Maxus MIFA 9.售價唔算平,但食正電動車熱潮同埋冇乜直接對手,MIFA 9嘅銷情連代理都預計唔到咁好,究竟實際表現係唔係值回票價呢?(附設中文字幕)|#駕輛試車 #駕輛UpCar
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Channel: 駕輛 UpCar
Views: 404,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: up car, upcar, 駕輛, 駕輛試車, lawrence, avery, gin, maxus, mifa 9, mifa9, 上汽, 上汽大通, 大家mifa, 上海汽車, ev, electric car, electric vehicle, 電動車, mpv, 7人車, 七人車, alphard, toyota alphard, 豐田, 豐田alphard, 國產車, 中國, 国产车, 中国
Id: 3o67UWNk_C4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 47sec (1607 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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