Max & Ruby - 23 - Max's Check-up / Max's Prize / Space Max

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[Music] max and ruby ruby and max max and ruby ruby and max max and ruby ruby and her little brother max [Music] max's checkup [Music] guess what max louise is bringing over her new doctor's kit we're gonna play doctor markers that's a great idea max i'll use some markers to make a doctor's office sign on my door oh i'll need that one too please [Music] there that must be louise now [Music] hi louise hi ruby i put this sign up for our office door it's perfect who's going to be the doctor well it's your doctor's kit so i think you should be dr louise okay then you get to wear this nurse ruby oh let's see what else is in here this is a tongue depressor you use it to check for sore throats open up and say ah [Music] [Laughter] i know what this is this is for listening to your heart and this is for checking your ears oh i know this one this is for checking your elbows and knees and this book will answer every medical question we have all we need now is a patient hmm oh max [Music] wanna have some fun max markers i've got something much more fun than that max how about a checkup from nurse ruby and dr louise [Music] here's your next patient dr louise don't worry sir we'll have you all better and out of here in no time we'll need to check his eyes ears and throat [Music] both eyes look good now open up and say ah max markers thank you max i'll need to write down all your important information on your health chart his ears look good nurse ruby just a few more things to check before we can give you a clean bill of health sir time to check for a heartbeat hmm i can't hear anything no wonder you can't hear anything there are too many markers in the way markers you can play with your markers right after your checkup max now i can hear it i can hear it too having a heartbeat is very important if you want to stay healthy what should we check next dr louise hmm [Music] i'm sorry max i mean sir we just have to check your your reflexes this won't hurt a bit [Music] i guess that knee is all right hmm [Music] well what do you think dr louise hmm he didn't laugh when we got to this arm maybe he's got a broken funny bone that's just what i was thinking where are you going max markers not until we take care of that broken funny bone [Music] great job dr louise i couldn't have done it without your assistance nurse ruby oh i almost forgot we've got to check his temperature [Music] i think he's got a temperature i'm sorry sir but you're going to have to lie down [Music] what else should he do dr louise let's see um oh it says he should stay in bed for at least two days [Music] markers [Music] i don't think our patient is following doctor's orders [Music] me sir but dr louise and i think you need to start taking better care of yourself max you're covered in red spots is it chickenpox dr louise i hope not they're very contagious i don't have any spots do i louise um i don't see any what about me i don't know but i think i'm getting itchy uh-oh what do you think it is max markers [Music] [Laughter] [Music] max's prize [Music] i'm so excited max louise is coming over to show me something special she wouldn't say what it is on the telephone it's a surprise [Music] i finished that box of cereal max here's a brand new box of corn crunchies and guess what there's a prize inside fries that must be louise [Music] coming hi louise hi ruby what's the surprise this it's a charm bracelet each charm reminds me of something special see this is a metal grandpa one and this is a star for my trip to the planetarium what's that one it's half a friendship heart why just half because i get one half and my best friend gets the other half louise it's beautiful see now every time we see the charm we'll think of each other i love it thanks louise now i want to make my own charm bracelet look what louise gave me max i'm going to put it on a charm bracelet and then fill it with other special things prize okay max i'll open the box for you here we're going to look for charms fries no max you have to eat the cereal before you get the prize [Music] the ribbon from your ballet slippers makes a perfect bracelet to hang your charms on ruby i can't wait to find more i know i'll check my jewelry box you have so many pretty things thanks louise but i can only put the most special things on my charm bracelet like this earring from grandma it's real pretend gold [Music] what else can i put on it how about something from bunny scouts bunny scouts that's a great idea i'll check my scrapbook [Music] i know exactly what i'm looking for aha my very first bunny scout pen that'll make a charming charm let me help you put it on what else do you want to remember hmm i know my dollies come on they're outside [Music] tooth fairy has something special i want to hang from my charm bracelet what is it it's you have to eat the cereal max not my dollies besides tooth fairy doesn't have time for breakfast i need her to help me with my charm bracelet [Music] i don't see anything on tooth fairy you can hang from your charm bracelet ruby that's because it's in her pocket my first baby tooth she's kept it for me all these years now what else can i put on my charm bracelet so [Music] aha something from my garden i love my flower garden surprise you have to get to the bottom of the box before you can get the prize max what can i put on my charm bracelet to remind me of my flowers hmm you can't put a flower on your bracelet ruby it would shrivel up that's true louise what else is there i know come on the key to the garden shed it's the perfect thing to remind me of my garden and you'll always know where the key is my charm bracelet's getting full there's space for just one more charm hmm what's missing [Music] max why are you feeding your aunt's cereal price you're supposed to eat max you finished the whole box [Music] [Applause] prize what are you gonna do with it [Music] prize [Music] [Laughter] look louise i've got a charm from my best friend and a charm from my grandma and a charm from bunny scouts and a charm from my tooth fairy and a charm from my garden and a charm for my max thank you max [Music] space max so [Music] here this is spot hi max guess what our bunny scout troop chose the valerie louise and me to make a float for the bunny fest you know what a float is don't you max [Music] yes your boat does float but the kind of float i'm talking about is the kind you pull along in a parade [Music] maybe we need to show him good idea valerie here's a picture of last year's float it was a globe of the whole wide world bunny scout leader said it was very creative but now we need to think of an idea that's even more creative for this year's float it has to be different and exciting space man i can't play with you right now max louise and valerie and i have to come up with an idea for our float so what are we going to make how about a haunted castle we could have oh dancing skeletons and witches flying on broomsticks and a 60-foot high ghost and the whole castle would go whoa that would be different but maybe a little too different what else can we do hmm [Music] i've got an idea how about a pretty princesses palace that's exciting ruby and different but what if it's a magic palace of course it's settled then we're going to make a magic princess's palace float for the bunny fest parade [Music] our float sure is coming together it needs something i know how about my rapunzel doll good idea ruby and she'll need a magic fairy godmother too you're right valerie what about tooth fairy she's got a tiara and a wand she'll be perfect let's go [Music] spaceman rapunzel goes in this turret and her fairy godmother goes [Music] max this is a princess's palace max you can't put your space man here there well what do you think i think it's time to decorate it let's paint it silvery gray like a real castle i think we should cover it with pink and purple glitter glue so it looks all glittery and magical hmm what if we cover it with tin foil then it'll be silvery and shiny too great idea ruby let's go get some [Music] space man [Music] this is going to look so good has anyone seen tooth fairy oh max max have you seen tooth fairy max we need tooth fairy for our princess's palace bunny scout leader will be here any minute to see our float tooth fairy is going to be our princess's fairy godmother she's going to make all her dreams come true it's done it's exciting and very different there's just one more thing we need to do we need to wear something special for the parade i know let's go get some of my play dress-up stuff great idea [Music] space man [Music] done [Music] space man [Music] take us to your leader become a niece take us to your [Music] oh my oh bunny scout leader i can explain there's nothing to explain it speaks for itself it's exciting and very different it's the most creative space station i've ever seen how did you girls ever get the idea space man [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Treehouse Direct UK
Views: 6,478,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full, easter, Cartoon,, Animated, Family, 1a52c9roll6, Genre), kids, Jr., preschool, TV, toddler,, (TV, tv, spring, Treehouse, Network), episode, Nick, Max And Ruby (TV Program), Max's Check Up, Max's Prize, Space Max
Id: gkTJ9xhDObk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 34sec (1414 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2015
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