Mayte EXPOSES the lies & DARK truth behind her marriage with Prince!

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now if you're familiar with Prince music then I'm  sure you've heard of Mighty Garcia right he's very   famous ex-wife his first wife but she is more than  just prince wife okay Maite Garcia is a talented   actress singer and dancer and has a lot to offer  and have paved a way for herself and made a name   for herself and she has persevered through the  tragedy that she endured and she's come out really   a beautiful soul who is healing and her story is  just so touching we are going to get into all of   the juicy details of her story because I know  that's why you guys are here you know from her   meeting Prince really young and the scandals of it  all and becoming her legal guardian and and then   our birth control so many details we're going to  talk about and I do want to give a trigger warning   because we are going to talk about the loss of  a child which is going to be pretty detailed I   don't want to trigger anyone this is your trigger  warning I am going to show a lot of Clips Etc so   I'm just letting you guys know now as a courtesy  there will be sensitive topics and sensitive clips   shown okay but before we get into all of that hey  friend welcome to my channel Karine Alourde while   we Deep dive and break down the most iconic stars  to history if you're not yet subscribed please be   sure to do so and if you're already subscribed  please turn on your notification Bell so you   never miss an upload without further Ado let's  jump into this video as always I want you guys   to be a little familiar with the personalities of  the icons that we break down so I'm gonna give you   guys a quick run of her personality who is Maite  Garcia before we get into her childhood and then   how she met prince in all of those details okay  let's start with her beauty profile first mate   always had this Allure this mysterious vampy  look right but did you guys know that her look   especially when she worked with Prince in her  younger years was the vision of Prince we're   gonna talk about that he really decided on the  hair colors and the fashion and although people   tried to make that seem very controlling of him  she never had an issue with it she really found   it like hey it was his vision I was working for  him and he helped me to look to have that look   that is timeless that is Iconic that is her  signature look even with the v-shaped bang as   iconic as it is friends you know encouraged her  to do that and she always gave him Credit in his   flowers for that even though people tried to spin  it into a controlling situation we went further   with no with your clothing and your hair and all  the thing I know in a way you can go well that   was him as an artist and that's what he saw and  that was his vision but actually living that on   a day-to-day thing it must have sometimes she must  have felt quite stifled but he's he was Infamous   for that I mean if you notice that's why the the  band was so tight and everybody was I mean it was   just a respect thing no I mean it wasn't like he  was asking me to have orange hair or do create   anything crazy it was something to add to what  he was doing his vision his album at the time   so it didn't feel controlling I mean it was fun  I never looked at it and was like I don't want   bangs or I don't want to wear this it was always  like yes this is awesome it actually works out   a lot even now as she got older she still has a  very toned physique as someone who still dances   she still dances and she still works out a lot and  she has spoken about that since the very beginning   that she's on stage a lot dancing first of all I  wonder how do you keep fit and you have to go on   stage every night dance yeah well basically um  dancing on stage is what keeps us keeps me fit   because it's non-stop I'm dancing non-stop in the  concert yeah and when you're off the road doing   workout every day yeah yeah training for hours  a dance you have to train every day so she take   care of her skin a lot and then she also loved  witch hazel which is an astringent that's one   of her number one beauty secrets and when it  comes to her personality she loves to Zen out   and relax a lot she always says that she's in a  constant state of meditation and especially when   she's dancing or her day to day because she dealt  with so much trauma that she doesn't want to like   remember all of them and have to think and stuff  so she stays in this constant state of meditation   but her favorite way to relax is to sit down with  some tea and knit she's into knitting her favorite   City to visit of all is Madrid which is in Spain  she also loves to cook and she's obsessed with the   culinary world now let's get into her childhood  okay so Maite Garcia is a dynamic and fascinating   woman who was born on November 12 1973 and Fort  Rucker Alabama her parents John and Janelle both   came from Puerto Rico and they have Puerto Rican  backgrounds her father was a pilot in the U.S   military while her mother was a talented dancer  her life was full of Travel and Adventure spending   much of her childhood in both Germany and the  United States growing up in Germany Maite quickly   developed a love and passion for ballet and became  a prima ballerina with the wise Baden ballet as   a teenager she attended General H.H Arnold High  School in wisevin where her passion for dancing   continued to grow and flourish Maite spoke fondly  about the time she spent in Germany immersed in   the culture and surrounded by Art and history and  despite her love for dance matay's true passion   was always belly dancing she began practicing at  the young age of three and was soon recognized as   a prodigy Maite even appeared on the American  television program that's incredible at the   tender age of seven becoming the world's youngest  professional belly dancer Maite Summers were spent   with her extended family in San Juan Puerto Rico  where she soaked up all the vibrant energy and   culture of her Heritage she treasured these visits  and spoke of them fondly saying that it was where   she truly fell like she belonged she loved music  and was even part of a choir when she was younger   her artistic talent extended to drawing painting  and even writing displaying a broad range of   creativity now in terms of her career in 1990 16  year old Garcia met 32 year old Prince backstage   in Barcelona after he saw a tape of her dancing  the story began in 1990 when her mother took a   chance by sending a video of Garcia's captivating  dance routine to one of Prince dancers hoping it   would reach the legendary musician himself as  fate would have it Prince was spelled bound   within minutes of watching The Young dancer's  performance and within 10 minutes she was invited   backstage continued saying his hair was straight  into a soft wave his eyelashes was unfairly lovely   he smelled like the most expensive shelf in the  Sephora perfume aisle this man wearing eyeliner   heels and ladies perfume somehow managed to  be more masculine than the Burly bodyguard   Prince then told Garcia I like your tape are you  really 16 and after confirming that she was Prince   told the teenager well I like to talk to you more  can I get your number the two maintained contact   for two years Prince called that same night asking  Garcia to come to his hotel room with more tapes   he was soon calling her every night and writing to  her saying in one note you're so pretty it cheers   me up if someone tries to ruin my day many do  thank you for coming into my world end quote that   same year she was also invited to visit Paisley  Park where she belly danced with Prince and then   slept in a separate bedroom in the morning he  made pancakes right Garcia by many people believed   something did happen comment below what you think  and Prince was also known as saying when he first   saw her you know first time he laid eyes on her  he said that's going to be my wife I said that's   my future wife just as you know did you think this  is my future husband no I mean I was 16 when I met   him so just the idea of meeting him I was really  scared before I met him and then when I met him   I just felt this I was just calm and I didn't feel  nervous after she graduated high school in Germany   at the age of 17 Prince became her legal guardian  and upon turn in 18 Garcia was asked to join the   npg um you were too young to go on the road with  him and this is the bit that both Holly and I went   what um that your your dad made him your legal  guardian so that you could go on the road with   him my father saw the back and forth between  between Prince and I I would send him video   tips of my dancing and he would send me music and  I kept going on these trips to visit him and just   he just knew and and when Prince asked him if I  could come to Los Angeles there was a possibility   that I could work so instead of having to deal  with all the paperwork meeting him my mother and   father you know they both spoke to him the father  have got two girls as a father here of two girls   if one of my girls at 17 said I'm going on the  road with a rock star will you sign over um my   legal guardianship to them I would have said are  you absolutely out of your mind no chance comment   below what do you guys think about about him  becoming her legal guardian what are your thoughts   but might they seem to have seen it differently  and in 1992 Garcia's career took flight as she was   hired to dance during Prince diamond and Pearl's  tour at first he was horrible to her he gave her a   meager salary of just 300 a week unable to afford  meals she was forced to sneak scraps there were   times I was hungry enough to sneak food from room  service carts in a hotel hallway she recalls when   Prince thought she did eat too much he punished  her for it she claims when he believed a makeup   artist cookies in the dressing room were actually  Garcia's he shamed her and docked her Pig because   you went dancing as much and you're on tour and  you're eating and you said your body changed and   you you put on weights and Prince's reaction  to that was harsh docking your wages it went   further with no everybody was I mean it was just  a respect thing and upon moving to Minneapolis   Princeton members of his team helped set her up  with her own apartment at first I stayed at the   selfie tell she said then they moved me to a nice  little prairie house at the Country Suites but I   couldn't even make cup of tea there so they got  me an apartment and rented Furniture she said when   she was 19 Prince instructed her to get on birth  control thus beginning their sensual relationship   friends later told Oprah Winfrey he remembered  thinking that was my future wife when he first   saw the dancer Garcia said she couldn't really  pinpoint when the relationship became romantic   but she did tell the Irish Times that when she  was 19 Prince told her it was time for her to   go on birth control Maite was a virgin when she  met Prince and was actually very sheltered and   protected by her parents according to her then I  don't know what the Holyoke guardianship thing I   don't know so she was pretty inexperienced in  the areas of Love according to her she really   makes my soul Feel Complete he continued I feel  powerful with her around and she makes it easier   to talk to God end quote she became the Muse for  his next album love symbol where she assumed the   role of an Egyptian princess from 1992 to 1996  she was a vital member of the npg and continued to   make occasional appearances during Prince toys in  1998 and 1999 and and after a four-year courtship   they married on February 14 1996. Garcia's talents  reached New Heights in 1995 when Prince produced   an album for her title child of the sun released  in Europe under his MPG records label in 1997 she   was appointed artistic director of the New Power  Generation Dance Company and directed the music   video for the one for Prince her directorial  skills also extended to creating music videos   for Chaka Khan which I did a video for in Graham  Central Station she had some fond memories of her   relationship with friends and really sees them  in a very adoring light his wedding gift to her   7500 square foot Spanish villa equipped with a  professional hair salon and a music studio and   although she wasn't allowed to use the hair  salon because it was for Prince only she had   to always go get her hair done outside of the  house because she said he needed his me time   in the salon was his me time okay in her 2017  Memoir the most beautiful my life with Prince   Garcia paints a picture of their shopping  escapades that were anything but average and   imagine this instead of mundane tasks by comparing  prices or trying on clothes the couple would sweep   down on Melrose and a limo blitzing through each  door before anyone would even register that they   were in the presence of Music royalty their  approach was simple find the coolest threads   grab what you want hand it over to Security at the  door price tags who had time for that when you're   living in the fast lane you don't check price  tags okay but their connection ran deeper than   extravagant shopping sprees prints firmly believe  that their souls had met in a past life during an   interview with Oprah in 1996 he stated she was  either my sister or we were the same person or   something in another life and although Oprah found  the idea slightly peculiar Prince remained unsued   there's a closeness there that you know is right  and you won't argue with it he asserted Gracia   echoed these sentiments in her Memoir writing  together we explored universes and lifetimes in   universal truth people say they are soul mates  and believe they knew each other in a previous   life I feel like she was either my sister or we  were the same person or something in another life   there's a closeness that that you know is right  and you don't argue with I do feel that I've come   closer to who I aspire to be by being with her  really she makes it easier to talk to God yeah the most romantic thing that he's done is  is right these beautiful songs for me you   know there's let's have a baby because of that I  mean I got pregnant in a conversation with Spike   Lee in 1997 Prince took it even further saying my  soul has been in love with Maite for thousands of   years when asked to elaborate he added I am a firm  believer in reincarnation for people who either   have more work to do or have so much debt to pay  back that they have to be here I hope for me it   is the former and my work was Finding Maite and  having a child which we will continue to work on   until there are several here end quote and in 1995  Prince pinned his hit song the most beautiful girl   in the world for Garcia and during their Oprah win  review Garcia made an interesting Revelation she   never called her husband by his name Prince When  I met him I didn't call him Prince she explained   I never called him that because I didn't see him  as that person and when people asked how she got   his attention she had a simple answer I just said  hey tell of Maite Garcia's and Prince only child   Amir is a heartbreaking one of all the memories  on her four-year marriage to Prince Mayte Garcia   says her favorite was telling him she was pregnant  with her first child he was so ecstatic they named   the child Amir which is Arabic for Prince and he  was born on October 16 1996. Amir was immediately   diagnosed with Pfeiffer syndrome type 2 which  is a rare genetic disorder that severely impacts   the development of the skull this condition  made it impossible for the newborn to breathe   independently requiring a ventilator for survival  they brought the baby over to us remembers Garcia   he was curled on his side gasping shallow little  gulps of air because there was no Lids to Blink   his eyes look startled and dry Garcia then  writes I caught hold of his tiny hands saying   over and over mama loves you Mama's here that  was one of the few times she was able to hold   and speak to her baby who never left the hospital  and immediately began to undergo operations and   procedures to try and prolong his life Amir was  still struggling to breathe rights Garcia nothing   seemed to be working to help his condition they  sew his eyes shut intubation feeding tubes every   day something went wrong writes Garcia and  after six days he was struggling to breathe   and I said to the doctor he's not leaving here  is he despite the best medical care that little   prince could not overcome his health challenges  and tragically possibly just six days after his   birth and his ashes were brought to their home in  an urn the loss was devastating to the couple and   in their grief they struggled to accept the harsh  reality of their son's death and a week later they   appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show presenting  a facade of normalcy to the world pretending   as though their son was still alive Maite was  still grieving and was not in the mood to do   a sit down with Oprah she begged Prince to cancel  the engagement but he resisted he replied telling   her I needed to do this for me Garcia writes in  her book and I quote he had me on my feet but I   was sobbing people came a mask of heavy makeup was  applied to my face my husband took Oprah on a tour   of Paisley Park and her mission was clear she'd  come to find out if the child was dead or deformed   like people were saying there were so many rumors  that Prince couldn't have kids because he wasn't   human and there baby didn't survive because  of that fact and this is why their baby looked   Indescribable it must have been so hard for Maite  I can't even begin to imagine it's been rumored   that the couple's baby boy was born with health  problems and the reports have fans concerned what   is the status of your baby my family exists we're  just beginning it we got it many kids to have a   long way to go and that's all the artist and  his wife choose to say at this time Garcia also   explains the disorder that claimed her son's life  which she only began to learn about after it says   saying Pfeiffer syndrome 2 is a genetic disorder  that causes skeletal and systematic abnormalities   rights Garcia the premature fusing of the bones  in the skull sometimes resulting in Cloverleaf   skull in which the eyes are outside the sockets  the fusion of bones in the hands and feet causing   a webbed or pawl-like appearance the absence of an  anus indicating life-threatening abnormalities in   colon and bowels Garcia goes on to write I learned  all this later but in the first moment I couldn't   understand what I was seeing in quote that is  why Prince had a look of Terror when he saw the   boy whose arrival he had been eagerly planning  on people who misunderstood the disorder had   ignorant comments and suspicions because like my  day they couldn't understand fully what they were   looking at you know if you don't understand you  just be like okay why does this child look like   this right it's a very bizarre illness to have but  back to Oprah and that horrifying interview Maite   had to endure part of the tour that Oprah did at  Paisley Park did a stop at a nursery and playroom   Prince had installed at his Paisley Park while  Garcia was still in the hospital she said I didn't   know anything about that she writes he wanted to  surprise me Oprah started before I did I have to   wonder why he took her in there they stood in the  middle of this colorful Paradise of toys it had   everything our perfect Nursery needs except for  the only thing a perfect Nursery needs which is   a child Garcia says Oprah asked about the baby's  rumored health problems to which Prince responded   it was all good but while touring Paisley Park  he showed me their newly decorated playroom and   here's my favorite room the children's to be the  children's to come yes ma'am and all those rumors   about their baby well the artist shared this  with us it's all good never mind what you hear   Garcia later explained this heartbreaking decision  saying that they were Paralyzed by denial and   grief they held on to the belief that their son's  Soul would return that he was not really gone the   death of their child Saint Garcia spiraling into  a deep depression leading her to contemplate   taking her own life in her darkest moment she  found solace in the affection of her dog whose   unconditional love served as a Lifeline pulling  her back from the edge and unfortunately the   couple struggle did not end there Garcia suffered  a miscarriage sometime after amir's death further   exasperating The Strain on their relationship  the compounded grief and loss eventually proved   too much for their marriage there Maite explains  and I quote to lose two babies is really scary   it really caught on me emotionally physical  everything it took me at least 15 years to   get over it and still to this day I miss my son  I believe a child dying between a couple either   makes you stronger or it doesn't for me it was  very hard to move forward and for us as a couple   I think it probably broke us and he abandoned her  in the house and just went on to marry his next   wife which is so odd because my taste cool with  her now and my girl I don't know I could never   because the ex-wife kind of a legend to rumors  and mighty they were messing around while you   know mate was going through all of this too and  she became friends with her I don't know I think   he thought because we lost our two children two  babies that I wasn't the one in 2000 after years   of marriage and a series of heartbreaking events  Garcia and Prince decided to part ways making   the end of their Union when she was asked if she  believed our relationship would have survived if   they hadn't lost their son Grecia grows quiet  then softly replies yes fighting back tears   she continues I meet a lot of people and I've  learned that not many couples make it after the   loss of a child and then when you have another  one that was really hard on us end quote what   would you like to say about your relationship  will it be forever yeah it will be forever   yeah [Music] after the separation Garcia claims  she learned from the friend that Prince had burned   everything in his home that reminded him of her or  their late child including amir's ashes my whole   body felt taken over with rage she writes it felt  hot and toxic and lasted for a long long time a   few years later Garcia learned to forgive her eggs  and the former couple was on good terms before his   2016 you know death I know as surely as I know  my name that I will see my love again she insists   and she her later career she choreographed Britney  Spears iconic belly dancing routine for the I'm a   Slave for You music video and the 2001 MTV Video  Music Awards performance and during this period   she dated drummer Tommy Lee and contributed vocals  to his album never a dull moment and Beyond music   Garcia has made her Mark in films such as the  Hindi film dust and Firehouse Dog she was offered   a significant role in the film just like a woman  but had to decline due to scheduling conflicts and   on television Gracia has appeared on popular shows  like Two Broke Girls Psych the closer Las Vegas   niptuck and Keeping Up with the Kardashians  she took on recurring role on lifetimes Army   Wives as Jennifer Connor and was a judge on the  first season of Oxygen's dance her ass off in   2017 Garcia pinned a heartfelt book titled the  most beautiful my life with Prince chronicling   her personal and professional relationship  with the music icon she found it difficult   to date after printing I think I'm now screwed  for life because my first relationship was the   most bizarre relationship ever and I'm not normal  anymore I've kind of been spoiled and I guess I'm   kind of screwed up you know end quote Garcia lives  in Las Vegas Nevada with her daughter Gia whom she   had adopted in 2013 and Garcia has multiple  sclerosis which is autoimmune disease that   affects the central nervous system the symptoms  begin in 2010 her treatment program along with   a healthy diet and exercise regimen has stopped  the MS symptoms from progressing allowing her to   live in an active lifestyle and continue working  this is all I have for this video how tragic but   but I feel like she is healing in her healing  process I hope she heals from this because even   in recent interviews she just always looks at it  especially every time she talks about this so I   pray for her healing this is all I have to say for  this story comment below your thoughts what do you   guys think about all of this if you like the music  you're listening to the link is in the description   support my brother and also comment below who  else would you guys like to see until next time
Channel: Karine Alourde 🇭🇹
Views: 457,387
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Keywords: garcia, mayte garcia, mayte garcia interview, mayte garcia book, mayte garcia review, entrevista mayte garcia, mayte garcia book review, mayte garcia prince book, leonel garcia, mayte garcia the most beautiful, the most beautiful mayte garcia, mayte garcia prince book review, mayte garcia the most beautiful book review, mayte, mayte prince, mayte and prince, mayte and prince son, mayte and prince Oprah, Oprah, prince, prince wives, prince wife, mayte Garcia young, mayte now
Id: pxEnhUVF7j8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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