mcdonalds royale | Lies of P Stream 3

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excuse me chat I'm a little congested today I don't know why how you doing this fine day I overslept and I'm a little upset about that but maybe I need to sleep just hope I don't lose my uh my sketch I like being uh wake up around six in the morning boy another day another P another day another shift in the modern coin mines couldn't really catch lies to pee streams uh how are you link in the comments so far it looks a tad too floaty for Me Maybe it feels better to play um I don't think I would describe it as floaty I would say that it is floatier than Sakura it doesn't feel as solid as sakuro but I I wouldn't say it's floaty in a vacuum on its own in isolation singled out it's uh I think it's pretty good what does that mean no impact floaty is is usually just a catch-all term for people describing things that just don't have great game feel or it doesn't feel like movement is is um is right it doesn't feel like your character is moving appropriately around or isn't responding properly that's why I think floating usually means um there are some games that are that are floaty for sure like The Surge one and two are kind of floaty um I think that lies of P could be seen as floatier than Sakura but it doesn't feel like that to me I've seen some people annoyed at how dodging works in the game now I haven't been trying to Dodge Ram anything since I've been deflecting but I have been dodging some moves and I have never dodged a move and been like whoa that Dodge feels weird like it the Dodge feels fine to me I'm just not using a lot because I prefer to deflect oh man sorry again I'm congested let me let me pull the game up maybe I should do a dodge run sorry Punk 2.0 is that we're going to try it on your own I'll probably wait until the the Phantom Liberty is out and then I'll decide if I'm gonna play it for the The Witcher 3 video I still haven't watched last three hours yesterday shooting anything happen plot wise to be honestly I don't think I care much about the plot but just in case uh after we killed the third boss a bunch of energy was released from the corpses of the bosses that we already killed and flew through the air and gathered in some weird huge place and some guy who we don't know said oh no the stage is set you know so so that's that's what happened don't know who it is don't know what he's talking about we think about so many attacks being delayed it feels really bad seeing no it adds the challenge I don't mind I don't always love it and in the moment it might be annoying but yeah uh I think it's just part of the challenge this game has is like making sure that you're responding to um uh the attacks appropriately and it feels like the end the bosses aren't as bad as some of the mini bosses but maybe I'm just respecting the big bosses more your favorite comedian songwriter Tom cardi made of Baldur Skate 3 song Heard it yet nope I haven't heard it yet I saw it on my feed though I'm a little unhappy with home party because I played uh one of his songs during a stream and it got copyright claimed and now I have to re-render that whole entire [ __ ] stream so I'm annoyed about that foreign all right so we have a new sword we're a new sword boy we're trying this out today see how it goes if not we'll switch back to our old one it's very dark souls Claymore isn't it walking around with it just braced on his uh his shoulder Troy was also on the menu right yeah we'll try Trident if we get some more upgrade materials for it because the shredder might be fun I knew it acidic Crystal spear Blade with a spear handle interesting so normally I don't do this but in the interest there's no stat requirements for using these weapons um and also I'm guessing some people are on the fence of this game so when we get a new weapon I'm just gonna equip it and we're gonna see oh it pokes I'll put a long handle on this thing and I think you might have something good going oh really good they'll give you some really good reach what do you think if you put the the the great sword blade in case you haven't seen the other streams you can mix mix and match handles and the handle is to move set so with the handle of the spear you could put the the biggest poking thing that you have on it and you could have a pretty long range hook there it seems pretty fast up Souls games I haven't played bloodborne yet because I'm put off by it being 30 frames per second and I'm scared They will announce it for PC would you recommend I buy this or bloodborne question for both chat and Joe well it seems like you have some reasons to not play bloodborne just in case so and you have No Reservations about this game so right now I would say this is definitely worth the buy but I don't know how it's gonna end so I'm always a little worried that I'm gonna recommend the game then it's gonna get bad toward the end but so far it's held up uh there has been one area that I didn't think was very good and it was the second area and since then the game has been fantastic the whole time oh oh okay so you it's got kind of a little bit of the Dark Souls 2 you can you can move it foreign that said like if I was if someone's gonna say to me hey I can play bloodborne for the first time right now or Eliza P for the first time I have them both in front of me which one should I play I would be like I'll play bloodborne because I know that's good the whole time what the hell are you this is a stalker that turned or is it a is it a is it is a human turn into a bear is it a bear that's been infected or laughs okay how was that not a deflect after playing sakuro I can't stand Souls like formula of weapon upgrading character upgrades I wish more games uh ditch their RPG systems yeah me too I think that most games have RPG systems although I would say that it's not necessarily about Dark Souls though most games have RPG systems because it is a really easy way to get people hooked onto your game and invested and you instead of being like Oh I'm going to explore the game systems and everything it's like oh if I keep playing I get to upgrade my stats and I get to get a little bit better at this and it's a little bit of a little bit of dopamine drip and you can get like you feel like you're improving without actually having to improve and you can make your your players feel like yeah they're improving without actually having to design a system that facilitates that Improvement right that said a lot of games have both but the RPG system seemed like an inclusion for for that I don't think it's necessarily the worst thing in the world but it is kind of annoying when the game is skill based and it has a bunch of the [ __ ] on it I would wonder where if you thought about it where does it where does something like that will make cry come in where you unlock new moves uh and some move extensions and like the full versions of some moves by by getting red orbs because I kind of like that foreign no all right this guy's hard all right why did I tell that Charter that I'm fine with the delayed attacks all right that didn't look right oh thank you what what all right so this is the first enemy that feels [ __ ] that enemy doesn't feel finished there's there was another enemy like that in the game uh Ragnarok it was God of War Ragnarok there was uh the mini bosses in God of War Ragnarok that um that you fought in the in the crater area and there was one in the elf land too I can't remember what they were called but one of them bursts through a door if you remember what I'm talking about and it just it feels unfinished like there's something missing in this animation or whatever that kind of that doesn't feel done to me that doesn't feel right but like maybe maybe we just need to see it again I don't know maybe it's the area we're fighting them in let's see yeah that was that was weird balls gay three has better Bears yeah but we're talking about like like bears that you that you fight the animal type of bear I don't doubt that ever thought I was supposed to streaming a bunch of your top 10 games or more if the list is too fluid yeah I've I've been thinking about going back and playing like my favorite Super Nintendo games and seeing if they hold up that would make a good video topic too but I don't do those but yeah it's it's possible I don't get it bear uh Merrick just explained it there you go I missed the fan art stream yesterday uh it's still the VOD is still there if you want to go back and see uh Chad is in it too if you wanna see how everyone reacted to your art it was received very positively spoilers oh it's red it's gonna be right here right here yes you know what maybe I'm not being fair on the on the bear enemy because uh I am using the new weapon for the first time and I'm getting used to how it feels maybe has a slower uh guard time I don't think so but definitely the attack times are different so I'm getting used to a new weapon what do you prefer uh elderly open world or Dark Souls 3 semi-open world hmm is Dark Souls 3 semioka Once Dark Souls 3 feels like a bunch of corridors to me and there's place a place for that in game so don't get me wrong Dark Souls one is semi-open world to me but Dark Souls 3 is like a bunch of connecting linear corridors uh if it's between Dark Souls 1 and Elder ring I prefer Dark Souls 1 if it's between Alden Ray and Dark Souls 3 depends on what the game's going for I did enjoy the freedom of all the ring and how to discover things so I'm gonna guess I'm gonna go without the ring for now but if you're not gonna make it like creative like uh it's prompted and eldering then you know linear corridors and just have gameplay and sequences there's nothing wrong with that foreign all right I like the weapon but it is noticeably slower than the one we were using yesterday and I think speed is really important in these games or in this game so we might switch back we might switch to a different weapon and see if it's faster I was thinking um I wonder if it would be smart if you want to build yourself to annihilate the game because you have two weapon slots right if you put the lightest fastest weapon that you that you have right on so like the the probably the dagger blade on maybe even the dagger handle or something that's real the maybe the Rapier handle like it's something really really fast okay and then you use that to deflect all of the the enemy the boss's attacks and then weave in attacks in between to stagger them and then after that switch to your heavy weapon to get some free hits and then do the finisher with a big big chunker weapon you know um but you have to be really good at at getting the deflections if that's the case because I think it has a the damage reduction rate while guarding we you only have 61 on this one if you can see in the bottom right there uh above above the Fable arts in the bottom right and then the dagger um is where is it uh 45 so like it's this is only 37 so yeah you have to get really good at perfectly deflecting if you want to do that sort of thing foreign maybe that's the trade-off they're going for so the bigger slower weapons means that you can [ __ ] up more guards because it has a higher guard rate reduction when you don't do a perfect deflection however you're not going to be able to weave as many attacks in between the enemy attacks because your weapon is slower maybe that's what they're going for which is not a bad idea actually not a bad system oh God not really the guard recovery is set by the blade and the speed is set by the handle you can have the repair wrap your handle a heavy blade and slave High guard recovery yeah but if you have a heavy blade uh on the the handle then you have a slower weapon right and the goal is to have a fast weapon in order to weave attacks into the boss after every block there's even treasury found in a collapsing Shack find out what happened the greedy couple abandoned Shaq maybe that doesn't matter though maybe it's an easy uh thing to to exploit maybe we should try it I don't know I like what we're using though I'm having fun I don't mind doing stuff like that if I'm not having fun and looking looking into it as long as it obeys my rules when it comes to having a fair experience which I know some people don't care about but I do all right who are you dude this is not going to go well let me loot you can break this guy's weapon all right you know what I gotta say I'm impressing the amount of variety of mini bosses too as well as normal bosses I just got here how is Joe enjoying Elizabeth very much very much I gotta say I got it I'm hearing Oscars I'm here in Oscars I'm sorry I'm sorry Hi-Fi Rush Bros if this keeps up for the whole entire uh run we might have a new goat we might have a new goat because I haven't played balls Gate 3 yet and I never will because I really I think I I prefer Hi-Fi Rush's combat system with like how it works in terms of like when you're fighting packs and moving through areas and stuff however I prefer this game's bosses and bosses are a highlight in games for me so it has a lot going on for it how did that hit twice sir that was weird I'm more upset that you hate High fresh it's true I do hate Hi-Fi rush I'm more of a Lo-Fi boy oh you respawn no way you're not allowed down here he's allowed down here really trigger the bear traps oh he does that's funny ouch oh I'm dead all right this guy's pretty tough hope you enjoy the Final Fantasy chaos game the story is if it's for the most part funny and the game plays solid but you will hate the RPD side of the game oh will I it has the job system doesn't it we lost our souls aren't using an unupgraded weapon though no we upgraded it it's plus two we had Crescent Moon whatever the drum system drums oh running and using R2 has the has a jump attack neat oh it's pretty fast too okay just [ __ ] up the plus two metrics OT silly me what if I like walk around him will I be able to like Dodge him like Hey don't mind me what do you think about the healing system chat I think that having a set amount of heels that refresh whenever you die and then when you're on to your last heel if you hit the enemies enough for the boss enough you get to earn one heal back is a much better system than bloodborne's you can carry a lot more healing and and it drops from enemies as you kill them but you have to farm them I think it's better than bloodborne's I think it's better than the essence loss too because I like the addition that you can earn one one back at the end it's it's not that big of a change but it still it means that if you're playing really well when you're down to to your final like last healing that you can you can extend the fight just a little bit I think it's good this is a new standard IMO yeah you know what yeah one other person is saying this yep thank you oh she okay no she scratches with her other hand that's what the uh the other attack is thank you man that delays why did I tell that shatter I liked it you know what maybe this kind of obnoxious on on non-boss enemies I feel like it worked with the bosses you know what maybe you just need to settle back into it after not playing it for you know half a day foreign resource is really good like in Hollow Knight I agree but I don't use special moves I don't use any of the Magic in Hollow Knight so this doesn't apply to me but maybe it could applaud someone else or maybe I would use it if the attacks were a little different but to me that's that's just a healing resource at that point that you can earn back and I do like that you can you can hit the enemies and fill that up throughout the fight by by playing well you can also die really fast in Hollow Knight when when you're fighting with the harder bosses that take two two masks of damage so healing is also something that's more difficult than just chugging an Estus flask or a charge in this game like you have to go and hold it down for a little bit so yeah I really like Holiness healing system I was surprised uh before the video came out there was I think one person at least but I must have seen it more than once it was stuck on my memory uh that some people didn't really really didn't like that healing system they didn't like that you had to go and charge it probably because they were trying to heal and they were probably taking damage and they're trying to get it off which I agree can be frustrating but learning when you can heal and one of the safe parts to run away from a boss to hide during one of their attacks to heal is is a part of the learning experience all night and I like it it's not just about offense I wonder if there's a bonfire in here because fighting the bear and all these enemies and at the end of that fighting that that new mini boss that goes to the door is uh pretty tough ah okay of course the square hole does the nose get longer bigger yes you'll see it right now see loading [Music] I'm playing ball Skate 3 and I don't know it's kind of fun fun in a different way than I'm used to but I don't think it'd be a good stream but hey proved me wrong I won't I won't honestly we won't stream it I'm just saying we'll prove you wrong who was it that had a conversation was it you I've been investigating the puppet friends and like I need your help first let me show you a little something I've been working on I call it the Ergo wavelength decoder the name lacks a certain Flair but I assure you it works the ewd my suspicions are correct something in the pub it's very Ergo is causing their aggression my decoder can find malicious signals within the waves but I cannot possibly get close enough to gather the Ergo wave records myself you on the other hand would you could you I I refuse to believe the king of Puppets is truly behind this king of prophets puppet Rampage it's too simple but also a bit too much even for him why would the puppets have a king no no suspect the Ergo itself is corrupted or at least compromised I do so desperately want to find the cause as I'm sure you do too my friend are we princess puppets it breaks my heart to see puppets turned into murderous tools of bloodshed Ergo wavelength decoder okay what do I do with this oh where is it did I go past it I thought it would be like a key item oh it is there an ergo Weyland decoder left by uh vinini left this device finds errors in the grand Covenant and printed on on the puppets and he decided to analyze the puppet's Ergo wavelengths to determine the cause of the puppet frenzy you should be able to collect quite a number of Records while getting rid of Puppets all over crap it's for the good ending do I have to do that no no you don't have to you don't care about the true ending did he give the lady in the church that she wanted oh I didn't know we should go back and see her thank you for reminding me I know my way around okay we can't upgrade the weapon we need three Dark Moon moonstones of the Covenant uh this one we don't oh see there's a little blue arrow next to it if you can upgrade it see in the icon that's neat so we can upgrade the Trident by one uh I don't want to do that though because we might want to upgrade our seven coil spring sword do you have anything new lady people have no idea so many secrets are buried in crap thanks for keeping me company curious about I see you're here that means you can lie your lives are a rare ability you're able to choose your own path Unbound by anything but on the outside they're still afraid of Puppets lie to protect yourself and find your path you're full of surprises after all it is only human descent okay we got one level so we upgrade our capacity some more let's get capacity to 20. can we use some of these things to get our capacity to 20 right now and then we're done with it forever and by forever I mean until we want to put something heavy on it's got to be enough for level level right gotta be gotta be it's not oh no we're 100 off God damn it all right let's go talk to the uh the Priestess game good so far it doesn't have any neat flourishes of its own or is it just a well-written executed new version of an existing good game uh it's very good so far and I think it adds enough to the Dark Souls formula on its own uh while also expertly executing like its own boss fights and exploration so far although I will say the exploration has been the weakest part because it's a bunch of levels in a row uh the level design apart from one level has been has been fun it's been enough oh no it's too late we didn't come back here right away it's too late I wonder what your flesh tastes like okay so was I supposed to play before we we killed her or was that something else since she's around here somewhere is this flirting God I hope so I need more bloodborne as it goes along right what is the K it's a status effect that does a little bit of damage to you once it's full up but it also makes your weapon need to be repaired faster I did get more bloodborne is always good yeah I dig it too I think it's good spiritual successor for for bloodborne some from soft guy was in chat at the end of the last hour stream yesterday and it was just absolutely living in this game exists I wonder if some people are going to be like that they're going to be like oh this is I love from stuff so much that I'm annoyed that uh someone else finally made a really really rock solid Souls like in the same way that they they do it's a weird take rough what bloodborne bosses do you think were better than the Archbishop in terms of gameplay honestly none of them because I like the deflection system that's added to this game and that adding to Dodges is um doing a lot of work for me because I like having two defensive options whereas bloodborne only has one really you can Parry with the with the sidearm but I don't like doing that in terms of like overall flow animations and theme there are a couple though um definitely Ludwig comes to mind Ludwig is a banger fight I died to Ludwig a lot it took me a long time to kill Ludwig oh there's a there's a secret I don't know if Ludwig is the longest I've ever died on a from softball even more than Millennia maybe I can't remember it could be a long ass time to kill Ludwig and I don't even think I was under leveled either I might have been I don't know pretty sure that boss has a move though or can put you in a state with the arena that he will just kill you or there's unavoidable damage there there's a something you can play around it though I think like I don't know I haven't I haven't fought that boss in a while but I remember there was a certain move that you could do that could get you back into a corner if you dodged in the wrong way and then if you turned around and charged you or whatever it was literally impossible to Dodge I know simulator well it's your fault for putting yourself in the corner but like sometimes that's also unavoidable if the fight has gone a certain way thank you what's wrong with cyberpunk 2077 is are you asking why I'm not playing that instead because I'm playing this right now oh man man oh man I was saying I was like I was gonna deflect huh foreign man what the hell even the broken weapon is still doing so much damage we're dead holy or not okay I like doing the uh the Fable art as a finisher we get them low all right that guy was pretty hard we always need some time to settle into the game I don't know it was hard all right where's the shack we got the shack key and this is I guess what this is um talking about is the shock key for something you haven't found yet or is it a door that we missed somewhere thank you by the way you saw some of this game last night right yeah so you are a bloodborne enjoyer for the aesthetic what do you think about this game's aesthetic is it up there is it better it's not better right I didn't see enough but I think it's really good it's very um is it more Victorian for me it was very Gothic right very Gothic very um very witchy very witchy I liked it I didn't see enough what did you think of the Demon Souls remake oh no let me let me ask her what did you think of the Demons I didn't play it I only got I only uh recorded a little bit for footage for the eldering video I didn't play through it all right do you have long range weapons uh yes and no there's I think two that you could put on your arm so if I hit left trigger you can do this you can use your robot arm you can see in the bottom lefties fallenness Mario uh and two of them are one's like a string that's a hook shot a hook shot that you can drag enemies to you or drag yourself to enemies which we might get now that we uh that we can upgrade it because that seems like a good functionality to have for movement um and the other one there's another one that's just a gun and it just shoots an exploding round it hits an enemy and then explodes poplar's Bridge rainy night okay is there no a downside or reagent needed to repair your weapon if not wipe and have durability first of all you can grind it with a special grindstone you can see in the left there so if you press X while it's selected you'll get your durability back but if you hold lb and press X then you will have a basic weapon buff and that will add to the system but also sometimes during fights your weapon will lose its durability and you have to sharpen it um in the middle of the fight if you're not keeping on top of it there's also a system in place that if you keep your weapon sharp it'll do more damage I'm not engaging with that I don't have it unlocked or or the upgrade for that but it's something that you can do if you want to so you can sharpen your your blade after every single hit if you want to continue to do more damage so that's something there if you want to do that it also I think makes more like um like the power fantasy sense that you're blocking and attacking these huge monsters so it makes sense that your weapon might degrade and it also unlocks the ability I thought we're gonna fall uh to break enemy weapons so it's like your weapon is not the only one that breaks enemy weapons can break too uh if you deflect them enough so I think that's why the system exists and I like it I think it's I think it's not bad but you know apparently I have uh like Pinocchio I have wood for this game and um so maybe I'm being a bit biased now because I'm so submitted by it but I think it's good it's not too bad it doesn't take too long to uh to sharpen your weapon in the middle of a fight it's given me a couple moments of panic in the middle of it I'm like oh should I have to load charm my weapon goddamn and it's been fun to like run away from the boss and do that sorry to make you all uncomfortable although I just said by the way I know that um a lot of you don't like it when I like the game you're not used to it neither am I when you play Alan Wake are you going to play the remastered version it's only on the Epic store on PC yeah I'll probably play that foreign oh man oh man that's not even a clicker anymore it's a clacker do you already know what the Christmas games are gonna be nope I don't even know if there's going to be a Christmas game depending on how Witcher goes my Christmas game is going to be Witcher 3. uh if we do a big stream series for Christmas this year it's probably gonna be Yakuza must and then and then a happy New Year maybe that's what we'll do so the elevator did reset oh no maybe it didn't maybe I sent it back up when I tried to jump off that area really surprised that this game manages to properly track enemies when even from hasn't properly figured it out the camera seems kind of wonky here and there but mostly solid especially especially that last boss yeah I think it's doing better than than from stocks I think that from this is what I was talking about yesterday and people hated me for it I think that from has figured it out they just don't implement it properly in the same area there there's like some bosses in bloodborne where the camera works fine on the big bosses Ludwig is one of them um like the second phase of Ludwig sorry spoilers I like like is like uh he's he's a big boy and the camera Works beautifully there and there's a couple other fights where the camera works really well for a big fight too uh in that game uh Sakura also I think Guardian eight is like like the camera there is Chef's [ __ ] kiss man and then we go to eldering and it's like what the [ __ ] are you doing how do you feel about the NL fight what's the end what's the NL fight you know me I love NL I also like mountain lion for your information Yakuza will have as many games Assassins Creed by the end of the year Well really I also being a part of this conversation I got glossed over yesterday was that if from soft didn't want to add a errorless warning or or a stagger bar uh to track those kind of things that they also need to do work on the systems like making it more organically apparent that you can jump over certain attacks if that's now it's a visual Clarity kind of thing with the animations like it's either or like the perilous warning was just like easy to add system in case they didn't want to do that or they couldn't get it to work do you think that the game doesn't need either then you're just like it's okay bad game Design's okay with me I guess like what are perilous attacks perilous attacks uh are in Sakura where there are certain types of attacks that enemies can do that [ __ ] okay that's not good that you cannot Dodge or or Perry kind of like in this in this game too with the red attacks in here uh but some of them you can jump over some of them you can do a perfect parry and some of them you can do a Mercury counter and Curie counter is when you dodge forward into it and you jump onto the enemy's weapon these two thousand attack is really cool um so when an enemy is about to do that because they can present themselves as being under attacks um the enemy will flash with a red symbol above their head and you need to judge which one is the appropriate response it's not that it flashes the symbol off and says jump it's just a this this one requires a specific decision and you have to remember what the decision is I am [ __ ] dying on this guy big time this guy's hard foreign I tried for ages to cut certain enemies tails off and was a bit disappointed they didn't work yeah I like that part in um in Dark Souls 1 as well I'm surprised they didn't bring that back for other games I think I think it's fun to do that I don't know why they didn't do that maybe it's not worth it maybe it's too much work I don't know it does reset that's good I didn't know there were perilous attacks in elderon so the problem I'm saying perilous attacks is that in Elden ring there are some attacks you can jump over and they don't look like you can jump over them go watch uh someone do a uh a low level run or a speed run of a boss or they're or they're trying to do like a fight the boss kill the boss really really quickly um and the game wants you to do it the game wants you to jump over certain attacks that's why it's there and you can do it but it's very very hard to determine which attacks in that game you can jump over even if you try and jump over it you might get the timing wrong um or it just looks weird like sometimes it visually you can see that the enemy is still hitting you when you're jumping but for whatever reason because the way the hitboxes work um you're not taking damage because it just removes the hitbox of your character from the waist down uh so that's why we're talking about like it's it's just not a really good system to have in place when it's just literal guesswork and trial and error to find out what any what enemy attackers can jump over where Sakura itself you know just do it you don't have to respond to that in the second by the way you just run away from the bar you don't have to jump over them you can just like let the boss whiff and then punish if you want will your game have a jump set it will not have a jump set now what kind of attack it'll be so for the first time you see it usually you can kind of into it really feel it out secondly if you do get hit by it it's pretty obvious what it is after you've gotten hit by it once and you also know that you have to do it in response to that and thirdly like Sakura has a system of like learning that's way better than other Rings because of the way the deathclaw system works with coming back to life um so I think it works which is something else we spoke about yesterday as well earns the right to be a little looser and a little unfair with some of its encounters because of that how is it what if I was locked into a Garden State I can block the first one how is that on the floor what all right he exited that really fast foreign I wonder if there's something different about the deflection timing on this weapon compared to the other one something that really annoyed me with Sakura though is the simple that pops up when you're supposed to counter jump Etc is right in the spot where I was trying to read the animation sometimes could be turned off either would you rather just have the sound instead if you could turn it off yeah maybe the sound is enough I think by the end of it you're not even listening for it right or looking for you're just hearing it instead blocking charge attack seems like a no-go yeah maybe you can't deflect it I don't know hmm or just have them flash flash red like in this game maybe this game does it better than the perilous warning I know I didn't ever really find it intrusive in Sakura what bothered me initially were some of the attacks where the perilous warning comes out pretty much in the exact same frame that the attack executes but then I realized that it's less of a hey this is a this is a telegraph Inlet it's just a marking of the attack that you need to know that when this attack happens that you need to uh have a certain response still not the best thing zekra is not a perfect game I have Christians from Sacramento too but I think Sakura does some really cool things that Elder ring failed to follow up on the Curie counter might be the single biggest single serotonin boost any Souls like can give me yeah it's really good isn't it I love pulling that off it's really awkward it's weird because it's such it's such an acrobatic feat that the character pulls off but it also feels really awkward for you to do at first too and you're like wait I have to do what and then the first time you do it you're like oh that was cool I can't believe I did that and it almost matches like the acrobatic feat that the character is doing as well it's like like hold on did I really did I just do that did I really just step on the guy's Spear and shove it into the ground like and then you get really really good at it too and it's like oh okay cool like eventually toward the end of the game at least this is my experience like the makiri Countess or a gimme you know like when when the enemy start does that I'm like [ __ ] yeah free damage you know what I mean like it's it's cool this guy is genuinely harder than the Boston skill foreign we got him wasn't being aggressive enough with them maybe that was a mistake with the shield guy too right how does it feel free that your character has the the same name as the main character from your book and you're not exactly nice to Kate in the monster Slayer books big fan of the book so yeah so I didn't know it was gonna have a daughter named Kate when I named that character Kate so I'm gonna have to rename that character for sure yeah I'm not happy that I have a character named Kate join the group as an apprentice stalker but is inactive in the group has been reported multiple times for ignoring ranks and neglecting Duty caught being in contact for the past year with the fox uh bastard stalker under investigation for leaking inside Secrets but has not responded yet uh as is with the bastard she's assumed to have been ousted for Noble succession the thing is the interesting thing is she claims that a cat is a bastard of the family so in other words her lost sibling is the information above is reliable the cat is possibly a spy from the bastards it's an unofficial interrogation so there are no restrictions to the methods available okay so these extra info Fox codename Fox so cat cat and fox okay did we meet those are those [Music] puppy is invited our territory be careful you can carry almost anything in Sakura even lasers and Grouse you can't deflect sweeps do you think they should have let you deflect them as well no I don't think so I I like games that have multiple defensive options that you can do um one of my biggest criticisms of Dark Souls now uh to the point that uh if I play Elden ring again I wonder if I'm just going to use a shield just because I want to have the the variability is that it's just like Dodge roll Dodge roll Dodge or Dodge it's just like I I want something else to do please which is why I'm really upset that the jumping is trial and error [ __ ] in altering because that should be like oh holy [ __ ] I get to jump and Dodge that's enough now I have two all right cool I'd like to do that but it's just inconsistent [ __ ] so I don't like it um so yeah I like that there's some Moves In in Sakura that aren't just aren't just solved by like just Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry Perry and then you hit the Mercury counter you can perfectly deflect the Mercury counter but it's uh it's difficult like I've done it I think I even do it in the eldering video when I'm showing Spearman Steve but yeah am I really not nice Kate yeah I do some pretty bad things to Kate in those books which is weird because I think Kate is my favorite character that I've written I think I relate to that character the most too I think we're gonna go yeah we're going down let's go up and see what's up first do you remember when you play control feeling that the game leaned too hard into being finished even though it takes place in New York I don't think it lean too hard into being finished did I say that when I played it yeah I was just uh riffing with you and wuggy where can I find your books again uh they're on Amazon you can search Amazon Kindle and then Joseph Anderson and they'll shot if you if you want to try one out you can see the uh the previews just read the previews and if you like it you can continue if you don't then that's fine my books are not high art they're not supposed to be like high literature anything they're they're uh commercial genre fiction I think they're pretty good like they're fun uh but like don't go in and expecting like the great [ __ ] Gatsby or whatever like it's just fun stories let's put it that way the covers are really bad the covers are made with royalty-free images that I just put text on I had a cover for Wizard and dragon commissioned a long time ago now because we're gonna have a physical release of the book and then uh life happened so yeah because originally the channel uh the Youtube channel was there to promote Book Sales to build an audience to attract the publisher um and also make videos so I really wanted to do that and then the videos took off and were you know did better than publishing the book would have done so yeah oh I have coffee God damn it a murder of vampires is my favorite work of yours I really like that one too that might be my favorite novel that I've written so that's that's novel length there there's a the monster Slayer series and the Bounty Hunter series are usually short stories of novellas but as as I went on they got longer uh and I think um silver Crusader and Bounty Hunter and uh murder of vampires and monster Slayer are both novel lamps they're really long and I think a murder vampires is my favorite I got to expand the world in that one too because I did a lot of World building uh for my fantasy series like a ton it's like so many pages of notes and and planning and like like drawing maps and everything and um I'm the kind of person who hates it when fantasy writers shoe horn in their world building when it's not relevant so I had all this work done and I couldn't like reveal any of it for like books and books and books and so finally we got to that one and I was able to to show some of it because uh because she goes to somewhere new so I was happy with that she being Kate the main character welcome to territory of the black rabbit Brotherhood can I have a second remember anyone who fails fails to pay the production fee on time is headed straight for the coffin straight for coffin why don't you do sponsoring I don't do sponsoring because I feel like it may make it so I am impartial or sorry not impartial uh I might have some bias I might feel that I need to go easier on the game if I'm being sponsored uh or the opposite I may feel like I have to go harder on the game to prove that I'm not being swayed by being sponsored um so that's why I don't do it if you're that's why I don't do sponsored uh playthroughs or anything like that if you're talking about why don't I have sponsors like I'm sponsored by this product um I don't know just I never really felt like the need for it and also no shade anyone else man I just find it kind of cringe like I like when I'm watching YouTube video and it's like you know like I was I did a lot of research for this video which brings me to today's sponsor because this this thing helped me research I researched with XXX and I'm like oh [ __ ] hell like comma like I just I [ __ ] hate it like it's so annoying it's like okay where's the skip button let's give it like it's just it's really annoying you know so and the same thing when it comes to like having branding on your screen too during your stream it's like you know it's plaster logo places at the bottom it's like like I don't I'm not a big fan of it like again no shade against anyone who does it I understand like you need to get paid you want to get paid like you want to make money maybe you have a team that you need to support like [ __ ] like like I'm I'm not saying this is coming from a place of being responsible it would probably be much smarter and much more responsible of me to take response so I'm probably wrong for doing this but at the same time I just I I can't get past that I don't and I can't do it I also like um uh there's a comedian named who I probably don't like anymore but I really liked him when I was younger when I was a teenager there was a comedian I really looked up to when I was a teenager called bill X he has a relation to to the band Tool which shows how pretentious I am and he has this this bit that he does where he talks about like if anyone ever takes any sponsorship deals then um it's like everything they say from now on once you've proven that you're willing to say something for money everything you say after that is now like under suspicion and I don't think that's true but I did back then and that's kind of just become part of my core personality that I just can't shake all the way sorry like I wish I could because I don't think I really like intellectually logically rationally I can look at that and go it's not true like you can easily take money to say something and make it clear that you're only saying it because you're taking money but I just can't I can't get past it you know I mean so that that's part of it too um so yeah I wonder if I still like like Bill Hicks he's dead I read his biography have you checked your books reviews uh of your books on Goodreads uh probably at some point yeah not for a long time I saw you go into the factory but you're here so wait you came out of the Factory that's a new one I thought you would have been burnt to a crisp but look at you whole intact brother being too Frank is rude we should praise him for being stronger than he looks why not join forces play our cards right and we could defeat the villains who rule this area they're the black rabbit Brotherhood the baddies who torments the residents around here we heard their Hideout is stuffed with treasure and it's a good time to liberate this place as well pretty sweet deal don't you think all you have to do is create a distraction that's it the rest we can handle so you're gonna do it you are smart it pays the second guess things in crowd you'll live longer loners don't last around here let us know if you change your mind we'll be waiting in our fursuits I don't trust these two they're talking to me differently now since the factory and the factory they're all smiles and friends and now they're like oh you made it out now we can talk to you normally like no I don't trust these two anyway just to repeat just to like reiterate what I just said because because my Canadian this is is triggered um I really don't think anyone's wrong to do what I just said and I don't think I'm right to have my opinion actually but I can't get past it but yeah so that's why I don't have sponsors and I probably never will what kind of game is this this is the souls like it's very much like the game Dark Souls in terms of feeling it's very much like Dark Souls like in terms of it's weird it's actually kind of like a mix of Sakura bloodborne and dark souls in terms of the way the character moves and the way that you dodge roll and everything and run around like the controls are like like almost exactly like Dark Souls 3 almost exactly but the way that you have this sidearm um the I can't use it right now the the side the robot arm that we have in the bottom left of the screen right now we have this and the theme of the game like where we are is very much like bloodborne and the way that you have you don't have a shield you have just one big weapon that has kind of like trick weapon properties is like bloodborne but the deflection system is like Sakura so it's like it's like all three of those How's the jumping there is no jumping unless you mean Run and Jump you can you can do this and again that's very much like Dark Souls 3. you run and then you hit the left analytics the analog stick to do that I wish this game did have a jump I think this game it would suit it and then whenever you jump Pinocchio could say got no strings to hold me down it would work have you seen the fan made bloodborne card spin-off it's hilarious it looks fantastic I I did and I even went to the guy's uh Twitter uh and I I went to the guy's Twitter he had a tweet that was like had a clip for my Soma video where I was talking about Elon Musk and said every year this video just keeps getting worse and worse and I was like oh okay you're one of those okay well bloodborne cart looks pretty fun the congrats on making it I was like oh okay do you want motivity motivity uh increases the uh the damage of our weapon right now I think we just want to get to 20 vitality appreciate the bloodborne cart Creator is a Woman by the way oh then she she did that sorry for assuming uh if uh that's also assuming that my memory is correct maybe it was someone else but in my memory I saw that linked on Reddit I went to the Twitter and then I saw it and I was like oh but you know maybe I got confused in the timeline phone okay can we go through oh can we go through that door I'm gonna guess no yeah so this is we unlock the shortcut to go through okay speaking of throwing shade on people I won't say who this is I was watching someone play lies of p uh on Twitch last night while I was feeding the dogs downstairs okay I wanted to see how other people were were playing it okay I won't say who this is because I I don't want to cause any any problems or whatever I just want to know if this is a phenomenon uh that exists I am 80 certain that this person was just pretending to play the game while someone else played it and they provided commentary like I don't know like I don't think they were playing the game is that something that happens what made you think that the way that they were reacting to things that were happening on the screen the way that their eyes kept like were looked like they were moving on chat more than anything else the way that they weren't really articulating their thought process what they were doing their facial expression I don't know just just it just felt more of something intuitive it just didn't feel legit like like when they got hit it was like there was like this really like momentary pause before they reacted to being kid just things like that it was just like it just didn't feel legit like even with the menus it's like like are we gonna do this and then the menu stopped and they said no I don't think so like it was just it's just weird maybe yeah maybe there was a delay maybe there was like maybe that's it maybe the audio and the camera was set on a different time than the gameplay it could be that but is that a known thing that is that has that been outed before for some people or no for that conspiracy Joe I don't think I I don't think I have a problem with it actually it's like it's fine if people are enjoying the show then who cares but it just seemed really weird to me you have a lot of health love what the hell downtown is Finn playing right now are you doing the same no I'll prove it I'm gonna walk forward right now then I'm gonna walk forward right now that was a bad joke sorry foreign s and it's like they were just sitting stiffly in the chair like no body movement while playing nothing and I there's like no no sound of a stick nothing like just like it didn't even look like arms and hands were moving when it comes to a Gamepad it was that too that's what tipped me off the most actually who are we talking about I'm not saying because I I because it's not worth it and also it's like it's not it's not even like it's not worth the beef it's not even like like worth uh like uh like a witch hunt or anything like that I don't really have a problem with it I just want to know if it's a phenomenon down what a nail now I'll be a brand new idiots was there of your account in the single digits just to throw you off yes so no unless I was playing the long game and I said that to throw you off yes because I knew that you would realize that I was saying that to throw you off when and so in reality the answer is no oh it's another door so definitely no unless I knew that someone was going to point out that I just gave it away so I could do this follow-up to where I said I did it on purpose it's cash 22 in case you're serious he talks about it pretty often oh someone asked me what my favorite book is yeah my favorite book is castrated too I love catch 22. that is one of the only books I've read more than once vintage wine starting alongside the reveal of crap okay no I asked about if Gatsby is your favorite classic novel I know about cash 22 I I actually don't really like the Great Gatsby all that much I've read it I think it's okay uh but yeah it's all right I don't see why it's so widely celebrated fan of horror literature in theory sure I don't think I've read a lot of horror literature but he's your favorite dog yes it's a great dog name I have a dog named Gatsby Gatsby what Gatsby you're just not American enough yeah maybe like I I guess I don't care enough about that book to the point that I think the movie was pretty good and very accurate I don't really understand why a bunch of people when that movie came out were all like they didn't understand the soul of the book I'm like I I like [ __ ] I'm one of the few people that have read this book that have seen this movie as well and I and uh Lily has read it too it really likes a lot more than I do and we both agreed that the movie captured the spirit of the book really really well like the only thing that you can kind of maybe you know put your nose up at is that they use modern music to recapture the feeling instead of using music from the time but like I felt like that kind of worked for modern audiences like it's not like the modernized the visuals too oh this is not where we came from wait I feel like I should be able to unlock that door hmm my mom also thinks the movie is fine but uh and it also actually read the book yeah but I'm also one of those people that thinks the Watchman movie is pretty good too the graphic novel is better don't get me wrong but like I think the the uh the movie's good too you should definitely read the graphic novel if you like the movie like the movie is not like um uh supplemental to to The Graphic novel but yeah comic book is it not a graphic novel I thought graphic novel was a comic book but it's good and you watch me is definitely good so it's a graphic novel right no it's not there Joe is a snide head I don't think I am I am pretty snide but I don't think I'm a snide head what is uh what is Snyder made that I might have seen and I will tell you if I like his movies or not I've seen Watchmen Man of Steel is Man of Steel three all 300 is [ __ ] awesome all right maybe I'm a bit of a snighthead oh man I love 300 I went and saw it twice in the theaters 300 let's go I [ __ ] love 300. Justice League I haven't seen that don't care Batman vs Superman I haven't seen that but I've seen the scene it was very funny I don't think I want to watch that movie Dawn of the Dead haven't seen Dawn of the Dead Sucker Punch have not seen Sucker Punch it's not going well chat you know what can I get a can I unlock a shortcut it's not going well chat it's not going well at all I mean we go over here I'm gonna lock this shortcut nope no we don't we're dead do you think the watch of a movie ending is better than the graphic novel so by the ending you mean the thing they change right without spoilers at the time yes if I read the graphic novel again now with more you know as a more mature person because when I read it I was like 20 something 20 22. I don't know how old I was when I first read it uh I have a physical copy of it now I used to I read it on PDF that uh I acquired somewhere um maybe I would like that more now but yes uh when I first read the graphic novel that thing that happens at the end I was like what like really like and then when I watched the movie I was like oh this is way better um so that would be the only thing I think that the movie does better than the graphic novel but now maybe maybe it would be better I don't know have you read Mouse I haven't would I like it Snyder did Man of Steel Man of Steel is okay but I really like Henry Cavill I like Henry Cavill before he was girl I like Henry Cavill before he was Superman I first found out about Henry Cavill when he was uh Suffolk in uh the Duke of Suffolk in what was the Duke of Norfolk I think it was Suffolk in uh in the tutors because Lily is a very ambulent build so we watch the tutors together it's actually pretty good show and uh Henry Cavill is in that wow do you hate The Witcher 3 as much as I do probably not wait hold on how was this lyric deflection but the first one wasn't do we not hate Cavill these days do we hate him Legion magazine tutors two doors every room we went into in their role we have to go through two doors one of the more interesting things about the Gatsby book IMO is their unreliable narrator but I don't think that was very prevalent in the movie I mean was it was that the more interesting part like you knew that uh Nick didn't know everything that was going on but like you pieces it together fairly well how could you how could you do that in a movie format hmm maybe you're right I don't know how would you get that done though oh God damn it foreign did I get the name right I think it is Nick Toby I mean let me look Joe I know I have not been historically an enjoyer of things you like but please trust me succession is so good you need to watch it what what is this about Gravity Rush 2 is specifically you know what I don't know what you mean I thought we were pretty in tune I thought we had a little bit of a report going Mayo I heard some sessions pretty good actually I would like to watch it another expansion yeah King Rat King Rat expense opinions right now let's go come on right now lamb out Marek I will find some solidarity in you that Miller has the only plot point in the entirety of the expanse that I actually outright hate and think is full cringe and that is I will I will now spoil part of the expanse I think it's in season one all right season one the fact that Miller falls in love with Julie Mao through a photograph I actually hate it I I remember when it happens and a character says that to him and he and and I'm like all right so he's just pretending to go along with this because you know he doesn't want to know the guy to know that he's like full on the case or whatever and then and then like no no he he does and I'm like what the [ __ ] if it's better in the book because he's read the book before you watch the show and I think he said yes I think because you you hear more of the characters internal monologue it's better in the book but I don't think it was earned at all in the show and I thought it was came out of nowhere and was full Fringe so maybe it's like a book remnant what's expenses when you don't want to pay taxes no the expanses of sci-fi show that Mary Fates and I really really enjoy all right we got the balance crank that's all that matters that's that's about how there is a Persona 5 stage play Persona 5 the stage play oh it's like near Thomas I didn't know about that maybe I should do a Ramona Ranson a quick fire catalog for all the major things I didn't like there's more than there's more than two off to where it gets really good it's just not for you oh man he's bouncing off after season one God damn it this kill me by saying I did watch season two it gets good after eight hours I swear what show are we talking about the expanse the show's so nice they canceled it twice you have become a Steins for eight hours for a show that is six seasons you know like a lot of shows the Pilot's kind of weird we were already like we had seen like [ __ ] three seasons uh for [ __ ] sake we've already seen like three seasons worth of show but we're part we were [ __ ] steen's gate all right foreign foreign games because it starts at the cliff bone costs suddenly it does it's it's not bad it just gets way better in season two bone costs sudden blade a cutting blade oh that's cool that's that's a big boy oh it's slow as hell that has a good guard reduction right 69 nice all right actually not that great bone cob bone saw cutting blade I am slightly dyslexic by the way if you're new I'd like legit undiagnosed I just read a Wikipedia article like no my whole entire life I have I have a lot of trouble like um with with some letters and words getting jumbled up if I'm not dyslexic I'm somewhere in the area of being dyslexic it was really difficult for me to read the Wikipedia article on dyslexia sorry uh I'm something in that area for sure everything thank you and you became an author impressive hey just because you uh your trouble doesn't mean you don't mind uh you don't you don't enjoy writing I can't I can't see today there's a phone ringing it happens with writing too often when I write I will leave out a word uh typing or handwriting it happens more with handwriting actually than typing I will just skip out a whole entire word in a sentence um or I will jump a little word up a little bit um so I've learned to to watch myself when I'm typing I can correct for it pretty well now I've gotten used to it but yeah definitely in that area no one makes the Joe laugh like Joe yep true true okay what the [ __ ] what is this area it's like an Uncharted wall climb like like made Town Escape what the [ __ ] all right we killed everything but the big guy right [Music] foreign like this no this is a trolley part I don't know if we can kill the big guy that dead I don't understand all what the point of detectives this guy's assistant was he he just kind of doesn't do anything I think he's a bigger character in the books yeah I don't get it either I think there's a lot of stuff in season one of the expanse that is just a leftover from the books that that didn't go many places or they didn't have the budget to fully realize yeah the first season is pretty fun I like it because it establishes a bunch of stuff that comes later but yeah I'm fully on board with being like okay the expense season one is not the best you know version of the expanse season two where is is where it comes in into its own he's the main character in Leo books there you go see oh The Telltale Game with the expanse is shocking really bad I mean not not America America be like oh this is just part for the course the whistle that's going on here is making me think of the little McDonald's jingle dude no anyone okay this is gonna be a weird statement to make but I hope people understand anyone else kind of afraid to go to McDonald's of the fast food places McDonald's is like no McDonald's is like [ __ ] goes down in McDonald's right no I'm not afraid to go into Burger King Wendy's Harvey's any of the other ones right it's not it's not about fast food it's just specifically about McDonald's almost every time I've gone into a McDonald's like someone is screaming throwing things there have been multiple fights that have broken out in the McDonald's when I've been to McDonald's and we're talking about Toronto McDonald's okay one time me and Lily were in a McDonald's in Toronto okay this is before we had kids and there was this there was this couple that was having a fight with with a with a with a mother that was there on her own because their kids had gotten into a fight in the ball pit in because that's when McDonald's still had ball pits I wonder if that McDonald's still has one I'm not sure so they're they're having a fight because their kids had a fight okay so they the woman was like in so it's got a husband and wife versus mother okay so the wife is getting in the mother's face and it's like you don't want to mess with me because I'm really nasty okay I'm really nasty she's getting your face you need to you want to back off right now you want to back off and the husband is trying to stay calm while the mother is clearly distraught because she's on her own and and I think the the husband and wife's kid was uh was the aggressor in this altercation right so then the husband turns to the mother after it's starting to escalate more and he's like okay you have to understand we're American right so you need to back off so they're here on vacation in Toronto and they've gotten an instant altercation in McDonald's with someone else's kid and apparently we're American is enough a reason to back off okay during this the voices get more raised two two teenage girls come round from the front that were ordering their food because it's getting more more and more raised and the teenage girl screams out to the husband and wife there are kids around we're in a McDonald's both of you need to shut the [ __ ] up and then the husband and wife escalate even more and then the teenage girl went right up into their faces like like stomped over despite the fact that there were kids right in front of everyone God in her face and then the wife hit her and then the teenage girl hit her back and then there were like two cats rolling on the floor with fur flying everywhere the mother grabs her kid the single mother that grabbed her kid and just kind of like goes over to to like uh the bench area where the stools are and just kind of cowards there while they're while they're fighting um and Lily and I just ate our food and then we left so like there's it happened to McDonald's okay you missed this was a quest was it where the [ __ ] was this this was this was in Toronto this was at the McDonald's at ellsmere and Lawrence none of this was this was absolutely real no sorry not elsewhere Lawrence um Victoria Park in Lawrence I will unprompted ask Lily to confirm this memory when she comes up later okay the area in my area McDonald's is a luxury-ish point they actually have pretty good options it's kind of pricey it's crazy how horrible McDonald's is in in North America like not every McDonald's I've been to has been like this and that's the worst thing that's ever happened to McDonald's but it's not the only thing that's happened in the McDonald's I like I've seen like [ __ ] go down like other [ __ ] go down nothing that bad but like last time I was in the McDonald's here like there were people getting kind of uppity like they were being they were being kind of loud they were someone was having an argument like I feel like whenever you're going to McDonald's it's like it's go time [ __ ] and like this there's even signs on every McDonald's I've gone to in recent memory that have had like you know please please be advised that we don't tolerate any aggression toward our staff like you know any anyone who who causes an issue is going to be prosecuted no other fast food place like who has a sign like that on the door doesn't have that Wendy's doesn't have that PVP enabled area I don't know is anyone with me that they find McDonald's is like all right are you going to McDonald's like here we go maybe it's you Joe yeah there's some people there with some people know what I'm talking about maybe it varies area by area literally no there's people saying yes Germany's iron protection what's that material no it has to be a usable item there it is temporary protects Uh current Ergo even in death if I do that is it just on for this whole entire run or do I put it on before I think I'm gonna die Joseph saying yes I don't have any Sims who's simping for me top top law is band off my Discord don't you have a wife and you think she's just for me all right it's Puzzle Time I hope my return isn't too unexpected Maybe why is there a mouse person [Music] I stand tall [Music] short and humble old a penis candle boa constrictor who finished digesting a candle for sure [Applause] no offense you're either very lucky and probably bright or more you're cheating over a level such an accusation in a culture where dueling is still an acceptable method of solving disputes I riddles not not what it sure is right take your new key [Applause] wrong subtitle okay Trinity the Ergo is Whispering what the [ __ ] does that mean all right so we can go back and open that door now I wonder if we missed one of those I wonder if there's one of those in every area where the door shot put all the shot put ball killer she's here oh is that the bunny sign kind of looks like it I think you definitely missed one in the factory the door we opened one in the factory did we miss a a riddle a telecom in the factory or in the area after the factory maybe I had something I wanted to say no I've forgotten it [ __ ] thank you the one with the electric balls no yeah that's we found a door there but we didn't find a riddle machine so I wonder if there's a riddle machine there to match that door does Canada have a kebab culture it does actually it's relatively new and by relatively I mean in the past 15 years I noticed to take off it was getting big in the area that we were in Toronto before we moved here and it's also big here because it's um it's uh Shawarma right it's a type of Kebab should warm up Shawarma is a middle eastern dish originated in the Ottoman Empire consisting of meat cut into thin slices stocked in an inverted cone and roasted on a slowly turning vertical rotisserie or spit traditionally made with lamb or mutton it may also be made with chicken turkey beef or veal when whenever when there's kebabs were a big deal in Britain when I was there and whenever I saw someone get a kebab it always came from that sort of thing so it's that's not Kebab really Define a kebab Kebab is that meat with bread I mean I'm Googling kebab and that's not what it's coming up at all maybe Kebab means different things to different people Yaki sobopan but anyway Shawarma was getting really big in Toronto in the area that I was in uh before we left a couple of years before that uh and it's a big deal here so if that's uh Kebab adjacent then yes I had both kebab and Shawarma and they were barely distinguishable someone's gonna take issue with that the second one is correct glad to be here which one is the second one again was the saphirics I think it was the Fair access at second right we're gonna die holy crap all right not playing well today chat I thought I was getting any more to groove with the game yesterday but not playing well maybe this weapon isn't really good for my playstyle maybe I want to switch back to the other one let's blame the weapon not the Joe uh yeah what are you talking about yeah oh what's your favorite dish overall food period like if I was like have my last meal and I want to go out on like a fancy like meal that I know I really really love and it's a huge treat and it's luxury whenever I get it it's prime rib I love prime rib so much prime rib with some with a potato side like mashed potato or roast potato that are really good with a little bit of garlic bread I [ __ ] love prime rib um that is like the best meal uh but like for a regular meal or something that's a bit more regular that's really bad for you that's also tasty I really like pretend or poutine if you're not French everyone calls it here Putin so I've been in indoctrinated into calling and put them Putin is the Canadian thing that you probably know that you might not know the name of it oh we're at Red Lobster oh nice Red Lobster in tasty essence of traditional dishes from crap copyright okay well I hope can I can I get a booth Booth please hello hostess oh well you're not getting a good review damn the enemy variety is really picking up huh look at this thing okay I really hate the bouncing off the wall [Applause] thank you [Applause] foreign back here there it is it's gonna take us back to the first bonfire here we go we made it yes I had to stop weapon is your secondary why do we have room for that do we have room for a knife and then uh no we're still slightly heavy hmm is there anything better than being slightly heavy like if I take all these off am I like oh oh there's light too oh no oh that is fast how do I get even lighter what what's what's weighing me down the costume no this oh that the arm has some too can I change the arm switch Legion arm which one weighs less oh that one all right so it seems like light is as light as you can get oh man look at the distance of the back step okay what would be what's the fastest weapon we can get that has the best guard let's assemble the weapon that has the best if we disassemble them all disassemble weapon disassemble actually we are we're gonna assemble them all right we disassembled them all right so which one of these has the best damage reduction rate while guarding bone cutting saw blade the big pipe wrench head all right so if you put the best damage reduction in Great Wall guarding on here and we add that to the fastest move set handle what's that one okay damage reduction is not going up is it the knife do you think the dagger the dagger it's the dagger or the Rapier right let's go with the dagger right now and we assemble right this is going to be slow as hell but it's a good test honestly it's not that slow hmm negative range yeah but we're just gonna be deflecting and then weaving when we're close to the boss it looks stupid it really does doesn't it but if it's stupid and it works all right what about the wrench head with the Rapier he says it different every time on purpose what do you think all right so I'm gonna be I'm rolling the the stick after every hit to show you exactly how long the recovery is on all right here we go I'm rolling I'm rolling the whole time [ __ ] I'm rolling after the attack goes right that's how long it takes okay so that's how long now let's change it to the the dagger or the lowest one the lowest reduction uh is the dagger I'm guessing right oh it's the same wait is it chaining faster it's definitely chaining faster right you can also go into a guard State faster honestly no it looks like it looks like the chains aren't faster just looks like the attack is faster what are we saying should we have this on as as the like I'm deflecting and then we switch over to the big swords to do as much damage as we possibly can afterwards honestly the damage isn't that different either hmm tried the heavy starter Blade with the wrap your handle sure I think the attacker slow or the attacks are slower but you can chain them together the same speed if that makes sense like the first part of the attack like this is taking longer but chaining together is fine all right there's a little bit of delay on swishing I don't think it's worth it chat it's only a little bit more damage for a lot of clunkiness in combat but you could weave better maybe fast weapons are just going to be the goat for this game because you can weave better with uh between attacks like it just like the amount the time it takes to do this just doesn't seem worth it maybe it does more stagger damage with hits can we see that somewhere it charges the pulse cells but I'm guessing that just more hits is going to make up for that better right either way we're going with this for now we definitely want the Conquering and amulet and we want the carriers amulet and then we want to put the heaviest ones on that we have now we're slightly heavy so now we want to take this one off right or this one there we go what's your favorite non-frof from software so it's like uh Neo but this one might take over Neo by the end so far in the respective play times I'm enjoying this more than I was enjoying Neo but I still really like Neo Neo's really good welcome to the monad charity house the monad charity house is also known by its nickname The Rose estate originally we were a charity organization for poor children but today with the monad family sponsorship we've been we've become a boarding school with high quality welfare and education curriculum what does the character look like Timothy childmeat does it I don't see it I thought there were no more survivors but you you're new I do love a bit of Commerce but the bosses are really strict about who I'm allowed to sell to are you with the black rabbit Brotherhood no we can't lie no lying allowed does hollow Knight Hollow Knight counts but I think that Hollow Knight is only partly a Soul's like it has some Souls like this in his identity and I think when people are asking about that they want something that's a lot more of a Souls like like Neo but if you're including Hollow Knight when you're asking that question then I like Hollow Knight better than Neo yes your honesty kid but you should know that if you're not one of us the bosses will feed you to the monsters if you uh give me a little something I feel like I'll remember that you belong here how does that sound call it evidence of sincerity oh sure that's show me your sincerity here radio oh I completely forgot you must be new eh go ahead and take a look let's keep this between us eh I'm guessing the middle one would have worked and the the lower one wouldn't have oh we can get a record let's get it oh new weapon Bramble curved sword curved swords all right we don't want any of this cluster grenades shot put for throwing it at Millennia acid canister I'm not gonna use any of these Arc shock cartridge that's an armor piece right let's get the record and let's get the weapon and then we'll come back for this work can we sell some [ __ ] what am I never gonna use I'm never gonna use an instant weapon durability thing am I removes attribute SAS helmets I might use those at some point you know what it's not worth it let's just let's just use some Ergo like who knows maybe these things are gonna come in handy later okay that was enough to buy the armor pieces it wasn't God damn it do these solve for the same amount that you use them they do all right let's just use two that's nice do you think there should have been a menu with in-depth stats like in armored Core sex uh there might be we just don't see it on the weapons no I think just having the amount of stagger damage it does would be would be enough uh and I know for sure weapons do do stagger damage maybe that's just part of the physical attack I don't know I don't think Lobster is good food anyone with me around isn't there a Dark Souls enemy that attacks just like that this this looks familiar to me thank you run through the cloud guys in Sacramento maybe it's those so you're gonna learn to Parry whether you're lucky or not enemy yeah actually pretty easy once you get the hang of it I like these enemies like the guy from Fury with the ore Fury is a good game I wonder if I would still like it as much as I did back then I mean it's gonna be a little too simple for me now I don't know I hope I do hearts of Fury's controls with uh we're doing the Dodge this could be a little awkward and they take an adjustment period when you want to play it but uh overall I think Fury is a pretty pure game Banger soundtrack though huh all right come back here dude I want to fight you back here let's go come on you're allowed back here right I hope so yeah sorry let's go oh he has a face foreign oh we're dead Oh I thought we had a little bit of Health left there oh [ __ ] we're dead can we have a p organ break oh yeah we're over two hours yeah let's do that we're back all right I'm back guess who's back again I wonder if this game took inspiration from somewhere probably and you know what God bless them for it oh man that's like a baby learning how to walk did you heal oh man this game's hard chat what the [ __ ] foreign has this like well actually even the smaller enemies have the delayed deflection timings that you need to really uh um feel out pretty dense for that I wonder if you can just like Dodge through it and burst them down more like in Sakura which has a similar kind of system you can usually Rush an enemy and just Spam attacks and then get one deflection off and then you go through it and it makes getting through a lot of trash enemies feel really smooth and fluid maybe that's the better system probably is but here it's like like damn like there's so much to these these fights just bad at it maybe with some practice a little bit better let's heal up how many hours into the game are you uh I think yesterday was seconds stream it was just a second so about uh 15 hours I think foreign thank you man did you see that do you see how he went like in this weird uh state where he chained a bunch of attacks together like in a like in a way that it extended to the point that it was absurd but then after that he kind of fell over and had this moment where you could punish if you dodge them all that's that's cool that's really good I really like that it's neat oh we got a clanthony client calanthary ring clanthring I can't remember what they're called are you planning to beat this before the pause yes okay this I love stamina recovery speed stuff so we want to put this on but we can't put the song without becoming slightly heavy so can we put our can we put a lighter part on to make up for it there we go Neo does that as well yeah um most good Souls like do that yeah it just it really sucks when uh a lot of enemies have these long flailing combo chains that go on and on and on and on and on and you it's like it's really difficult to avoid them all and then right after that when you go for a hit then the boss says you know time for another one here we go subtle elderly shade for real for real oh well you're the one who thought of it I didn't say all the ring it's weird that your mind went there okay we're here right yeah here yeah big combo should almost always guarantee a huge window for dealing damage after you avoid it well enough yeah I think I think the almost is the is the most important word there yeah I think there is room for some fights that don't do that uh especially if it's if it's let's go into it if it's if there's an intuitive way through the game in order to uh to sneak in damage between all the combos but for the most part yeah almost always a very very long change should result in you being able to get some damage off I hate unpunishable attacks without exception well sometimes the challenge lies in finding where you can punish in between the combo right but then it's up to the game to Foster that kind of play style and also facilitate in a way that doesn't feel unfair or stupid for figuring out when those windows are it gets tricky with builds right that's why sakro is so good because sucker only has the one move set so they could build the whole game around that one move set I think that sucker could still have had maybe one more move set or even two more if you get the speeds right on them I think it's a POS it's possible but yeah with all the amount of built variety that you have in these games it can be very frustrating depends on the face of the game if it's back and forth like bloodborne yeah I've always wondered if I was if I was right in how you're meant to play bloodborne sometimes bloodborne feels like you're meant to have a back and forth with like okay I can attack because I get some health back it's fine but then I wonder now now I have more experience with these games I wonder if bloodborne's regain system is is more like uh Sakura's um uh coming that's a life system which is that it the regain there is to help you learn the fights it's not there for to help you burst them down because the health back that you get from from attacking and trying to learn the combos is just something that Smooths out the difficulty but although toward the end of the DLC those enemies are getting so [ __ ] hard that maybe that's not true right where is this chat is it over here yeah it's here has this game had any good shortcuts I remember seeing one that was kind of have any been good some of them been good yeah most have been kind of kind of by the Numbers uh Souls like shortcuts though like ladders and doors looping background uh I think I'm too late here yeah what are we doing in game uh right now we're just doing what we're told if you mean like the large destroyer at hand we're just like exploring and doing what we're told by Geppetto we're just like going forward wherever the enemies are that's where we're going um if you're talking about what we're doing like immediately right now in the game I'm looking for a door that I got a key from key to unlock and I think it's up here it's not up here it's not up here it's up here this is the closest to sales like has come to imitating the from Soul from soft design philosophy I think so yes foreign trust and Truth are one the end of the path of stars will lead to a great eternal life test of the day even a noble cleric will curse God if he plucks out his fingernails I mean who wouldn't all right so quartz and a costume black cats amulet monster sweep sweepers hunting apparel picking a poke oh I like it oh damn oh I really like it look at that my favorite color I like it a lot all right what's what's this uh Black Cat amulet reduces damage from falling oh that's probably good to get somewhere how many quarts do we have One how can I see my p organ aside from the obvious now we're a Zelda like instead of a Soul's like why because we're in a green tunic well kind of tunic kinda a little bit not really uh so we have a quartz so we can oh we can't get this but we can upgrade it uh retain guard retain guard regain uh all three of these are good what the [ __ ] they're all good I want all three of these [ __ ] I wonder if you can get all of these do you think there's enough quartz for all of them I'm gonna guess no that's a lot of quartz how big is this game do you get more on new game plus maybe I think Rising Dodge is probably the best one to get here but another amulet slot is huge that is the that is my least wanted one although I still do want it but that's my least wanted one and that's saying something this might be number one this might be number two Rising dog seems like it's really important but that's like trying to fix a failure whereas this is just building for Success like if I need to use Rising Dodge I [ __ ] up I'm going amulet and I think we're gonna go with enhanced perfect guard destruction or lowers guard regain reduction let's go lowest guard regain reduction close your uh [Music] I know my way around a weapon foreign [Music] we can make our weapon a motivity handle and that will have a bigger scaling on motivity which we have a lot of should we do that [Music] this adds advance to the scaling but it doesn't increase the damage it's weird with you [Applause] might be plus three damage guys is it only three that's not worth it [Music] okay I think I want to get I think I want to upgrade the foreign how do I upgrade it modify the device has been modified yeah Trey seems really good right enables dodging after a hit oh oh sh whoa [Music] oh [Music] [Music] how's it going still apart from yesterday how goes the doll's born it's pretty good you can go beyond [Music] oh my God I'm gonna lie [Music] until they're not lies anymore [Music] what happened I looked away uh there's a move for the for the puppet string that looked really sick but then we didn't have enough to unlock it so now we can use it like this we can we can hold it and pull us to it right and there's a move now that if if you unlock it you can do an attack after this and it'll throw you up in the air we don't have it we don't have enough enough points for it I wonder if uh if there's a place we can Farm them because I thought there was an enemy that uh that dropped them it's here if you want to see it [Music] God damn it boom looks cool huh [Music] have you seen some of the new Lords of the Fallen trailers not sure about the gameplay but the art Direction enemy designs look top-notch that's the one that has everything is has a dark world right you can you can use a lantern you can see different worlds as you walk around that game looks really good I really want to play that you know what else looks good the Dragon's Dogma 2 trailer Gameplay trailer that came out today that looked interesting had some cool ideas it just really depends on if they're allowed to finish the game this time that might be fun did this dude sell some caliber drain Zombie 2 looks surprisingly similar to the first one yeah it does but um you can see the the improvements and there was this there's part where they use the environment to kill a monster It looks interesting kind of kind of monster hunter uh caliber nope you don't have any oh we didn't look at this weapon either did we my bad sorry shot normally we try to look at new weapons that we get all right so here it is it's a curved sword not bad what if we should be using the Trident instead the Trident it does so much damage with its crits like one third crit rate pretty much I'm tempted to switch over to the trident it's I don't like the move set of it I don't like the look of it as much but like it's chunky anyone else stunned at how good this game is what the [ __ ] did it come from man yeah is this potentially your game of the year yeah it is if it holds up now that said I didn't play every game that came out this year you know like maybe the cyberpunk DLC is going to be absolutely fantastic maybe bald Escape 3 is going to be as good as everyone says spoilers it won't be but maybe I'll enjoy it um you know uh there's something else that I haven't played two that came out Alan Wake 2 might be a really good time like who knows uh control was fun it wasn't really my jam but you know I liked it it was oh it's boss time all right what's the spots gonna be defensive Liberty count for game of the year I think DLC like an expansion pack can count can't do it and then every single time I forget about it and I go back and I'm like Resident Evil 4 was just like the Remake was so good and Hi-Fi Rush was such a good time too oh is this gonna be a gank fight oh no waifu liar okay did they rehearse this bring it on you might be seeing them man I wish I had the combat recovery roll [Music] y thank you wish I had the combat recovery roll [Music] plus two all right pretty tricky are we gonna be fighting more than two of them at the same time or is it just flip out with flip with always having two but they each have their own different movesets I wonder hmm this fight is super tricky I love the way they set up are you playing the game jolly have you finished it I was singing last time about the boss that we fought and I wonder if uh a better way of um of having variety is that every time you go into the boss room it was a different different phase one like what sometimes the the floating priest was phase one another times the Frog was phase one but that would be like it would ruin the moment of a phase change right but maybe after the first time you see it it was the front line so you have to learn both sets can you break that weapon as shining red when you pair it yeah almost certainly you can break it if it shines right like that then yes well Rumble yeah I'm trying to to Parry more and I'm not doing very well foreign God damn God damn holy [ __ ] you get a good joke yeah I'm gonna have to favorite boss so far oh the one we fought yesterday was excellent It's like stunningly good like like on every level like mechanically it was super interesting I had a lot of variety had a really cool phase change visually it was impressive and I don't mean just like oh the boss looks cool I mean like the animations were impressive too and the animations were about the attacks like that part that time where I like I thought I was being smart and I ran under the laser beam and just instead got hit by the other guy that does on the other side was just like a moment of Genius that got set up and executed Wally that that was just looks so good was it better than element well that's being better than Eldon Beast is the heart thank you you should break this weapon before he face change thank you oh my God oh the little one doesn't share oh oh [ __ ] okay you can kill the little one do you just know oh I didn't even hit the little one last attempt much I I thought that they shared a health bar okay it does say on the health part eldest of the black Brotherhood all right the the bunny whatever okay wait you really didn't yeah I didn't notice yeah why pairing more than Dodge by the way because it's more fun I don't know if it's often more optimal I have no idea you're able to Target her too yeah I I knew I could Target her I did a couple times to try and get a Perry off but I thought I was I was trying to kill him first I thought they all had their own like individual health cards that contributed to to a larger health bar kind of like uh okay that didn't hit me uh kind of like um mantis it's been a while since I've got anyone Six Feet Under oh I wonder if you push his health down if you can fight more than two of them at the same time then and I wonder if if that is true what happens if you kill the boss when the other ones are still alive do they like back down or bring it on be like can I backstab him I don't like it how was that not a deflect so when he does that the move the weapon becomes active for damage even before it's in front of them okay that kind of sucks actually but okay makes sense all right sweetie [Music] look remember when we were in in Victoria Park um and and Ellesmere or is it Lawrence that's uh Parkway Mall which one is it is it Lawrence or elsewhere salesmere all right so remember the McDonald's we were there and we saw that fight happen yeah yeah with the mother remember what one of them said something like um yeah yeah I'm nasty you don't want to mess with me he's so weird thank you Chuck didn't believe me oh it's [ __ ] head all right thank you you're making me go all out oh you're not I didn't get to use it [ __ ] I'm dead I'm not dead I'm not dead I'm okay can I backstop these guys the little ones thank you oh damn oh damn holy [ __ ] he came out of nowhere all right so the wool ones are easily staggered okay I think I might have just spilled tea on my phone oh I didn't okay I'm good let's put the phone on the Bed Have you seen that James has spread even further to other streamers how how is drums spreading we're gonna have to add a drums emote with this right emergency drumsy mode jumps jumps why is it already because dude that's why the second job says hit the Twitter's here you don't get it he tweeted the drums let John's in Let the Right drums in you ain't seeing nothing oh my God [ __ ] holy [ __ ] who wants to watch this guy right now I think John's is my favorite is my favorite Joe sound what jumps that roll yeah [ __ ] hell did you know the John's Long pre-exist Jazz there was a mercenary group called the drums Vikings I'm not lying and top Lolly sent them feet picks how far does this stay back imagine not understanding the sentence I just said bring it on you ain't saying nothing oh my God [ __ ] hell foreign the other ones drop down too holy [ __ ] that's hard can you backstab it's been a while since I've got anyone's six feet under rest in peace oh they know who we are Geppetto's puppet okay I wonder if it's worth it to Parry the main guy early on in the fight and break his weapon I wonder how much less damage he's gonna do for the whole fight after that that's a pretty big investment though I'm gonna guess you have to Parry quite a lot to make that happen do they explain how you resurrectly every time no they don't I don't think it is an in-universe resurrect like when we go in here it's the first time they've seen us I think maybe we're morbing every time [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] oh damn it doesn't look like you can backstab s foreign [Music] so if you take too long it'll also come down [ __ ] please oh Securities let's go bunny thank you what foreign [ __ ] is yours oh my God hey Sue that was hard damn you 'll pay for that oh eliminated taunts respondent Ergo trunk did we get a um a bustle for that it doesn't look like it what I really love about this fight is that it's a gank boss but it's designed more like big guy with lackey's boss where the lackeys tag in to become the main focus for a bit and the big guy takes back seat for a bit if you're not locked onto him when a sibling jumps down the big brother really lays off aside from sprinting slash which I love also the sprinting slash has two visual tells a brunt and a spinous and splashing rain uh for if he's off screen when he does it love it yeah that was pretty good for as far as gank bosses go and that's one of the hardest ones to do a multi-boss encounter in these games is really hard to do and that felt pretty pretty good actually hmm again they instead of it so uh gank bosses and other games like this have the problem that this problem that usually it's just two bosses thrown into the room and they're like [ __ ] good luck there's no consideration for how the Boston sets are going to work together which is why the best ones I would say the best gank boss well like sorry it's not gang boss best multi-fight that from ever did was uh Two Princes or double demon Prince whatever it was in in the um in the last Dark Souls 3 DLC that is that is the best multi boss fight they've ever done um and both move sets it's it's like a whole boss moveset split into two pieces that you need to track of uh from from both of them um so when that's done it works really really well but when that isn't done and the Moose can overlay each other really unfairly uh it becomes it becomes really frustrating it's a cheap way of adding to the difficulty and unfortunately it happens all too often I think this wasn't like that this this felt more like uh the Double Prince or whatever fight Valiant gargles my my beloved if you don't rush one of those down fast enough that could become pretty bad there is some attempt at making them work together but yeah you need to kill one pretty quickly or else it gets really bad I thought you were a bunny girl Joe stop fighting your people sorry okay sorry what about sister and father Frida they work pretty well together but the problem there is that the Fighter's just too [ __ ] long do we have a quartz no you also asked but never saw if he damaged the big brothers too much though taking out the siblings multiple siblings at the same time we did see that actually it was quick we died really fast after it happened but yeah the attempt before this one I I pushed them down to see yeah we don't we don't have it okay why does it say sold out and the other ones aren't oh it's because we bought these all right so next time we can buy these ones that sword looks really good actually and again the fact that you can break uh the big bro sword to severely Nerf his output as long as you can get it done before those jumping it's not required but it's a very useful alternative to fighting them with dodging yeah I like it too I I felt like I was playing smart there and I was being rewarded for it it didn't simplify the fight because he still does quite a bit of damage but it really helps as you can see like the first time I broke a sword like I beat it so yeah it really helped a lot that's cool thinking smart what a cool game seriously holy [ __ ] no losers on the boss fight so far all right so more Health to get our our guard regain up get it to 20 and then we'll start leveling up Nativity and by then we probably will have settled on the weapon we're going to use for the rest of the run and then we can decide which one of these we're gonna we're gonna focus on leveling up for damage let's do that were you slightly heavy the whole time oh no is it because of the puppet string oh [ __ ] did you like leveling up at a bonfire or using someone to level up more bonfire bonfire is the best way to level up I hate having to go back to um a fire keeper or an ergo keeper to level up it's annoying the paper clip looks like a p I was watching someone who doesn't like Perry's and this game is very unbalanced if you don't like it if you don't use it um I mean that sucks but the game is clearly built around that system right I don't know I would like to try and see if Dodges are fine I dodged for the first time quite a bit well not for the first time I was dodging a lot in in this fight for the first time let's put it that way I was using it significantly a significant amount and it felt fine to me like it felt like I was dodging insoles but you know limited experience sale of 10 Ergo complete I like our old broker man because he always pays well but when he's in a hurry it's hard to secure the Ergo he needs sometimes I wonder if he devours it or something what does he need Ergo for does he really eat it no scribbling on The Ledger kid I ate it the Alchemists are asking for more gold coin fruit ah it's not easy to get uh so this could be a problem I think the hotel guys are slowly catching on to what's going on we can physically clash with them but that's the last resort our sibling safety comes first oh how touching bro shut up are we the baddies acquired five Ergo I'm real close to the end of this job selling corpses just a bit more and I'll have enough to escape this blasted City The Proposal from The Alchemist is tempting but I'm running short on Ergo and I'm not sure about it think about uh think about expedition to the baron swamp get me new parts if you go out of town a dress for me a gun and weapon for me this is not your Journal dumbasses Court oh quartz nice we can go get an upgrade well [ __ ] I wish I'd come in first uh Poe heads I've killed Maven in ssf four times now and she won't drop her [ __ ] boots that have a 35 chance of drop do you know how annoying it is to farm up a [ __ ] Maven attempt I'm [ __ ] livid I'm doing like like uh the challenges that dropped like six Maven splinters like the cortex ones and [ __ ] just to get it done faster it took so [ __ ] long however that new Maven node that makes it so she's summons one to three extra bosses at the end of every map that is my favorite node oh my God that is such a broken node holy [ __ ] I have that combined with the the maps have a higher chance of dropping um uh Crusader bosses and maps and everything like like influence maps and [ __ ] and I'm it's just [ __ ] out maps for uh for the end uh fragment bosses what are we talking about we're talking about Path of Exile now you can Farm uh Elder and Uber Elder I haven't fought Uber Elder yet I've uh Elder and shaper those fights are really easy I'm surprised at how easy those are uh but I don't have enough fragments to try Uber Elder for the first time Cirrus [ __ ] sucks that is a bad fight oh you can only put one of each type into it ah okay so I think we want enhanced perfect guard destruction right increases destruction damage to enemies on a perfect guard is successful there's destruction damage include stagger or is it just weapon let's do this one nice so now we have another amulet slot oh now we can see what the phase three ones are enhance pulse cell recovery so more healing for our pulse cells increase Cube uses well that's one [ __ ] shorten fruit bearing time shortens the gold tree coins fruit bearing time what the [ __ ] are you talking about add belt slot what's about oh These suck I mean there's still something that's interesting that one's good what what the [ __ ] add a belt slot have you tried fighting the Uber version of Cirrus it's actually a joke how bad it is I haven't tried that one yet I don't think I have enough enough fragments can you remove amulets and swap them around where you fix this Loadout in in this one I'm not sure maybe that's what chain shape means oh do you feel like you're playing the game wrong this game no absolutely not Path of Exile sometimes yeah like what what were they thinking with with the like the storm clouds in in Cirrus where like you push him and then he's like oh time to push you away and then he teleports on his throne and he just sits above a cloud and you have to just sit there for [ __ ] like 30 seconds just looking at him like what the [ __ ] are you doing such a bad fight everything else in that fight is pretty good actually but that's such a [ __ ] awful fight it kind of has the rabby Ruby disease though of it being like red attacks on red background and like black attacks on a black background is it just visibility is important uh this month's Trend stalker masks why did the stalker start wearing animal masks according to City historians it was customary to wear animal masks in ancient krat it was one of the rituals to show off one's life when fought show off one's life when one fought the legendary rock Titans what the [ __ ] though believe it or not but this Legend is an inspiration to today's stalkers it is not just for defense and fashion but also for ranks to show off one's abilities link between Rank and animal masks isn't clear but mostly the powerful ones choose the preferred mask first perhaps there might even be newbies forced to wear silly masks chosen by their seniors oh in these troubled times of the petrification disease how about refreshing your mind within with an energetic soccer mask choose a soul animal to your liking various fashionable stalker masks await you PS this item in includes a Spore filter to protect against the petrification disease patented by the workshop this message brought to you by the stalker mask gang hey bro HQ is toast so how about a black leopard mask the worships took workshops toast to why would they make it what do you think about the world enemy theming so far visually looks impressive but it feels like it hasn't really utilized its puppet theming very much it's mostly been weird zombies yeah I'm I don't mind that though that's not what I go in for in these games but if you do then maybe it's going to be a disappointment to you I like the visual theme for sure but like enemies back and forth like what happened here I don't really care all puppets will die and also also anyone sorry oh man I'm getting worse when anyone who messes with the the black rabbit Brotherhood okay we went back here didn't we we didn't is this the way I like that it's moved on from puppets I like that it's not just puppets I like that there's like there's three factions there's the human enemies then there's the uh petrification zombie monster things that are cool um and then there's the the puppets as well so having more than one hey check this out looks like you sorta from a certain angle you know if you squint no I'm just I'm just kidding no it looks exactly like you I mean you see it right with the nose and the right so Geppetto had a kid and the kid died okay oh oh we're Pinocchio too all right are we gonna go up or down gotta be up right we're going up up or down here we go chat up or down laughs yes you have no idea how happy I am to see you Mr stalker how did you get here hello it's a relief to see you I'll get straight to the point oh I found the gold coin tree did the stream go down who knew it was right beside us but there's a problem when I tried to to depict the gold coin fruit it resisted me I don't have to even get close it actually burned me it's probably because I have the petrification oh okay it's fine it just hit bug down yeah so close yet so far if you pick some gold coin fruit for me I'll give you a reward time for fruit picking any other children's stories you would love Aesthetics well Alice in Wonderland and Wizard of Oz are the two obvious ones I never expected to see the gold coin Tree in a place like this you can Harvest Gold Coin fruit at set times from the gold coin tree the fruit is used in several different places use boosters to speed up its growth do they cost money fruit this fruit that resembles gold holds miracles in thus a precious wonder drug buy a booster go for it stalker please if you pick some gold coin fruit for me I'll give you a reward star fragment oh you can summon someone alright so these are stones that you can use for the cube okay I might look Urbane now but I I used to be a farmer I'm also interested in growing trees I heard about a vendor who sells plant Alchemy boosters they might work on this tree too if you come across Dutch boosters bring them to the tree I will be so disappointed if the the Alchemy guy is like yeah just give me your credit card and we can [ __ ] make the tree grow faster there's just no way right it does feel like that though doesn't it this time or thing [Music] zero of eight I wonder if it keeps going even when uh when the game's off someone asked how I'm lucky in the game I'm liking it very much it's surprisingly great shockingly great stunningly Great I Am stunts shocked and surprised oh what foreign oh damn does that make sense I don't know if that makes sense if that makes sense that's neat high horse okay so we need to talk to Geppetto while we're here nowhere else to go okay cancel illustrator three video to make a video comparing all the Pinocchio adaptations including this in Shrek oh Shrek Souls Dark Souls in the Shrek Universe oh dude push left and right analog sticks down to ogre charge 100 Acre Wood is a massive poison soil oh Winnie the Pooh would actually surprisingly make a like Twisted evil Winnie the Pooh land like as a soul is like I would play that there's a whole new genre opened here with this Pinocchio Souls oh damn I would like that District was as Grim as we feared Winnie the Pooh one of the last bosses every time that he kills you his big rough voice goes focus elsewhere and why not strike at the root of the problem the king of Puppets Lair is on Rosa Isabelle Street perhaps the puppet frenzy will come to an end if we can take down their King go to Antonia and get the key to Rosa Isabel Street I already let her know you'll be coming by I always remember these favors you've done from though it pains me to send someone so precious into such Peril hmm what's Geppetto's end game fun Factor pedo is voiced by Margaret's VA is that why I like him so much oh that's good where are we going Rosa something Street I wasn't really paying attention can we just go talk to him again okay my bad the 100 Acre Wood ran out of honey so Pooh goes berserk all berserk reference nice portrait I remember it fondly I thought it was lost forever I had no idea the black rabbit Brotherhood had stolen it to think that you you have brought it back to me forgive a foolish old man his memories memories of a happier time my son I know just where to hang it in the hotel how do I clock how does how does he clap put your hands together if you wanna clap as we take you through this monkey wrap Donkey Kong I love that song so check the ground sit is there pivap in this game is there what pivot have you seen the YouTube video uh by I can't remember his name I'm sorry I like his channel a lot and I can't remember his name that's that's rude of me um of Cranky Kong reacts to hearing DK rap for the first time laughs if you if you unders if you know DK rap that is just like in in the first 10 seconds you realize where the video is going you will crack up before you even get to the punchline and you're like oh no is that a Joel Haber video Yeah is it half or Haver yeah heard from Geppetto Rosa Isabel is about a hurt we wouldn't have to unlock the passage there but if we want to stop this disaster once and for all I fear we have no choice Jupiter and I care about you very much stay safe for both of us I feel like my time is slowly coming to an end however it's a nice feeling to know that someone waits for someone cares please take care out there the silver Gunner video uh about DK rap work everything is just replaced with coconut gun it's just that also just destroys me even though it's so [ __ ] stupid but like yeah it's so funny to me all right where where is this uh where's the door is it here [Laughter] is coconut gun can fire in spurts if he shoots yeah it's firing inspiring so [ __ ] stupid I don't know why it's so funny to me oh [ __ ] all right where are we going is it this way it feels like we have to go back here right I don't I don't know let's just let's just run and explore but is it different here now maybe you stream until the next boss uh were you streaming for a while we're not close to time yet we've been live for three and a half hours lately we've been going um longer than four hours said something about Rosa Street something like that was there a locked door that we didn't have no it doesn't seem like this is the way but let's go back to the other checkpoint and see what happens no this is not it this is the does the key tell us where to go uh a key obtained from Antonia at least it opens the hotel door that leads to Rosa Isabelle's oh it's in the hotel Rosa Isabelle Street had become hell a hell of a fierce Fire and Blood as well as the puppet's stronghold however some must escape this place for salvation all right this is a locked door around here that we can open oh there were some lock doors in the hotel I remember okay okay I don't think there's any blocked doors on the first floor I think it's up here it's not up there is it this one there we go oh cool sunny day cloudy morning okay Rosa Isabel Street the entertainment you might call it extravagant operas operettas Street concerts all running 24 7. Adelina corday the singer in the red dress oh she was the most famous of them all the legendary primadonna well I'm not sure if she's still alive so while the past tense makes sense it's a little depressing all right forget the teleport shot but I want to go back to the first area and see if it's also cloudy morning there now does the time change for the whole city or is the time of day localized to the to the zone that you're in oh really oh I was not expecting that I thought it would be localized huh oh damn okay there's probably something back in the station now right it's been a while you know what maybe not the city hasn't gone through a change yet usually in these games something happens when uh somebody happens to change the setting like maybe the the evil petrification people in invade who knows I think they just contextualize the weather to fit the mood of what they wanted your first visit to his own to be that's cool so when it was raining earlier if we teleported back would have also been raining in that zone The Witch Tower The Witch's Tower and Princess the final performance by Adelina the greatest prima donna let's go fighter experience they're passionate stories it's not a game still not good appearing Hey Joe have you played her a story I have not how is that not a Perry should I would I like it are you liking the great storm more than the glaive uh I don't know maybe not I like the special move on it more than the glaze the white back it saved my ass in the last fight The Witch's Tower princess the comedy praised by audience and critics alike doubt the assault opera house will be presenting its Grand Finale uh it's the last work of the best writer of crap copelius Campbell Camp Ellen as well as the last performance of red actress Adelina corday the greatest prima donna of our time The Greatest Adventure of an evil witch a gallant Knight and a beautiful princess awaits you come join an unforgettable experience of laughter tears and thrills I think maybe the time of day is tied to the coin fruit tree in which case is genuine time of day system oh is it that would be interesting I think that would probably be easy to test right maybe the Zone time is always the same until you get to the tree and then it changes theater spr OU I wonder what the end of universe justification for giving the Opera robots like weapons will be maybe they do stunts have you got gas at yourself into believing into the song into that the song goes it's not a game because of the meaning of the science gate does it not say that isn't it it's not a game I'm not an AI robot challenging you or something aren't those the lyrics those are the lyrics yeah damn I was hoping to mess with you oh it was a slight okay puppets are the most beautiful of beings even their human Masters or incomplete beings in comparison creation is more perfect than their creator the Creator who created them which would you praise more the creator that created all the [ __ ] in in Starfield starfield's creator that creator okay calm down holy [ __ ] women right holy crap foreign oh damn oh [Music] [Applause] can I buy one of these [Applause] [Applause] oh no [Applause] oh no oh no [Applause] why are they so tanky so they can't break if you drop them or something why are they so tanky Vivid Ergo fragment oh move this and I'll open the Secret Door let's go The Alchemist paved the way for for Kratt's golden age and no one denies that fact but what if instead of gold they were to cause an unprecedented disaster and delightfully devilish Alchemists being a reporter I received a surprising message from an informant who was once an optimist himself it's about a stranger from across the ocean an alchemist from the Far East to his once famous in crat he learned of the group secrets and quit and now uses a different identity out of fear of his safety the relic of trees megistus is not a simple Ergo mine that place is dangerous my source claimed that the Alchemists have an ulterior motive one not for the benefit of the city and that they have a very risky plan involving Ergo the conspiracy theory about about how hundreds of people can die sound sounded Preposterous Preposterous but the evidence provided had a surprising amount of credibility to it so as a reporter I spent months with the Informer and was able to see the Dark Side of Kratt I intended to deliver my report for the benefit of the citizens the rest is severely damaged publication was banned for spreading false information and promoting social unrest additionally reporter midoro has been suspended indefinitely from our newspaper we apologize to the citizens for any trouble good you shouldn't spread fake news I'm glad they caught on it's very irresponsible quartz Legion plug oh God damn it I don't want movement plugs on Legion caliber okay this is the a weird shortcut it's more like a long cut is this game good it's very good highly recommend it if you like these kind of games new enemies damn all right they're actually using heavy attacks with this weapon more than light attacks seems like this game has good enemy variety it really does and that's rare I would say the two strengths that fromsoft has that muscles likes don't don't emulate well are the boss design and the enemy variety enemy variety like from soft like really prioritizes enemy writing you can feel it in a lot of different areas zones are pretty short and usually we have some fresh enemies and this is uh pulling it off I'm not sure if it as good but it's up there man toy soldier is nice sorry for imposing question what's the status on on your YouTube channel uh there's gonna be at least one more video one more there's gonna be at least one video before the year is over uh or else I'm deleting It All Forever including the stream so you'll have content soon or you won't have to worry about it ever again dancer sword curve blade let's see oh it's pretty big oh cool nice you move forward with it huh what's the why yo that's pretty good all because of that hey [ __ ] guy no don't say that there's more than one you could climb over dakinocchio oh [ __ ] oh [Music] what a beautiful puppet you are I can hear your Springs even if you try to hide them musicians have keen ears you know would you like to sing for me like your friends I have a feeling the sound of your cries will be especially sweet let's have an encore performance of pain for the red actress Adelina corday [Music] to my sister [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] you stole my sister from me [Music] okay you cannot attack her oh you can but you can't run at Earth [Music] oh God damn whoa what you can Parry oh I don't like that all right is the shortcut worth it maybe oh the horse God damn it okay you're gonna let me fight the boss right you're gonna go home [Music] [Music] all right [Music] oh okay all right foreign [Music] [Music] puppets thank you [Music] okay so this is the first bad boss fight [Music] [Music] what if she can still Perry me if I break her weapon I wonder if I could break her weapon all right it's broken oh really [Music] [Music] [ __ ] you [Music] [Music] stole my sister from me [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] if you could break her weapon and then after that she can't Parry but she still has a full move set okay now I'm more on board there's a way you can handle it but look yeah no [ __ ] it you still understand it what did I understand about it or are you memeing better than raincoat to be honest well what isn't so your cat decided to put an indefinite stop to the investigation on the disaster took place in the monad charity house known as the Rosa State this was to prevent chaos caused by the large-scale spreading of the petrification disease there have been no confirmed survivors so far uh specifications is a deadly epidemic but this massive spread is unprecedented the quarantine Authority surmise that the petrification disease caused the the novel mutation the Mona charity house once a boarding school for kids from the slums has until recently been home to the founding monad family many students and refugees leader of the Alchemist valentinus monad has been confirmed to a pastor in this catastrophe and this will take a toll on The Alchemist I wonder if that's lost boss is this the way are we opening a shortcut we'll be okay I think we need one more to upgrade our sword right this is where the jugglers are yeah why a shortcut if this is just a bonfire here odd okay one of my children is knocking on the door and we're 10 minutes away from break and I also already need to be so let's just do five minutes right here be back in five minutes we're off and late for break today we're gonna be early all right I'm back chat and I didn't pee I lied oh you're walking about in a place like this you must be a stalker can I ask you a favor yes everybody lies on Rosa Isabel's treat there was a fire and I couldn't reach her through the flames I know she's gone but I hate to think of her just lying there hmm would you bring me her belongings then I'd have something to remember her by not her body oh man what a gentleman thank you small kindness is like this give me something to cling to her body is on Rosa Isabelle Street he used to look so beautiful in her black dress I miss her so much every day is harder than the last please bring me her belongings sus are they right there we pressed this already is this all the same street or do we have to go back and get it Joe have you read The Wheel of Time Books not all of them though you know what let's keep going I don't think it's going to be here I've read the first four I think how do we get there aha all right oh okay I like them uh they're not my favorite but I liked them they were they were pretty good it has the same issue of having a long drawn out sweeping through a city setting the sage scene so I don't really like but apart from that was pretty readable I like some of the characters too I relate to uh to the one who tugs on her braid all the time quite a bit she's just so stubborn my name I don't know how to say her name that's why I didn't say it I thought they were all doll assault they get better as it goes on but if you if you don't like any of the characters by book three then yeah I know that's ridiculous but you know if you're not Merrick you'll be able to get there maybe um right now I'm reading C.S Lewis's space Trilogy have you read those I haven't no have you ever played my summer car nope should I is it about having a car another new enemy type oh man chunky holy [ __ ] [Applause] what the hell follow me to robots have to go through a lot on stage they're out there every single night they're doing crazy stunts they need to be robust it makes sense I do like the characters it was just Anime because no one ever talked to one another or explain things that make things so much easier instead went all secretive yeah that's a problem with a lot of fiction isn't it it's really annoying it's a lack of planning I guess I wish that collectively we would just all decide not to put up with it anymore and then it would stop pretty quick [Applause] [Applause] hmm lighting to heavy is better oh we're we're done already shortcut all right cool oh that's another move so we can upgrade our weapon all right we're at a Crossroads chat do we want to upgrade this weapon or do we want to go Trident you know what let's switch to Trident for a little bit and see if we like to try then how does this hold up against romsoles games it's better than them I'm throwing the gauntlet down no strings holding me [ __ ] it's better foreign all the crits is it better than Sakura though no how many of these are there foreign all three of them with one attack there and it was a crit on all of them so that makes me think that every single strike you have has a chance of being a crit instead of every single time that you would flip damage on an enemy has a chance for being a crit which is a subtle difference but kind of an important one well it's not important for this game but it's you know it's fun to think about okay I'm loving the crit chance holy [ __ ] this is fun oh no oh no I'm switching weapons regularly what's going on okay this is gonna lock a shortcut let's go up the ladder first what a through okay foreign attack is so good look at this look at the damage the range my God even has a watermark oh it died God damn it have you read any stories where the characters communicate too much or is that only a fan fiction Trope I none that come to mind I think maybe characters in Kojima games talk too much but it's not that they're they're talking about issues too much they're just talking a whole load of nothing too much but I don't know if I've ever thought in the Kojima game damn I wish people would just communicate this issue more and it would be solved Kojima avoids that I think have you read I try not to man I'm sad that we died here we almost had them our water level is the worst type of levels in games I don't think so foreign that I think the water temple was one of the best ones in it was it Twilight Princess Majora's Mask Maybe can't remember excuse me I can't remember more Joe's mask if we play Majora's Mask again it would be like playing it for the first time laughs oh denied there's a seam on the floor here you see it or in the water not aligned properly foreign bloodborne in terms of the combat system I like this combat system better than bloodborne's but in terms of overall like aesthetic Vibe uh exploration of the world and visual bus design I'm gonna give it to bloodborne but the combat and the boss mechanics have been better in the symbol of porn I think I think I'm switching over to the Trident chat what do you think it feels better like it's not even upgraded and we're killing [ __ ] with it right this is pretty fun the crits are fun it's like oh I got a crate ooh I got a crit anyway let's go back to outer space let's upgrade it the 3DS version of Android's mask genuinely [ __ ] sucked did it really I thought it would be a good Improvement and bring everything up to speed I'm eating some chocolate chop please forgive me do you have any advice on how to keep scenes which lack dialogue or action interesting it's incredibly hard for me to do while writing one second I'm chewing I thought we had more than that oh I think I like what we have switch to the Sailor outfit to match the trident nope I don't think I will all right Vitality is a 20. we did it what does the scale off of this scale is off of technique interesting interesting hmm please Joe you know what chat it's fine for you if you are having trouble writing a scene uh because it has no action and no dialogue then like the easy answer is that why don't you add some action in dialogue if it's a scene that's impossible to add dialogue or action to it I don't know what the what the the type of scene that you're writing is but you know that's always an option you can you can change how you're delivering that information um find a way to get a hook into it that have like a flow of a story uh Chuck palahnuk is really good at this if you want to read any of the polynomics stuff of making it uh I hope I'm saying his name right of making something that's otherwise kind of kind of boring uh really good feeling there you go we have it on and we have the Trident do we want a mask on too which Master should we have on is that good try and think of a creative way to deliver the information that you're that you're trying to to deliver much better than that sentence I just did please because that was an awful sense I just constructed um think of like a creative book some some sort of theme that you can slow the whole scene in how long is the scene going to be foreign before you get to the dialogue on the action be real right now if this was from a frog game you would complain about the credit on the weapons RNG I don't think I would why would I do that whoa would I I don't think I would I don't like the implication that you think I'm not judging this game fairly fairly because it's not for from soccer like if anything I would be a little harsher on it because it's not from from soft because like from soft is more or less won me over and I expect a certain level of quality from them hmm huh old sir maybe it was a joke did you beat Starfield and if yes how was it I did beat Starfield it was I don't think I played it very well you should have done more side quests like structured side quests foreign I don't think so no I don't think of things that way slightly heavy mom's spaghetti no I don't think so I have favorite the game developers like uh from soft um whoever made out of Wilds I don't know if Nintendo's one anymore yeah so I don't really think of things that way found it the Black Dress a puppet what the Earth is going on are people turning into puppets wedding ring a ring delicately crafted with uh precious metals it looks like the token of a blessed marriage uh the ring should have been put on the bride's finger along with blessings unfortunately the bride's body went cold before she could be out of eBay ever received the ring um uh obsidian would be up there but I don't know I don't know about a city yeah I'm sorry I'm not trying to be difficult to not answer the question I just I just genuinely don't think of things that way I just think each game kind of on its own and if I play the game from some before I'm like okay I can I can kind of contextualize some of the stuff here that's fine like I don't have like Goldfish Memory when it comes to it but I don't really think of things that way or at least not in the way that you're asking the question maybe that's a flaw point would you Smooch a puppet no absolutely not are you interested in vanilla vanilla Ware's next game unicorn Overlord I spoke about that yesterday and the answer is no no it doesn't look like my kind of thing oh My Melody this is her wedding ring all marriage should have been filled with joy failed you melody I'm sorry I should have mentioned she's a puppet but she was real to me I saw a Shining Soul inside her others laughed at me but I knew the truth I knew that she was in love with me too maybe I'm crazy though whoever heard of a human and a puppet in love I saw the message she left saying she loves you did we Melody My Melody your words were everything to me she was my guardian angel the reason I survived the crap disaster we can fix her you know she's a puppet puppets at Hearts do they not no perhaps all we need is something that helps us perceive what they're feeling I have a pump organ when I get upset here's your reward I think you deserve this ring more than I do are you proposing I'm more than happy with Melody's belongings I wish I could offer something more but this is all I have please remember the love Melody and I shared who knows maybe you'll find true love one day too he was my one oh my God [ __ ] wow what a side quest is it like a no oh Recollections why is it one on the bright red apple hmm all right what's going on here why are we such a good looking puppet compared to like we look human compared to the other puppets are we like a special prototype puppet or prototype Pinocchio are we actually just human Geppetto is a freak I think you will regret your words and deeds you're obviously special yeah but are we special in the sense that we're unique or the new Lion of puppets or they're more like us that are just like about to come off the production line like like how far along the puppet chain are we or are we not actually a puppet okay we can go down there we went up there right Rosa Isabelle Street oh that's not good again oh no there's another one is that a parade Master robot again rematch oh it really is the Asylum Demon of this game and now we can use the older bonfire as the shortcut it's a lightfully devilish uh whoever made this game oh you got you just dropped Crescent moonstones oh damn can puppets Farm oh yeah yeah oh I'll not rewarded okay sucks I don't get my hopes up too much but I can imagine this being this the Studio's Demon Souls game and then making a Dark Souls is even better maybe with a seamless world I hope these devs are successful I hope so too but the way that from soft some okay I temper this some Frost sounds some from soft fans can I talk please holy [ __ ] Joe um soon to be like threatened by this and are angry that there's another good game like this so weird to me aren't you happy that there's more kind of games you like I hope that doesn't damper the reception of this game okay can we level up I don't think we can okay so we have a plus we have a plus two Trident I won't Farm unless we really need it for the next one because we should have a plus three Weapon by now uh because we switched over oh the gold coin tree is almost at eight out of eight let's go do it right now I'm glad games like pee in the search you get from some competition yeah I think so too I like it and also we just get more games for it's one win [Music] another problem this game is going to face is that that it's legit hard and the get good bro Mantra hasn't really settled in for games that aren't from soft I think like so it's like okay like cool like if it's a from soft game you'll get a lot of Defense forcing and that will protect it a little bit whereas this uh this one so we need the Defense Force lies of P we need to go for it stalker please I'm on team Defense Force now I see the same with other franchises it's not unique to this with another really promising looking City Builder release there were a bunch of people that were like [ __ ] you for taking away players from City skylines yeah it's uh it's not a good thing huh we need to lie for the game lie to defend the game yes I see how they get there though so let's say you're playing this game you're going up against the boss you're dying a lot you can't handle it and then you start going well there's no way that this game is going to be more challenging in a fair way than the goat for goat games from fromsoft so the reason why I'm having such a hard time in this game isn't because I need to get good or because you know the game is is challenging me to a high level it's just not fair or the systems aren't working properly or blah blah blah blah and then you start getting into this really bad mind State and you start blaming the game more and the game it gets progressively worse in your time and then all of a sudden you're making a steam review shooting up the game because like [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you I'm not the problem the game is and then it's gonna have more of a bad rep you know so that's the kind of thing I'm talking about I don't think it's gonna happen a lot but if it happens enough it's going to be pretty bad for for the game's reputation we are all post-hawk rationalizing I mean maybe you are but I'm living in the hawk I'm mid Hawk I'm the one who Hawks oh what the f dude rumbled for real hi Joe how goes the suffering in tumblr's bloodborne it's pretty good I like it a lot thank you uh first time chatter Dark Souls 2 has this reputation too for it's hard in a different way and it's the one you're allowed to [ __ ] about and you see a lot of from Saw fans talk about that how that's that's the one that's not fair Dark Souls 2 isn't hard it's just annoying okay Crescent Moonstone cool we missed loot that's why I went out of my way in my alternating video to say um I'm not trying to weasel out of saying it's too hard it is too hard that is the problem but yeah I went I went out of my way to include that line because I didn't want to be like the Dark Souls 2 uh uh haters non-enjoyers what's the opposite of an enjoyer for the meme level complainer Dark Souls 2 complainer I like complainer I also like complaining [ __ ] oh no no I know man clown puppet 80 but man clown puppet yeah ripping sir [Music] oh who's still here [Music] [Music] thank you [Applause] and you [ __ ] [Applause] look what clown gorilla is this [Music] foreign God damn cool boy it's not even a boss it's a mini boss did it just dab did it silly guy she's a little guy and it's his birthday he's just a little birthday boy is there like a shark and I can unlock oh what oh no oh we're screwed we're so dead we're not we're not dead [Music] yes all right who's the clown now in honor of the happiest Days of our family because of her presence I still miss you Charlie Chan foreign [Applause] thank you [Music] what is this guy's health thank you [Music] [Music] oh no we're gonna die oh God damn it man shy so much hell what the [ __ ] that's a pretty cool fight for a mini boss too damn waiting the gameplay purpose of the coin tree is to get you go back to the hotel right now and check the upgrades maybe I think it's a way to have a choose your own difficulty option that if you want to wait you can get some more stuff to to start up to try a boss that's having trouble without having to resort to summons so it's like [Music] the normal mode instead of easy mode [Music] are there Subs in this game there are NPC summons in this game yes you also get them from the from the tree what happened [Applause] what's up [Music] Bros that was a good mini boss man I felt like I was playing Sakura there was good that was fun that was a really good deflection test fight there that was good God damn this game was made for me it's my hole you're what is that a boomer reference now I wonder if you have if you will be gain and you have damage missing and you get a crit do you get more of your health back is it like the amount of damage you're doing or is it based on just a strike what's your favorite area visually in Sakura oh that's easy it's the last one like not even close the first time I got to that last area like I like my jaw dropped and I actually went downstairs and got Lily to come upstairs to look at it because I know she likes seeing like Vistas and games like that was the standout moment in in that game for in terms of visuals yeah Luke have you read Uzumaki by the way I don't know if that is sorry how in terms of difficulty would you put this game in comparison to other Souls likes uh it's up there man I don't know exactly where but it's up there it's pretty hard oh we have a lot of souls let's go back and level up Uzumaki is another horror manga by the this hole is for me guy I'm ready no sorry Oh I thought we were collecting these I thought they dropped Dark Moon moonstones of the Covenant what what are they dropping oh they're dropping Crescent moonstones upgrades normal weapon blade up to plus six oh okay well [ __ ] okay so now it wants a half moonstone is there gonna be a full moon stone gotta be gotta be hmm all right so that's one one eight eight right now and this one is one oh it's still more it's a bit slower though right power oh we already have Italia I think we're gonna stick with the spear I like I like the the Trident so let's uh it's tried and true should we level up motivity and then change the the handle to be a motivity weapon and then we we're losing these points so should we just get our technique up technique gets us to plus 44. this gets us up to Plus 43. technique you can't change channels on boss weapons you can oh sorry you're right you can't change the handles but you can change their scaling see you can it's right here maybe if I hit a it's gonna say you can't can't let you do that Star Fox but it seems like you can uh you can change it what is your game of the year so far uh Hi-Fi rush but if this game ends well this game will overtake High fire instrument have you read any enjoyable books recently I have not no I haven't done any reading I I don't think I even read a book this year yet I don't have time between the job and uh and the kids just not a lot of time Dyson Sphere program is releasing their combat update in December apparently it looks pretty cool or are they finally I've been waiting for that to get back into the sincere program I enjoyed that game quite a bit drums jumps now that someone said that comment earlier I'm thinking of like people having like a tier list of the sounds that I make whoa jumps what is John's Twitter sensation have you thought about listening to audiobooks it helps me finish a lot of books I don't have time otherwise I mean that's part of the problem I don't have time to listen to music much either this is beautiful damn Orlando I also don't know if I would like audiobooks I guess I have a little bit of time when I'm on the exercise bike when I'm on the exercise bike though I'm usually doing a variant Sudoku I hold it in one hand and pedal and I find that it makes the time pass very fast which is nice because I hate exercising I like going on walks but I hate being on like uh like an exercise machine all right where's where's the Puppet Master what's buffing you there we go oh hello oh damn oh she's so gross oh man she's so gross yuck oh we're just dead oh [ __ ] guy who does variant Sudoku exercises and can't understand well okay I'm not reading the rest of that I'm not getting into that again disruption occurs when disruption damage builds up when disruption damage gauge fills up your character will die use a purification and peel to remove destruction damage before you die I hope there's no boss that has it effect later it's not about multitasking it's about it's about the cleanup if I lure you back does it go away ah the first time you walk in oh that's neat so I could lure them down and then I won't I won't have to deal with the Buffs I wonder if I can just sneak up there right now the Killer yeah oh for [ __ ] sake okay bad approach bad approach all right what am I supposed to do lure them away and kill them dividing conquer is she spawning them there's so many Neato scream okay I wonder if I can block that I'm gonna guess no wow no okay not so bad when when you get them on their own all right that is a cool design holy [ __ ] who made this like in Universe why would they make this like what why this part you know what I don't know why I okay I kind of know why I don't know this part this is the part I understand is it for stability I guess so it's a stabilizer okay yeah yeah okay yeah yeah okay okay I'm sorry yeah I made a huge mistake sorry yeah yeah that's not gonna work okay holy crap all right we have to lure them away or we have to find a better way to assassinate uh the mommy [Applause] thank you oh she's a marionette oh I get it uh uh like a Marianne uh it's just okay plus two and it's funny that's funny uh okay we did it that was tricky pound S I think they should have not given uh the last area of the explodey versions of these or maybe they're different enemies but they look too similar um because when when we first walked through the stairs I saw these and I was like oh it's just the same enemy that we saw earlier that one time and it didn't feel as fresh as it would have if these were unique to this area I feel like they should have uh taken them away they're entirely different are they they look they look similar to me they have the same kind of silhouette like it's like a different version of the same bass robot foreign so the last one we looked at technique plus four uh we're a technique boy now aren't we how much more damage is that right now we're doing 165 plus four four and now we're doing 165 plus 60. oh it's pretty good but I think I'd rather have the faster standard hey how is the game how is it compared to Resident Evil 2 remake what so first you come into my chat asking how Starfield is over and over and over again and then I say hold on I'm talking to my chat about [ __ ] like uh something else a camera what it was at this point and then you say excuse me for asking about [ __ ] Starfield and then you pass it off as a joke and now you're back being like hey how does this compare to some other [ __ ] random game that didn't even come out this year oh it's the new robot I mean I don't know how it comparison evil 2. it's pretty good though how could you remember my nickname so this is the power of a streamer what the hell are you foreign [Music] it looks like it's multiple robots that we've seen already like mangled together with their different moves put together which is a cool idea I like it it looks different too the mommies are going to be back now aren't they oh no do you remember me yes another one I was far enough away what ah [ __ ] all right this is a very tricky area let them eat [ __ ] plus two cheddar very good Boston still as impressive as the second one the one after the tutorial boss why why did you use the fancy like Grimes AE there what I used to know what that letter was [ __ ] tutorial e boss anima um yeah the the boss has gotten better actually the last boss well the last boss we did was a gank boss and it wasn't as good as the boss before that but it was still pretty good what what is this level what the f uck we're approaching Hollow Knight levels of Sounds here now you eat [ __ ] guillotines quartz Belford disruption cartridge does it does it make you resistant to uh to their disruption [ __ ] yes all right definitely putting that on wait are we slow no no are we no we're not sure oh it's this that's doing the singing oh you're not a puppet Hello Nurse are you here to listen to my music I can't sing anymore this location disease took away my songs by him said this place was a shelter I'm so sorry we can tell her about the hotel right just a taste of fruit what oh thank God this is the sweetest apple I've ever had oh I can't stop death from taking me but I have enough strength to confess my sins can you listen to my last confession Trisha I coveted your voice if I can't match it then even if I have to break you Adelina cool day must have all no it's wrong still I love you oh sure when Dark Souls does this [ __ ] oh my God pogging out of my gourd wow such compelling storytelling new medium of games but when lies of P has the cryptic [ __ ] without giving girls apples I don't get it it's confusing okay yeah sure yeah okay at least I'm consistent I don't like it here I don't like it in Dark Souls either this is actually kind of weird why why why okay if we bring her another Apple will we get some more is she gonna be dead when we come here next what's with the bad Boston accent hey if you don't want to hear a bad Boston accent don't come to the bad Boston accent streamer that you know what the hell don't go into a poop's house and complain the poop is there all right Joe have you been to Boston what do you think yes obviously good maybe my accent's getting better germabit German bit remember what I was talking about onion rings and you [ __ ] said germabit because germa had an onion ring in his [ __ ] basket of fries one time you're like oh we'll get drip a bit I did research everywhere like [ __ ] off it is not a German bit oh man chose breathing German breathes too what a germabit what the [ __ ] Joe's streaming with face cam this time wow what a German bit germaphroduce the face cam uh for [ __ ] no through the wall what the hell is this Joe streaming without face game Jordan but does Jeremiah not always stream in the face cam the northern lion is always with a face cam right I don't think I've ever seen ml string without a face cam I don't really watch a lot of NL streams to be honest with you in fact I think I've only ever caught him live like twice ever and it was only for a couple minutes because I don't have time to watch Twitch I watched when I watch NL it's usually some uh some highlight things on on YouTube I now used to not do face damn face cam consistently but he does now right he just face cam pretty consistently now knocked away [ __ ] off okay there's got to be a shortcut to walk around here gotta be is he here is this it have we done it no okay let's fight oh this is like it's robots cut in half oh terror's here have we met the right half yet or the left half the weft half foreign for real owns for legendary actress Adelina corday even those who envied her repetition loved her songs so she's a Taylor Swift of her time interesting sorry got some neurons activated over there then this weapon seems pretty sick what's the combo what do you mean what's the combo holding holding R2 does this the move which is really strong running an R2 does this which is also pretty strong and then the light attacks are stabs that go into a sweep after two and then you can stab and then do Sweep with R2 which is also pretty good standing R2 oh it's the combo with oh it's it's uh it's from uh the priest the Archbishop boss it's it's a full weapon it's not it doesn't have a split some weapons are like that this sword is like that too yeah this weapon's pretty good sorry I forgot about the combo system my bad your question made sense I was the dumb one exploding pickaxe blade oh look at this can you do that forever oh wow that is strong if you get into the right rhythm of that on a boss that is a lot what about R2 oh it's the it's the guy's head also very strong you can chain this what about holding it it doesn't explode I was expecting it to explode oh I bet you it's the Y yeah okay that's a pretty cool weapon I gotta say damn even the weapon designs are creative and I'm like oh I'd like to use that for a while like normally I just picked I picked a couple weapons and I stick between them but no like here it's like damn that's a cool weapon [ __ ] that's a cool weapon oh my God it's another cool weapon you can combine that with a different handle too if you like the effect up there is a character customizable in this game or is he predetermined uh only the clothes on the mask you can change I there's some sort of chain shape thing that we have but we can't use it yet so I don't know if that's that's the case are we done with the Sailor outfit now because you know like let's go back to green I like the green there we go I'm happy with this did we go down there oh [ __ ] oh no already hold on let's go down here and see what's on here that it's not a bad level huh so we're back here now the enemy ride is a little low what oh if we unfairly criticize the game that Joe loves in this chat he'll feel compelled to make a video about it singing his praises and we'll get more YouTube content hmm delightfully devilish Chatters let's make it happen incredible venini collection okay expand personal shop all right cool Kia's YouTube channel there we go didn't preempt it like [ __ ] work Clockwork yeah cause you're being a dick [Applause] oh relax oh [ __ ] [ __ ] oh man holy [ __ ] oh what the yo you're not done oh what the there's no spiders here foreign God damn it I thought it would stun any thoughts on the Xbox email leaks I saw some headlines for that but I didn't really look into it that much it seems kind of embarrassing for Xbox which uh I don't know Xbox is definitely the underdog compared to to Sony but like I still like on principle just don't really like them all that much so let's sign this may not be fair but uh like so like haha I don't know like yeah it doesn't seem nice for the people who work there though True Underdog two trillion dollar company I come dude compared to Sony like if you're talking about the console bullshits going on Sony is obviously top dog and then like like this Nintendo even compete because like Nintendo is definitely like like doing well but like they're all they're in their own Nintendo land where Nintendo can do real wrong you know what I mean like it's the the big players are like Sony and Microsoft meanwhile Nintendo's winning everything going no Let Them Fight you know like it's like for real like and Microsoft Xbox is the sorry not Microsoft Xbox is the clear Underdog compared to Sony oh compared to PlayStation like Nintendo gets away with not even in terms of like basic online functionality that's how Nintendo is just like yeah whatever we can do whatever we want who cares we're Nintendo okay most of stagger came from just attacks okay they're pretty tough actually they're not as tough as some of the enemies we faced earlier I think I'm gonna come down on the puppets being easier to fight than the whatever the monster's faction is all right these ones are a pain in the ass though because uh the disruption building up does a lot of damage to you this is like a little puzzle encounter I like it but it's like I feel like it's not worth it it was the issue I wonder how many Souls they drop maybe it's a lot no charge attack stagger faster but I know for certain it feels like it though yeah it does doesn't I really like the charge that this uh this weapon has it's cool the subject's body is better than expected it's ergos [Applause] well I hope that oh what the what are you doing it's absolute chaos deserved dessert let's only get the appeal of getting an Xbox as opposed to spending a bit more for a decent PC I thought it is turning that I can't imagine this being true but like evidence is pointing toward it and and it's it's hard to argue but it seems like the the time of having like a dedicated computer in your house is gonna be like this weird like relic of of like late 90s like until now it seems like people it's being phased out to people just doing most of the [ __ ] on their phone and if you're someone who does most of your [ __ ] on your phone then you can just have a console for gaming and then that's it right like it seems like that's the world we're heading toward I don't know like could you get like uh could you hook up up your phone to a a monitor and and have like a [ __ ] like a keyboard there and that's it you don't have to have a desktop or anything like that maybe it's just I mean it's just gonna be laptops if you need to do um to do like computer work that your phone can't do for whatever reason but it seems like it's pretty that's the world we're heading to and in that world it makes sense to have a have a console honestly like I'm I'm at the point now where I almost don't even uh I don't even want it to me anymore because I feel like I'll just watch it on my phone instead like the screen quality on my phone is really good oh my God holy crap phones you can't watch movies on your [ __ ] phone watch me I'll watch them I have a little I have a little thing brace that goes on the side of the exercise bike and I it's like it got elastic on it and I slot my phone into it and I put on Netflix and then I watch that while I'm pedaling why not it's hard it's hard to say though because we don't even on a couch right now because the kids destroyed it and I had to dismantle it like I was some crazed Furniture hating Lumberjack one night while I listened to Northern lion do his breakfast food [ __ ] tier list we have a just a big beanbag chair in there so I can't sit down and watch TV because if I do I might not get back up again so maybe when we move when we have a couch again maybe that'll be better did you agree with the tearless I don't know this was a long time ago it was like last year I'm already over it how was the streamer I'm okay Eleanor how are you I hope you don't mind me riffing over your comments in the past by the way it's all in good fun I assure you can we go back and upgrade our Trident we need four of them don't we we have one we no we need two we have one okay I think we fully explored the series no wait we didn't we didn't get oh we did that's where the ladder was okay thank you time has come and so have I oh my God I was wrong Pinocchio why are you letting him cook [Music] [Music] oh man the Geppetto puppet is terrifying [Applause] [Music] yeah oh [ __ ] it's Madness what Pinocchio has no chill but he looks familiar thank you like king of Puppets I was wondering when oh hello king of Puppets how are you all right well it's another like visually stunning boss like I don't know how he's gonna be mechanically but damn look at him go man oh no he's gonna have a face too oh no there's a phase two [Music] [Music] I'm doing way too much damage [Music] [Music] oh maybe I'm not oh damn holy [ __ ] oh [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] oh [ __ ] it's a cube or an oxycube I'm Cuban oh my hubris why did I Cube no I should not have cubed why did I Cube that wasn't necessarily good for a short time to uh just completely end it all now time to die within the first five seconds what this cube is an extra heal but it regenes slowly I didn't realize the use time on it was so long uh wasted [Music] [Music] whoa what the [ __ ] this is like a little dead zone between the the parts of the tornado [Music] all right phase two if this is a phase two that was a really long ah for a [ __ ] sake oh no oh this is the rest of the stream then probably tomorrow's stream too it's humanoid we're [ __ ] it's two Nokio [Music] this is not my sword it's my scythe Romeo king of Puppets foreign level 10 it took them 11 hours why were they here at level 10. so if you're open to the idea of non-from souls like so you think you're gonna give soon to Paradise try I've tried lots of non-form souls likes yeah we'll try that I'd like to play it you know what I'm Cuban mercuberous it's a good good joke chat I'm stealing it no [Music] no man the the animation extensions on this guy are just so good holy [ __ ] so not too oh we'll go we're done you're not done [Music] foreign let me sharpen let me show oh what the [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] what the [ __ ] damn that look cool all right I need to sharpen my weapon before we get to phase two remember the chatter who thought you needed to consume some of the sharpened were they were they using me the the instant use ones every single time at the sharpen this and that they didn't have they were like oh well guess I'll die all right hush all right we got him we got him [Applause] [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] wait what I perfectly deflected that why did it still do damage to me does does the fire damage go through your block standing does it spawn fire underneath you at the same time was there fire from when he ran on the grounds hmm so I was dead no matter what because I can't combat law combat roll away do you want a solid tip to help phase one only one that uh I'll give if you do no I'm good we might have another quartz to unlock something actually I'll check after this okay we need to get much much better this we're losing all of our healing in phase one [Music] what [Music] [Music] all right not bad not bad not bad not bad okay so some of his attacks are delayed for the Perry timings compared it's very similar to the phase one actually all right I'm surprised you can break his weapon uh do we have enough quartz to level up RRP organ because maybe we got some quartz while we ran in there oh also we got that thing that unlocks the shot maybe we can unlock a crescent moon and we can upgrade our weapon because I feel like that's something we should be doing um normally I wouldn't go back and upgrade however uh we switched weapons and I feel like we're behind on the weapon upgrade curve now because uh we sank a bunch of Crescent moons into the sword we're not using anymore so I hope that we can um we can buy one oh it wasn't do you the house of a Nini most of the meaning carefully curated this collection box himself with it you have returned to us what was stolen the house have been at the house of anini oh Tyrant murderers dagger blade some new stuff balance crank acid Grindstone [Music] a defense thing carcass butchers amulet increases damage inflicted on carcasses oh so that's what that's what the other factions call they're carcasses and puppets interesting okay you know what we should have went back and got our souls before we came here all right so we can't buy any Crescent moons that sucks I thought we could have gotten one welcomed yeah damn it oh well that sucks uh what else are we gonna do see if we have any quartz right I think we'd have one quartz this straight up looks like a frog game really I don't think it looks anything like berserk are you sure oh we have two quarts oh [ __ ] oh oh we need three to unlock it all right so we need three quart swim lock enhanced pulse recovery or we can spend two to get increased staggerable window at a fable slot get more guard regain or get the rising Dodge Rising Dodge might not be a bad idea however what what are the bonuses we get from these or we we're on number three now I think I think it's better to keep going up the the quartz chain enhanced charge stagger a perfect guard destruction I really like that um increase condensation I don't care about that I don't I don't use the legion arm at all I'd rather just do a normal attack increase pulse cells three oh lower guard regain reduction lower damage when discharge quick wish Stone use what's a wish Stone Again Naturally recovers the ability of inactive weapons oh you can switch between weapons oh man the chatter who thought you need to use an item server to repair must have been really happy when they found that one uh charge Fable while Reviving when Reviving oh since you start with full Fable that's pretty good too and increase Max coin fruit reduces item prices Legion magazine increased Ergo upon eliminating an enemy too that seems really good to get but I don't want to get that right now because we're because we're fighting a boss let's get increased pulse cells three and let's get um perfect guard destruction enhanced too there you go and we need one more quartz to unlock this I'm upset that we don't have a fully upgraded weapon or if you can Farm those anywhere anything else to do I don't think so right just to double check we don't have like a you don't sell them again yeah we can't upgrade it have you been listening to the records close your eyes yes all two of them that we found which don't think is the cube you might still have the anti-disruption capsu'll come to that same amount I I don't think that matters I think it's uh it was fine that defense wasn't it yeah it's it's fine I don't care I think it's okay yes keep doing this move not like that [Music] no go go go go go go both of me to think I'm gonna have to sharpen my weapon for the second phase huh we're not even gonna get to the second phase yeah we're dead damn oh he takes off his crown after he kills you it's tough man wait does this game have pausing if it does I haven't found it it's a mark against it actually every game should have pausing unless it's online like persistent multiplayer okay why am I getting hit by the second attack there do I need to like to do a another tap of the block all right whoa I what the [ __ ] did he hit behind me [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] that's pretty tough putting that heart of a fight behind that long of a first phase I don't know if I like that all that much but like it's a cool looking fight and it's fun to fight against for sure but it's uh I don't know if this is gonna hold up for me if it takes me like over an hour to kill this like I might get a little annoyed at how long phase one is before we get to phase two because holy [ __ ] but you know that's not really uh criticism of the of the the move set or whatever it's just like the decision to make this too far the same fight all right okay so sweet from from the left is Right requires two blocks not one what the [ __ ] is that why are there a bunch of yappy dogs in chat [Music] oh man all right [Music] let's try the heels [Music] [Music] that no not that okay dead okay I think that second phase is going to be shorter is there a third phase I believe in eugeo don't give up predicted no thoughts on the realistic Smurf thing uh I don't know if that is so I have negative thoughts on it okay what's I have to get behind him when he just read the bike milky what are you doing all right two healing charges mostly repaired weapon is it two or one two healing charges here we go let's get some practice in [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thing on the ground instead what the [ __ ] was that is it because I did it out of a Dodge hold on I charge an R2 and instead of doing the frontal poke he did this other attack no it's still that that all right it's after an R1 R1 into holding R2 he does this [ __ ] is that slower it is isn't it [ __ ] hell I did light into R2 [ __ ] they silence the dogs which dogs you didn't hold that I think I did it's like you're holding after R1 it does a different uh different attack [Applause] oh it's after an R2 as well [Music] all right so when he does that straight left around him all right [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] what the [ __ ] what do I do there okay I don't know how to react to he his eye flashes red and then he pulls me of vaudeville's style off of the off of my feet do I I feel like I'm stunned when he does that is it because he always does it in response to me doing an attack and I'm locked in or I can't block it I don't think I think I need to I need to roll from it but like when I hit I hit roll every time he does it and I and my character just doesn't move I guess I just must be unlucky and I'm getting locked in or he only does it when I do an attack on him without it being a reactive one [Music] what the [ __ ] was that [Applause] all right five healing let's go five healing five healing [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so dodging quick stepping that move where he's chasing with fire is either I was doing it wrong or you have to Parry it instead I wonder I think he goes through you if you parry it though does doesn't he how low was that was that sub 50 or no can't you just run away uh I think I was trying to run away and then I felt like he was gonna get me so I dodged instead why are you using the signal I have no idea [Applause] okay what the [ __ ] am I supposed to do about that all right oh God like his eyes flash is red and I'm gonna try and the Dodge or move right and he's already pulling me back Dodge for into him what just beat this boss Pawn if you ever fight so far mostly in terms of visual spectacle though good luck with the king of Puppets also nice to see you use that Spirit the moveset is baller it's pretty good huh it's a good weapon I like it quite a bit I think these are now and thank you top Lolly for the hype chat entering Lizzy overdrive hot dog hot dog hot dog hot dog hot dog hot dog hot dog hot dog hot dog hot dog hot dog hot dog hot dog okay you know what at this point there's no way you can block it because he puts the Scythe behind your head and then his eye flashes red you can't block from behind you do you just turn around and do it like there's no way you have time to turn around and block it is there but like moving to the right isn't doing it maybe you just have to do a quick Dodge you have to be like as soon as light uh let you see like right just go boom to the right or boom but it's so fast foreign [Music] [Music] okay so he does it in response to you attacking him so it's kind of like a pseudo Parry foreign [Music] [Music] can't run from it it's kind of lame it gets out of your field of view and it's like [ __ ] the fires there oh I lost a while apparently YouTube is adding feature to AI generate translated dubs to videos that sounds good I wonder how good it's gonna be wait does light attack do more damage than heavy attack is 258 heavy attack does nothing okay oh yeah white type is more no it doesn't I'm using consistent maybe I got a credit on one of them why don't you stream on YouTube uh because I think it's good to diversify where you're on with platform so you're not relying on just one platform and also um I didn't want to people to associate that YouTube account with uh with the streams and everything like when you get a notification from that YouTube account not that you do the video how are you not dead oh man [Applause] [Applause] thank you are you following up what what the [ __ ] why would you that's so hard to dodge when you still follow it up [ __ ] oh maybe this guy is just never safe to attack you always have to like Parry him down into full through a full string that you know is safe to punish and then you uh you watch him call it you uh or you stagger him and then you you do your your damage afterwards which is fine because deflecting and dealing with all this moves is actually really fun and you know you're contributing to getting the Stagger down on him yeah because defending is is doing offense in this game see how that works pretty good right this is yeah I said that uh yesterday I think you can you can kind of read it if you just aligned it better uh what the hell dude come on this guy seems really weak to just move him left silly silly mama 's Republicans well he's a king thank you Ryden [Applause] [Music] oh it's the only sometimes swallowed it up oh okay [Music] no heels in a dream [Music] all right [Music] dream's over dream's over okay that doesn't seem too bad to Parry the fire does a lot of damage though if it go if you don't perfectly deflect it though it's gonna build up into overheat all right well we only have 15 minutes left to kill him so it's not looking good anyone who didn't vote for if you have upgrade mats maybe you could try the saw blade for a DEX handle it's very good for Hit and Run come on Zorn how are you you know you know who you're talking to you know who you're talking to oh it's all right how's it going RT game RT game this game is fantastic Souls like lies of P what was RT game playing was it also lies of Pete save the diver I've heard good things about that how is RT liking it it's good thank you damn uh no punished seeing the rain stop what's the raid song there's a raid song I have a rain song if you're raining you know it clap your hands if your Raiders and you know it clap your hands if your Raiders in you know what and you really want to show it if you Raiders in you know it clap your hands some of you are my chatter clapping you're not obeying the song Respect the rules [Music] anyway Raiders this game is excellent is the slowest like I don't know who made it I can't remember the name of the people who made it yeah you can find that out from Google if you would like um I believe this is their first Souls like that they've made and it is uh possibly the best Souls like that is the bosses are a highlight really really good this is the fifth boss six boss you'll see the last boss I don't think so but like who knows and we've been on it for like an hour I think so hard [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] style deflection system with getting parries off with blocking with your weapon you can time it right you get a deflection it's pretty cool thank you [Music] what [Music] oh he has a fire kick now here's the fire kick now I'm sorry yeah I should have done that for the Raiders if we get there again I'll show the cutscene are you still are you starting to be frustrated by having to beat the first phase yet no not yet I'm I'm enjoying optimizing it uh I'm a bit tired now though because we've done it so many times and I'm playing a little sloppier than I was in phase one now I'm definitely getting better at phase two so it's kind of weird idea I feel like if I get a really good phase one and I go into phase two with like I don't know five heals which has happened before um and a fully uh repaired weapon and I can survive the fire thing and also the moon comes out and it starts raining and also like I stopped I'm so hungry and maybe if my kid starts being fired downstairs and then maybe feedback and still shows up in the chat and says I'm rooting for you Joe um also if Lily shows up it gives me another coffee and tea gives me a choice maybe maybe I have a chance of getting him down 10 I think maybe so see the health bar is flashing white there that means you can do a charge attack to hit them down to a Sun State and you hit them a bunch and then you get a big critical hit if you want to stick around and then that's it so that's what you build up by the collecting also deflector means you don't take damage from the attack good what that did not hit me what the [ __ ] was that is that the first packet box of the game holy [ __ ] oh we're up against the wall here with the dead oh no we finished it all right cool all right let's repair up four heels Escape back and Sell Here all right so here's the cutscene that's pretty cool we could only get Kate Middleton oh what's the point then I think he might actually do more damage without the crown animation well the thing is the crit animation is a big hit of damage it also brings back all of your stamina so it's good to do it at the end that's us we're really hot [Music] do do [Music] yeah [ __ ] why why why why [Music] [Applause] [Music] [ __ ] that's so hard that is so hard like because if you [ __ ] up the the perfect deflections overheat builds up and you thought that is so [ __ ] hard holy [ __ ] all right if we get past that I think we have him it just keeps going yeah I know it's like a fire foul blade huh live share reaction whoa how'd you do that stunner yes [Music] let's go Justin I can't believe Kate Beckinsale doesn't watch our team what the hell what was the vote I'm curious it was um if I if I beat the boss before the end of stream which is in three minutes so it's not looking good that move is insane why did I attack why did I attack why did I attack what about going full light weight for super fast Dodges uh going lightweight doesn't make your Dodges that much faster and I prefer to prefer to deflect I think it's more fun I'm doing some Dodges but I think it's more fun show Raiders your sailor outfit all right sailor outfit for luck here we go there we go back on put a mask on for luck too there we go what what did the face change take away stagger that sucks [Music] Rob yeah for sure right okay this is not gonna all chat this is not a good last attempts [Music] didn't even get the phase two man didn't even get the phase two didn't even get to phase two I'm watching yesterday's stream of some of the points you're majoring uh E eldering versus sucker and Elder ring taking some uh steps back with some of the tanks made me think that maybe some of those Sacro mechanics that allegedly are improving the experience wouldn't work or be drinking Co-op contacts or clash with weapons magic variety I certainly suspect this might have been the reason behind some of the decisions well it doesn't surprise me they suspect that because that's the way you Shield the game for criticism so yeah that's that's your goal right um no I don't see how adding any indicator on on stagger being built up on the boss would affect any of that or if not just better visual tells on how important is to build that up same with like being an enemy sorry an enemies move being able to be jumped over I don't see how that helps or uh sorry it would hurt anything else that you said on your list I'm really tired sorry um like I don't that doesn't mean to me at all if you don't think you should have like an indicator like a careless warning symbol attack that's fine but why isn't it a better like animation to read then it doesn't have to be to be the warning well that was your well you weren't here yesterday or one chat was being really rude to me about this I'm only dishing out as good as I got it I would deflection mechanics with an ER who wanted the reflection in the oven ring for yesterday's conversation it wasn't brought up yesterday was it maybe it was I mean you can easily just make it boss opening it's like her boss gags there's things like that in the game already right yeah I don't think that move works properly oh [ __ ] no you don't have the cube not the cube not the cube not the cube [Music] I'm sorry no one said to me to turn it down this is the last attempt in the middle anyway so I'll try down tomorrow if we're still on this which we probably will be you don't have to have a deflection system like from Sakura in order to add uh an offensive capability onto your defensive option just have it that every single move that the player iframes through it gives the player stocking damage though there you go on their next set it doesn't have to be like forever now you can sympathize them I think I say that in the video [Music] I didn't work for my weapon [ __ ] Oh thanks Ryan so it is the M2 versions of flying at you after he does his fire Dash away one like shoots through you and one he kind of goes up in the air and comes down and one you have to instant Dodge and when you don't or was that the same attack and I just [ __ ] up the timing oh man that's so close so close he does it really well though you live through the Firefly yeah but like I I dodged Summit really well I didn't dodge the fire foul really well I don't know what you're supposed to do there apart from just the perfect deflect at all that's so hard I wonder if you get behind him during that I wonder if his AI wigs out and he'll whiff a couple hits as he circles back around to get back to you again like if you dodge like against him instead want to hit and I don't want to hit I don't like hints when I play games I don't know how his AI responds to that I would continue fighting it and so I beat it however uh it's past the kid's bedtime like I can't I I'm not like allowed to go further than this like it's not I'm not going to be a a bad dad for uh for streaming I'm sorry so that's it see you tomorrow sorry for not being the boss we'll come back to it tomorrow and hopefully we'll get it soon hard boss man hard boss holy crap see you later don't apologize you come into my chat my chat
Channel: Non Official Daily(ish) Joseph Anderson
Views: 7,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: J5-CRMWey7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 280min 8sec (16808 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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