MAX SPIERS unplugged - speaking from the heart on 50316

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yeah so hi Max hi um just want to hear something from you and I've got an associate with me who would be asking a question or two that sounds like a good plan so if I look over that way the Associates on that side yeah right brilliant there she is okay that would be good so then if we can bounce off each other that way just a little bit then it'll help me out all right that'd be brilliant perfect so I'm easy to do whatever you want to talk about about Max it is a real pleasure to meet you oh thank you watched your videos and your courage to shines through in everything that I've seen that you've done and I really truly thank you for that and for speaking out thank you thank you for saying that um it was actually never my intention to do that and I think that because of circumstances in 2008 and I was so needed to find out what what was happening to me that um I sort of that was the that was the the route that I had to go to try to try and find out stuff so essentially I started it and began doing it for sort of selfish reasons really and then it opened up and then I you know wanted to help other people who'd been through anything that was even remotely similar to what i' been through so that's that's that's how that began so so what advice would you give to anybody right now who is just starting that road of looking within and looking for answers yeah um definitely um there's so much confusion outside there's so much confusion going out on outside and so many different people telling so many different things that um especially at the moment what I've been trying to do and been people that who I speak to and friends of mine and people who I work with I have been the one thing that this particular Consciousness stream that is controlling or has its hands on controlling the planet at the moment is vampiric in nature which is vampiric it's it it's a taking energy it's not giving energy it doesn't have a central Source where it can't self cannot self- sustain has to take from others um so with all the confusion that's going on on the outside um I started to find the best information when I was away from any other distractions from away from even other people just being alone and actually allowing myself to be alone and just being with myself without music without television without anything and then sort of things when I had the longer I spent by myself just doing that even without books or anything cuz books are even a distraction so things would start coming coming to me and memories would start coming to me and um that that sort of like quiet voice that's inside of you would start opening up and there would be a clearer clearer connection between me and it even though it is one and the same thing and so so um uh to to like I said there's so many different things and so many different people saying different things I think that to start learning to trust yourself um and and then you sort of take take what feels right to you and personally to you and um leave the rest alone and put the rest down um and that's how that's what I did to start with it didn't matter if somebody else said to me like this is it this is for sure this is the you know this is how that happened and this particular story and this anari did this and that well that that didn't matter like if it felt right to me then I would take hold of that and then sit alone with that feeling and you know or that sit alone with that information and see how it sat with me my sorry I said ear my ears I understand that what you're saying there as well with there's so much bombardment of external now yeah yeah yeah yeah I mean with so many frequencies going on in this single area as well you know and and that can even be a distraction um but yeah there's there's you know there's a lot of uh people who um there I don't like this the ego part of uh this field either where people like you know I don't like the word followers and that seems to come up a lot I've got like I've got 5,000 followers and that you know okay what does that really mean I I don't think anyone should really be following anybody you should perhaps like look to self and then trust self and then you don't need to follow anybody sure sure you s of follow yourself and you guide yourself because when you follow when you start following somebody you're handing over your power you're giving away your power and the whole point and the whole mess that we're in in the first place is that we've handed over our power to everybody everybody else and that's that's the issue you know the vampiric Consciousness that is here has created um religions or sport or um uh uh philosophy fees or or any of those it doesn't they don't care particularly which one you follow or which one you attach to it's none of their business which one you do as long as you attach to one of them because each one is connected to like they like it's like a multi-headed or maybe an octopus so there's a central point like that so each of the strands come out but they all lead to the same Center Point which is a black hole essentially it's a black hole uh that is pulling energy from people in any way they particularly like you know any of the religions because that's you know that's that's precious energy that's given away like that even uh um a a lot of the um big music uh Gatherings that go on are set up ritualistically so they don't care whether you're cheering or whether you're booing it doesn't really matter as long as you're doing it strongly uh so so you like glur is now set up in a specific way where the stage it's all ritualistically done with to pull energy from the people and then they gather that energy Harvest it and use it then to manifest the false reality that we're living because they can't create reality they don't know they don't they don't have the create they don't have the creative spark themselves but they do know how to manipulate the ones that do have it and that's essentially what the deal is they're manipulating this because it's the subconscious that creates the physical reality and they've hijacked the subconscious of of the of the real creators and then now we're stuck in this false reality mess um there's a lot of complexities that go on exactly how that works in my opinion um but yeah that's that's what's going on with that yes I i' I did that myself for a year I cut out all the external sources including book books yeah yeah yeah and just went within yeah uh to unravel myself and what was it that I believed rather than and what did I know within myself rather than what I had been taught yeah yeah and told was reality and okay so this is that's that's a very good point because so so the the creation of this reality begins at the young age so all the textbooks um and all the history books are are then written and and so that when so that we all collectively believe this particular thing so then we all when we all believe it we all ma manifest a reality that's based on these books yes uh that's very sneaky and a very clever way to do it because how do I know how do we know the textbooks are legit they're not the the the wars are written by the winners aren't they and so the winners write whatever they want to write in there and and then we just believe it we take it on board so we so we start we start learning that numbers and letters are they only give us a very simple version of what numbers and letters are and there's so much more to what numbers and letters are uh even phonetically um how how how a word sounds how you say it when you speak how it sounds to a person is going to affect them it's not just a word you know I think I wrote the other day you know and I think you know people know this but um you know you spell a word because words are spells you say a sentence to somebody you're you're literally saying a spell and words are you know that that old adage sticks and stones may break my bones but words names will never hurt me is is is not true yes yeah because words are very very powerful I go further and say thought matters yeah yeah yeah matters yeah yeah well thought creates matter yes yeah absolutely and all our words yeah are endorsing that yeah reinforcing it all the time reinforcing it yeah absolutely yeah you said something um a moment ago um to do with uh the vampirism that goes on on this planet it it is a vampiric Consciousness yeah yeah no doubt about that um from my own spiritual journey I would say that that is a uh where we've forgotten who we truly are along the way because we're self- sustaining when we're connected to our true self directly to Source yeah and what religions do and many of the other belief systems do is it's it cuts us off from that and we're placing our power to something else yeah rather than our own unique self yes and when you mentioned followers Yes again it's not about followers because every one of those people are individuals with their own uniqueness defin yes and and what you're doing is sharing your uniqueness yeah yes but you don't want people to copycat I don't definitely don't and I don't want I want also people to discard what they don't agree with what I'm saying if it doesn't fit for them fantastic then don't then let that bit go that's that's okay as well and I'm definitely not nowhere near 100% correct I just I I'm on I know that I'm on the right I'm pointing in the right direction yes that I definitely know yes um uh yeah so um it is it's this it is parasitic the Consciousness that's here sometimes I see it as imagery of like maggots like a maggoty sort of energy energy that's sort of like it just eats through eats it it's it's its mind is about its mind its thought pattern is conquer and Destroy and that's what it does and that's what it's done to other planets too and that's what it's when this so this particular Planet uh they want us as well to think that this is an insignificant place in the middle of a universe in the middle of a super Universe a tiny little dot that's you know that's in when it isn't this particular planet Earth is an anagram for heart so this planet here is the one that they want want to take control of so they they want to take control of the heart the human heart is connected to the Earth and th that's the one that's the find that's the one that they can't it's very easy to to control the base chakra and because that's that's mainly what's driven through television and media all the time it's that's all bases always or like you know Primal energy uh uh be steel energy is sort of always invoked in that and they can sort of feed from that but it's the heart energy that they really want and they really want to take over and there are not many movies that are heart based no there's not no there's not real ones and if there if there is they usually there's a sad they'll they'll hit you with a sad point in it so you you'll feel it and you'll feel pain there another thing with C Cinemas or movie theaters Are all uh uh sacred sacred geometrically set up to um Harvest energy from the people so when you have a a horror movie or some of the extreme nasty movies that come out that have been coming out over the last like 15 20 years um the people in there when the people when you when people shock like that the the the movie theaters are set up perfectly sec geometrically to then harvest the energy straight from the people in there in the same Principle as any uh Mass Gathering right here when again yes definitely yeah and that that's one thing that um most the populists do not understand is about energy no and how we're not taught about it we're not taught anything to do with that but we're actually I mean we're either taught um the atheistic scientific uh uh point of view or the Christian point I mean I know there are other religions as well but I'm just saying in general whether it's like there's the God God or there's the the atheist we only we're given those two and that's it we're not taught or told anything about how uh electromagnetic energy works and really you know uh these these this vampiric Consciousness is using black magic to do what they do and really really magic is just the manipulation of electromagnetic energy with Will and intent nothing else more than that it's not anything else it's through ritual um when you do a ritual you then tag and you connect into the morphogenetic field of every other time anybody else has done that ritual before so so so then that ritual is extremely powerful and extremely important to them um they're obsessive with that so the you know they based they're based solely on like The Reptilian Brain we all have The Reptilian Brain they primarily work through that and that is uh um uh Obsession and compulsion and um um Seek and Destroy and Conquer and um like all the Primal work but it's also pure intive as well totally and utterly and it's competitive with with the with the way that if you lose then you you know you die basically like the week they have no time for the week the week will be taken out they don't like so uh that that that Consciousness doesn't if they have a child that is uh um disabled or weak they they push it to the side and get rid of it or they'll kill it they don't they're not interested they aren't interested in in the strong uh will strong strong survive um it's which is like the opposite to what humanity is human the human heart has compassion and cares about um what what the weaker or or the disabled or or that and and and and wants to make sure that they're protected and safe so what they've managed to do very calculatedly calculated a word um is put two completely opposing consciousnesses consciousnesses into one body so so the human like the human the the the mamalion which is which cares for its young and feeds its young and and then The Reptilian which discards it does it and pushes it away and put it into one body and that so human beings in and of themselves are um at odds with each other at odds with themselves as soon as they're born is it in a battle yes all the time with all of us yeah it doesn't fit those two those two Consciousness dreams don't fit together um so listening to oneself yeah turning off the noise you know even if it's for half an hour each day and and allowing to understand and and hear that inner voice that inner knowingness is vital defitely because that brings back to a a neutral and a balance within ourselves and a connection to our true self as well yeah who you truly are exactly and um uh going back to the heart again and I've been writing about that more more recently because um like the final that is the final push like the the great work of Ages is what is which has been going on for um probably more than 20,000 years really I mean the history that we're told is completely incorrect in every way I mean even down to like with the cavemen and uh that it's just just just not correct history but um so the great work was to uh it's to conquer the human heart the human being can't be done overnight it t it takes a long time of calculated planning to do it over and they these these people um they they start a project that they know that won't be finished in their lifetime because they know that they know the bigger picture and they know that they're working towards a a grander plan and the grand plan is to have a complete control control of the human heart and then the Capstone can be placed on top and the thing is with humans as well one of the beautiful endearing qualities I love about humans which um since since the modern era has come along with technology yeah and video games compassion and empathy is something that Humanity has been losing really fast and I found that really disturbing because that is an endearing part of Being Human absolutely yeah know definitely with video games there's no doubt about that that that um well they use especially like the Grand Theft Auto games I like people definitely want to know what they are um it allows you to go and be brutal as brutal as you like on a on a on a very sort of realistic scene you can go and and and and attack just anybody on the street and you can drive and you can run people over and so it's sort of TCH starts to slowly erode the natural empathy that human beings have that's just one of the angles that they're having to get rid of it they don't want they want to make us like them yes and it's desensitizing our natural state of being yes and so I mean I've seen it myself where you've got somebody in the street being beaten up by somebody else and everybody walks past no one wants to get involved you know you'll get one brave soul that will will step in yes when perhaps in the 70s and early 80s before all the technology came in there would have been a lot of people that would have come to no doubt about it no doubt about it um and and there's been like a heavy push in the last like decade uh decade and a half um to really cuz their time's running out they don't have very much time left excuse me to um put this plan into place um and it's it's it's it also ties into trans humanism and um you know because if they can get Tech into the human being as much Tech as they can into the human being then they can start um taking you know separating the heart faster um that's why you know um there's a big push for atheism now I it's not none of my business what anybody believes but there is there is a there is there's a calculated a gender behind it but it's still cutting us off at to we're only here and this is all we are yeah yeah exactly exactly and it's I mean it's reinforcing that lie that um birth and death and that set lie yeah yeah a lot of these guys don't want to die either because then they sort of would have to face um face up a lot of stuff that they've done so there's but they have technology they have I mean the technology that they have they have age regression technology so they can do that stuff a lot of the um a lot of the uh Third Reich is still continued on and still continued going a lot of the programs that uh that the children were involved in um and that I was connected to in the 70s and 80s they don't do that anymore they don't do those particular ones anymore they can they can program somebody through um technology so they can give them the the memories to make them think that they went through those things and traumatized but they you that's good enough if they think they were traumatized and they went through it that's good enough to make them split split the mind and you know disassociate the mind because it's all about disassociation um they disassociation is Big key to all of this you know um because you know when you disassociate somebody they then don't know what they did and then they can you know that's where trigger words come in and um um that uh uh Manchurian Candidate based type stuff comes in um and it's it's they learned I I did believe that the Zeta the like the the the arm Armond eyed Grays that we call gave particular group of human beings the information in the more uh more precise information cuz I know they've been doing this Association because if you look at the Egyptian Book of the Dead it explains in that particular book how that they were you they were using potions uh drugs and Trauma to disassociate back back then um but they refined it they refin it big time in during the second world war but I think that that information was given from The Zeta to them to how to Honeycomb split the mind yes so um uh what what the what the children went through in these particular projects the children were picked from specific blood lines which is connected to project oak tree where so they were they they they found certain mothers from certain Bloodlines um connected to uh different streams because they're looking for specific DNA from specific Bloodlines to traumatize they so they found the mothers and then the mothers who were in who were born in the ' 50s uh their children were born in the 70s and ' 80s those were the ones who were like the the the orig the the they were the original ones that were that were that were shattered that way um and then you know I think I've explained a little bit about it before where um of how and why um you traum what and what trauma based mind control is and why it's used and um shattering the Mind through through extreme trauma what sort of techniques have you been doing yourself you know just just something that maybe help others that are listening um in terms of what in terms of self-healing uh self-healing and and um and and overcoming this disassociation yeah it's quite difficult um you've got to have somebody you've got to you have to have work with somebody that you really trust and you've got to find somebody that that um will understand you you and understand and you've got to find somebody that really loves you because you know the what comes along with people who've been through these projects is Extreme personalities and um uh you know addiction is directly tied to um uh uh all of this stuff so you have all these rehabs that are all especially in the US there there are a lot of them are you know re Repro reprogramming centers because they know that they're going to magnetically draw to them um people who've been through these projects because trauma based mind control creates addiction um sexual abuse creates opiate addiction um and so you know that so they they know what they're doing it's like they do it then they create they create the problem and they the solution is there but it's their solution then so then they draw them to it and if somebody starts to wake up or somebody starts to realize you know what's going on they GA gather them in pull them in again so they do some tweaking again to make sure that they you know so that because if somebody wakes up too much they're either going to make sure they're not around anymore maybe they'll you know they'll either kill them or they'll assassinate their character or they will make them seem as if they're completely insane so nobody pays any attention to what they say and we've seen some of that with some of the Hollywood stuff what absolutely 100% yeah yeah yeah lots of them lots of them when the programming breaks down um it's pretty intense you know because it it will throw you into a a a spin like nothing else like you've literally you know you lost your mind and that's happened to um uh quite a few Hollywoods Britney Spears is a good example actually interestingly enough like the name Spears there a Connect there's a there's a her birthday as well is 122 and um yeah so there the 2 two connection as well so yeah her breakdown was interesting I not in a in a if you're looking at as a study as a study guide you know um uh yeah is there anything that you would like to say to the listeners um about your hopes for Humanity yeah okay I I believe and I truly believe this I I believe that the war is already finished and I believe that we already overcame it and already it's done already the majority of the work has been done um by the volunteer Consciousness that has come down here to help waken everybody up the majority of the work has been done so now we're just playing it out but the story line is being played out and we're watching and it is a story line it is is a story line everything that you that you watch on the television that's going on with politics is a story line okay okay I yeah for myself I'm seeing uh the time we're in right now is very pivotal for great change humanity and it's a raising conscious awareness which is AB really vital yes um what hopes do you have what what dreams do you see for Humanity to where it's what the potentials it could lead to um the potentials that could lead to I think that um choices have already been made by um everybody that's here whether or not they're going to uh continue doing the same stay in the same uh dualistic time Loop Master Slave reality if they haven't learned the lessons from that then then then their higher self will maybe choose to stay in that so they would go to another to frequency where that would continue so they would learn relearn the lessons of that um the other the other the upside of it so that there's there's ones who have chosen to stay here that will stay on this planet stay on the in the heart the Earth is the heart and create a new paradigm a parad a paradigm which because this Paradigm is completely inverted in every possible sense everything they everything that is here everything they do is is inverted justice system the teaching system the political system is all inverted perect you know perfectly inverted they speak inversion basically the way they speak you can pretty much be sure what if what they say if you go with the exact opposite then you're going to get the truth um so we can build a new paradigm but you but but you'd have we'd have to all align our Consciousness with um um a lot in I mean I'm trying I was going to say loving nature but that's sort of maybe too simple contribution as well we all contributing giving nature or or yeah a giving a a natural giving and taking uh um uh nature which would then create a paradigm of compassion and empathy and kindness um and so where everybody sort of takes care of everybody else because they understand that you are are actually me and that that we that's where we have an intrinsic understanding of that so um you would never you would never want to harm yourself so it's it's a lot of healing has to be done to self to know that you know that that that that you could be kind to yourself and loving to yourself and then you can you can create a paradigm where um it's just naturally giving and taking and balanced and so we sort of like align ourselves that way yeah I I would say it was um giving sharing allowing accepting acceptance yes yeah definitely and and celebrating everybody and their uniqueness and what they have to offer as well everybody's got something to offer something magical to offer yeah totally and accepting that yeah uh I agree with you um and uh um so celebrating the little things the tiny things about um everybody and you know um obviously the way that the construct of this particular Paradigm that we're in at the moment is the opposite of that where it's uh people are picking and pointing and blaming blame is such a such a huge part of this parad nobody wants to take responsibility for the fact that thing that certain things happen to them I mean um it's not okay that that those things happened but um there has to be an element of responsibility you we have to understand that you know we are building we are building our own reality we're we are on a collective level there is a building you know the way I see it was so humanity is shattered into a single a single you know single Consciousness shattered into a billion different pieces but it's all the same it's all the same piece really so if once there is an understanding of that a true understanding not just a knowing I know that true understanding of it then uh we because we're the ones who are building the reality you this this vampiric Consciousness that's attached itself to the heart it's like an an attachment literally it's like I always see it as an octopus actually like like that and it's say so you have the heart and this octopus is like attached itself to it and the heart is the Earth so you can see maybe see it like that and and it's it's draining and sucking from it you know and um if it can only do it if we allow it to do it though because we're the ones who are building here that it doesn't build so if [Music] we like we said in the uh earlier on uh come to understand and accept a lot of again is like nobody accepts themselves nobody really truly accepts themselves no we all finding you know uh imperfections and and uh uh you know when we do truly accept ourselves that vampiric Consciousness will sort of cease to exist anymore because it can only exist if we um don't like ourselves yes yes and this is part of it's just the ID or the Dark Side of self really it's only it's only it's just a reflection of the way we feel about our ourselves yes so if we change the way that we feel about ourselves it will change mhm yeah Shadow we're talking about Shadow work now and uh identifying our Shadow Self and not hating it not hating it because hating it only empowers it actually understanding and accepting it and knowing it's sort of like embracing it in a sense really so embrace it it it will then cease to be parasitic and I think also for myself I've done a lot of Shadow work and I one of the Prime things for myself and understanding myself was observing myself really very sincerely no excuses and and looking at how I behave and What needs that I'm demanding outside of myself upon others each day yeah yes yeah and that's a hard thing to do actually to look at yourself and to look at your to to really look at the actions that you do to others um yeah it's a big thing and I think well most people are so caught up in the um in the the mess they don't they sort of don't have time to and a lot don't want to either because if you if you do that then you have to take responsibility um and that's you know people really don't would rather say look it's your fault because then it's like quick and over that way um yes and this is all part of loving ourselves into life yeah when we when we're doing Shadow work as well um because we through for such a long time we have been governed by religions and we're Sinners or or what have you and feeling bad about ourselves and have a lack of selfworth yeah anything that when I have been going through the process of my own shadow work it's it's not to um beat myself up on anything it's just a mistake yeah it's not a mistake it's just a mistake on understanding something and I can change that I have The Power Within Myself s to always change that yeah definitely I I I I believe that I imagined myself into existence so I thought myself here in the first place if I thought myself here then I can think myself into anything that I I want to think myself into and so then that mean that if that's true then that means we can do that as a collective as well we can think ourselves out of the situation that we're in beautiful yes right definitely yes and I really believe that it's um it's just and it does seem a lot harder than it actually is and I think it's actually quite simple to do um I just think that um people are not maybe um like so once you once you're alone and once you once you get into that place and alone where there's no distractions that's when you can start of start um identifying and doing those things to get to that point yes um and you know that's the beginning and so that's where we from the beginning that that that's how to start doing it I think it's important as well to um not go the guru route and not start you know okay you know you I said the following thing well that goes into back into need again and what I understand we've I've really defined need MH because that's part of the aled ego that just runs Riot and trashes everybody because we need need need and drawing off of every so we're the vampires too amongst each other yes um and the alternative Community I've seen completely argue and break down in the last number of years which is very upsetting to see when actually we should all be working together and we should all we've all got a common theme we all want a better future for this planet yes it's also infiltrated though you remember so that like this this whole uh you've got multiple agent provocators in there um who who who are sent set there to very very very carefully and calculatedly placed into certain positions and um you've got to be very wary of anybody who um is becoming ma who who is sort of mainstream and doing that you know because um once you're mainstream and doing it you're sort of under the under the octopus sort of control yes you know um I I don't know then how uh it's an interesting thought how you would um be able to do it then um because if as soon as something well it's depends who's backing you you know like I'm just talking about I'm not naming names I'm just talking you know the big the bigger names of people who who were doing this you know who are doing this thing um it's where the money's coming from and who's backing that you know and whoever's backing it um you got to look at that and um always follow the money yeah exactly and if if it's do if it's if it's if it's creating that uh uh then it's then you can be pretty sure um that it's it's leading in the wrong direction and then just all it's doing is is is creating um the same thought pattern issues and prisons that we've got in all the other systems that are going on so then it just turns the the this this alternative scene into um religion yes fight infighting in religion or infighting in politics this becomes the same thing um so so uh how to avoid that how to avoid that well how to avoid that be to not follow to not not to not you know to to be to to be in groups but to understand your individuality as well and to appreciate and and uh respect that and and make sure to not hand your power over to somebody else and say Okay so this person says it then it is true yes that's it's just like critical CU if you do that then then you're just spping back into the old ways and the old that's the old Paradigm that's we're trying to create a new paradigm where that doesn't exist I think we're doing a good job I think we can do it I know we've done it I know we're going to do it yes so it's going to unfold and it's going to work out yeah for sure I think also with groups and and people um I think everybody's trying to find somebody that thinks exactly the same as they do and but we all think slightly differ we're never going to agree on absolutely everything right and I think allowing another person's truth and that person allowing my truth and I allow your truth and and so on if we all do that as well but we've got this common goal that we want we want a betterment for everybody that's living on this planet yeah a fairer system where everybody can grow and everybody can can feel supported because at the moment I see humanity is just it's just War warn torn and it doesn't know where to go it doesn't know who who who they are they've completely forgotten they don't even know their nature anymore well yeah it's a definitely that you could call this planet the planet of Amnesia that's first for sure like where everybody's walking around having no clue who they really are um so um you know finding out you know find looking looking definitely looking you know they saying like that that was been pushed in the X Files like like the truth is out there is like so the truth is actually right here not out there truth is in here yeah exactly not out there you don't have to go searching outside it's all already already layered in your cells and in your DNA and in your core self and in your soul self it's there already so it's about going inside so it's very a bit of trickery there um but but you know by using that and then then them replaying or restarting up the X Files again um they've not been very good first episode was like yeah weeks really it it was better than the others but yes yeah but what they if okay so if they're putting into if they're layering into that show that 911 was uh you know was an inside job they're actually then okay so then you got to question what's the motives behind that do they want to they want to that that information out truly I think they perhaps they do so because they what they're trying to do is create um so their their motto is AO [ __ ] which means order out of chaos so that in the final stages of their plan they want to have as much chaos as POS as possible much chaos as possible including a race war which they've been trying to put together for a long time what I've noticed as well since 911 is the paranoia and no one trusts anyone you smile in the street to a stranger that there is suspicion immediately in many people's minds and thinking are you about to mug me you know what are you going to do it was just a friendly smile that you that was were you used to do that all the time I know I know yeah defit you and and people also you could be on the Underground on the trains everybody's plugged into something there's no conversations there's no interaction and we as humans are sociable we're soci creatures well technology was also about you know isolating they want to isolate as much as possible so that we don't connect with you don't connect with one another um they definitely don't want you to connect with one another at all um because if you do that's I mean that's why the languages were created in the first place because if we all spoke if we all got together and discussed why this go why this is going on why that's going on we'd sort of come to the truth a lot faster so the languages were were another another trick also you know a language gives you a different perspective on how things look literally look and seem and feel and how how you would respond to it so uh somebody who speaks a you know French or German or would would have a you know a different perception of the planet itself because of the phonetics and because of the sounds of words like earlier on I said about ethics is so important not just the spelling The Sounds um then also create they've embedded within the within the words um little things little tricks to uh which are we like all the symbols that are so they speak right brain you know they they they communicate through right brain thinking which is all uh symbols and sigils that's how they that's that's how they speak to that's how they communicate to each other um all those symbols uh we already know in our we already know what they are that the one that they use a lot is a triangle with a circle around it that symbol was created um by the L by the lucus trust um I'm trying to think of her name now who who who started it I can't think of her name I'll think maybe I think of it Al Bailey yes Alice Bailey started the lucus just right well that symbol with the uh it's it's a it's an upward triangle is male and a downward triangle is female so so a triangle like that with the circle around it is means the male contained so the male energy contained and to if you want to attack and take over a planet um you have to first of all take out the strong alpha males first because then you that then it's easier to take over so this was all about there you know there's an agenda which is about trying to feminize males as much as possible so that the the the the war the the the Warriors the male Warriors of the planet are weakened that way so they can't fight back as much I've noticed that they used that symbol with the triangle with the circle around it uh for toil for restrooms I see it all the time on for restrooms I don't know why that's peculiar isn't it yeah why are they putting it on there for that it's also the symbol for Alcoholics Anonymous they all wear the triangle with the circle around it so what are they doing in I'm not knocking uh any of the anonymous groups because I know that theyve done like wonderful things for people and they definitely have but why are they using that symbol which is the containment of the male I don't know why and also the subconscious understands that symb far better than what all of us understand the symbols they're using just not maybe not uh you know right not consciously but subconsciously we do so um they can speak to us through that way and they do every day all all day uh through you know through I've noticed with commercials too that um when you have a block of commercials they're not individual anymore they're like they're all connected together they they've they've they've honed down the m control technique so much that I can watch them and I can see how each one of the commercials is connected to each other and how each one of the commercials is also connected to the television show that is on as well so they're they they're sort of balancing it in and it is a massive bombardment of um symbology that goes on through like TV now and very fast changes camera shifts like this which then invokes um you you know that that after you after watching television for something like 15 minutes it puts the Mind into like a beta state so which is like in you go into a dream or hypnotized dream state so then it can then speak directly to your subconscious so you follow you watch your television show particular television show before you go to bed and you go to sleep you have then as been astrally programmed to do something in astral by the television program you know and they have we haven't even covered that's a labyrinth isn't it in the astral oh totally but I you know I believe that the that that the okay the astral realm which is the four 4D um is is pretty much taken over uh they have pretty much control of all the 4D as well um uh yeah so so but it's still you know it's still a they have all their meetings and all the governmental meetings and all of the political stuff is all held in in the in the astral Realm they don't need to get on a plane and fly from one country to another to go and do it they could there's there are certain hotels that you can go and stay in and you stay in a certain room and then you go to sleep in that room and then that will bring you to the certain point as in the in the astral realm yeah so they got that that down so because the hotels like like the Hilton show would they be on a certain point exactly exactly all the Hilton like all the Hilton Hotel are used for that if you look at the symbol for the that at the Hilton it's an H okay which me which means a gate anyway H H is eight and it's a symbol for a gate or a star gate and had the where where it crosses the edge like this it swirls around like a snake so it's they the Hilton Hotels are used [Music] for uh meetings uh Elite um not good Elite meetings yeah yeah a lot of ritualistic stuff goes on underneath the Hilton Hotels too yeah um so uh even the name Hill tone it has something to do with tone okay so the tone fre tone is a frequency so it's um that they're built on specific frequency lines so it tell they always tell you what they're doing they're always they're always you know very clear going back to the TV because I remember in a recent interview I believe you said you'd given up TV you you know you didn't weren't watching TV you I went I I took a break from it for a while yeah yeah I noticed I noticed when I stopped watching it I noticed um well I I sto I stopped watching regular television like television shows like that I still I'm like I like movies I I would watch movies still but I didn't watch the regular TV that uh where you know you watch a show and then there's commercials and I stopped doing that I I switched off the TV when an analog went I refused to go digital so I think it's about 8 years now something like been while hasn't it yeah and so I've been without TV but when I go to a shop or somewhere where they've got a TV on the dentist room or something like that I have been shocked on how fast uh adverts and even movies and and TV programs it's all so aggressive now um because I've been without it yeah it's um just noise and it's it feels like it's just attacking my energy fields and and my my own thought patterns and it's it's a bombardment well they've made they they've slowly remember to implement any of these things they do it in a drip drip like slowly slowly slowly do it slowly what they with the sneaky yeah this what they did especially with like with animation because animation is Magic too you know it's it's look at the Disney films but yeah that's a whole another topic but um with like Family Guy um um is extremely vile I mean it's like I mean it's become oh South Park it's become extremely vile and they say these are cartoon like cartoons made for you know adults but they know for well if it's a cartoon that kids are going to be drawn to it so you've got young children watching like some you know extremely extremely vile things and one thing I couldn't believe on uh Family Guy there's one of the characters is um like a pedophile and it's funny and it's supposed to be funny it's like it's laughed at how is that that the guy the guy this an old man who is predatorial to the children and that so it's normalizing it yes I mean what I've noticed that's part of the new world part of their new world system is to totally normal children for quite quite some time yeah but it's been it's really pushed now and you know when you have um uh you know also celebrity couples with their children saying they're not sure what gender they are that 5 years old has child and well a child hasn't developed so how couldn't possibly know I mean I've been watch I have been keeping a breast with um all that's been coming out in the last couple of years to do with pedophilia yeah around the world it's not just isolated in certain countries it's just everywhere and I've been quite dismayed actually how many people humans ordinary Joe blogs yeah just I don't know if it's they just don't know how to handle it um or they don't understand it or they believe in the media saying oh no that that was that was just a nonsense and things the amount of children that are going missing each year around the world unbelievable country you where where are the parents for all the you know there should be outrage everybody knows about Magdalene mine mine but but where are all these all these other parents and there should be questions hundreds of thousands of children go missing Humanity for it to exist and continue on should be looking after they young CU our young are our future well that that yes yeah yeah definitely but the the attack the attack on the children is to attack the innocence of the human being and attacking the Innocence then attacks the heart yes so that's another attack on the heart of the human being um yeah it's really really awful and essentially what you know what they do to children is is what's being done to human beings the human race as a collective we're being being abused as a collective that way yes um so it's just the microcosm of what we is being done on a grand scale um one reflects the other it always does I know I've been absolutely heartbroken over this last couple of years with all that's been I I knew it went I knew it went on even for myself it took me a while to be brave enough to really dig down into that rabbit hole yeah it's it's a difficult one to go I mean and it's it's coming out and since uh sabble came out that's a big deal but um but that didn't go far enough it's kind of people sort of don't people sort of still don't accept it though yes they don't want they don't want to believe that their Idols from when this was very calculated this is done very calculated this was done to once again break the human heart so they have you have all these people that we grow up with watching on television who we think are wonderful and great and and then it was set up so that 20 years down the line we find out that they're actually predatorial uh you know just you despicable human beings that's a hit on the heart again and so so people don't want to accept that and I even did a post you know the other day um connected to uh uh another celebrity that had died you know there was a string of celebrities that seemed like died all of a sudden and um I who I believe is connected to uh this ring that goes what connected to the BBC um and PE people were outraged and angry that I would dare to say that this you know public figure who had been so seemingly wonderful all the years would would even do anything like that people don't want that we would don't want they a lot of people would even rather die than than uh than than that be true so we're living in the era now of Truth and transparency that's where we're moving into and so there is going to be a pain and and readjusting of understanding how reality has been working behind the scenes for a very long time we're going through the into the mode of where um all the Unseen becomes seen yes and it's like the veil completely gets pulled away yes that that is going to be in and of itself traumatizing to the collective mind so it's um and I I actually believe that you know some people are not even even when it's right in front of their face still not going to uh believe it I think for those that do listen and do start seeing reality as it is rather than the fairy tale that we've been led to believe I I it's so important for us all to to support each other when we're going through this because it is tough yeah yeah definitely and like you you you to support you'd have first of all you have to accept it to be true before you can support yes so if you don't accept it to be true then then even so even all the stuff that that that's come out you know in the you know the years after the savel thing there's more and more information like I mean unbelievably disturbing things that he did you know connected with dead bodies and connected with um uh the like the he would have keys to psych wards and like people don't that sort of is too much for them to to get to understand so they they won't do it and so they where where are we at so where where are we at with that how you how how much how much how much can people take and there there has to be a grieving process too you know because it's the death as like the the old Paradigm dies you sort of we all have to grieve over the death of like the way that we thought things were and then they're moving into like the new well will then it will be amazing but you have to sort of like let go of the old first otherwise you're not going to go into the new and I think that that strength for us to move on into that new place goes right back to what we began with and that was about loving ourselves into life yeah yeah and you know going within and and really defining within ourselves what do I know what do I feel is right you know what what what does my soul tell me yeah yes it's not just what what someone's saying on the TV right no no that's the that's the um the the the guru um is there anything else that because we're we're just about to wrap up now is there anything you'd like to leave us with um I want to leave you with the fact that um it is it is going to be all right and and we are we we have we are going to come through this and the the transition into the new is going to be intense and it is going to it is going to get a little bit worse before it gets better but it has to it's sort of a it's sort of a wound that that has to be addressed looked at and and then healed and like so there's the healing proc you know process that goes along with that but um it's like an amazing journey this is the most amazing time to be alive ever in history this has never happened before like this nothing has never it's never happened quite like this before so there's a lot of souls that have come down here just to experience this Awakening point of where human beings realize hang on a second none of what we've been told was true at all we've been lied to All Along by this particular Consciousness that's doing this and another time we can address that particular consciousness and why and what it is yes brilliant yes so it's onwards and upwards into the future and creating a beautiful future for everyone yeah yeah yeah that exactly it's it's in the hands of the people we're the creators they aren't the creators they can't create we can take responsibility and create for ourselves thank you so much Max oh you're very welcome love pleasure pleasure talking to you yeah thank you brilliant brilliant awesome thank you very much okay okay
Channel: OYA1100
Views: 48,265
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Keywords: 7-03-2016
Id: FJssLvIp4bc
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Length: 61min 29sec (3689 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 09 2016
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