Maya Bullet Physics Simulation Tutorial: Wrecking Ball Animation - Active and Passive Rigid Body

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[Music] what's up guys this is Adam from three demos welcome welcome to another Maya tutorial and today we're gonna create this really cool dynamic simulation using bullet physics in Maya 2018 and also this bullet by the way it you can find it in previous generations of Maya it will be a little bit different but we're gonna be basically talking how to create this simulation and it's gonna be really fun I'm gonna show you some tips and tricks how to use that and this dynamic simulation you can use the same techniques here to create any kind of dynamic simulation you want like a destruction or anything you can imagine a require like a physics simulation so without further delay let's get started okay so first thing I want to show you guys how to enable this plugin so now if you're like in modeling let's say and you don't see the bullet plug-in here and it should be an under effects but still not showing up and that's because it's going to be hidden and the plug-in manager so it's not basically visible so you go to the plugin manager and then you go here and you scroll down a little bit and then you find here the bullet bundle so you click auto load and load and this really gonna be always show up when you open Maya so then you can close and you can see it here the bullet bundle show up with all the things that it have so this is always going to be on door effects cool so now let's start building the chain and the wrecking ball okay so let's create the chains let's go polygon torus and then let's go to the settings of the torus and then let's click here subdivisions and make them six this should work for now and then let's go to the vertices then let's push them down here something like that should work and then let's go to the Dora setting and then let's make it a little bit thinner okay and then let's scale it down as well from the y-axis so that's good so we have like a chain and then let's go on negative 90 here and then let's duplicate it let's toss it in X 90 degrees as well okay so you want like a distance between those two guys just to make sure there's enough distance here or something like that let's like both and then shift D and then let's move it up something like that and they must keep pressing shift D until we get the chain length that we're looking for maybe a little bit more something like that okay so let's select everything here and this is all good let's create the sphere or you go on through here let's scale it let's just put it here something like that this is a sphere we have and then let's take those two guys here let's go combine them so go modeling mesh combine okay so now we have this and the necessary the history important just to make sure everything is good let's call this la wall here then let's select the whole group here and then group it and let's call it some change so the modeling part is done that's great and then next thing we need to do let's start creating dynamics here so let's select everything let's go to that effects and let's go to below it active we want to make sure these are active rigid bodies and then let's reset the settings here and usually gonna get here a little Collider shapes box and there's lots of settings here we don't need to worry about the most important one we need to think about is basically the colloidal shape and that's gonna be representing how these guys gonna be colliding with each other so since they are like unique shapes and also they have intersection between each other but can't use like a box or sphere or caps and there's no really shape here you can I represent them so the best one is an auto compound so that's gonna be basically automatically calculate this shape and create the collider for them so we select that and click open close and now it's gonna do some calculations for it okay so it's done so let's zoom back and then let's press play to know everything's falling and that's a good sign doesn't mean things are working let's change the timeline like 400 just make sure we have enough time okay so that's good I just wanna click on the shape here and then I'm gonna go to the material Lambert and I just wanna darken it or sorry brighten it up so this way we can see it and be different than the back so that's good so now what we need to do is let's select this group I want to make sure this balls gonna be swinging from side to side so to do that we need to have the initial pose like on the side so let's check this group and then press D while we holding D let's move the pivot to the edge basically matching the edge of this chain okay and then let's rotate it something like that this should work now if we press play everything folds down and that's not what we want so we want everything to be basically pivoting from this chain here so let's take this chain and then let's go here to the settings and you can see here the mass is set to one so let's change that to zero so when we set this to zero basically we're gonna disable the simulation on it then you can see then after that everything else is behaving how it should be so now you can see it's pretty light everything is very light and slow but that's okay we can work on that later but now we can know everything is working here and it's nice and you can see the way it actually is taking the chain moving it around when it's neat to hear so that's pretty cool so there are a few things here we can adjust so first let's select everything here and then deselect the sphere and then this mass is really important one we need to adjust so now the mass is one than everything here and we don't want that we want basically the mass of this change to be lighter than the mass of the ball itself so let's change that from 1 to 0.2 for example and then let's keep this mass 1 here and you might not notice much difference but this now is gonna have this ball have much heavier would be the one that is like leading this motion and you know like behaving like a heavier okay so let's now start creating the cube first let's make sure so this is like the lowest part so let's go create polygon cube let's scale it up there's something like that let's get the limit down let's push this guy all the way so we don't need to see it anymore and then let's just duplicate this cube around like this we'll just make a little bit gap and shifty you go like this is enough of it this way and then let's duplicate these cubes down like that there is three then one more duplicate it to this side then shifty every for now this is enough already we have pretty good amount cubes let's group them then let's press play and then see how is this simulation gonna work so now it's hitting the top bar so that's mean we can move them higher so let's move it up more I'm just trying now to pose these cubes to correctly so this ball can actually hit them so this is good no it's sitting in a good place so now let's create a polygon a plane and this is basically gonna be the ground so let's push it down let's make sure it's touching we don't want it to be intersecting I'll go this way so let's push it down a little bit okay so that's good let's scale it now let me scale it this way so we have more room for the dynamics okay so let's hide the grid we don't need to see it anymore and then let's select all these cubes except the ground let's go to the bullet and then let's go on to the active rigidbody make sure sit to box and then apply and close okay so now if we press play the cube is falling down that's a good sign so now let's select the ground and let's create in passive just body yes resets the Settings box is fine playing clothes okay so that's good so now the cubes set on the ground and the sphere is going and hits them and basically like you can see it barely like moves them it's pretty strong wall we have here okay so what's going on now so why the sphere is not really moving anything here correctly so we need to set these cubes and we need to look at the mass so this now these cubes have a mass of one and this is exactly the same mass of the sphere itself so these are pretty heavy so now we need to make them really light we want to make them actually lighter than this chain so if you look at the chains here they're 0.2 so I want to make sure they are really lighter so let's select them all and then let's make them 0.1 for example and then let's press play [Music] okay so now we can see there's more damage but still it's pretty weak not bad you can see things are falling it's a little bit slow because I'm recording while I'm playing this so it's not gonna be real time but sprits law so one thing we can do now is before we do any more changes basically let's speed up the simulation so let's click on this bullet solver and here you can see the gravity you can enhance the gravity here to make it faster so the more we make things happier here we can make things faster but we don't wanna keep changing the weight for every individual thing here we already established the weight for the chain and we already established the weight for the wrecking ball and then the weight for this cube so we don't need to keep changing that we can change the gravity in general so this is gonna enhance the speed while maintaining everything relatively the same so let's change that from negative nine to negative 90 let's press play and see what happens okay so you can see everything faster but everything works also because strength of the chain is not enough to hold the weight okay so of course it's all relative so let's select this bullet solver again and there is something here very important we need to adjust before we keep adjusting the settings it's basically this internal fixed frame rate and that's basically you can think about it as the quality of the saltwater our set to 60 Hertz we can change that to 240 let's first play and see what happens so you can see it's much better already without changing anything else in our simulation already enhanced like all this braking went away because the quality of the solver now is higher so calculates more accurate okay so now you can see it's still weak the the ball is not really strong enough so that's adjust this setting so how we do that we can go to these cubes again and make them even lighter so let's go zero point zero zero one because you can go to any lower number you just want to make these guides really light comparing to the ball itself so now let's press play and you can see now really destroys them really destroys everything yeah so so that's pretty good so now let's also do some some tweaks sometimes this chain might break also so this settings here linear damping is a one way to enhance the strength of the chain so let's change that to zero point two and this is also gonna slow the reaction a little bit but it's gonna give you a pretty good result nonetheless so you can see it's pretty good and you can see the chin is not as much a swinging like before it actually gets more like heavier so that's good but maybe 0.2 it's actually a little bit too much so let's select everything again except that last chain and let's change it to 0.1 okay maybe 0.1 is it's not enough because there's a little bit too much swinging so let's select everything and then so 0.2 was a little bit too much 0.1 is not enough so basically 0.15 let's go like half way okay this is better okay so you can see now it's swinging and when you play this in real time it's gonna be faster and there's another thing we can adjust always it's basically this friction so this friction also gonna speed up the simulation because now there is some friction going on while that has changed swinging so if we put it to zero it's gonna even speed up the animation even more just ghosts not gonna have any friction so you can see how you can have a really flexibility with this plugin you can do pretty cool stuff let's put the friction back to one and then we can always adjust the same settings in here and the cube itself so now we have friction here one if you make it zero it's gonna make it even lighter won't get hit so let's see you can see like some of the cubes they fly like super but you can see here things are start sliding because there is no friction just gonna you get this very weird almost like Inception type effect where things start to move very bizarre and you could do that this is just one thing I wanted to show you guys but just we can put it back to one just to make things more realistic to the real world we're living in you can see here so it hits and then things gonna react physically accurate on the ground and between each other so this is basically how you do the simulation using the bullet physics engine hopefully this tutorial helped you guys let me know if you have any questions and don't forget to subscribe and hit the bill icon if you want to get notified when I publish a new video feel free to check our website three demos Vodacom for more tutorials and cool 3d assets until next time take care [Music]
Channel: 3D Models World
Views: 58,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: passive rigid body, active rigid body, rigid bodies, bullet physics, rigid body simulation, rigid body, wrecking ball, chain, simulation, animation, maya bullet, maya for beginners, Maya dynamics simulation, bullet physics simulation, bullet (software), destruction, autodesk maya, soft body, simulation tutorials for beginners, simulation tutorial, maya 2018 dynamics tutorial, maya dynamics tutorials for beginners, maya bullet ragdoll, maya bullet dynamics
Id: -Ee5fWROo5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Thu May 31 2018
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