Maya, modeling with curves - Wicker basket

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hello my name is Leia and today we are going to make a simple wicker basket wicker basket is essentially made out of four parts the border which is the top the whicker's which form the wall the ribs around which we are and which the wicker schoo and at the bottom this was this wicker basket was primarily made with the nerf primitive called circle and a polygon primitive the cylinder so let's go right to it so before we start creating the ribs we want to first create a circle around which the ribs will go so under create NURBS primitives you will select the circle but let's make it bigger so it will be easier to work for us and let's keep the numbers even so let's type in five there we go in order to see the point of the circle let's go under the display NURBS and CVS now we see that the circle has eight points so if you had eight pillars this would be great but we would like to have at least 20 ribs so under the make nerve circles you can see the section and now it's eight but if you increase the number to the 20 we will get 20 points and this is exactly what we need let's dislike this and now we will create our first strip by clicking the cylinder let's open the cylinder options and under the subdivision axis let's tab 20 so it will be smoother this whip we want it to be tall but we want it to be slim so that it will be sort of like circular let's keep the numbers even so let's type in for example under the scale x and z zero point two and let's put here six or if you wanted to make it even thinner you can point zero point one or even less if occur even more so as you can see right now we have the pivot point right in the middle but we would like to move it to the bottom so that then we will snap these ribs to this circle from the top from the bottom so in order to move the pivot point by pressing W and D now we selected the pivot point but we want to snap it to the bottom we can do this by whole either holding V and dragging it down or by selecting this magnet with a circle which will then snap it to the vertice now we have the pivot point at the bottom and by pressing W we will deselect it and now in order to snap it here we can either hold X and drag it up or we click on this magnet with a hashtag let's track it up and deselect it now this this rib is right in the same height as this circle that we need in order to snap it now this rib to the edge of the circle we can do it either by holding C and V or we click this which will snap it to the curve and this will snap it to the point so we can drag it and there we go you can also because we made a circle to be at the at the scale v we can also move it just for five in this case it's -5 now we need ribs we will need at least 20 ribs but because the Maya is sometimes silly we will need 21 why because Maya will count the starting point point twice so it will be 1 2 3 4 5 so forth so forth 20 and then 21 so we want to make at least 20 more objects by selecting this rib we will go under the edit duplicate special and we will open the options and first reset the settings we want to select then the instance so in so if we changed either the size or we add more edge loops at loops - 1 rib it will also appear on the others so instance we will leave these completely untouched a number of copies we will do when we click duplicate special you'll see that in our outliner we made 21 ribs so by selecting all of these ribs or pillars and then selecting the curve we will go under the we will go under the option modify we are going to select snap align objects and position along curve and there we go we got the pillars right at these points that we wanted but as I said before we have one extra so if either if we select the starting one or the ending one we can delete it and now we have only one exactly 20 pillars and let's unmarked these snapping tools and these are now our lovely ribs so now let's select all of them together and let's put them on a new layer why because it will be much easier for you to see the next steps so select the layer with this little dot and it will automatically move the selected items to a new layer and if you double click it you can rename it to ribs and you can pick whatever color you want click Save and let's make them disappear by clicking visibility button ok so we still have this level curve so what do we want exactly to do with it now this curve will serve us as the base for the wicker and and if you can see right here the whicker's don't go in a straight line they go something like this zigzag between the pillars so that it will be easier for us to work with let's switch to the top view by pressing space we will go into different viewports and then we can go to top and select it so now we can see the ribs and this lovely curve is going to serve us as the base so in order because the wicker goes like this we will have to enter the edit mode you can do this by pressing f8 or simply selecting the vertices because the wicker go zigzag we will select every second point so we will select first of point then shift-drag mouse ii and select while still holding shift will select every second one there we go and by pressing are to scale will scale them inside but now we will select everything else selecting every other point there we go well you also select them while holding shift and now we will drag these points out so we should get this kind of funny-looking star and this is going to be our base for the wicker let's switch back to the to the perspective view let's click space which we put the mouse over the view that we want and press space again there we go this is going to be our wicker now if you go under layers we can deselect the ribs so now we will have this kind of curve just a curve in our viewport and now we want the shape of the wicker so under create we will select the primitives and make another circle circle you can either move it by clicking II and then holding J button and while holding J button you can rotate it or you can also type just type in 90 degrees or minus 90 degrees and now we want to snap it back to the curve so while selecting this this new circle we will select this to snapping tools for the curve and to the point and let's drag it and now it's perfectly snapped to the curve and now let's make it smaller because wickers if you remember the wicker baskets they're usually very not very tall but they are very thin so we will make it really really thin it should look something like this there we go and now by clicking this circle and shift-click this curve will go under the surfaces and click extrude but we are going to go under options and first of course reset the settings you can more or less leave the options here alone under output geometry you should always click polygons and let's go slightly lower and the type we are going to mark quads and this method we are going to go with general and now you'll get all these lovely extra options and we are going to change this option to the last one and the same with this one and now it should work let's click apply there we go and if you click under the inputs nope desolate you can still change the settings so let's you know as you can see it's very rough on the edges so let's raise the number to 5 and looks much better as you can see on my screen there is black flickering so you can change not to change fix this flickering by going under the camera options which is this icon and if this happens just click again the problem is with near clipping plane so let's take as a row out and the flickering should stop so now if we go under the layers and if we enable the the the rhibs layer you can see this wicker goes very around very nicely let's move it up a little bit there or if we switch to the top view you see this wicker going around nicely let's go back to perspective view so now we have this lovely wicker but we want it to go to the top so by selecting this wicker we will go under the edit duplicate special and we will open the options and first again reset the settings always do that so now you can either put in under the instances or copy if it's copy then you'll be able to adjust each of occur individually but if you don't need to have any need for that you can just click instance in this way if you're just one every one of them will get adjusted so now because you'll have to be more precise with these settings for example this weaker is now at the position of around 0.3 or let's keep the number even so it will be easier and for example if we want the next weaker to be in this kind of height we have to calculate the difference between them so for example this is 0.3 and to keep the even number in this will be easier for us to calculate this is 0.8 so if we zero 0.8 minus 0.3 it's 0.5 so we wanted to translate upwards to 0.5 so that means that each new one it will be at the same distance like this and this and so forth because we have 20 ribs and the circle has 360 degrees if we if we divide 360 degrees by 20 how much is that it's 18 so we want this wicker to rotate for 18 degrees the scale we want to keep it the same and let's be generous let's put 30 so we will get as many as we need by clicking apply easy as you can see we got some extra so you can just delete everything that was extra and one more on the top and this is our wicker basket and you can close the menu so that it would be a bit easier for us let's let's group these things and as well like for example we put them on separate layers so in order to avoid this mess in the outline let's group them so by pressing ctrl G we made a new group so let's put wicker basket and name it rips and let's select this whicker's group them by pressing ctrl G and let's double click it and rename it whicker's and because we already have them selected we can also press this layer with a circle name this layer with double clicking whicker's we can pick whatever color you want and save so now it will be much easier for us to work with but this whicker's we call or the well the start of wicker basket needs also the bottom so under the create let's create a cylinder as you can see it right here and let's put under the subdivision axis let's put Verde so it will be a smooth as everything else by pressing R let's scale it a little bit up something like this so that the edge will be wider into the wicker basket and let's make it thinner so the bottom should look like this if you want to snap this top of the cylinder directly onto the bottom of these ribs pressing space let's go to the front view but as you can see there is nothing the scene disappeared so with selectmen camera and selecting it again we will adjust the narrow clip click near clip plane and far clip and far clipping plane so let's put doubles let's put more zeros and press ENTER and now we see the scene ok so what we have to do now is move the pivot point which is right in the middle to this top top edge so by pressing W D we select it now the pivot point and snap it and then W so we exited the pivot point mode and now while holding V we can just drag it underneath and let's for space let's go back to perspective there we go this wicker basket has a very nice button and because we are organized let's put it on a new layer let's type in bottom and this lovely color okay so now we just need the top so let's hide everything this this curve is a leftover from the whicker's so we can just left click it and then right-click it and add selected object and it should disappear Oh as well as this circle but left-click it under whicker's right click and add select object so now we have a very clean scene because it will be much easier for us to work to make a new border so under the create we will make another circle and because we kept the even numbers we know that it should be 5 you remember we use the same circle for the ribs so now what we are going to do in order to get this lovely twisted border we will do this with the mesh so under the create let's go and create a cylinder and let's go under the inputs poly Center and let's make it to the 20 so it will be a bit smoother but in this case we will go under the subdivision caps and type 0 it will be much easier for them for us to delete the to delete this cap later on so now we will go into the object mode you can do this also by pressing f8 we will select everything else and delete it we just want the top and we will snap the top to the same grid and let's pull it down there we go and because we want this twist we have to have at least free at least 3 cylinders to go so I usually make 4 because then the twist looks nicer so with ctrl D we will duplicate these circles you can just put it however you would like just keep a little bit of space you don't have to be precise about it and again control D and again control D there we go and a when we exit the edit mode we will get this for circles but we want them to be the same object so with shift clicking everything so that we have everything selected we will go under the mesh and combine them so now we have the pivot point right in the middle of them and let's scale them down a little bit something like this by holding X we will first drag it like this and like this so it should be in the center but now you see the numbers aren't either even so if we want to regain these numbers again two zeros and the scales to one we will select this mesh and we will go under the modify freeze transformations and now it will be easier for us to work with so now the same as before with the circle we will rotate it by clicking II or and now by holding J and rotating it or you can just type in the numbers like this and now by pressing V we will snap it again to this point but as you can see again with this because this is a new curve we don't see the point so you'll go under the display NURBS and click Seavey's there we go we will snap it to this point and the easiest way is to mark this snap to the to the to the curve and snap to the point and let's just drag it or you can also type minus 5 there we go so now we have everything perfectly aligned but now we want to extrude these faces along the curve so while selecting selecting them with left click we will right-click them holding right-click we will select faces and now we'd shift-click we'll select all the faces then we will select select the curve and now while we have everything selected we will go under edit mesh and extrude and you will see usually something like this will happen or nothing at all and that means we did good so if we go under the divisions and drag this you will see we are getting slowly the shape we want let's raise the number to 100 there we go but now it's black so while going into the object mode we will go under the mesh display and click reverse there we go but as you can see here they're not clicking together they should be connected and going around and around so first what we will do is twist it before we do that so let's go under the poly extrude face under this inputs you will see the option called twist so you should always twist it by 360 if you want these faces at the end to be turned at the same way so if we click 360 we get one twist 720 we get two twists thousand eight hundred eight thousand and eighty we get three twists yeah this looks pretty good enough and now we want to connect these so what we will do is we will go into the object mode you can do this by f8 while holding the left-click we will select just this part but we want to look at just this part so with with a clicking control one we will hide everything else we want just this part and now we will delete the faces the same faces that we worked with before just left click and delete so now what we want to do is join these edge loops if you double click the entire edge loop will be selected and while holding shift we will click the opposite edge loop while holding shift we'll double click it and now we we selected both edge loops and now under the mesh Edit mesh we will go under the merge and let's raise that number to at least 0.1 and now they are merged we will do the same again with everything else double-click while holding shift double click again the opposite edge loop edit mesh' and merge and we will raise the number of Tolerance again we will turn around we will do the same thing here sometimes it can be a bit messy to look at but usually you immediately know which edge loops to select so double click holding shift double click again edit mesh march tolerance 0.1 and let's select the last one double click shift click holding shift double click again I did mesh merge 0.1 there we go now we've connected to these edge loops and now if we click control 1 again we will see the entire curve but now as you can see while they are merged together the transition is not smooth so if you click the mesh we will go under the mesh display and click soften edge and now it's gone so let's go under the layers again and let's enable everything else and while holding and selecting the border let's track it up let's drag it up to something like this we want to hide the the ends of the pillars like this and there we go this is our wicker basket and now when you're satisfied with everything we will because now everything is still influenced by the curves we will drag the mouse and select everything and now we will go go under the edit delete all by type history and now as you'll see there is nothing more under the inputs you cannot change the shape you cannot twist it you cannot when if you move these curves you cannot adjust anything else so really be careful with this do it only at the air and when you're completely satisfied with everything so there we go this is our lovely wicker basket I hope you enjoyed and see you next time
Channel: CtrlArt creative content in motion
Views: 11,082
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk Maya, Curves, Wiker basket, Modeling
Id: C1zlM9kcDnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 02 2019
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