MBS 457: Improve Dialogue with EQ in FCP X

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hey everyone welcome to another edition of macbreak studio I'm in the studio with my senior editor Travis Richman and we couldn't do what we do without him he does everything he does audio he does sound he does picture he does coffee he doesn't everything and he just released an amazing tutorial on working with audio plugins in Falcon Pro 10 so what'd you tell him a little bit about it yeah so today we had a live webinar slash tutorial on working with audio effects in Final Cut Pro 10 we had great feedback as editors independent editors small production houses we don't always have access to sound engineers sound editors sound can be intimidating for a video editor and it's great to know how to work with the plugins that are built right into final Final Cut Pro 10 from logic we cover things like channel EQ compressor denoiser space designer there's eight total and today on YouTube we're gonna release part of the channel EQ lesson so with that let's get started [Music] channel EQ is a great audio effect for fixing problems or making level changes to specific frequencies in the timeline I have a video clip of Steve Martin from one of ripple trainings YouTube shows during recording there was an issue with the mic that resulted in less-than-ideal audio let's play it back hey guys welcome to another edition of macbreak studio this week I want to show you three things that will really come in handy when you want to perform match detection edits now that we know what we're working with let's apply the EQ the channel EQ effect can be found in the effects browser in the EQ category to apply it to the clip of Steve I'll drag and drop it next I'll navigate to the inspector and click the HUD button for the channel EQ what you see here is a range of frequencies starting at 20 Hertz going all the way to 20,000 Hertz right now there are no changes being made along this middle line are colored control points that you can drag to either boost or attenuate a particular frequency I'll undo that change each colored dot corresponds to a set of controls at the bottom of the window the orange dot here is set at 75 Hertz we haven't made any changes yet so it's at 0 dB the bottom number is for the cue if I raise up this control point at 100 Hertz you can see my cue is at point 6 the cue determines the range of frequencies that you affect with your adjustment you can also adjust the cue by dragging here if I said a wider Q and now boosting frequencies below 20 Hertz all the way up to around 500 if I reduce the cube down I'm only boosting the 100 Hertz frequency I'll undo that along with the parameters at the bottom each control point has a button at the top for disabling and enabling on the far left and the far right we have the high pass filter and the low pass filter the left one is a high pass filter it allows high frequencies to pass while reducing the level of the low frequencies the low pass filter is the same but in Reverse when you have a high and a low pass filter applied it is called a bandpass filter I don't need those so I'll turn them off on the right side of the window is the gain slider that allows us to either lower or boost the overall signal if I boost the gain we can see it reflected in the waveforms below I'll put that back at zero in the bottom left we have the analyzer button if I turn that on and play back the clip of Steve's we will get live feedback showing us the frequencies of his voice stopping playback we can see Steve's voice is ranging from about 100 Hertz all the way up to 10,000 Hertz the analyzer is a great reference when it comes time to make adjustments moving to the right is cute couple to show what cue couple does I'll disable it and then raise one of the control points with Q couple disabled you adjust a wide range of frequencies all undo that and re-enable Q couple now when I raise a control point a bell curve is created producing a narrower adjustment affecting less frequencies I'll leave the Q couple enabled and undo my adjustment next we have processing which allows you to choose between stereo and the different audio channels having gone through all the settings we can start to work on Steve's audio before making any changes I'm gonna set a small range here and make sure that loop playback is enabled in the playback menu and then press the forward slash key for looping hey guys welcome to another edition of macbreak studio hey guys welcome to another edition of every studio listening to the audio it sounds like we need to boost the bass frequencies I'll raise up this control point around 200 Hertz and then spread out the queue I'll disable and re-enable this effect while playing back do another addition of every studio this week I want to show you three things that will really come in handy when you want to perform match detection edits there the Event Viewer the slip tool and the slide tool Wow much better I'm also noticing a strange tendinous to the audio to address it we can use a technique called sweeping the audio or sweeping the frequencies I'll drag up on another control point quite a bit and then I'm going to narrow my correction by reducing the cue and as I play back I'm going to drag this audio back and forth to see if I can pinpoint the sound with my range still selected in the timeline I'll press forward slash hey guys welcome to another edition to macbreak studio hey guys welcome to another edition in a free studio hey guys look notice has a sweep back and forth you'll hear certain sounds give a boost in the memory studio hey guys welcome to another edition of macbreak studio hey guys just under 1,000 Hertz seems to be where the sound resides now that I've located I'll just pull down on the control point to remove that frequency this is referred to as a band reject or a notch filter hey guys welcome to another edition of every studio this week I want to show you it's not perfect but compared to the original audio it is a vast improvement I could continue to adjust each frequency but I have a more thorough adjustment saved as a preset called Steve audio fix that can be accessed in this menu here if you wanted to create a new preset select save preset at the bottom I'll select the Steve audio fix and then play back hey guys welcome to another edition to macbreak studio this week I want to show you three things that will really come in handy when you want to perform match detection edits sounds great keep in mind that the channel EQ is not magic but it can be very helpful when you need to make targeted adjustments to frequencies of an audio file so I hope you found that helpful that was a big improvement to Steve's voice but man he doesn't make me sound good if you liked what you saw we have a full set of his plug-in tutorials available right now the link below you can get the whole set for 20 bucks 24-hour sale that's readily 40 bucks no 30 its weekly 30 bucks so check it out below click link below and I'm guarantee you will love this tutorial thanks
Channel: Ripple Training
Views: 31,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Final Cut Pro X, FCPX, Apple, Video, Editing, Audio, EQ, Dialouge, Ripple
Id: RAzL1hADcVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2019
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