McDonnell F3H-2N Demon Newsreel - 1956

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during the week of 12 September 1955 shipboard carrier suitability trials of new and different types of aircraft were conducted aboard the USS Ticonderoga off the Virginia capes among these airplanes were the McDonnell f3h - an advanced demon and the f7 u3m the a 4 D and the f40 deck handling characteristics of the aircraft were also evaluated the McDonnell f3h is spotted on the port catapult on the centerline the first launch is made without the use of afterburner power touch-and-go landings which are generally made for pilot qualification and to determine bounce characteristics of test aircraft were a part of the carrier trials final approach speeds of the demon during touch-and-go landings were varied the demon takes a wave off using military power only still another wave off this time using afterburner full slats and flaps were used at all times during wave offs with or without the use of the afterburner with the ship's arresting gear raised the f3h comes in and catches the number 3 wire the f3 h2n demon was developed jointly by the United States Navy and the McDonnell Aircraft Corporation of Saint Louis Missouri while the demon goes below for refueling the f4d sky ray is brought up the deck edge elevator at the same time the f7 u3m is shown here spreading its wings prior to launching the f4d sky ray is launched from the port catapult and the f7u cutlass is launched from the starboard catapult the shuttle returns from the previous shot as the a 4d is spotted on the starboard catapult the Skyhawk is launched steam from the sea leaven catapult obscures the deck momentarily the a 4d sky ray approaches for its first touch-and-go landing the sky Hawk stays in the landing pattern and goes around for another touch-and-go the f7u cutlass follows and makes a touch-and-go on its next time around the Cutlass settles to the deck and catches a wire as the f4d catches a wire the a40 takes a wave off the a 4d makes unarrested landing the demon is shown being launched from the port catapult in the first of a series of reduced catapult and airspeed tests barriers or barricades were not used during the trials all operations were conducted with a clear deck and a power on landing technique was employed this time the demon is fired off-center with a still lured catapult and airspeed the demon lands as off-center catapult shots and reduced and airspeed tests continue with another reduction in catapult and airspeed and positions still further off-center the demon is launched again off-center launches were made using military power only specified tire pressure of 300 pounds per square inch proved satisfactory for the demon only two tires were changed during the trials and one of these because of deck handling damage now the demon is launched at the lowest catapult and airspeed for the trials following the launch the pilot fires the afterburner as the plane begins to climb out the pilot cuts the afterburner which is detected by a plume of black smoke the pilot brings the demon by the ship in a moderate speed pass and this time the demon is flown by the ship at low speed landings were made at various sink speeds and gross weights with military power the demon pulls up shortly after a catapult shot the demon makes an approach and engages a wire in another off-center landing the demon spotted on the port catapult for a shot with the afterburner on nope the stabilator set four nose up trim in the groove the pilot takes a cut and makes another off-center arrested landing off-center landings were made 15 feet left and eight feet right of the center line with no adverse characteristics this time a landing fairly well on center the shuttle slides under the nose wheel in preparation for another launch which is made without afterburner from the starboard catapult the pilot takes a cut and catches a wire on the last day of the cruise with tests completed all the participating aircraft are being prepared for launching prior to their return flight to the beach the a40 has launched from the port catapult with military power the f3h is fired from the starboard catapult and the f4d follows from the port catapult in final salute the demon makes a high-speed pass lighting the afterburner in all the f3h completed 25 catapult shots and 24 arrested landings during the trials with carrier suitability trials completed to f4 d sky raised and a 40 sky Hawk and the f3h demon join up for a flyby over the Ticonderoga before departing for the beach the ship also heads for sure aboard her naval personnel and contractor representatives now have data and knowledge of the good qualities as well as operational limitations of the test aircraft under shipboard conditions their findings and recommendations will doubtless play a large role in ensuring maximum utilization of these aircraft
Channel: Classic Airliners & Vintage Pop Culture
Views: 149,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: McDonnell, Douglas, A-4, Skyhawk, F3H, Demon, F7U, Cutlass, Navy, U.S., Ticonderoga, Forrestal, Aircraft, Carrier, 1950s, Jet, Fighters, Vought, F4D, Skyray
Id: V_XyJB-h4cM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2009
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