Maya Auto Rig with Quick Rig and Mixamo - Rig Any Character in Minutes!

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all right hey everyone today i'm going to show you two techniques for quickly auto rigging your characters the first is going to be using maya quick rig and the second one will be using adobe miximo and both are completely free and don't require any plug-ins and are just made to just quickly reagan-pose your characters all right so let's just get right into it here you can see i have my fully modded character and everything's ready to go he's unwrapped he's got good topology topology for deformation and now we can begin the auto rig process so what we want to do is switch our tabs over to rigging and then we want to go over here to the top menu you want to go to the top where it says skeleton and quick rig and then open up the quick rig tab and you can see that we have this all right so we have humanik i'm actually going to dock this with the attribute editor here just give myself some more room and with the quick rig here we can select our character and you can go ahead and do a create new character so go ahead and do that and then we've added the character to the quick rig tool set then you can do one of two things you can do one which is auto rig and let that run and it doesn't take all that long but i'll pause real quick and with the auto rig it just goes ahead and does it now it's not perfect but if we go ahead and kind of see um what happened or what it did if i go ahead and kind of move some things around you can see that it does a halfway decent job on the character except completely messed up where the elbow is which is no big deal and then here you can kind of see the knees a little bit high so i typically don't use auto rig so i'm going to undo that by going ahead and hitting the trash icon and you can just say are you sure you want to delete the following objects just hit okay so there now we're back to the beginning and we can select our character again but this time we want to do step by step all right so we want to select that and since i trashed the previous quick rig we want to add our group to this and we want to add the geometry so it's step by step but it's still very quick so i can go ahead and add selected meshes so i just select the group and it adds all the meshes inside of my group which is just broken up by hair group shirts shorts and and whatnot the next thing i want to do is go to the guides once you've added your geometry and we can go ahead and do that by just hitting create once we've created the guides you can see that they show up here so you want to just use these and kind of place these in position so here's to is going to be your clavicle you can maybe move that up a little bit higher here we have the shoulder which is going to be here um you know so we can maybe move these as needed all right and here's where we definitely need to make some adjustments here's the elbow we can move that into center position there which is looking good we can select the wrist here and that's going to be just kind of located there and that's looking good so we can position that and we can go ahead and you can see the knee was a little high like i said so we can move the knee there great here's the foot ankle needs to be up a little bit higher here and maybe drop this foot down so you can see where things are at and we have this guide here and i want to drop this i mean this is going to be essentially the groind area so we can move that and the spine okay and you kind of space these out a bit here all right so once you do that you of course can just say copy right over to left or in this case the characters left over to the right and the way that you want to do that is just select all of your guides here and hit mirror from left to right and then it goes ahead and copies that over so you only have to do one side so just make sure that you have the right one selected obviously anything on the line of symmetry which is a spine can stay where it wants or where it needs to once we have that we go ahead now to the skeleton so we've added the geometry we've positioned created and moved the guides mirrored them over now let's create the skeleton so we'll we go ahead create the skeleton and there it goes so just double check that everything looks good here we can see that the hips are right about where the hips are the elbows are right where the elbow should be the wrist is where the wrist should be same thing with the shoulder and the clavicle everything's looking pretty good neck is solid so i'm happy with that let's just keep moving then i mean right now obviously it's just a skeleton so we need to bind it so let's go ahead and use just the default binding method and go ahead and create and let that run and this part typically takes the longest but not that long and there we are so we go ahead and you can see that we have the character moving and synced up and it's pretty good i mean this auto rig tool is very impressive you can see how this is working and i'm overall really happy with this result now i'm not a rigging specialist or anything like that but i create characters teach how to model characters i use this all the time for quick rigging and posing uh and it's just one of the two tools i'll be showing you today so now one thing drawback is there is no fingers so uh i'll link a tutorial down at the bottom autodesk actually covers that in detail how to add fingers so um since i don't have i haven't had a chance to make that tutorial at least link you guys uh direction there okay so that's quick rig at a very quick high level so let's jump over to mixamo so here i am and i'm just going to continue our reset and just go back to that clean scene now what i want to do is first load up mixamo and to get to miximo just open up a web browser type in and log in now it's sign up you can sign up for free so i'll go ahead and just log in since i have existing credentials and now that i'm logged in i just want to go ahead and upload a character so here's the key thing when you're exporting your character you have to make sure to select the top character the group and then go to export selection and then we want to go ahead and export this as an fbx now the key thing is if this is you know the default preset you want to scroll down to advanced options do fbx file format and make sure to use 2014 2015 or older maybe 2013 if uh if you need to but 2014-15 is what adobe miximo uses and if you try to use 2020 or anything newer than that it's going to give you errors so we can call this you know character hammer boy and export this out and once we do that i'll go ahead and add it to my scenes folder and then we're going to go to mixamo and i'm just going to simply drag this over from windows into miximo so i'll drag this over and drop that in there and move this out of the way and let it process for a second and just like maya quick rig once this loads in it's essentially going to ask us for guides and these guides are what's going to be used to auto-rig the character so it's just saying is this character modeled in a t-pose and is he facing the right direction everything looks good because otherwise like oh whoops he's upside down or he's he's whatever well just make sure to put him in the right orientation and you're ready to go hit next now we want to do chin and just move these to you know where they need to go we want to do wrists you can see that it's also working with symmetry we've got the wrists right about there at the center line we got elbows here we can see the elbows looking right about there that should be fine maybe drop it just a little bit we've got the knees here so they're pretty easy to tell everything's good and then groin is right about here all right so you can see and use this as a guide it's pretty straightforward especially if you did the auto rig one and you want to see which one works better or the quick rig one i should say so once you do that hit next and it's going to go through and do its thing so i'm gonna pause real quick and there we go so here's our character and you can see he's got a finger animation head animation um i mean he's moving his head it does have facial animation but everything looks okay so i'm going to go ahead and hit next and this is just asking me your 3d character has been uploaded proceed with this new character i just was missing or i was just running through this before this demo uh and it was just saying hey do you want to overwrite the previous one so no problems there but if this is your first time you won't have that issue but uh okay yeah and here's what's pretty cool is now you can run through all these preset animations you can also do this with maya and the uh humanik and the rigging tool but uh you can just start to take a look and you know see how this character looks all right you can of course there's a lot of settings here um if you're if you're happy with it uh or you can change them trim the animation um you know you can look at combat animation um you know if like he's got a hammer and he's getting damaged and or holding a weapon you know taunting a lot a lot of cool stuff that you can look at and if you're you know doing a quick thing where let's say we have something like you know something silly like that with the the pose or let me find something here real quick cool so let's find let's use this this happy idol so i just searched for idol um his arms are clipping quite a bit so you can increase character arm space there and it kind of fixes that issue and overdrive just means to slow it down or speed it up and then we can trim it but i like this and then you can simply hit download and i'll download fbx with skin 30 frames everything else looks good just default let that download all right it downloaded and i have this new fbx and i'm just going to grab happy idle and drag that into a clean scene of maya and let it go and do its thing and here we are so you can see if i go ahead and play the animation we now have this and we have our idle pose now what's nice about this is even though it's not a full blown rig with control objects and helper objects you can still bring it in here and position it it is using just i mean it's a simple rig so you can just do fk controls and move his hands um up and around and select his fingers and do whatever that you uh would would want to do to pose this but you know if i like select hierarchy here on this finger and then rotate you can see i can move this finger up and around so there's a little bit of control in here and works really great when you're just trying to quickly pose your character um but all in all hopefully you found this helpful so again a quick high level look at using the quick rig tool in maya and using adobe miximo for quickly posing and rigging your characters alright if you found this helpful appreciate a like comment or subscribe and above all stay safe and i hope you enjoyed it thanks take care everyone
Channel: On Mars 3D
Views: 46,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d art, tutorial, workflow, character, maya, autodesk, adobe, mixamo, quick rig, fast, easy, simple, how to, rig, rigging, pose, posing
Id: NV8bAX28tHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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