Max Lucado: Anxiety, Insomnia & God's Remedy | TBN

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it afflicts 70 million Americans and is faulted for 38,000 deaths each year the condition annually cost the United States seventy billion dollars worth of productivity teenagers suffer from it middle-aged errs face it senior citizens are afflicted by it so can you guess what I'm describing well if you guess the corona virus you're wrong if you guessed chemical abuse divorcer or long sermons you guess incorrectly though that last one would be a pretty good guess the answer may surprise you it's not stress cancer or any sort of virus believe it or not the correct answer is insomnia kovat nineteen political crises economic problems sickness and betrayal and credit card debt and job loss and closed schools and that's that's just the beginning folks this stuff keeps us awake and that creates an even bigger problem I mean think about it most animals know how to sleep dogs doze bears hibernate cats catnap sloths slumber 20 hours a day but not the woolly simple-minded sheep sheep like people can't sleep [Music] did you know for sheep to sleep everything must be just right no predators no tension in the flock no bugs in the air no hunger in the belly everything has to be just so unfortunately she can't find safe pasture nor can they spray insecticide and deal with frictions or find food they need help they need a Shepherd to lead them and help them lie down in green pastures without a shepherd they can't rest without a shepherd neither can we in the second verse of the 23rd psalm david the poet becomes david the artist and his words paint a picture of a flock of sheep on folded legs encircling a shepherd belly's nestled deep in the long shoots of grass a still pond on one side the watching shepherd on the other psalm 23 and verse 2 says he makes me to lie down in green pastures and he leads me beside the still waters note the two pronouns preceding the two verbs he makes me he leads me who's the active one who's in charge well the shepherd the shepherd selects the trail prepares the pasture the sheep's job our job is just to watch the shepherd you see with our eyes on our Shepherd we'll be able to get some sleep Isaiah 26 and verse 3 says you will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on anxiety is a low-grade fear the feeling of an edginess a dread like a like a cold wind that won't stop howling it's not so much a storm as the certainty that one is coming always coming sunny days are just an interlude you can't relax can't let your guard down all peace is temporary so you don't sleep well you don't laugh often you don't enjoy the Sun you don't whistle as you walk and when others do you give them a look that looked you know what I'm talking about that are you naive look [Music] anxiety is a meteor shower of what-ifs what if I catch the virus what if we don't make up our losses this quarter what if I lose my job what if we can't afford braces for the kids what if my kids have crooked teeth what if crooked teeth keep them from having friends a career or a spouse what if they end up homeless and hungry holding up a sign that reads my parents couldn't afford braces for me anxiety and fear are cousins but they're not twins fear sees a threat anxiety imagines one fear screams get out anxiety Ponder's what if fear results in fight-or-flight anxiety creates doom and gloom now one would think that Christians would be exempt from anxiety but we're not we've been taught that the Christian life is life a piece and when we don't have peace we assume that the problem lies within us so not only do we feel anxious we feel guilty about feeling anxious and the result is this downward spiral of worry guilt worry guilt it's enough to cause a person to get anxious so Jesus gave this work be careful or your hearts will be weighed down with the anxieties of life is your heart weighed down with worry if you answered yes I have a friend I'd like you to meet actually I have a scripture for you to read I've read the word so often that we become friends I'd like to nominate this passage for the scripture Hall of Fame Philippians chapter 4 verses 4 through 8 rejoice in the Lord always again I will say rejoice let your gentleness be known to all men the Lord is at hand be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and petition with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus finally brethren whatever things are true whatever things are noble whatever things are just whatever things are pure whatever things are lovely whatever things are of good report if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy meditate on these things it will require work on your part I certainly don't mean to leave the impression that anxiety can be waved away with a simple pep talk but this much is sure it is not God's will that you lead a life of Perpetual anxiety it's not his will that you face every day with dread and trepidation he made you for more than a life of fear filled angst and mind splitting worried he has a new chapter for your life and he is ready to write
Channel: Praise on TBN
Views: 25,327
Rating: 4.940814 out of 5
Keywords: max lucado, max lucado sermons, max lucado anxious for nothing, max lucado sermons 2020, max lucado anxiety, max lucado anxiety video, max lucado anxiety bible study, max lucado anxiety devotion, max lucado anxiety study, max lucado anxiety series, anxiety, insomnia, peace, mental health, praise on tbn, praise, tbn, praise the lord tbn, praise the lord, Praise TBN, Matt and Laurie Crouch, TBN, Praise Interview, Praise talkshow, P7R7A2I7S7E3, 7721473, EEJTKF123, 123TBN123, 8T2B6N, sleep
Id: irFMoBijE3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 20sec (440 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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