Apollonia Discusses Her Life w/ Prince, Filming Purple Rain & Her Work in Sunset Sound.

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Apples seems genuine to me, her beef with Sheila was unexpected Whatโ€™s everyone view around that?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/PaulaPrince2016 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 02 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] all right it is may 18 2021 we are in studio three at sunset sound recorders in hollywood california and we're with apollonia qatar how are you fine thank you drew thank you so much for having me here today thank you for coming this is such a monumental day for me and just a special occasion you know to be at this stage in the studio's existence and having you come back after all this time and share these stories which everybody's been doing lately and it's just so fulfilling for us and for even the subjects that come in um what's your thoughts when you come back into this legendary room well first and foremost it's been just an incredible journey this past year so happy that we're here without our masks vaccinated we're in the same studio studio three where i had to take notes because i want to be perfectly accurate purple rain was recorded here on that piano and get choked up i knew it the beautiful one baby i'm a star i would die for you i'll hear oh yeah this is for me cathartic full circle to be here again um i could feel so much energy uh spirits of the past it's beautiful thank you so much for inviting me yeah i'm glad we got connected our you know our mutual friend matthew batone uh came in here we interviewed him was about a year ago and he's same thing he was almost in tears just coming in here he's like just the energy and the stories he was back a few weeks ago we were listening to uh because he's uh working with the estate now to do the reissue and designs and uh he was playing purple rain just the piano track and we were looking at the piano there's nothing much better than that so right uh yeah it all happened in here so it's you know cathartic for me like i said i didn't get much sleep you know i was nervous excited happy sad uh it's just i'm speechless yeah when was the first time you ever came in this room or sunset sound in general wow the first time that's a good question i believe i was in here with prince so it was a print session the first time you came this was after the film obviously yes yes actually it was during because we were still doing some pickup shots here in l.a and we were recording here and we were recording also in minnesota so we were back and forth it was just it was at the kiosk easy yes is it kiawah i always say like uh american native indian kyoa trail right trail yeah beautiful house a purple house with a lake in the back yeah um so let's get back to you though it started in san pedro that's where you were born i was born uh i was actually uh i was created on the santa monica pier and was born in saint john's in santa monica california wow i'm from dogtown venice girl surfer i surf and did you go to high school down in long beach pedro area san pedro yeah okay and obviously then you're modeling and taking auditions right i wanted to be an actor a singer my mom uh she had a friend that worked at mgm wardrobe so she borrowed her wedding dress they were married across the street at st augustine so it was inevitable you know being born and raised in hollywood that you know i wanted to be an entertainer yeah did you were you really familiar with prince's music and yes so you knew all about prince and loved the music i did i used to have his cassette and would listen to all of his songs and i remember he's like this new wave guy you know this cat you know new wave funk and i remember once watching a 1999 video with my kid brother and we both had deja vu and he got choked up my brother george who ended up being my leading man in sex shooter video and he says we're going to work with him one day we're going to meet him i remember i looked over and go what the hell what are you smoking man and he says no we're going to we're and there we were you know all of a sudden we were there you know we had i guess he manifested and there we were on a set doing sex shooter and my brother was my leading man and we were part of the prince world that's it tapping into that you know 90 everything's just showing up and then things happen right you believe your own universe so you know i'm semi familiar i know that vanity was vanity was originally cast they have some disagreement you know what that was even about uh well they were in a relationship and their relationship came to an end i know that she had you know particular demands you know that she wanted to portray a character in a movie called dreams was the first script it was you know probably very dark very sexual um things didn't they didn't work things out and she left she left she wasn't fired no she left and then they had to look for a replacement nationwide and they went through tons of audition tapes and your tape was the last one supposedly because it was the best i think he's good um i was the last person that auditioned i was a very last person the person that exited the casting room right before me was i've talked about this nia peebles i remember she walked out like terrorized and she was like you're the one she was it's you're you're you know you i remember i was like i know she freaked me out for a second i thought oh she's just trying to throw me off you know actors we do that sometimes right don't throw you off or and uh i auditioned i met al magnoli the director and bob cavallo there was a third person in there i think was steve fagnoli prince's managers and that was here in l.a yes so then what do they say after you auditioned what were where did you audition did you read some lines from they had me read dialogue yes and then i gave my you know music and video of you know acting and singing and then they asked me to take my shoes off my first thought was like oh they're like into feet that's some strange thing but they wanted to see you know how tall i was so took off my shoes and that was it and said thanks for coming in see you thank you don't call us we'll call you and within seven days they flew me to minnesota i met prince they flew me back just to have enough time to you know gather my clothing suitcase they hadn't started production yet right uh they were in pre-production okay when was the exact first time you saw prince where were you what was the temperature one day of the week if you can remember yeah that was before production that was that week they flew me out so chick comes up to pick me up they put me on the holiday inn and prince takes care of it yes his security guard god bless his soul he was wonderful and he takes me out to lunch to his favorite restaurant he has spaghetti we had tea and we talked so from there we went for a long drive and i remember just the scenery was so beautiful green and the cows so i rolled down the window and i kind of just stuck my half my body out and i was like look there's cows it's green like oh my god like the sky is blue little did i know that you know like my rear end was like in his face i wore a purple sweatshirt you know like ripped up flash dance and then he dropped me off the hotel and um all of a sudden someone knocks and his chick he said uh he goes the kid likes you he's going to come back he's going to come back pick you up and go dancing cause he'd take you out i said okay oh rewind real quick what's he saying to you are you like he says i wanna go take a ride with you in my purple limo and we're gonna just kind of get to know each other right he was quiet though he just he didn't see a word he was like very quiet he was very shy and i could feel him looking at me through his peripheral just looking over and at that point i realized that my side these slacks and they were pretty beat up so i kind of put my hands over them so he couldn't see that they were like beat up because i was really embarrassed and that was it was just quiet and uh he didn't really say much i was doing all the talking yeah how old were you i was 23. were you nervous uh no i was excited to meet him because i was a you know fan i liked his music so i was excited it was fun he was sweet he was so cute yeah and you had worked with celebrities and stuff before then and were you dating david lee roth then yes sorry i'm going to derail all over the place but diamond dave yes i did we were dating we dated off and on for probably a couple of years prior to me being cast in purple rain uh it was it was an exclusive but whenever we were together we were exclusive yeah i got you yeah so it was a blast okay sorry back on to the timeline then so he drops you off chick comes to the hotel room and says he says the kid likes you he's going to come back and pick you up right so they come back i wear black spandex and a gold mesh metal blouse you know kind of disco and i'm ready and chick picks me up and we go to first avenue so we walk into first avenue and um it was like moses that walked in and the parting of the red sea because everybody just split and i was like oh wow everybody's watching us and i'm like okay this is the dance audition you know and i look over and he looks at me and goes oh vanity's here and i was like vanity was that first avenue she was there that night yeah after they had split yeah she from minneapolis sorry she was living there okay so at that moment i thought i figured it out yeah this was a setup he set it up you know she she was there and she was just beautiful uh standing up against the wall underneath the light so the light she was being lit she was all posed out you know just beautiful and you know you know just and i remember i was like oh my god you know and she just was stunning and we sat down he ordered a glass of wine he didn't drink very much yeah and then we went to go dance and that was the whole thing that we danced and we were just dancing so i didn't like bust out my moves and everything did vanity come sit down with you as well no just you too yeah just the two of us yeah but you saw her i saw her yeah she saw us and you know she's looking at him and i'm looking at her and she's looking you know it was just wow what a scene yeah it was cool that is great so what were you guys dancing to what was the song oh his music of course he started playing all of his music you know and whatever they were playing we're probably like you know they stopped it and put prince music so we were just dancing to his music were the patrons in the club being cool and not like running up trying to get his autograph or anything just like they were accustomed to seeing him so they always you know were always showed great respect to him wow so you go back to your hotel that night does he leave you with a good night kiss or no he just is you know it's very nice meeting you guys it was a pleasure you know and if this doesn't work out you know i hope to see you again in the future yeah and um still leaving you on edge a little bit yeah a little and then i get a knock on the door and i thought it was him so i opened it and i looked this way and it's a look of his chick and he brings me a note which i still have i didn't bring it with me i didn't bring it with me and it says i hope to see you soon apollonia with a lot of drawings and i remember he says and that's when he said he goes a kid likes you a lot he goes you be good he goes don't mess it up he goes he really likes you he goes you're gonna be back and i said okay i go i like him too a lot listen i like you too he was so sweet and i gave him a hug i had to like you know jump on a ladder to grab his you know neck and he was just a sweetheart so next morning you board the plane back to la are you feeling confident that you no never you're never you never have confidence you go and you audition and then you have to forget about it because you know if you keep your hopes up you know you're always constantly being you know disappointed did david lee roth pick you up at lax when you landed hey well yeah he was pretty yeah something so he was jealous he was uncomfortable i remember i went back to his house i said hey i said i you know i had an audition with prince he was like who i go prince i go you guys are both at warner brothers and sunset sound and at that point sometimes dave would you know he wanted to help my career he says you know i could you know take it to warner's and i was very defiant very independent i wanted to do it on my own sure so um anyhow wow yeah we got to get in the david lee roth we were peggy mccreary was in here who obviously did extensive work with her with prince in the studio as well as the time and revolution everyone else but um she also worked with van halen and my boy zappa was sitting in and everybody was like quit asking van halen questions we're here for prince you know prince and van halen fans are very protective yeah oh yeah artists they're the best i remember watching uh when i first met dave uh he found me in the cover magazine so he actually booked me as a model to do creams stars cars of the stars and uh he was really sweet he had been watching me modeling and was collecting my magazines and uh we went out for about three months you know and he take me out to dinner introduced me to his parents and it took three months for us to be intimate wow he's really special that's great um so again you get back to la go home when's the phone ring immediately i already had messages my agent had called and so of course i picked up the phone and called everybody i knew called my mother you know i'm leaving i have this job i knew that was special i had a feeling something special was going to happen yeah that's true things do happen like that so did you know what like this was going to be a giant film did you think it was kind of an indie project for him i mean he wasn't you know purple rain took him to stratosphere he was just the biggest thing in the world but before that you know he was just an artist kind of did you know that this film was going to be something big did you feel that it was i did when we were watching the dailies there was a moment that i was watching the dailies and then he walked me back into my hotel room at the holiday and he sat down on this little sofa chair and i said you know you're going to get the oscar i go not for an as an actor i go before your music so he he like pretended he slipped off the chair and he stood up and he says you think so i go yes i go get your oscar suit ready i knew it at that moment i knew that something spectacular was happening but i didn't know i even put my hands uh hand print and i put my name outside of his house the purple house uh in front of his dad john i said if i can't be at grauman's you know i'm going to sign it here and i did my handprints and everything at the purple house wow that's cool so but beforehand you didn't know you didn't think wow this is going to be something like gigantic this is just a role i got and it's cool and prince is a star and you'd been around celebrities and movie stars and you're dropped dead gorgeous still are so you had a ton of confidence and did what kind of preparation did you have to do like dance classes or anything to get prepared or were you just i was ready yeah i was at the right place at the right time and i was ready i was ready to dance like i said it was cathartic it was that moment in time that i just knew i had to bust my ass uh when you really think about dance classes i know that the whole team you know the cast had been studying and taking vocals and dance with vanity but if you really look in terms of the mood of sex shooter that's a slow groove yeah you know we're not gonna you know we're not gonna floss it or you know do the running man and so it's just it's a real sensual vibe yeah but i know that they were studying what um so you get to the call you get the job then you how long was it before you take off for minneapolis then everything went on within seven days so boom you're on set cast go time no times no sleep working seven days a week recording rehearsing yeah writing you were recording with him while you were filming the movie yes are there projects of you two out there that have never seen the light of day uh it's possible uh there's one that's probably near the end of his life but i'm sure there's probably in the vault i know there was a partial list in the vault released by someone at the estate uh there's a currently something he did for me before he passed away there's a dance album for me for apollonia he also was putting together a movie for apollonia 6 and the capacity of purple rain yeah yes we had a lot of plans many plans whatever happened with that project i mean was there anything ever shot of it or is it just an idea yeah i have some fan questions a ton of them actually and we have questions from quest love we love quest love have you met him numerous times quest love yes we went to see a laker game uh before prince passed away yeah we just went hung out and and then i introduced him to a dear friend of mine superman shep gordon so you know quest love is a huge fan and i live on oahu so i i know shep and his family so i introduced them and quest 11 ends up staying at the house and i haven't but let's i want to get an idea of what it was like there so you know you hadn't been in a feature film before yes i had you had been the one which was the name of it oh gosh there's several i worked in mexico and south america movies in spanish and like night shift you know i was edited from that so i've been you know many series yes okay oh no no no no no not as a lead i always a co-star yeah so this is a big deal but you weren't nervous you were just excited you got there it was a big deal but i thought when i was opposite ricardo motel vaughn on fantasy island that was a big deal you know i got to kiss bob denver gilligan that was a big deal you know miniseries uh haunted yo the mystic warrior for abc and after it premiered marlon brando went on tv and dissed the out of it and i was so thrilled because i thought he saw me oh wow you know oh the stories you must have in this town but see that's the problem with even doing this with you there's 33 years of my life knowing prince i have the life before that and then you know the life after and you know i smoke weed with robert mitchum at the golden globe awards you know i'm there because of prince little drew barrymore and then bob says because we have the same agent robert mitch and bob says let's go out and tap a cigarette go have it let's go have a smoke and i was like sure i'm out there in the gown he pulls out a joint and i thought to myself i'm gonna get i'm gonna smoke with robert mitchum you know he was the first bad boy he was the first sean penn so you know my life is very colorful i've met so many different people and so many great stories i'm so blessed how is prince on set was he did he have trouble acting i think he should have been nominated uh for an actor i think uh clarence williams iii should have been nominated for best supporting uh he was great during the scenes where you know he's fighting the parents are fighting we were on the other side you know watching and we both were crying and then he does a scene with the parents and he's crying i was crying i was real quiet those scenes to me he was wonderful he really you know i mean it wasn't marlon brando james dean i'm not meryl streep or cate blanchett but dan we did a great job all of us yeah there was great chemistry how much influence did he have on set of what kind of happened because it was loosely based on his life loosely yeah the script was taken from dreams rewritten by albert magnoli who rewrote pitch the story to prince um he was on set like i said he was working seven days a week he worked so hard i don't know if he ever sleep was sleeping you know would you guys film like 12 hour days 14 hours yeah was he and he was recording yep i mean he kind of had the attitude if i'm alive i'm going to make music yep that's right he would you know hot coffee a lot of candy sugar keep him you know going uh i'd be in my hotel room exhausted for example this is a funny story uh one night i'm exhausted in my hotel room and at the holiday inn he calls me up and he says i need some i need for you to write a story in spanish i need some lyrics and i was like okay i'm gonna tell the story and um so i said okay and i'm exhausted right so he says you know the girl and this and that and the sex and it's ah and she's you know the orgasm and i was like okay so he says i'll call you right back so i write the story in spanish he calls me back and i give it to him in the meantime i had to call my mom to make sure that i had the correct spelling in spanish and i wanted to be clear and precise so he calls me up i give him the lyrics and i said here it is and spelling and everything half hour on the phone and that was it so years later i approached my sister legend jill jones and i said you know mia boca she goes yeah she's like yeah jill like she's right right in your face and i said you know anyways and i told the story i said so i did this and then he called me and nodded up and i did the lyrics and those spanish lyrics i wrote those and she says hmm his prince told me that he got the lyrics he called the mexican restaurant and i started laughing i go i'm the mexican restaurant so that's what he was doing and i i assume that he didn't want her to know because i'm the new girl and why would i be putting lyrics on so you know he was keeping the peace yeah but he told her it was a mexican arrest he knew what he was doing vanity spoke when was the first time you met vanity i met her after we made the movie she wanted to meet me so i took her out to her favorite french restaurant laser on ventura with little susan moonzee oh wow and i took yeah i took her out to dinner did she call your agent and say hey no it was through little susan okay she put you guys together was susan dating princeton at that time that is a question that i think she should answer i can't answer that i don't know and she just wanted to say hi she wanted to meet me yeah so you guys go to dinner and yeah was it friendly and fun and it was fun um a little resentment not on my part i mean i was i was very i always admired her um she asked me what i was doing and i had just been offered a movie uh the last dragon uh suzanne de pass had wanted to sign me at motown i mean i told prince i said i'm going to be at motown and be the first mexican at motown he says there's a script better than ours i said no and i had the script he drop kicked it in my apartment and it flew across my apartment the last dragon so i told her i said hey i said i'm going to be doing this movie and then she just gave me this look she got up she went and called barry gordy and the it was a really tough call i can't repeat what she said i'm saving that for my memoirs and i sat there like oh my god and then she came back and sat down like and then we just you know continued but she was shouting yeah yeah and ultimately i didn't do the film of course yeah she did yeah i remember growing up on that movie it was awesome it was like kind of funk what was the guy's name seth you remember leroy bruce leroy yep yeah like i remember that was a great film so you guys go to dinner and meet talk say bye did you not see her again for decades or would you run into her once in a while i would went into her at events and you know we would take photos together she had a rough life later on yes tragic drugs yeah sad this business eats you alive and it's specifically difficult for women it's such a misogynistic business it still is you know corporate runs everything the banks are running you know the lunatics of uh are running the asylum basically is the way i look at it right now so yes it was very difficult for her and it was incredibly tragic when she passed away i felt like i lost a piece of myself it's heartbreaking yeah that's tough i am yep um so i don't want you to be upset but um the movie wraps um what did princeton said every day anything prince would eat on set a lot of candy uh he was very healthy we used to do beef 12 be 12 shots i never saw him really drink you know he drank once and i took care of him he's a little tipsy but he was healthy healthy he would make for me raisin toast uh raisin toast sandwiches cheese sandwiches grilled cheese sandwiches yeah wow yeah and and he made spaghetti he would always cook me pancakes and eggs i like my eggs poached where would he cook the food at holiday inn at his house okay so you were here but you had the room at holiday inn too yes that's where the studio put you i actually spent uh pretty close to a week at his house i slept there after the lake minnetonka scene i got really sick so he took care of me we slept in the same bed wow he was always respectful always a gentleman yep i was sicker than a dog i would lay underneath his piano and he would play and he goes why are you laying down there i said the acoustics are fantastic so he would just play and i would lay there just funky snots i used to think well i got enough film in the can i had pajamas i was just ugh i you know i was just sick you had like the flu or something yeah the lake yeah i was like it was cold out there yeah what month did you guys shoot that we were there september october we got back so it's like christmas yeah okay yep i'm just obsessed with every detail as is everybody um i had this great question i have to ask you that's kind of on the lines of these the barn scene was the sex scene right why did that get cut out uh well that's the great mystery right unfortunately for what we're finding out that a lot of the outtakes don't exist anymore and that was an issue of fire and warners but that scene was very very tame al was there and we had donald thorin it was a small crew we were both terrified i was perspiring profusely you could see it in the photos and prince wore you know undies and i had you know undies and i remember you know al says i just want you to lean in and just kiss and that was it first time you kissed him then was on camera yes yes yes and we kissed and we were both nervous uh i was just terrified you know those kind of scenes aren't easy to do no way especially you know with someone like him and the beautiful thing that i have to say is that in all that time i was looking at him he kept his eyes on my eyes nowhere else he was professional was he nervous yes we were both terrified we were trembling you're scared how many takes one time no no one time you guys got that the first try the love scene in his room also we were terrified he brought a little ghetto blaster and he started playing some music and we just pretty much improvised al magnolia says i want you to do this and that grab her leg and a lot of it was improv you know really yes it was like a dance scene it was a sexy dance yes so because prince and i never dated we did put our passions that we had towards each other on film and that i realized at my age now it's like that's what we did is that we put all of that that tense feeling of you know uh excitement and you know i thought he was cute and you know he liked me but it was all for the film so it worked if he wanted to date you would you have entertained the idea no really you would turn down prince i'd date prince well because it we never it was never that way he always treated me very much like he put me on a pedestal like a mom like a little sister like a daughter but again you know he was difficult we had our you know our arguments sure always you'd stand up to him oh yeah i i was the one that would say no or you know a b and c and he'd be like you know make his faces but i know that i was able to get his respect you know so prince wanted everyone to sing like him dress like him yes you know he's a tyrant yes we did did you feel that that was robbing you of your kind of identity or your music or your you know goals maybe at the time i didn't think about it i don't think any of us thought about it we were just so honored you know that he created clothes for me and uh the fact that he was he picked alphas in females and males he created legends so the fact that we were able to you know dress like him or you know he wanted to sing a certain way or dance a certain way is an honor and i never thought twice about you know oh i'm going to regret this i mean i was grateful that i was selected i'm excited yes and i'm learning so much every time he was in the studio he had me here i was writing lyrics for him really we both and this is something that i've been you know for i don't know how many years now um at my apartment on kings road and at la park we both wrote we both co-wrote manic monday and the glamorous life time out flag on the field let's rewind manic monday yes you have an apartment on king's road hold on yes sir take us out of the camera we can edit that out but okay and go ahead so since he liked my poetry and haikus he gave me we went he went to a store called oz on sunset boulevard and he bought this for me so i could write lyrics and prince gave you that book right there yep and it's purple and in here these are the pages that were taken from manic monday and the glamorous life my poetry my haikus so [Music] he made sure that i was in the studio because i want you to learn and then i would float him lyrics like the ones for jill and for you know other songs that i have to start really looking to see what this is about you know where all these lyrics are because he had me there yeah and uh manic monday comes from comes from the words monday my i don't have to run day it's a day after sunday before monday we all need to have that day to rest to get us ready for monday he was like what i goes monday i don't have to run day so those lyrics 50 50. prince of myself co-wrote that's story about me and my life and the same goes for the glamorous life i took prince to go visit maryland at brentwood to see maryland's plaque or her resting place i took prince to the max factor museum i took him to store shopping you know glamour hollywood and uh i remember one day he said something about you know a price of something he said well you have to ask for the price and that means you can't afford it and you start writing just start writing everything so that's how that came about we both co-wrote those songs together on my mother's life who just passed away i believe you uh are you credited with any writing on it or publishing no did something many of us have many of us ever or know about this yes she does as a matter of fact i have a a a little i don't know we have an instagram earlier that's awesome yeah so i have a little video of susannah hopps i was a big fan of the bengals i love the beatles so i went to go see them perform then i bought the tape you know hero takes a fall and i'd love that song so i said to prince i said i know someone you're going to love her name is susannah hoffs of bengals and then i started a hero takes a phone so i started like humming it for him and i was like oh oh and he was like okay let's hear it and then we watch the video and there's a scene where she's wearing a little like nurse outfit or no it's like a little maid and she's singing and she's doing that oh and she's leaning forward and back and i can see him like looking like oh because you know what she looks like she's doing and i was like i don't want to know so i made that introduction and i said she should do the song and he said are you sure and i said yeah i'm a songwriter this is great i could you know float this song over to sheila e to the bengals i was so honored i was so thrilled because my my haikus you know at skin school they were winning awards my poetry so he took my lyrics and it gave me validation as a songwriter of course you know i'm an actor and i write stories so that to me was just it changed my life throughout the years i always waited you know for the publishing i never fought him i never sued him but the one thing that i am going to say is that prince two years before he passed away was writing his wrongs he talked about the songs he talked about apollonia 6 before he passed away he reached out to us because he asked for our bank accounts because he wanted he wanted to pay us susan brenda and myself and when we saw him we saw him uh february 28 2016 about six weeks before he passed away and he was telling me his plans and what he wanted to do and he saw jill jones and he saw a little susan and uh he's talked again about the songs he talked again about you know the money that was owed to apollonia six i don't like talking in terms of money he knows that i never thought about you know my publishing and my performance and you know the movie sales and all of that but i know that he was writing his wrongs he was doing due diligence for us he was taking care of susan brendan myself wow yeah i've never spoken about that publicly but it's i really feel that i'm here today because i have to set the story straight and for me the truth is setting me free silence you become complicit the truth has endurance and i want to just be you know transparent i need for our purple family the public to know what he was doing my participation his there's just so much there's it's such a rich story that i know um i have to tell it differently yeah i think everybody and i told you on the phone i'd love to hear uh you know a book from you oh yes are you planning on writing one yes in 2016 uh prince calls me up we for the last two years of his life we spent a lot of time you know i we celebrated our 30th anniversary at paisley park he had a party for me wow he had third eye girl uh perform for me he filmed it on infrared so it's there he played all of our songs and he played some rock and roll songs so like i said he had plans he wanted to do films more music and uh at that point he started talking about what he wanted to do and he would call me up for example he bought the house in minnesota where his parents lived so he was here bought the house i go really because yeah it's going to go through escrow i said hurry up because i'm going to go move in there and there was a pause right i go no seriously i'm going to go move in there and i can hang out with you know the neighbors uh he just like i said he would he called to let me know he was getting his music back i cried on the phone and that's a day that i um that was like that was 2014 like april he called me up before we celebrated our 30th anniversary that summer june 28th and he said i'm getting my music back that's when i got the chance to thank him i thanked him for picking me and he started crying he says you're making me cry i said i've never thanked you i said because of you i could put food on the table for my family because if you i work i go thank you so much for picking me i said i love you once i love you twice i love you more than beans and rice i go that's a lot for this mexican he says you're making me cry and his voice cracked but i got to thank him that's you know again i've had people that passed away and i people have said this about prince that do you think he knew that his days were numbered in some sense i don't know i only know is that i had plans to go see him that week and then i was going to bring susan and brenda yes i had a feeling something was not right that's what i'm talking about like when my even my grandmother i've had friends there's that last conversation you have and it's like wow this is a really special time right you know while this person's great this you really identify with the moment kind of and then you know somebody passes on yep but there's it's almost instinctual or something well what were you going to go to paisley park for i wanted to go see him okay just as a friend there wasn't any yes but i had a feeling something didn't seem right because he had his you know manager or woman uh reach out to me to ask for my account number and i knew that was something was you know that wasn't didn't sound right yeah so i called her and this was after the emergency landing and i called her up and i was yelling at her and i said what happened i remember i was crying i said what happened she was oh no no calm down calm down he's just he has a flu he had to get liquids he has a flu and i said a flu he just performed i remember i was really just not buying it but i have so much respect for prince i didn't fly out there and just show up you know and pound the doors i didn't do that i have respect for him but i had a feeling so i called susan and brenda i said i'm gonna get out there had my suitcase ready and i had some gifts for him and i had the the enamel pen of david chappelle pancakes and then i had this purple shirt that says real men wear purple i still have it and i was on my way over there and she lied to me uh he had enablers there with him and they kept us away really so you were in minneapolis and they weren't no no i i didn't go out there they wouldn't you know i was calling gotcha yeah they were you know taking the calls and no don't worry he's fine he's going to call you it's going to be okay it wasn't okay and this was moline illinois where the plane had landed he had overdoses then right i think so yes yeah i knew something was that didn't sound right that he was uh getting fluids because of a cold and i don't know why they lied to me they had to protect him i mean i don't think so i don't think they were protecting him if they were protecting him he'd still be those people are enablers they know who they are some of them had to hire criminal lawyers i'm not going to even say their names because i wouldn't waste my breath yeah that's a horrible situation um he obviously needed help and somebody to be real with him yeah wow yeah so you brenda and susan and jill would still talk and he would communicate with all you or you more uh i don't know if he had talked to the girls i know that he was talking to me the last you know i mean i always had a friendship with him i think the only time i didn't hear from him for about maybe four years is when he was married to manila testolini about four years and then they were still there and he called me because i don't know i did an interview and he misquoted me so he calls me up because i read what you said i i never talked about none y'alls and i was like i recorded i didn't say that they misquoted me i said you taught me to always record my interviews i said if you want i'll send you the tape so you're watching tv because you could hear the tv you know i was like yeah so that was it you know just chit chat he wouldn't stay angry very long with me back to 23 years of age you know this movie's made by for seven million dollars it does 70 million um you know you didn't think it was going to be as big as it was did someone counsel you kind of on fame then because obviously you were just the it girl of you know everything you know that's a an incredible question because nobody gets counseled on fame and that's why so many famous people don't survive life uh no nobody ever coached i mean it was just part of you know my dna as an actor to work to get the auditions yeah you know how did you accept it though i mean within a year you know you were auditioning and then next thing you know you're in this giant film with one of the biggest stars and it goes crazy the soundtrack is the best thing ever how did you react to it i was grateful i was excited still in disbelief i mean even to this day you know i still think back and how grateful i am absolute gratitude it changed my life uh years it was a little bit before uh the making of purple rain before i auditioned i bought i used to get rolling stone subscription and it was one of prince and vanity and i remember oh my god i get i get like we're clamped every time i talk about this and i remember i put the magazine in you know my apartment on the carpet and i was looking at them and i looked at her and i looked at him and i was like gosh she looks just like you know like my type that's me i'm mexican i can make it in this business and i walked around it and i kept thinking i want to be special like them i want to be special just like them they're special and they were purple i mean i my school my school clothes are always in purple my mom's favorite color was purple and i had to prove it to prince had it was let me see the photos so i had you know missing tooth from school but that magazine i still have it i kept it that magazine was telling me something about these people but i would look at little susan at vanity denise matthews and prince and of course brenda looked amazing but they would look like me and that gave me you know it gave me hope because i would always lose a job to the girl next door the all-american blonde you know my agent had some famous women yeah you know he was known for having you know and they were all american so i thought when am i going to get a shot you know i'm mexican i was the only mexican selected as a rams cheerleader in a populated city like los angeles which is highly you know populated with latinos i was the only mexican so someone like prince opened the door to all of us i used to say that we were about a ton of colors back then because you had your jewish light-skinned dark-skinned mexican this you know we all can we're cans and we can i love that back to um the film was he dating susan at some point then too i i don't know all i mean it's you know it's been said that he was dating denise and susan and a couple of others all i know is that when i jumped on set i remember i told my agent i was really nervous because i thought it was going to be like a purple orgy you know old bodies and everything um but there was a lot of uh sexual energy during the production but they weren't boyfriend girlfriend on set where they were holding hands everywhere i didn't see him with anybody but we all knew that you know like this person nameless was you know there's a couple of girls that are extras oh she got a feature little part no dialogue and i would see that you know there was everybody was it's upset people date you know people get lonely it's the 80s yeah cinematographer right craig's and all uh he was dating morgan fairchild and she shows up on set and everybody thought that she was prince's leading lady which was and then i ended up working with her a little bit later on falcon crest small world big time oh my goodness so back to the fame though how does well you know no one counseled you on fame how does fame compare to now in 2021 where you can be famous for nothing wow today with you tick tock cancel culture everything culture you know when you were famous back then it was real fame almost if that makes sense yes that's true you had to do something you had to hire a publicist you'd have to go out and do you know interviews for magazines tv you know worldwide press i did publicity for purple rain the film worldwide i did press with susan and brendo worldwide i publicized the film and you know the soundtrack purple rain morris day uh apollonia six and dez i would i would plug all the music like i said worldwide so that was different than today with social media that's frightening oh my gosh we would have been like in trouble all the time yeah and everything prince would have done behind closed doors would be out in the public somehow oh yeah he was very private could you imagine though like you know i mean today what you know what's happening with social media and there's so much transparency you know even when you're not you know allowing it i mean people come and put cameras and you've got tmz and you know body cams can you imagine if i had a body cam on set i would love that can you imagine prince doing like an instagram story or a band he was on twitter would he actually write yeah he announced us when we went to go see and perform in san fran oakland he uh put our names on the marquee well welcoming us to the show i have a screenshot of it i posted it it was i was like so when when i knew he was on twitter i would make sure that i would post certain things like i love you skipper because i knew he was checking out my social media so i was like ah he's spying on my stuff how would you get in touch with him uh his manager no i would call i would just call paisley park and then they would put me through someone and someone or i would have his assistant i had my go-to person that i would call but usually it's like that story that he calls you he would call me direct many times or sometimes he would like have someone princess gonna call you and i was like oh here we go again i'm like i'm old man i'm like an old lady you know just pick up the phone and call me direct i think he would just call direct hello hello i was like hi it's prince and i'm like i know wow oddly satisfying it's it's just so incredible i mean every time i come in this room which you know is just every day almost and it's just so like we're talking about the energy i mean it looks exactly like it did back then yes it does that 1907 steinway back there has done so much work he would sit down and peggy be in there and the lights would be dimmed and he would just play piano for hours he would play and play and i remember there were times where i have to say that prince was editor and programmer and engineer i know he had engineers but he basically did it all himself sometimes he'd be like where is that she's making coffee you know and he'd be and he just do it himself you know i'm not minimizing you know their participation because they were you know brilliant but he was just doing it all sure and they taught him a lot too like peggy taught him how to punch himself in and you know run the tape machine he would be a one-man show sitting at that of course but he would never say that right it's a mexican restaurant that's what he would say right when you were promoting purple rain you're dating david lee roth you knew him you're hanging out with him did prince say that to call that off i touched on it a little bit earlier but did he say we can't have this going on anymore when i was in minneapolis filming uh dave had sent flowers and yeah to the holiday inn and one day i went down to the production office at the holiday inn and there were flowers and there was a card and i was like i was like he was he didn't let me get the flowers so because he was with you or he did he didn't want me to be seen with anybody else he wanted to be the one to discover me yeah you know so when i was sick at his house he starts imitating this is a funny story so i'm sick and he gets on the piano and he stands on the piano and he says who's this and i looked over and he jumps off the piano in his living room at the purple house and he touches his toes and he does ah and he did it and i looked over and i said excuse me i'm sorry i didn't see that i did but i made him do it again so he gets back up you know in his heels on the piano and he does it again and i go oh i know who you are he was imitating david and i don't really believe prince did that number that those splits before that moment wow because i've looked for him doing those on stage and i don't see that so i know that afterwards he did that so he could have been influenced by dlr i believe so yes you know he's like like i was saying he's like rodon i always felt like camille claudel yeah you know he would do the outline and you know you come in and fill and i'm not the only one that did that you know uh jill jones for example you know legend vocalist i could sing she's a vocalist you could sing happy birthday she sings opera she's in her vocals are everywhere uncredited yep you know so i was we were talking about about that with peggy you know being in such an intimate setting like that though at his house weren't you in love with him yes i still am didn't you i mean i love our dp i love seth but you know drew man you should have been there i love everybody i love you but i don't you know prince i would i would imagine you would have fallen in love with it i did so you would have then back to my previous question you would have entertained the idea of being with him so you were in love with him but you didn't want to be with him but it wasn't that kind of love it wasn't a sexual love it was a love of it was a friendship love compassion like family it was beautiful and it was powerful because we became friends for 33 years to where he would pick up the phone and call me yeah and there was never you know and i would say no or you know we would argue and no you shouldn't do this and you know let's do this and then he would when he would get upset he would imitate let's do this you know so yeah no he didn't see me that way and i didn't see him i know the public wanted you know i've said it i said it when you know back then in 84 the public wanted us to get married and have little kids holding little purple balloons with the cute little cheeks like him and was there a pr campaign with warner brothers or the producers that kind of wanted to i mean obviously they wanted to sell the film and the idea of youtube being in love and the music and the movie sold itself the music sold itself sure but yeah at the same time you guys are photographed you guys are out and about in hollywood or wherever when did they ever tell you like hey don't date anybody just because they wanted to market the film and everything well prince was the one that said prince was the one that said don't go out with someone famous in public until the movie kind of settles okay and i was like okay and you know date that was not cool for dave and myself and you know dave was on the road it wasn't like you know i mean he was you know entertaining he had his paternity suit members fraternity insurance so i knew that when dave was out you know he belonged to the world and that was a fun thing is that when we'd see each other it was fun you know so how'd you end it with dave or did it just kind of dissipate um we would see each other after the movie okay you know i'd go to you know his shows we'd go and hang out i had to do uh there was one award show once uh i i don't know it was a american music or one of those and at the end um we went home i went home with him it was either his limb were mine and i jumped into his and you know did you meet eddie oh yes i'm at the mall they're wonderful guys they were so cool pete angeles is art director yeah also really great guy they had an office on sunset boulevard at the old athletic club yeah it was the building with the girls they had bellhops little girls and like hot pants and they would you take the elevator you know and then you'd walk into dave's office it was a big statue of david naked with all kinds of writing and his his room in pasadena his house i believe uh that's where his you know his family i met his family there his room all of his lyrics were on the wall he would write all of his lyrics on the wall dave you don't remember the set list of any of those van halen shows i know i know i remember just looking i knew at the time i said this is i go this is where you put your lyrics yeah wow sugar call me sugar incredible yeah and last i saw him was when he was at the forum for our show when uh dave performed i went to go see him i don't know oh solo stuff yeah it's weird that he wouldn't have brought you in here because they did five albums in here you think that it would have said like no i you know i don't know prince was in here so in like 80 let's get let's get down to this so 1984 then that would be about right mm-hmm so they would have been working on diver down yeah yeah ever down and i you know prince would have been in here working on yep uh sign of the times parade probably was after purple rain oh gosh i don't know is it uh i got nine million youtubers yeah yelling and answering right now it's so many i mean so many but that's crazy though that van halen would have been in studio too and then prince is in here in three so is your phone ringing off the hook after purple rain and everybody i mean jfk junior you dated for a little bit yeah was he one of the first calls that's you know everybody sees in this you drop dead gorgeous you're in this huge blockbuster movie and is your agent just like okay this person called this person called i got those calls from the producers you know and yeah the usual people that you know would take you out to lunch and then dangle movies and i was pretty hip too that still happens today yeah of course the guy in jail right now a few of them right that's right please tell me how you met jfk uh back east traveling working and he got in touch with you and wanted to take you to dinner and yes but i was very uh private about that friendship yeah i didn't feel that it was for the public because of all the uh attention you know my friendship with prince so i wanted to be careful yeah i didn't do any red carpets he didn't like that you know i wasn't it just wasn't something that i wanted to exploit were you guys boyfriend girlfriend no you were just friends yeah we just dated hung out gotcha you're intimate he's such a great person in life you know tragically cut short yes just fascinating so after um purple rain then prince is immediately back in the studio constantly and then when he's doing you know they do the three songs well he tracks you know a lot of it at first avenue right and then come back to this room to do overdubs were you here hanging out then you said just in the room you and him and the revolution or him usually when he was on his own you know uh i really believe that he felt that when he was working with other artists other collaborators he was focused on them and i know that i wasn't going to distract yeah but he would have me you know listening and watching everything he was doing where would you sit in this room in the control room over here in the control room or on the other side of the piano or play basketball this has to mean so much to you to come back in this room though i mean it's just it's so eerie isn't it it is it is it's a lot i could feel a lot of energy and spirits yeah of all the people that were here that aren't here anymore do you remember the bed being in here no i think that was either before or after yeah i know cause like 84 craig our old studio manager had got sent out it was like one of his first weeks on the job i think my owner paul told me that he was so excited because he got to go out and get the bed and the purple sheets for prince and they placed it right here where i'm sitting oh my gosh and i don't know if i recall that i remember just laying on the ground you know doing like in a spanish villa and lay there and you know dim the lights and all that stuff i think he said peggy told me that he he bought it for her so she could nap because he would do he would never track more i mean he would always track one song in one day and he would not leave until he finished it except when dov's cry was three days yep he would start really in theory with the heartbeat because i said all music is has the spine is the drum beat that's a heartbeat so he'd always start with his you know lin drum just the beats that's how he would start and then from there he would layer you know so i started to to you know listen for example the song i found my lyrics for uh next time wipe the lipstick off your collar and um he started playing that piano and when i heard it i thought it sounded like a a macabre circus gone wrong the way he and he just started playing it he says come up with a melody and i didn't couldn't come up with a melody all i heard was i have to come up with some lyrics so i started to come up with the lines next time wipe the lipstick off you can so i started to write you know i was like well i'm going to put it on the just on the beats so i started doing that he goes oh i like that he just keep writing and a lot of the songs like oliver's house those are my lyrics also there were stories based on in a spanish villa my boyfriend oliver so that's a story of you know apollonius 6 the boys the videos sexy playful teddy bears you know purple hearts happy girls simply incredible apollonia i have so many questions but i know we're semi-pressed for time or we can just stay here all night and talk have some coffee ordering some pizza or we could talk about the future and bring in my business partner we're going to get to that i have to let me ask you about you mentioned um bob dylan yes because you know we want this whole you know this isn't a scripted thing we're not set we just sit down and have a conversation like we normally do in here and um you were here for the bob dylan sessions yes we and this is like 88 89 maybe it has to be yes about i don't know 80 late i don't know 87 88 okay i first met bob uh through my former maid of honor rita rogers she was an elvis girl she was in all of elvis movies wow and i got to hang out with like dennis hopper and peter fond in italy and uh so she says uh she says bob wants to meet you it i didn't know that bob you know liked latinas so we arranged a lunch for bob at tara sushi on ventura boulevard and unfortunately when people walk in there's a bell like a cowbell so he got there early and i'm nervous i'm gonna beat bob because i i thought bob was hot af he's sexy yes he's a kid's sick yes so we're waiting there and all of a sudden you know the door and i look over and you know the sushi and they you know they say you know they greet him and he's like right i'm like oh god you know not a lot of people were in there so he comes over and sits down so that was the first time we met just you too having sushi on the sushi and rita the three of us so from there he says you know i'm gonna be at the studio and blah blah blah and like oh yeah that's you know i've been at that studio and i'm recording exactly so we go one day and we stop by and we hang out here and uh it's rita and myself and we're sitting there in the room and he's in here it's either i think it's here yeah and he's moving around and we're just sitting there and she says he's nervous and i was like shut up don't say he started listening she was no he's nervous look watch like oh no he's not i go i'm nervous that's bob and he's so cute because he grabs the mic stand he moves it around they they [Laughter] and he's moving the mic stand and he's just moving things he looks over and i'm like i think we're interrupting him i got real self-conscious so i said let's give him just a little break so we said we'll be right back we're going to go you know do you want us to bring you some food he goes no we're i'm fine because you're gonna be back i go yes so you go back to my apartment and this is where it gets worse you go back to my apartment and she makes turkey legs you know broil turkey legs so we're sitting there eating and then we smoke a joint after and we fell asleep alton i fell on my sofa and then i wake up and i'm like and it's like 11 o'clock at night i said rita i said we didn't go back to see bob she was like oh oh my god i was mortified i got kind of teary and i was like oh he probably thinks we're like so he invites us to go see him at a show irvine somewhere it was kind of far and uh we're backstage we saw the show we're backstage and he made us wait like an hour she was gonna make his way and i was like i'll wait a week i don't care so then we went backstage and saw him and i apologized and i told the truth we got a high impact i said we ate turkey legs and i smoked a joint can't believe i fell asleep because you smoke i said yes and that's you know that's and that's what happened turkey legs and weed did you see him after that show ever i'm trying to think if we ever saw him after that quite a random encounter do you think he was trying to court you in a way by taking a sushi in the valley you know that would have i would imagine i was so naive that was the case i he is just so gorgeous to this day you know and you know bob during his young days i mean gorgeous gemini brilliant who was the session or who you know i talked to coke johnson who was worked with prince and he was on that session and like bob dylan used like four bands to do the same album wow there was all this crazy stuff but coke obviously worked with prince do you remember coke or david leonard or peggy yes yes david leonard i don't know i don't remember them yeah yeah you don't remember who's engineering i don't think anybody was there it was just he was just there by himself oh really yeah yeah because i would remember saying hey peggy hi how are you do you remember peggy when the purple rain sessions were here yes was susan here much yes both of them yes i just started working together because susan started at the house in right minneapolis right okay i just have a few more questions and about eight fan questions then we're going to bring seth we want to learn about interesting fan questions he's worked on and all that stuff and we got quest love questions those are top priority as well i think quest love is a genius in everything he does um all right so are you still friends with brendan and susan absolutely we're family they're my sisters yes i do yep we uh we see each other when we can we want to take a little time off and spend time together take a little vacay you know let's touch base on the apollonia 6 album though where was that track here or sound factory oh my gosh i believe at both places okay so you did a little here and a little for those who don't know sunset sounds a three-room facility but a couple blocks down uh paul camerata who's usually on this show with me uh on the sound factory and you know just so much red chili peppers neil young everybody worked down there it's a great place no longer owns it though but you don't remember if it was here or there it was little both you said i believe both i know the first time i sang attempted to sing sex shooter to his vocal was at his house the studio that he had at his house okay and um he gave you the song he wrote produced it right he wrote it came up with it he wrote it for for denise oh wow right i didn't know that and um so i remember he says sing something so i sang when i get older you know when i get older losing my hair and you know will you still need me will you still feed me when i'm 64. so i started singing up it real sweet you know when i'm 64. you know and um he just looked at me like and i i had a great time doing it i didn't sing the entire song because i got nervous and he was like okay and he said he goes your voice is sweet you know i was like all right and that was the first time and we didn't record it we just you know did he obviously had points on the album did he own majority of it what was the cause it was cool how he had you know he set up morris day he set up the time the revolution abalone is six he wanted to give everybody else a career too right he created legends yeah he gave us all a uh platform and the rest was up to us so did warner brothers kind of give him any feedback or pushback or anything about these acts he was bringing to him or did they love it i think they were excited yeah you know he was at the point at the apex which you know i'm so grateful that was part of that so he basically had a lot of people just saying yes you know yes you could do this you could do that at the apex of his career you know winning the oscar and everything do you remember do you remember him uh working with stevie nicks no she was in studio one working and uh what was that stand back the song yeah he wrote for her in like 20 minutes yeah she called him up and heard little red corvette and said i need you yes i've read about that yeah and he went over to studio one said do it like this this this all right see you later it's not great it's a genius yeah he would dream music all right let's fire through some of these the internet is stuffed with real live performances from the day yet there is next to none footage no footage of apollonia catero actually singing live is that because she as the trademark owner took the footage off for a specific reason or question mark and her vocals on take me with you are heavy heavily overdubbed with jill jones and brenda bennett is there any raw material of the song without the overdub oh i don't know yeah wow yeah probably in the vault here's an interesting question in the slap scene did prince just aim for the camera was it a mannequin used and how many takes was that scene that was one take did he actually hit you no we blocked it okay and i was i made sure that i didn't get hit yeah because things that we blocked it so and the whole spin around and all that that was just me reacting to what i would have what my body would have done had he had smacked my face yeah so you know that was brutal that movie was very kind of raw and it was it created a lot of controversy authentic almost you know it was like the sex scene was probably really graphic for that time right it was the greatest sex scene ever but um you know the slap i mean that was brutal how he did you like that yeah it was it was it was you know domestic violence present misogyny got him the guitar yep okay next what was the most difficult part of doing the movie what does she miss most about her friend prince oh my gosh the most difficult part um good question probably jumping in the lake because it you know it snowed right after we finished shooting that al jones our stunt man was in the water and he warned me that it was uh there was mud he says you're not gonna be able to stand up because when you jump in i'm gonna grab your foot and push you out al our director walked over to that log and he says he grabbed a little pebble jump right there i go okay so that was my mark and uh i was scared and one of the crew one of the drivers he goes hey little lady goes come over here i got something right for you and i was like okay and he pulls he pulls out a flask he uses mighty cold out here right now so because corvasi or something i don't know and he gave it to me and i and i was just kind of like got a little sweat and then we i did the shot right and when i did the shot i actually broke a little thin sheet of ice i didn't feel al jones i kicked him and i got out so that was what you see is the first take we did it two or three times after that and i started to hyper have hyperthermia wow they took me to a tent and the nurse was terrified she sounded like she was crying and she said we have to call an ambulance she's you know and i was fading i just remember i was like oh that's it and then prince came in and he hugged me and he was like his voice he was apollonia he goes don't die don't die i love you i love you and i remember i was just i could hear this like faint and i started like you know and i was just like oh like i'm okay like i'm okay i go we could do it again if we have to i go we got in the can right we got the shot in the can and he was really distraught you know it really scared him uh you know we did it again and after that last time i was that was it that's when i got sick there was another and you guys filmed some of that in beverly hills at that like over here too right some of it yeah there were some little uh yeah shots or something yeah just to pick up shots were you sitting there looking at the water uh i asked this question earlier why was the love scene in the barn cut from the barn we don't know it was there was really no love scene that's that's all you see because that's all we shot and i know that people are oh it was you know there was no al magnoli doesn't direct porn prince didn't film porn i'm not a porn actress yeah so that's what we shot the only outtake is when you see me standing at the bar in a barn and i look over and they did stills that was it there's nothing else i'm sorry that's it i promise you that's not good enough uh this is a great question which quest love i'm sure he wants to know did you ever hear when doves cry with bass if so what's it like well the story of when doves cry i came home one day and i had a message from prince on my voice mail and it was like [Music] and then he was humming this he goes don't erase that i promise you as and i've told this story as soon as i turned around in my bedroom he was standing there he i don't know some purple cloud dropped he was like give me my tape and he took the tape it did i didn't even have enough time because i was going to record into another tape and keep it yeah that's when doves cry that was when dove's cry so then i said to him i said you know the stevie wonder walks around with the voice activated tape and he walks around and records stuff and whenever he didn't like something i said he said you know that cb1 so he imitated me right so um that's how that happened and i didn't hear i mean i saw the progression heard it different versions and to this day when i think of that i always just think of him leaving his vocal track on my voicemail of when dove's cry so to answer the question no you didn't hear the actual version that was un with all the instruments because he unproduced the trap i've heard several so i'm not sure exactly you know when and where but that's my stomach growling but yeah i heard different variations of it did you hear when dove scream the punk version of uh i can't recall right now i mean he would always like you know like when pigs fly or like you know my lyric here next time wipe the lipstick off your bunny and you know why do you think prince could not keep a relationship with a woman going oh i don't know that's i i don't know that's that's family that's that's how could somebody like that though keep a relationship for you know what about women in the industry today what about these rock stars actresses today that can't even keep a man with all that ass all that beauty all of that you know the accolades and success and you can't keep a man so it you know in the entertainment business it's difficult trying to maintain a relationship yeah sure you know i mean that's my only guess he probably needed to be constantly stimulated as well as mine just that's why he was constantly creating music right like rodon you know remember the movie camille caldell he had a lot of you know sure people there creating is there any insight into this could be us and if there's any story to him with it when we celebrated our 30th anniversary um he took me up to his office and this is before you know he performed with third eye girl and he says did you see this photo and it was a meme this could be us but you playing and i said yes i've seen it isn't that great and we sat there for hours they played uh like he showed me a bunch of videos of performances i remember thinking ah we're gonna sit here for like five six hours going through all of this so he says you know i wrote a song and i said really he goes yes he goes it's inspired by us it's about us about this photo because the photo inspired me because this could be us and then he played it and it was just amazing i was just so thrilled wow all right sweetie did you ever pursue music outside of apollonius 6 yes or did you like to focus mainly on acting uh i was able to do country western song on falcon crest which was great yeah i recorded with greg dooley uh from the twilight singers i've been able to sing with the belgian alberto on stage wow in san fran i know her lyrics phonetically portuguese okay working on stuff now there's lots of go ahead corey rooney nice i'm working now with corey rooney and uh the avila brothers bobby avila so right before covid we were stepping into the studio sunset sound why not yeah come in here i'll produce a track with you all right that'd be awesome wouldn't it would that be fun can you imagine warner brothers give us some coin uh there's lots of questions about this i'll just ask it once what's the beef with sheila e oh you just agree to disagree is there something more substantial that we should know about let me just put it this way i never entertain gossip i only dance with the truth yeah so i don't want to be around anything that's toxic i stick with those that i trust and that i know tell the truth like susan little susan i love manuela testolini does god's work with her charities so i want us to stay in the light with the people that are positive that tell the truth and uh because i was there i witnessed i know you know the reality of what was really going on and i know what prince was telling me uh i'm quoting prince that he didn't want to associate with sociopaths that's what he said and just in general with people that were toxic so sure it's the truth i don't know why we can't all just talk about the truth anymore right that's that's not even allowed to be truthful well you can't you can't rewrite history sure and everything is out there the truth is all out there all you have to do is google look in archives so for me i want to be consistent you know with my friendship with him what i wrote what i didn't write what i said what i didn't say i've met most of the female collaborators and i've gotten along with all of them but i know there's been a couple that don't get along with me no matter how much effort i put into the friendship i know that i was part of the apex of his career and that doesn't sit well with a few people you know desi and lucy sonny and cher and there's prince and apollonia and i got to go to the oscars i'm part of that oscar-winning you know film that is legendary definitely and it was he selected me al selected me and that's what i live with that's where my gratitude lies everything outside and this she said he said you know that's enough already so that's why i'm here to set the story straight i'm writing my memoirs prince um the day that he called me to tell him he was getting his music he also said that he was writing his memoirs i almost dropped the phone i said you i go you're mr mystery you know mystery he says uh and i you know i asked myself why are you doing that because you're paying me [Music] a lot of money he did that on the phone and i started laughing and he says uh you're going to write your memoirs and i said i am because he knew that i was always writing you know diaries and you know my poems and all that she says no he goes stop and i have the email to prove it he also followed it with an email says stop telling your priceless stories because you're going to get paid for every word and he mentioned a chris jackson out of new york who was the first person that was going to publish this book but then it landed someone else and he never finished it that is not really written by him uh but he was guiding me into writing mine he said that mine would come out within the year after his release so i said okay let's do it so i'm still writing i mean there's just so much sure so i'm i'm writing my memoirs all right was there any kind of like beef i guess between you two have you ever seen her recently oh sheila i'm just understanding what the pro the issue was i think the issue with her is that i wrote the glamorous life and she wrote a book that he was very upset about i guess some bio or something and he asked me because did you read i said no and she claims that she co-wrote the song with him and that's not true if you look at there's a book the purple rain sessions you know it's the day they're like lawyers time notes what engineer who was there who sang it who wrote it who did this who did that and uh you know i had this friendship for many years and helped raise a lot of funds for her charities i don't know whatever happened to the music schools or all of that i did it with my best effort with love um to protect her to take care of her you know help the sister you know i just did i really did a lot to help and uh i never realized at one point just you know prince said you know you're you shouldn't do that you're being used so he was giving me advice and at one point i didn't want to get in the middle of any kind of discord between him and other collaborators i was like oh but then it started to affect me you know and it's just speak the truth tell the truth you know you didn't write you know i rewrote it i brought glamour into minnesota i brought glamour to prince like i said i took him to see maryland the max factory museum you know and clothing aileen warren i styled susan and brenda i styled sheila e the outfit that she wore the mean coat that was my bit for the glamorous life i was going to do the james brown bit where i'm you know with my gown and then i throw my mean coat little susan grabs it that was my bit so i took her to a lean warren we styled her we straightened the hair you know makeup artist all the photographers that i knew from hollywood and makeup people i shared with prince and his collaborators i discovered kenny ortega he directed my video sex shooter i discovered paul starr uh randy saint nicholas i was the one that found her card i introduced her to prince and then they dated and then they collaborated so i was already working here in hollywood so like i said you know when i saw sheila i said oh i know the look and it was my idea to have her do the glamorous life and i said have her do a drum solo and prince looked at me he goes you think so i go yeah that'd be awesome and of course for me with selfish reasons because i'm a songwriter and then i don't have to go out and sell the glamorous life or manic monday in a corset worldwide i'm i went to parochial school i'm not saying i'm you know miss innocent but that is that was tough all over the world in a corset in undies you know with cameras way in the bottom especially you know certain countries so my thought was yeah let her do it and let me style yeah so yes i'm the truth it's out there we want to praise the lord the truth is setting me free this is so great god bless the truth wow i think you know why does this stuff need to be kept secret it's people want to know i think you know a lot of people put money into these projects and you know people are curious people are fans people deserve to you know have their story be the truthful one there's you know ego i'm not starting a fight you know but you know for me it's it this all has been very difficult because i embraced you know collaborators with you know an open heart so for me it was like i was hurt yeah you know i was really hurt i took it personal so but that's just me and i have forgiveness you were a giant piece of the greatest artist's life you know a big piece of it and till the end yeah and until the end that brings us well i've two more questions what's your favorite prince track besides purple rain i love computer blue wow yeah super sexy song and he he in that i was like stop staring i was like don't look at him don't look at him don't fall in love don't fall in love don't look don't look just look away i was like oh my gosh um the veil and all that i remember i told him i said do something over your eyes like excalibur and the the uh costume designer then put the veil over his eyes what is last question what is your favorite memory of prince a little was it laying on his carpet listening to play piano that sounds pretty amazing was it shooting purple rain on a certain day was it eating spaghetti the first night i believe it was he he actually it's he talked about it was reading the reviews after the movie came out and we were laying underneath the piano with pillows and we started to read the reviews at hugo's restaurant we had the l.a times i said do you know what citizen kane is he goes what i go hard day is night i'm looking around i was like citizen kane that goes there comparing us he had never seen that so we watched all that that's cool yeah hugo's on la cienega or la brea it's on uh santa monica boulevard and kings road okay so it's right around the corner from your apartment yep so we walked down from my apartment down the street he wore his purple coat and then chick behind us and then people be driving they're like holy prince or we'd ride his motorcycle i'd be in the back seat and people were like nah nah when they saw you guys out after the movie i mean that had to be like seeing you know it was amazing people would freak out i bet good times were the paparazzi as crazy as they are today back then yes especially in japan um yeah they were very aggressive very aggressive and following you around and you know trying to break into your room and all that stuff so uh even after purple rain though you know you've had success with you started kotera entertainment and then bringing us up to six weeks before prince had passed you and seth who was also in the room here so i think you got time to come over and hang out with us come have a seat with us buddy awesome we want to introduce seth now seth you have one of the the greatest mothers ever do you want to mention who your mom is well um my mother's name is mali franklin uh in the industry she was called queen of funk and uh she's from george clinton parliament funkadelic she was a lead singer parlet uh she introduced bootsie to george clinton wow back in 1971 she brought uh junie morrison in the parliament funkadelic produced one nation under a groove and not just knee deep and all of that in 78 she introduced dr dre to roger troutman which turned into the california love for tupac yeah in the 90s she was she was uh actually training the girls that sang for death row to sound like parlet and the brides of funkenstein they actually paid her to do that so they could get the sound i just flew in from nashville and we sat next to uh there was a stop it in vegas and the woman next to me i have her phone number she was one of the singers on for death row okay you might know her she lives in vegas now still sings was it nancy fletcher yep yep i believe so i'm sorry to throw you off yeah i just said actually she goes oh yeah i used to be at the studio on san vicente all the time and told me all i was like oh yeah just tell me every tupac story you know yeah if it was if it was nancy fletcher then she actually posted not too long ago on instagram a beautiful story about when she met my mother at death row records so holy cow so then also her work with prince she did yeah she did tell me about that she did um well she was in the movie that i was supposed to do she was the graffiti bridge uh performing with george uh her and prince had been friends for years prince was anybody that knew him knew he was a big parliament funkadelic fan of course and one of his favorite spin-offs from parliament funkadelph was parlet and as a matter of fact he redid one of their songs called cookie jar and you know printery does somebody he must really love them so um yeah so they they did uh they were friends for many years and she did all the paisley park george clinton albums and uh so she played she played at glam slam many times sometimes with prince working the board up in the control rooms incredible yeah so there they had a long-standing friendship and as and as a matter of fact when i got to meet him which was when we saw him on february 28th 2016. um that was the first time you met him in san francisco yeah yeah at the after party and it was me and apple and jill jones who introduced me to apollonia um and uh susan munsey and susan's sister and it was so funny because i was sitting across from him and i know he was probably thinking who's this guy you know sure with with my girls who's this guy so it was so funny i you know i tell the story that i wasn't in the atmosphere yet you kind of like looked around me look you know i wasn't in the atmosphere i was right in front of them and i just took a chance and i said okay just stand up so i just stood up i held my hand out and he stood up and held his hand and shake shake my hand and i said you know it's so great to finally meet you i said my mother is malia franklin and he said blown he said who'd you say your mother was he said i said my mother is mallee franklin from parliament funkadelic and he backed up and he looked at me and he said you look just like your mother they're so sweet after that moment i was in the atmosphere i got the eye contact i got that i was in the atmosphere from that moment he had to make sure it was cool and it was incredible yeah what uh what venue was that at oh that was like a club yeah where was the first show at though where where did you guys go watch we went to palace we went to i think we went to the paris paramount yeah in oakland okay and then after that show because a little bit of history the way that we met was jill it hooked us up so we could all go to denise vanity's memorial yeah that's how we met what year was that 2016. yeah she died four years five years ago yep yeah yeah and he passed away february 15th something like that the day after valentine's 2016. so that's how we met and um jill called me and i had known jill for a few years and jill said um we had planned to go and she said um i think avalonia wants to go with us i said what she said yeah i think apollonia wants to go with us i said well you know that's like a four-hour drive are you sure she wants you to get yeah i think she wants to go that's awesome and that's how we met and uh we were supposed to stay one night yep we were just gonna go to the memorial and then leave and then prince announced his show which was the following day which was sunday and apple said um i just got a call from prince's manager he heard we're here for denise's service and do you want to go see prince he heard how did he know of course we said we said yeah yeah let's go and um so we went to the show and then uh his manager came up and invited us to the after party which was in some club that had like no signage or somewhere in san francisco like down a dark alley and around the corner yeah we were like where are we going yeah and so uh that's when we got a chance to that's when he got a chance vanity's service or denise's service was up north yeah she was living in san jose okay and then prince just happened to have a show that same day or 48 hours yeah it was the next day wow that is strange and that was a that was an unbelievable show show didn't say anything for her you know he sang a song for her he didn't he sang a song for it was really interesting he didn't say this is for vanity or anything like that but he sang the song and i remember our row we were just in tears arrow me jill apple susan susan's sister jill's a cousin we were just all in tears and he got to the end and he just said and now she's gone and we just lost it yeah because we knew we had already felt it we knew it was for her but he confirmed it at the end yeah he confirmed it at the end wow he introduced us yeah and we were like of course we all held hands and we all looked at each other like you know just wait a minute france is up on stage and says here's apollonia and susan did the whole place go nuts yes oh i bet oh my gosh people in front of you like oh yes that's cool yeah it was unbelievable for me being a you know a fan in the 80s because i'm sitting here and i'm looking at jill and apple and susan three women that inspired songs he was singing yeah you know he's singing she's always in my hair and i know it's about jill yeah singing when dove's crying no that's about susan sings take me with you you know that he wrote specifically for him and apple and it's just it was for me i was a 12 year old boy and i was just like i couldn't believe it it was an unbelievable moment unbelievable moment yeah that was amazing yeah what was the last song that he played what do you close with that night oh gosh i don't we were just like in a daze yeah it was really difficult yeah you know i want to look it up online i'm sure yeah i can't remember it might have been purple rain yeah probably might have been purple right i want to talk about your guys uh business venture next but uh let's do the quest love questions oh should we okay before i forget i have a couple of them here it says uh okay we've answered or do you want to read them you could read um or i'll you know hear because some of them we've already answered right and uh yeah we talked about the lake and about manic monday and about oh okay tell the story about mr christian ushishi blue limousine video how did it come to be how long did it take to make why was it scrapped ricky nelson um that was a long-form video that we put together for our album we had ricky nelson playing mr christian we had my friend buck henry in it my good friend i was so thrilled and edie williams we had caskets and then ricky passes away right after and you know the whole thing that he died and he came back oh mr chris you're alive and uh i believe it was scrapped for many reasons and i don't think prince liked it and we weren't all that happy with it and it was never edited it's never it was never finished so it was just telling the story of you know the whole album um so i think that's what happened it was scrapped you know and not finished so when i saw a prince in 2016 he says you could re-edit if you want we're going to re-release he talked about movies new music he asked if i wanted to get back together with the girls and he says why don't you re-edit i go well i'll hire the editor and supervise but i can't edit he goes well you know what i mean he goes just we could finish it because you could finish it so i had all this hope and expectations the last two years because he was you know he had plans so yeah so that's that's that and then he asked the one question that we didn't answer was smokey the rabbit real yes he was smoke of the rabbit was my my little roommate and he had a at the end i was traveling and my brother was taking care of him and he jumped out and ended up somewhere in the field in san pedro he ran away smokey just said this is getting too hot for me here this purple world is just too much and he split my little bunny smokey wow let's um quest love that's so cool that he contributes questions he's such a prince historian he is friend sweetheart um he's worked in this room he did a podcast in here he's i've never seen somebody work so much you just want an oscar for his uh sly stone doc was it and he's got another film he's working on yeah he's on the tonight show he's yeah member of the legendary roots crew good for him yeah that's awesome he's a worker he is a musicologist too you know everybody that played on everything have you met him before oh yeah he was actually spent some time with us when we were the day after denise he was up in san francisco uh we all went to fisherman's wharf yep at night and got chocolate yeah we took photos with him ghirardelli and he was so cute remember he was all geeking out with the girls he couldn't believe and then jamie shoop was there yeah prince's assistant that's legendary first manager purple yeah yeah if you know your purple history you know who jamie shoop is yep so quest love was in his element he was so thrilled he was so happy did he know denise i don't know he was at the memorial right yes yeah yes well he could just wanted to come pay his respects yeah i remember giving him all the info and stuff you know address and all that you see was going to come out so we were expecting him ghirardelli yeah yeah we had chocolate at night that's awesome yeah like uh where we just were up there north beach it's like little italy yes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i love san francisco we were at hyde street i was telling you that great george clinton story yes is your mom still with us she's not she passed away in 2010 um and i am at the age of 57. yeah one thing that i'm doing um is i'm finishing something that we started before she passed away as i actually just finished writing on my mother's memoirs uh it's actually a collective memoir of my mother um original parlets debbie wright originals brides of frankenstein dawn sylvan lynn mabry shirley hayden who was a member of parlette i wrote a um a book called mothership connected the women of parliament funkadelic and uh so i i was able well of course you know living it so to speak but i was able to do hours of interviews with my mother before she passed away oh that's special and you know one thing that i this was a book that took me about 15 years to finish but within those years i mean everybody's in this book george clinton's interviewed in the book bootsy collins bernie warrell who's no longer with us gary scheider who's no longer with us um sly stone is in the book whoa um boot yeah boots he's in the book um james brown uh james isn't in the book but there's my mother was engaged to james brown in the 80s yes so there's that whole story there um and of course you know the whole the whole the complete story of how my mother uh brought bootsy to detroit and introduced them to george and all of that so yeah so i interviewed about 30 people all the collaborators the producers all of georgia's right-hand men and women uh the road managers the business managers so i think that my book probably will probably be and i'm tooting my horn a little bit but it will probably be the most uh well-rounded story of the story of parliament funkadelic through the eyes of the women amazing yeah so it's it's the good the bad the ugly the success the truth the failure the everything one's going to be released well right now i have three publishers that have shown interest in it one of them being third man books as we talked about and uh you know so they're looking into it but i have you know i'm i'm a proactive guy it's finished though oh yeah it's done release it yourself done that's what i was about to say i'm a proactive guy so if a deal doesn't come along that i don't that i don't think is the best thing for it i'm ready to just put it out independently and it's slews of never before seen photos uh it really it's your instagram i follow you right now there's two instagrams my personal instagram is seth a million s-e-t-h-a million spell it for me i got your th a million yep and then i have an instagram for the book which is mothership connected on instagram is that going to be the title that is the title mothership connected wow and it's a it's a none it's a you know has many different meanings of course it's play on their uh monumentous album mothership connection but uh you know it's really it also has pieces of the fact that my mother connected george with so many people that made parliament funkadelic into the powerhouse and the juggernaut that it became and uh um also one the brides of funkenstein's biggest hit which was called disco to go there the biggest tagline in it was the mothership connection the mothership connection is here so there's a hole yeah here's your mom with the shock g yeah that's my mom with shock g all right peter shak g another great performer producer writer yeah i found tupac yeah she did uh she did a lot of work with uh death row she did she wrote stuff with snoop dogg uh and yeah just everybody yeah she was she literally was with everybody i want i think that she might if i'm not sure but i think she might have recorded a song with dave stewart here from eurythmics oh wow we're actually doing something with uh an artist that dave stewart's producing from bahamas okay who goes down there yes she did remotely she did a song her last song i think in the studio was uh with uh dave stewart and gary mudbone cooper my uncle muddy who was the uh that's a a leasing of a group called sly fox back in the 80s had a big song called let's go out of the way and they did a song for alfie for the film alfie yeah would you the law yep yeah that was a remake yeah yeah so i i want to say they might have done that here yeah they did the soundtrack they've done so many soundtracks here that was a great movie i thought it was just about this playboy but then it was like at the end of the life he shows you how empty all that is yeah like true love and you know that's what i i got that was a good yeah good flick they did the theme called darkness of your love that was the name of the song my mom recorded that here yeah with dave stewart and uh mudball i'll have to look for some pictures of her we have a bunch of stuff up in the vault yeah release this yourself you know we don't there's social media is so powerful today and you need to go through a publisher a buck a book yeah get some uh you know this took you a long time you just have some credits some finances yeah worldwide distribution yeah yeah and there's already movie people that are interested in that yep so questions you want to make sure that it's done the right way because it's it's quite an interesting story it's quite an interesting story civil rights uh uh uh the original brides lenin dawn lin was sly stone's cousin so they were his background singers through like after the family stone was over through like 76 77 and then i need to read this oh it's get me a copy first it's breathtaking oh yeah took a long time but it's finally done such an accomplished woman and that was a you know a tough part of the music industry to be a woman and just you know yeah and she was an aggressive woman she wasn't a she wasn't a wallflower she was an aggressive woman and so you know i had to uh get her you know her story out there you know perfect example when parliament funkadelic got inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame in 97 not one woman was inducted with them not one member of parliament or one member of the bride's funkenstein so those are things that are gonna get you know i think that with this story when people read this story they'll see how just how important they were you've read it already apollonia yes yes we uh read it together and lost it when it was finished i bet it's amazing yeah you should just really see yourself we'll go do come back on here we'll talk about it some more get some people i'll give you dave stewart's hey yeah that'd be awesome because there's you know he's being you know restrained right now but there's just so much and for me to have read that it's just similarities in my career and you know the difficulties you know how we were treated terribly you know purple rain tipper gore you know just hounding us we faced a lot of racism prince used to have to and i'm going to say this we would get pulled over in minnesota and he'd have to slip money to the cops to leave you know like jerome and everybody alone but we got pulled over a couple times you know so we faced a lot of racism you know and we didn't get to present at the oscars he won the oscar by i mean we were in shock but we weren't allowed to present i remember i wanted to you know get my outfit and present he says we're not invited but we're gonna do the red carpet yes we don't know if we're going to win we're not really sure but like we can't present prince and i can't go and present there was no space for us jesus yeah yep well you protect prince's legacy very well i know you were a good friend of his and obviously you know an angel to him at certain points um i can't wait to read your memoir someday as well oh thank you i think it's just time like you know this studio houses so many stories so much music so much energy love frustration creativity like why you know with all these great legends passing away their stories are going to be gone forever and then we're only going to be left with what this new stuff is which i'm not a giant fan of some of it's awesome but you know what it took to make an album in those days running it on tape yeah with prince playing every instrument i mean those kind of things just don't happen anymore you know he had that warehouse where he would rehearse and i remember when you know i got there he had a little stage and then he got up there and i sat down on a there was a little folding chair and he played every instrument and then he took it he went took a bow and i stood up and i clapped and that's when i was like oh oh my god i was like freaked out you know and i was like oh that's wonderful but then i remember thinking i have my confidence is on set you know when they hit your mark my dialogue i'm an actor i know my blocking i know you know i'm not going to stage him in this scene because i wouldn't do that you know actors do that so i was that's where my confidence lied you know and i was like okay and they said you know roll i was like i felt great peggy said you know when she saw him for the first time she worked with him for like three years and never saw him play at a concert and she went to texas and saw him and she was like i was sweating it was just you know yeah i finally got it then yeah people that seeing him live i saw him i was telling you about foster the people mark foster was standing next to me down the street here when prince is playing one of his impromptu shows this is probably eight years ago and he took a picture and two of the biggest bodyguards picked mark foster mark foster did pumped up kicks as a successful artist and he's a little guy and they picked him up and took him outside and made him delete all his photos oh wow there was no photography in those quiet you know oh that sounds like that situation over at the house wow crazy yeah no one ever i haven't seen one picture of him in the studio i've asked all the engineers producers i wendy i messaged her um no one i'd love to just see a picture of him working in here you know see the mic he was setting up anything yeah i always can't he knows that i had a camera and i have polaroid so i took a lot of shots but not in the studio because i know that it was like you know yeah he would have liked you know taking that camera and [Laughter] i have a gift for you oh really yes a record deal a production deal so we made 100 of these this is the work order oh my gosh from purple rain on the day that he worked on it in here and it signed prince rogers nelson oh my goodness i got it framed for you thank you oh my gosh so the fans you know we made these and put them on sunsetsound.com and it's like this is the perfect thing for it's not warner brothers apprentice state trump sunset sound this is an official workload signed by prince peggy mccreary it's beautiful times they worked let me get you one as well i didn't know you were coming so i'll take care of you great oh thank you thank you you're welcome oh my gosh thank you that is so cool now we got to get the uh the platinum purple rain only have the original the first the very first one he gave it to me prince gave it to me wow that's cool yeah but i'd like to get the and then we didn't know that apollonia 6 went gold and platinum i believe it went black yeah and we still don't have our albums so i have to get them they were pay for them you know no prince had them at paisley park oh gotcha and now they're missing are you in touch with someone in the state at least about anything pertaining to purple rain or maybe art or work you did or is there somebody over there that's nice enough to i i'm not at liberty to discuss that right now you know yeah there's there's things happening right now so you know we're hoping for the best yeah put it that way right when people pass away you know then it's like you kind of just lose everything that's true it's tough well anything else we want to talk about plug what's your social medias if people want to follow you i'm on instagram i'm on facebook apollonia kotero one p a-p-o yeah apollo mia um we're working on projects on production tv and film yeah we were actually getting started on a few projects before covid uh the year that we all lost right we lost a year we lost a lot of loved ones but now we're you know back at the starting gate and we're gonna do a lot of fun stuff like uh merchandise like this beautiful whoa apollonia's shirt right here i need that i took the picture i took the picture now you did my makeup and hair and everything so yeah so we're going to have t-shirts and apparel and makeup and my brand all the brand apollonia brand and are those available now they will be okay we're we're working on all of that now they'll be available apollonia kotero.com they will be yeah awesome let's give you the info yeah i need one of those shirts oh make sure you get it i'm giving the red one yeah yeah thank you so much for coming in thank you drew one very special evening in my life and obviously you know coming back this is what this show is designed for for people that worked in the studios have stories they can come in here and share them so that they're documented forever you know sunset sounds not going to be here forever but the stories can move on that's right and we can you know know the truth and yep the truth that's what it's all about thank you drew to give us you know this opportunity to set the record straight and it's your life no nobody can tell others what your experience and truth and life is you can tell that people can say what they want and we just sat here casually and talked about sunset and prince and purple rain and seth's mother who's a legend and the book and this is great stuff this is what we need more content like this so okay you know we have a purple shirt that actually yes we're here go to sunset sound dot com use this upload apples for 10 off and also you can buy the purple rain work order in there we need that yes i'll get you that work order i have one at my house i think that's the coolest thing ever to know to have that property in this exact work order from purple range that's right you can own it it's like like i said it's like lawyers you know time notes you see exactly who was there what time and all that so it's all you know the truth that's so cool did you have anything else you wanted to share you did we covered a lot of girls we've covered everything i think we have yeah thank you so much i'm just thrilled and i'm hoping that you know everybody you know watches the show and watches all the other series i'm hoping that my collaborators and my purple family are happy with my interview i'm hoping that you know i know people will have you know some purple ruffled feathers but this is life and you know like i said i don't entertain gossip because you know the truth is the truth amen thank you drew thank you seth for favorite purple our favorite print song my favorite one oh my god i think honestly my favorite one probably is the beautiful ones something about the beautiful ones now mind you i go way back yeah i turned my mother on to prince when he had the fair faucet flip and he was on the pegasus on the back at eight i turned her on to that and then at nine she heard me singing head off a dirty mind and said oh absolutely not give me that album right now but i had already i already taped it on a cassette so i'm still listening to it if anyone has a good almost cut my hair live version i've been trying to find that everywhere because the live version it's like seven minutes long that's the cross has always been kind of one of my favorite principles almost cut hair to live version i need a good comment if you have a good link to that because i'd love to see and listen to it yeah um but again thank you so much guys thank you that was great right yes [Music]
Channel: Sunset Sound Recorders
Views: 468,351
Rating: 4.8429012 out of 5
Keywords: prince, purple rain, Apollonia sunset sound roundtable, apollonia prince purple rain, sunset sound roundtable, sunset sound Drew Dempsey, prince purple rain, prince Rodgers nelson, prince movie, prince behind the scenes, prince apollonia sunset sound, prince sunset sound, prince work orders
Id: nJh2yU_xumc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 11sec (7391 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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