understand why michael bisping is a middleweight champion because he's the best fighter in the world in this division they underestimate this man look we have a lot of questions about gsb it's been a long time since we see him inside the octagon but what we knew about him before he left is he is the greatest welterweight of all time and george sanchez certainly taking all the pre-flight banter in stride joe but you got to think he's going to have a lot of different emotions as he makes this walk here in the future i don't even think he knows how his mind is gonna feel until he's inside that octagon and there he is the unflappable ufc middleweight champion michael bispin this is one of the toughest professional athletes on the planet george st pierre is back he stepped away in 2013 and now nearly four years to the day of his last fight gsp returns [Applause] he truly believes his heart that he's better he looks a lot bigger he's filled out that man is as pretty and as tough and as game as any human that's ever walked to face the planet earth that guy lives to fight now he's knocking guys out he's dropping into silver knocked down dan henderson if if you believe that michael bishop has any doubt that he's going to dominate george shapiro you're out of your mind bisping now 38. the returning george saint pierre is 36 bisping the taller man both fighters weighing in 184 and one half pounds [Applause] yourself at all times obey my commands at all times i want you to fight hard with my clean if you want to touch the gloves take some gear good luck to both of you and he fighting my man and he caught him with the right hand over the top and he looks smooth george looks good have you ever questioned the star power of george saint pierre after four years away don't anymore oh he clips it with the right hand foley's attention spinning attack oh [Applause] well he had to be expected that the early shot from saint pierre would be coming in round three unable to stop it those elbows from the bottom to be nasty slicing across the face with those this thing is doing a good job of getting damaged off yeah there he just took a pretty good elbow from st pierre he's gotten it off in the past on other fighters but he's not getting it off on this back bismarck just slid him open really bad there oh gsp jumps big big oh big elbows from saint pierre [Applause] it's has done it he is the new ufc middleweight champion what a night and george st pierre is a two division ufc champion this is where he got cut he got sliced with an elbow from the bottom all sorts of adversity because of all that blood flowing into his eyes bam perfectly placed left hook bisping's in all sorts of trouble one punch one right on the side i mean that is perfect michael biswick won't tap but gsp puts him to sleep there's no defense here george st pierre chokes michael bisping unconscious his first finish since ufc 94 nearly a decade ago george rush said he hurt me very hard you know a few times i got stunned i tried to hide it but oh man i wouldn't i wouldn't like to do that fight again oh so sorry to i don't want to swear on tv sorry for that and i think the best way in fighting is to set up set up some trap so when your opponent step in it's easier to to to get him if you're sorry for the analogy but that's how it is you know what did you take away from his return as a middleweight yeah it's a hard thing to do very few have done it but he came back tonight man and people think bisping's an easy fight show me show me where somebody's had an easy fight with michael bismi michael bisming is tough well-rounded and um and he came to fight tonight and george st pia looked great he took some big shots from his from the top position and if he didn't do that he probably would have come out pretty much unscathed but um he's he's got to go to the hospital right now so we'll see how he is i don't know what what the status is with him very few people have come back from long layoffs and and uh not only come back in one you know in their own division but to move up to 185 pounds and and fight in that division is it's tough to do when they fight like they fought tonight it's i mean it's incredible this place was buzzing tonight i mean even you guys how many fights have you guys sat through in your life tonight was crazy crazy i see a lot of people saying you know after taking that much time off moving up a division and beating you he deserves to be called the greatest of all time do you believe that well i'd say so yeah good for him you know i mean yeah why not why not you know soft was the ball for me i guess he caught me simple as that it's not like i thought i had some weakness there that i was working towards you know just good shot and i said going into this i said he'd probably be the stronger man you know he he's he's one of those types of guys he's a he's a consummate professional so um yeah yeah no he certainly felt like a middleweight when he had his arms right around my neck everyone's always like oh did you go out afterwards i'm like yeah of course you do because when you win you're celebrating and if you lose you you know drowning your sorrows and then you get really [ __ ] up
Channel: Larone
Views: 1,504,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bisping, st-pierre
Id: 0mtJPe-aBok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 54sec (1674 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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