Maya Tutorial: Lets make a Minion, Part 2

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all right so picking up where we left off I did a little bit of cleanup before starting this morning making sure that my eye was all grouped together you can do that by selecting everything that was in it the eyeball lens the bottom of the top eyelid and just grouping that and the mouth which has the mouth the tongue the teeth bottom the teeth top hitting ctrl G grouping those together and that will allow us to take everything we have and combine it and hide it look first later so that we can go ahead and create the hands in the arms but for now first thing we want to do is go ahead and shape the body so that's more than just a regular cylinder to do that I'm going to go into my front view and I'm gonna go into my x-ray shading and you can see these minions have a little bit of a definition to them they kind of curve in there a little more peanut-shaped then cylinder shape so to do this I'm going to go over and in my menu I'm going to choose my animation I'm going to choose create the former and I'm going to use a lattice deform in here if I reset the settings I'm going to use the basic settings and I'm going to go ahead and click create now what this will do is this will give us the ability to morph this body without having to select faces this will deform the entire shape at once instead of having to select each face or each vertice and tweak it so you can see what I can do here I can actually move these points around a little bit and move more than just a little bit now that's actually really handy and once you get good with these you can actually do some really great shaping with this to start off with I'm gonna take that I'm gonna move that like there and bring this in a little bit I'm gonna bring this head down a little bit to match up and of course you can make your minion however you like and tweak him and shape him to be the style you prefer a little bit of shape on your own prefer you to experiment and come up with your own shape than to just rely on you know the exact numbers that I do it's gonna benefit you a whole lot more in the long run see that's a little too much there you look there check those out not bad and now I'll go into the side view and see I'm still very cylindrical here so I'm gonna want to go ahead and take these here bring that in a little bit more add a little bit more of a peanut shape I like that on the side on the side we keep it pretty straight up the way it was just add a little bit of the deformation to it now when we're done and you've got your shape the way you like all you need to do is come in and select your shape go to edit delete by type in history and that'll leave everything exactly the way it was now it's a little rough it's a little bit too quick here but I'm gonna cover those up in jeans anyway when I lose my sleep my x-ray shading and I can see my mouth is a little bit too forward bring that back here a little bit take my mouth move the whole group back just a little bit just to compensate that and you can see it's a little harsh line here but again I want to be putting jeans over the top of that so it really doesn't matter but you can see just that little definition goes a long way gives a lot more character than just a regular cylinder okay so the next step we're going to do is create hands for this to do this I'm gonna move everything into a new layer and go ahead and hide it now there's a couple different ways to create hands I've seen different ones from extruding to attaching to building your own fingers the best thing to do on this is to really experiment and try it on your own for this case we're going to create a really cartoony 3 finger only hand so what I'm going to do I'm gonna use actual spheres to create that shape so go up to create polygon primitives spheres and I'm going to set my radius to one access divisions 2 8 8 and click create focus in on it and now I'm gonna have to rotate this on its side now if we rotate the Z to 90 it'll be exactly where we want it to be okay now this is going to be the first tip of our finger so we're gonna need three of these but for now we're just going to start with the 1 because it's easier to duplicate that later next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and create the palm so we're gonna create polygon primitives sphere we're gonna use the exact same settings except this time slide this out here and we're gonna rotate it in the opposite direction I'm gonna rotate this along the x-axis to go ahead and use these as our attaching points so when we're working with these spheres we're gonna want to be able to attach different places onto here to create our pivots so to attach these faces we're gonna have to do a couple different things so follow me so we're gonna do is we're going to delete these faces here so you just change this to the regular select mmm pan around real quick make sure that there's nothing else go ahead and delete that what that's gonna do is that's gonna create eight vertices here that we can go ahead and attach to this face here now on this side what we're gonna do is we're actually gonna delete all of these faces on this side where we have 8 and just to give you a demonstration I want us to go ahead and select this face this seems I select it over my face too much when I select this one this one and this one and you can see we're gonna line up these vertices to these vertices so I'm gonna select the vertex on here let's select the vertex on here I'm gonna move these here by selecting holding down the V key and dragging it over whoo I think I grabbed the wrong one there okay you should grab this one it's a little tricky to get that get used to and just like that all right so that's not too bad I'm thinking our poem might be a little smaller than I want but I can always come back and clean that up later once I have these all attached so we have our first finger and our palm and you can see we're going to do the exact same thing to this other side so let's go ahead back to object mode I'm going to go ahead and delete this our duplicate this twice move this once this way and this one this way top view so I can see him go ahead and rotate them a little bit more like that they don't have to be the same and matter of fact a little bit difference probably gonna be good because one of these is actually going to be more of a thumb than a finger but when you're lining these up you are gonna want to make sure that you can get to the vertices pretty easy and make sure that you can get them attached where you need to now we're not really attaching them right now right now we're just kind of getting them lined up before we combine them so you can see here actually rotated more than I wanted to oops that way okay so we'll go ahead and attach these here we're going to go ahead delete these faces and using the slit I turn on my camera base selection just to stop from deleting these ones in the back here oops seems that we did one earlier didn't even notice I'm also still getting used to using a Windows machine after using a Mac machine so for so long so forgive me if I keep hitting that button I'm gonna take these and line them up the exact same way I did the other side now the thing you're gonna have to remember when you're doing this is you're also gonna have to line up the inside so I'm gonna show you where that is so here is our inside and we're gonna have to line that up with the one on this finger now we can do that when we combine them or we can do that now just by snapping them together so personally I'm just gonna kind of line those up back there and then I'm gonna select the two of them and then I'm just gonna go ahead and merge those to the center by switching back to my polygons edit mesh merge to Center just to kind of get there they're they're not in the same world but they will be shortly all right so you get the idea so I'm gonna finish up this last finger and then I'll turn the video back up okay so here I am I finished attaching the third one now it's not really attached it what we need to do is combine all of these into one mesh to start working with it as an actual hand so we could just go to mesh combined they'll combine the whole thing together we can go ahead and delete the history and that'll set us down to the one when you just call this hand and now we can actually merge these vertices together so we're gonna go in here go to vertex select what we have make sure that we have switched back so it is not just camera based because we're gonna want to be able to select all of these vertices that are underneath each other again this is the tricky part that we got to make sure that we are selecting everything we need commercial center see how the the point moves key just like those we need to go all the way around and include the ones in the middle here all right now if we hit three you should be able to see yes we got them all okay now that gives us a nice round shape by hand to start with now it doesn't look great yet but a few tweaks here and we can get it better so let's go ahead and select let's do these faces first we're gonna go ahead and make this palm a little larger come down to the side here and do it this way go ahead and scale that up push it down we don't want it too wide but we need some depth to it okay then we're gonna select those faces are probably at a good angle to grab here by just selecting these can actually just kind of move them down a little bit get them a little closer the same thing to be said for these here okay and now we're gonna take these rear vertices let's switch this back to the top view we're gonna select all the vertices on the back here and flatten them out to create one surface so if I flatten these down like this this will start to become more of a hand now what you have to do to make sure that you're doing this right is we want to get rid of some of these extra triangles in here and you can see we've got a nice polygon there polygon polygon polygon so we need to delete some of these edges and that'll keep our polygon shape looking really nice again low geometry looks like I have a little bit that I need to clean up you know we go back to the three here yeah it seems that something got a little tweaked here doing my wireframe okay so there I've merged one word to see that didn't need to be there so sure exactly and that needs to go to here again still trying to keep a little curve of the hand three we can take a look and see if we missed anything looks pretty good okay so now we're gonna want to add this is obviously top knuckle so we're gonna want to add to our faces here don't want to add to the back of the glove I take that edit mesh extrude and refer the world notice how that's back there that means I grab something I shouldn't have so we're gonna undo back to the point where I did the extrude switch this back to camera-based and take this extrude it back scale it down let's scale it in probably a little more deep than I like so let's go yeah there we go right about there now we're gonna do is extrude one more time this is gonna become the edge of the glove I'm just gonna bring that up out a little bit we're gonna extrude it back there we have fair proximity of a glove pretty close looking minion hand now there's a couple things that we could do with this we could either attach this to the arm or we could just leave it loose on its own we could do a couple things with it but we'll check back with that after we add the arm in okay so our next step is gonna be to incorporate this hand with the rest of the body so we're gonna go ahead and invisibly bring everything else out and move this off to the side for now and of course we're going to need to scale it down because it is way larger than we need however you know the joy of working with it that large as it is easier to see what we're gonna need we can also go ahead and change the texture might as well just give it something here to make it look more like our glove I'm just gonna go with the Lambert just give it a in your home all right let's see we're gonna go to our hypershade and take that Lambert that was just assigned there ain't turn that into brown of some sort and something like that there's something to separate it out so that we know that that's the glove that we're gonna be using okay now our next trick is to get the arm out and extrude that to attach to the glove so to do that we're gonna want to look at the front first and see where our body lines up where we have our shoulders now of course their shoulders a little bit lower so if they have a lot of head above and are also gonna have your shoulders for later on when we have the jeans where we need those to be switch back here what we're going to need is probably faces between one two three four maybe five these here so if we switch to face mode we can select the five faces that we're going to need now this is really more of a guides that when we move to the side view we know where we're working now that will give us a nice shape to work with to create our shoulder now just like the hand we're gonna want something round to work with when we extrude out the arm so I'm gonna start here and now that I know that these are the ones that we need I'm gonna do this and I'm gonna select the faces I'm gonna marquee select over all of them making sure that my camera base selection is off so that this way you'll eat the exact same ones on the same side you delete and that'll create a nice hold right in the middle and the next thing I need to do is create basically our shoulder and shoulder joint to do this I like to have some sort of reference to work with so first I'm gonna take my edge and that should select all the way around our body by doing so we can actually go ahead and extrude this out and in a little bit let's go to our panels back to the perspective turn the x-ray sheeting off cuz we don't need that anymore and edit mesh extrude back to the world to centre it out there now first thing you're gonna want to do is pull this out a little bit it's gonna be our shoulder then like to squish this in a little bit just to give us a sense of what we need now this isn't gonna be what we're basing our thing on because we notice it's a box it's really hard to get a box round so what I like to do here is switch back to my side view and create a sphere with the same amount of points that I have so if I look at my vertices here I've got start the center one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen so I have fourteen points that I can work with so I'm going to want to create a polygon primitives and a sphere again but this time I'm gonna want 14 divisions create that I rotate it again so that it's facing towards me make that nine is 90 everything L zero and move it up to become a reference for what I'm working with scale it down to fit within I could actually use a cylinder if you want also that works just as well I've just gotten to the habit of using a sphere so I recommend you yeah if you want to do that you can do that as well so you can see what we have here is points that match up around so we have 14 vertices around and we have 14 points on our sphere that we can line up to so all I'm going to do is take these and do a rough estimate line up to create a circle again we're not going for exact here we're going for approximation I'm not even using the vertices I'm not lining anything up I'm really just kind of going to the points on here to give me an approximation of what the circle because of course why don't you do this is what I do this is an arm I'll end up working with it's more anyway to make it you know Bend the way that I like it too and those kind of things so there you have it there you have a nice circle that you can work with so we'll go back to our panels go back to the perspective here I select our edge that should select all the way around I'm going to go back to the front by selecting that edge you can see sometimes they slide out I can scale that together like that to flatten it out and then edit mesh extrude pull that arm straight up probably two and say about there will go for there for now we can always stretch it out more as we want to okay with that you can take our hand Matt over I'll flip it because I did it on the other side I'll flip that exactly 80 get up bring it over and now I need to probably work with the scale a little bit I can scale this whole thing up a little and then I can take this slip the edge and scale it down actually doesn't do that we go back to our perspective here I going into the perspective I can grab this Center and do it evenly all the way through I mean that's not too bad okay now we also need to add in some more loops here it's we're gonna swap back to object mother we need to insert some loops or we're gonna want some better motion because my plan down the road is create a rig for this so that he can move so I'm gonna go ahead and go into object mode you go into my insert loop tool create one there one there always do three create one at the elbow should be and then two spots around that and then this will be the wrist that will connect to the hand which is down here pan out take a quick look not that and then we have to get the hand to look a little bit more like we want to you're gonna want to scale that that selected we're gonna want to scale this down a little bit if you bring it in tweak it to the point where we're happy with it and that's what your next step should be you should go ahead and take the time even this out and do the same thing on the other side and after you have that you should have the arms and legs the arms done the next video we'll dive into you adding in the legs the boots and some pants alright see you next thing
Channel: Tohm Judson
Views: 14,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Maya, Tutorial, Minion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 11sec (1631 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2013
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