Maya 2016 Hard Surface Modeling Part 2

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okay so four extra marks what we're gonna be doing is I'm also gonna be showing you guys how to make objects that have very curved surfaces or have Sun areas that are ever so slightly inset into them so what I'm gonna do is just focus down on making this type of object over here and many times when we're making this stuff I might build it a little bit differently from this one over here but what I'm gonna do is grab this edge over here and if I started off with a single plane I can also model using this plane like this over here so you see that I can very quickly grab something like this like that and what I can do is now use extrude using the move tool instead of just the extrude tool by itself and you can see that I can extrude this outwards like this now if I grab these two edges and hit extrude as well and just move them down like this I can also make little blocks and pieces like this as well because this face over here using target weld I can actually grab vertices and I can just connect these vertices together like this and that's what's gonna allow me to make these type of shapes that you can see over here as well which is similar to what we're gonna do over here so again you can use the tools to build many many many many different types of objects as well so I'm gonna come over here and I'm gonna keep using this pattern over here if you guys want to leave the sides off that's fine as well and what we want to do again is make this little type of in setted shape over here there's many different ways that we could attempt this but again if I wanted to divide this into regular parts the best tool for me to do that is again the connect tool so I'm gonna go into connect adding two segments over here as before and I'm going to turn the pinch down to zero so with no pinch this shape is the same size as this one which is the same size as this one up here and I'm gonna press Enter over here and again what I'm gonna do now is just add in some connections which again you can do with connect or I can just go into the insert edge loop tool and grab a loop like that I might have - now that I use the insert edge loop tool over here grab these vertices and actually move them maybe into a more logical place I'm gonna grab those two vertices like that and move these down like this so everything is still subdivided in some regular type of way up do this from the other side as well okay so again sometimes don't trust that things will just go in the right place move them as and when you need them so again if I come over here and I go into the insert edge loop tool one more time I'm just gonna click on it like that and again just by moving that edge that's now gonna make it a nice regular pattern like that so again now I can choose a completely different set of things and I could extrude this as well but let me show you another way of building shapes as well which is if I cut a hole into an object again by selecting the faces and in face mode select them press Delete on your keyboard you make a hole fairly simple you can grab these edges over here and you can extrude them down as well now to finish the shape off I want to show you guys another two tools as well which we've used before one of one of them but one of the things that I can do is just use this bridge tool to connect this gap from here to here so I can select those two edges hit bridge turn down the number of subdivisions to 0 over there we've created just the inside of this part up here press Enter and then if I select an edge over here and I go into mesh and just tear that off for a second so you guys can see there's a tool that's called a fill hole and I can just fill in that gap over there grab this guy over here fill hole and again that is exactly the same thing that we were doing before okay so what do I need to do again after you've made something it's always a good idea to look how it looks like on its smooth preview like this and what's gonna happen is I've got all of these cuts over here and I need to start reinforcing them again so what I'm gonna do is come over here and I'm gonna start using to connect and the insert edge loop tool to just achieve that so again I'm going to go back to connect for the interior side of this and what I'm gonna do is again just use that pinch option and the middle mouse button to drag that to the sides like that now I want the edges around these sides of everything that's pointing towards camera to have two sets of subdivisions but I also want to have a smooth curve down here as well so I'm gonna have to change this ever so slightly so I'm gonna click the over here press connect and have two sets of subdivisions which it's great I'm gonna come over here I'm gonna double click here and shift and double click do another connect so again I'm adding two sets of subdivisions of two sets of sub subdivisions on the other side and when I'm smoothing this out you're starting to see that I've got the smoothness of this curve coming in here but I don't have any solidness to this part over here so this edge is still very soft and this edge is still very soft as well now one of things I want to draw your attention to is that by grabbing these edges at the top you can really have a very close coordination of what this curve looks like if you want it less curved you can move it down if you want it more curved or two very strange properties like that you can push all of these things out it's really interesting to look what shapes you can create just by moving these sets of curves around because you might discover something that you didn't think was possible before so again I'm just gonna put that down as a novelty factor and I'm gonna look at all of this over here who's that 3d modeling was difficult by all means so what I want to do is add edges but I want to add them in the right place so I'm gonna go into the insert edgeloop tool' and all I want to do is just reinforce certain parts of the model so I'm gonna come over here I'm gonna add an edge round the back over there okay and then what I'm gonna do is add an edge down here at the bottom as well and hopefully that will start reinforcing everything the way that we need so I'm gonna press three over here I can still see that I'm starting to get my nice smooth curves but here's where things are gonna start getting a little bit difficult for us if I come over here and I start adding subdivisions that across this curved area you're gonna see that we're gonna lose that smoothness so if I came over here and I clicked right up here and that is subdivision all the way up there and I added a subdivision all the way in here we're gonna make a solid hard edge if I take one of those out just because I added a hard edge that I need over here you see what happens all of this edge has just pushed all of that up again so I've gone from this nice smooth curve and I've added a division here and I got the solid edge that I wanted for this part but I've ruined this part over here here what we have to do is use some sliding across the edge of the side of this object here because what I need to do is not only create subdivisions I also need to be able to have a little bit of control of this curve so one at a time what happens if I grab these edges over here at the top I'm just gonna grab them like that and again it's easier to do one set of curves at a time I'm gonna grab that edge there I'm gonna turn on my edge constraints as we did before with edge slide and now you'll see that I'll be able to slide this curve up and down my edges like that so when I go into smooth mode and I start moving this and down I am going to recover that shape that we were talking about before so again I'm just gonna place it kind of like in the lower area of this over here and what I need to do now is the same thing across this other curve over here so I'm gonna go into the insert edge loop tool again and I know that I need another set of curves here and here so what I'm gonna do is add this one it should not cause me any problems like that again I'll just undo and redo so that you guys can see that there again in smooth mode I'm gonna come into here I'm just gonna add an insert edge loop tool and this part here is incurring so that's not gonna give me a problem but if I add a curve here then we're gonna have a little bit of a problem so again I'm gonna come into here look into the inside faces I've got an edge over there and actually I should be able to actually move that edge up a little bit like that just make it a little bit tighter again thanks to edge slide and what I'm gonna do is go again insert edgeloop tool' come into here and if I grab the right insert edgeloop yeah nope okay this one I might have to cut out manually let's see what happens if I grab this one here I have some strange projection of my edge lip okay cool when you run into problems like this never panic what we're gonna try and do is come into here and we're gonna start using maybe the connect tool or the multi cut tool to get the connections that we need so what I'm gonna do is I need to think where I want this connection to be so I'm gonna go into the selection tools and I'm gonna select all of these edges here it's probably this edge that I moved now that's giving me the problem but I needed to move it anyway so I need to keep working so I'm gonna hit connect and I'm gonna take the segment's down to one and I'm gonna confirm that and I'm just gonna move that here to the edge this is where I want that edge to be and live so I'm gonna come into here and I'm gonna double click here and it does seem that it's gonna be fairly happy with telling me that hey you've selected all of these edges here let's see what happens when I hit the connect tool and you'll see that I get this edge that comes in over here now I'm guessing this edge is actually fairly close to where I want the edge to actually be even though it looks all weird and squiggly from the side because if I hit three again I am just going to erase this by going to control Z you'll see that that curve that I've got there is still working so sometimes if the editor edge loop tool is not working we have to go ahead and use a different tool and all I'm doing is just choosing where do I want these cuts to come into so I'm guessing that the insert edge loop tool would give me probably everything that I would need if the line was straight but the connect tool is actually gonna work better for this connected area because it's gonna take all of these edges and split them the scent like that so I'm just gonna leave that like that and then I'm gonna take this edge over here and again I'm gonna do a ring on the other side double-check what I have selected again like that hit connect see if I get any unpleasant surprises and nothing happens so that is not a problem like that and to finish it off just to get it to this bottom point over here what I'm gonna do is again go either into any mode where I can actually see the dots a little bit better so I'm gonna hit vertices I'm gonna use the multi cut tool to cut from this point over here to that point there push enter and that is going to make my curve beautifully straight like that in between edges hit three to smooth it all off and there we go so I've got a lovely curve over at the top of my object and because connect actually gave me the average already so put my cut right in the middle of my selection I don't need to need to move these edges of the top it already gave that for me if you are not terribly happy with this type of edge over here because it's going all over the place and you would prefer something straighter there is technique as well I can show you very briefly that if I collect multiple vertices like this and I use the scale tool and I'll scale them in the z-axis you're gonna see that they're actually gonna go fairly straight like this now this is really handy especially because I've got my edge slide turned on like that so I can grab all of this and I can actually move this as well and the all of these edges will slide across the surface so now I've taken all of those edges which were a little bit all over the place and I've just organized them like that now again this is an optional thing that you don't really have to do because again you know this object looks okay the way it is but if you want to be a little bit tight it will just figure out how this actually works sometimes having a good visual model for what you're doing is very useful so again I can select all of these vertices having my edge constraints turned on I can use the scale tool and I can scale all of those edges on maxi's by themselves and you'll see that at one point it will look like they're going into another direction but they are almost perfectly straight like that and again I'll just use the Move tool thanks to edge slide turned on they were all line up beautifully like that and I'll just turn that off just so that you guys can see what happens if you don't have it turned on like that and again I can smooth that out and there we go object mode turned on I have this beautiful inset over here of this object like that I think I've got a little bit of pinching up there so I'm gonna have a look and see what's happening just in case I've got a missing edge or something that I did not see previously who's gonna look at that but that's all four-sided maybe it's these vertices here so I might have to come into here and grab this vertex over here grab that let's press 3 on my keyboard I'm just gonna move this round there just a little bit and that's gonna look a little bit better like that like that there we go and again there we go and this is all kind of like very nitpicky stuff you know you cuz again you can push verts around forever and eventually you will find a nice shape for them to actually sit and rest like that so again that's that shape finished over there so let's move over to something that is round and slightly more challenging you're gonna see that it's gonna be very similar to the ones that we made before now sometimes we want to make objects that have multiple pieces like this one over here and it's important that when you've got an object that's quite complex like this one that we actually break it down into some form of easy part so even though you're looking at this this subdivided version of it over here what we're gonna do is start adding some more detail over here so I'm not gonna model every single hole over here I'm gonna use some things that Maya has which is quite useful for me so what I'm gonna do is grab this and I need to start adding a few subdivisions in some places so because I've got already an edge over here that I can reuse quite easily I mean take that edge there and I'm gonna hit a nice handy bevel except that I'm gonna make sure that this bevel is small enough for me to get two edges like this okay I'm just gonna press ENTER for now what I want to do is grab this middle ring over here and I am going to scale it from the center of the object so I'm gonna press R on my keyboard and I will scale it down like that so that it is below this circle okay and then I'm gonna double click on this one here and I want to try and put it as close as I can to those vertices there just like that so I'm aligning kind of like this octagon with this section of my circle over here so what I did was I made a circle that had I think about 20 subdivisions so that's one two three four five six seven eight nine ten on one side another ten on another that numbers gonna be important cuz I'm going to play with it later on now what I'm gonna do is select these four faces over here by themselves and I'll go into the Select mode and I will go to inverse so I am Verte my selection can I just press delete on my keyboard this is all I need to build this object over here and I'll show you how before we cut a circular shape into a square and this four-sided object is very much the same deal as well so what I'm gonna do is just zoom into it over here and I'm gonna start using the multi-cut tool to do the same thing that we did before just to cut the octagon into this shape here now if I did all of my scaling correctly and I didn't modify the shape of the circle that means that this should hold up fairly nicely so I'm gonna come here I'm gonna click on that click on this it's the same type of cut that we made before for the circle inset over here okay and this now is what's going to make my little nut over here for all of these cutting pieces over here right so it's same theory as before cutting a circular shape into a semi rectangular type of object but I'm now going to replicate this multiple times so we can do this at any point but I always suggest to people to cut in a little bit of detail first and then we're gonna duplicate this in a very particular way I'm going to grab these faces over here as we did before right and what I'm gonna do is again use the extrude method of cutting in extra detail I'm gonna hit extrude and switch straight to the scale tool to add a little edge there and then I'm gonna hit the scale the extrude tool again and this time I'm gonna use the move tool like this I'm then going to scale this down a little bit so that it's a little bit inset into the actual surface so I'm gonna come over here and I am going to move that in there and then I'm gonna do another extrude and I know the scale like that the last thing that I'll do is switch to edge mode grab these guys over here so I'll just do a ring selection over there and with that ring over there again handy little connect tool with two segments and I'll just change the pinch on that just a little bit like that and I'll press ENTER and there we go so if I smooth this off you see that I have kind of like the same thing that we had before but the power of this tool is now that we can actually start multiplying the shape in kind of interesting ways so with this selected I'm gonna go into the low poly display by pushing one again and what I want to do is actually go up into object mode over here and what I want to do is that I want to take this object over here and I want to copy it multiple times the reason why I want the object version of this is in object mode I still have the objects original pivot point the center of the actual circular shape that we had at the beginning so if that's the center I can actually spin this round and you can see that it does like a three xD loop all the way around so if I can duplicate this multiple times I can actually make an entire ring of this little shape that I've just made so do that I'm gonna go into edit and I'm going to go into an option which is called duplicate special and I already had this set up previously but so you guys can see the settings that I use in duplicate special click on the little box down here and that will open the options up for duplicate special now I said I had 20 segments of this so what I want to do is make nine copies of these segments and I want them to be copied 10 times so 36 degrees all the way around my my scene so if you input these settings into duplicate special weather rotation X and Y is 36 you make nine copies of this object and hit apply you can now create this beautiful ring of objects like this and I'll just hit close because now I have one two three four many many many different objects and what I'm gonna do is just select all of these guys by clicking and dragging on them and what I'm gonna do is go into mesh and choose the panel which is called combined so with the combined tool I put all of these objects into the same mesh but here is the thing that I want you guys to do very quickly which is preview this and you'll see that all of these edges that are actually just connected to one another like this okay so they're all separate they are not connected in any way now I can spend a lot of time trying to put all of these vertices together because if I select one of these and I move it around you see that there actually is two vertices in this section and that's what's not allowing me to connect things up together correctly so I can smooth things I can select individual vertices and go into this edit mesh tools over here and there's a tool here which is called merge a merge will take points that are close together and it will weld them together so now if I grab this point over here and I move it you see that even the standard-setting for merge would connect those points together but all of these other edges are separate now we could spend a lot of time going round and merging all of these vertices together but I want to show you guys below the arrow tool there's this little selection tool over here that has this little last suit to it really handy so I can go over here and in my top view just click and drag on all of the vertices that I want to weld together now I could do this for the entire shape as well but because I've got already some detail here sometimes I want to be a little bit more precise with my selections so I'm coming here coming here just going around careful when you make multiple selections because you can deselect things very easily okay so again another little thing about Maya if you re select something it deselects it if you select it again it will be selected one more time so be careful when you're making multiple selections so again in my shaded view this is the view that I had but as soon as I hit merge now they're all connected together except for this one over here that I mistake that I did not connect together but you get is fairly lucky because it allows me to show you a little mistake that I did there and now if I select this let me go back to smooth view and hit merge again bang it is all connected up together so again this little shape here is really really really gonna be handy for us to actually make very complex shapes in no time what so ever so I took a very simple shape I replicated it a number of times and then I can just spend some time in edge mode and actually replicate any other shape that I might want to do the outside I can click here I can go into extrude and I can just go downwards like this and you see that I get a rounded edge type of version like that if I grab these ring them hit a connect like that press Enter now I start getting a solid edge around there like that and if I went into the inside of this over here again I can go ahead and I can start adding another edge loop again if I wanted to change this ever so slightly because I've noticed that I missed an edge over here I can actually delete this top edge over here and actually probably a bevel would be a better way of adding a hard edge to this but again the time I'll just leave it like that for now but again you could bevel all this edge around here and that would work much better again if I was doing this from scratch another thing I could do is I could do an extrude like this just to add a little in a ring like that do another extrude and push downwards a little bit like that oops just make sure that I'm in smooth mode go into the move push this down scale it a little bit and now this interior ring over here I can just come in here double click do another connect press Enter smooth that out and there we go we have this other shape done as well if you want any interior ring so I'll keep extruding like that but you'll see that very quickly we can create this amazingly rounded surface with lots and lots and lots and lots of little detail so again it's the idea of taking a complex object and breaking it down into parts and then as soon as you've done the blocking for those parts everything that comes much much much much more easier so last shape thank you for making it this far okay this is the type of shape that we're looking to make and you can see that it is not going to be that difficult for us to replicate in any way shape or form so what I'm gonna do is come over here and I'm gonna go into my object into my edge mode over here and again I'm gonna build this very similar to the way that we built this part of here grab ourselves this edge over here move this grab here and I'll do an extrude change to my move tool move this down like this I'll leave the back opened like that grab these two edges press extrude move them down and again just go into target weld and this is a good example for me to show you that target weld actually works with edges as well as with vertices as well so even though I'm in edge mode I can click edge to edge and target world will still work perfectly now importantly for us we still want to do while blocking I still want to come into here and I still want to grab this here and I want to do connections all the way through like this like this and then just spend a little bit of time making the correct connections like that there so I'll start off with this edge over here like that now if I want to manipulate these curves in any way sometimes I'm gonna make connections that I just want to be able to cut at a later date so what I'm gonna do is just grab this connect tool over here so again looking at this in Lobby mode shall we say what I'm gonna do is take this face edge over here I'm just gonna add another connect across the surface of this like this because that's gonna give me a little bit of fine control of how round this surface is and for this example I'm just gonna push this out a little bit like that okay so now that I've introduced a slightly different curve how can I start creating this type of inset over here well again block out the area that you want to work with so if I've got an edge that goes over here one of the things I can do is I can either add a bevel and that's already gonna start creating the average shape that I want to actually have here or I can come in ahead and start using different tools for me to actually start you know building this in as well so if you wanted to delete faces or do anything fancy there you can go ahead and you can start creating those things for yourself no problem whatsoever but again sometimes it's just good to take these areas delete them like this and then we can start making some edge selections like this so with these edges selected I can now start again maybe doing a little bit of an extrude move them down a little bit use a scale maybe in this direction and again if you can't grab something specifically we can always come in to our vertices and select one of those interior vertices and just move them with the move tool back like this again this is being a little bit more freeform that than before but it's just a case about being able to use whatever tools you have at your disposal to actually just be able to start roughing in those shapes that we might want to be using like this okay so again what we're going to end up with is very very very similar shapes than what we add to what we had before but I'm gonna add a little edge over here so I'm gonna come in here and I'm gonna select these two I'm gonna go to bridge I'm gonna connect those together and I'm gonna bring the bridge down to still have this little edge over here like that and what I'm gonna do now is just push that edge upwards like that so I'm gonna get this shape over here a little bit like a W where I've got an edge which is inside one that rises one that falls and then I can take this here and I can go to mesh fill hole and that will fill this area up over here now that we've gotten to the end of the blocking again it's a good time to look at my edges like that and you'll see that what will happen is I'll come over here and I can start adding other different types of subdivisions to all of this as well if I wanted to so with this edge set up over here what I want to do is start adding some hard surfaces so again I'm gonna come into my top edge over here I'm gonna go into bevel and I'm gonna give it a tiny value over here this time point two and I'm just gonna give it two segments there no look at this when it's shaped up like that and then you see that I have this nice smooth part over here I press enter and there we go nice hard edge over there now I'm gonna want the hard edge for the bottom as well so I'm gonna double click and you'll see that that will select that there and a double click there and again I'm gonna apply the same bevel down there as well so again I'm adding subdivisions I'm still working with quads and let me just put that down to the point - there we go and again check smooth mode and there we go I've got this wonderful smooth part over here now sometimes we might want to create an edge that's just a little bit either smoother or harder in a specific point and you'll see that what we have here again is this idea that we've got this curve over here what happens if I want to manipulate this curve just a little bit more well one of the things I can do is start adding some more edge loops over here again by using the multi-cut tool if I come over here and I just click to here and you can see that I can actually cut all the way through with multi cut tool and it will try to do as straight of a line as it possibly can so I can come into here and now all of those are straight edges like that again I can come into here you can click I can click to an edge over here and I can click all the way down to there right because currently I've got this type of curve over here which is not really kind of like too sexy or too too amazing it's actually either they make things look not as smooth as they were before but I know that by making the right selection choice over here I can change the shape of this curve and I can just art-directed ever so slightly so with this edge selected over here what I'm gonna do is actually do this either with edge selection turned on or vertices and what I'm gonna do is just grab all of these vertices over here and this time we're gonna try it and move them across like this now if you turn on edge slide you're gonna see that it will only allow you to move multiple edges across this edge over here and if we turn on surface slide over here you're gonna see that we get a very different effect when now we're gonna be able to move all of these polygons along this existing surface like this which again this is great if we turn on our move tool because now I can actually very very easily change the shape of this curve so if I want it wider than it originally was down here to give me kind of like a wide edge here and a narrow edge over there the edge the surface constraint instead of the edge constraint it's gonna follow the flow of the that curve over there so again if I need to make multiple selections of edges vertices sorry I mean more like that and I want to move them over a surface to maintain my shape again I'm gonna come into here I'm gonna do a surface slide like that you're gonna see that very easily I'm gonna be able to move this curve and I'm gonna try and match it on both sides actually I think I moved these guys a little bit too far so how are you gonna go back a little bit like that then again I'll check it in the low-poly version as well so you see that what I've done is change that shape there now I've got an end gone in here but if I hit multi-cut I can come here and here and now that's four-sided that's four-sided a little bit of foresight and all of this as well but the last thing that I needed to do is just add some insert at add a little bit of some edges to the sides of this as well so that they're not so rounded so all I need to do for that again is just either use the insert edge loop tool or use the connect tool or any other combination of those tools per se so I'm gonna come into here I'm gonna go down to my connect tool and what I'm gonna do is just grab these edges over here and we'll see that that will do it make a connection like that but if I keep clicking like this you'll see that I can do a connection down in this area like that so again if I come here and I hit my connect tool by default you'll see that it will try to project the way that I'm going but as I make more individual selections it'll start adding all of these edges like this now the last thing I want to do with you guys is just show you another tool that we can go into more detail in future but there is this tool here which is a symmetry tool and this is really cool because if I grab the symmetry and I turn on object X over here it should allow me to manipulate one side of my model to another like this but when I was making some custom cuts into this object over here what I've done is that I've changed the left-hand side ever so slightly from the right-hand side hopefully my should be smart enough to have this other option over here which is called topology and if I specified to Maya that this is the topological axis this is like the middle part of my object if I select now these edges you see how they highlight blue on either side I can actually grab these edges and I can manipulate both sides of the object at the same time which is gonna save me a lot of time so with this topological axis chosen instead of object X and turning on edge slide I can very quickly grab both of these edges and I can move them outwards like this they'll constrain to the edges like that and then I can pull them back like this and now they are perfectly straight like that also notice that I've got a little triangle over here as well so I'm just gonna press ENTER there and what I'm gonna do again is just do a quick target weld in vertex mode and I'm just gonna go vertex to vertex vertex to vertex which looks like it was just a cut that I missed on that side because it's fine over there and now I'm gonna smooth that out and that will be the end of my object like that so I've just built a little Ridge in here rounded it off down the middle if I wanted this edge to be sharp I can bevel it as well so I can come into object mode do into edge mode add a bevel there that that is more than enough for you guys to build all of these shapes over here and if you have an understanding of how to use the Maya tools and how to use your topology you can just make almost anything today you can actually imagine so I hope you've enjoyed all of that work on these as much as you can but it almost recommend in your spare time do these tutorials a few times and try see if you can actually come up with this idea of hard surface modeling we've been leaving a link below to grant Warwick's a whole tutorial series about hard surface modeling I can't recommend it enough it's amazing to actually go through that step by step and you learn so much from actually doing it he's got a version on Vimeo and he's got a version on the area as well that it's different it's a little bit older but I'd recommend you guys learn as much of this stuff as you can and check out the links in the page below ok so that hope you learned a few things and not gotten too crazy with us but again watch these things and go through them step by step as many times as you need and have a good time modeling okay
Channel: yone santana
Views: 16,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Maya 2016, 3D Modeling, hard surface, yone, santana, 3D, Maya, 2017, yonesantana, modelling, inorganic
Id: lsqOsdu2F3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 2sec (2222 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2015
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