Max Level LAVA TSUNAMI in Roblox!

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snowy today we have to get to the very end of this super long map this shouldn't be too hard right all we got to do is go forward wait it says level three tsunami is coming we got to climb we got to climb quick Tyler get to Higher Ground before the tsunami comes look it's coming Tyler get all the way up no it's okay SN that was just a level three tsunami we have to watch out for the big level tsunamis they're going to try to take us out but our goal for today is to get to the very end and reveal the secret prize that it gives you is it even possible to get all the way to the end yeah I think this should be easy ooh look at the slide over here wait before we keep going I got to go down the slide let's go let's go let's go down the slide oh that was so fun this is so awesome wait Tyler this is coming come on we have to get up somewhere oh no oh no climb back up the slide climb back up the slide oh no it pushed me back down and here comes the super tunami wao that was so close oh my gosh hey check this out so it looks like we can collect these different speed tokens and it'll give us faster run speed oh no a tsunami is coming Tyler Quick let's get on top of this house which House s ow ow ow oh my gosh that almost killed me Tyler be careful you only get one life I'm going to get all the way to the top of this Lighthouse there's no way a lava tsunami can reach here guys check this out I can use some of these troll options to troll snowy so let's just get the player on her oh my gosh look there's snowy what can we do how about let's freeze snowy let's get all the way to the top of this thing oh my gosh the level 14 tsunami is coming and why am I Frozen I can't move oh no I'm done for uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh wo that was so close and now I'm unfrozen that was so weird a man the tsunami oofed me cuz I was distracted when I was trolling you I mean uh I was uh looking at a menu wait you trolled me Tyler uh maybe okay hold on I'm going to climb up this because it says a level six tsunami is coming let's see is this tall enough oo yo we're good let's go guys I'm going to stand on this toilet so I'm safe from the tsunamis and I'm totally going to get Tyler back okay I have Tyler on screen I'm going to do a jump scare snowy get down off of that toilet what do you doing up there whoa a what is that what the heck something just jump scared me I didn't know this game had jump scares that's weird I wonder what that's all about why do I feel like it was you that did that snowy I don't know what you're talking about Tyler what the heck why am I in the air right now get FL get FL I'm going to get to the end of this before you guys look how far I am away from the bath right now this is insane I got to go for the other toilet I got to go for the other toilet oh my gosh level 11 tsunami what is that oh my gosh it's huge it's huge it's huge that was so close I wonder what the max level lava tsunami is going to look like a man I'm back at the beginning Tyler I'm so going to get you for that oh no guys I got to get to the end before snowy trolls me back let's go let's go got to get the speed tokens got to get the speed tokens oh no level five tsunami can I stay on this rock right here W no he got me wow Tyler I didn't even have to troll you on that one I'm totally going to make it to the end before you yeah that lava wave was too tall for the rock I was standing on oh no a level 9 is coming I need to get up on this house oh my gosh level 9 level 9 I got to go for the ladder oh I see the tsunami wave coming wao let's go let's go this game is insane hey what is this it says I could do something with tunami oh my gosh I could buy a 100m mega tsunami wait what okay let's try this oh is that the mega tsunami wo I've never seen anything like that Tyler there's no way we're going to survive this it's so big look at the lava tsunami ow that took out everybody what everyone had a start over Tyler look at all these people that just respawned that was insane it's a race to the end look let's go let's see who can make it first guys if you hit the like button in the next 5 Seconds something really funny is going to happen to snowy something funny what are you talking about I don't know what the heck no I just got exploded now I have to restart that was awesome hey look at this we could spawn the Tsunami Tsunami level 8 so I think the longer we wait to push the button the higher the tsunami level goes but I'm not patient it's at 9 now and I'm going to push a button ooh it's coming Tyler let's see if it takes anybody else level 9 tsunami is on its way here it comes here it comes will we be safe on the Rock right here oh my gosh look at this wo whoo whoo wo that was so close that was really close Charlie we almost had to restart again okay Sly let's actually try to make it to the end of the map this time I wonder what happens when you make it all the way to the end I wonder if we get like a special Prize or something oh no a level 14 lava I'm not even sure this is tall enough here it comes let's see how tall it is compared to the barn oh no oh no oh no yes I barely cleared that hey snowy looks like we could get some really cool items with the coins we collect to troll people let's spin the wheel and see how many coins we get from it here we go guys I'm spinning the wheel give me something good give me something good I want to buy like a sword or something 20 coins wait can I buy anything yet right now I have 321 coins yo I'm going to get the slingshot okay guys let's see how this slingshot Works hey snowy hey snowy hey snowy oh why it OED you wait why am I back here I was just trying to spin the wheel a sorry it was the slingshot oh my gosh I can totally troll people with this thing guys I have 413 coins right now I can afford the rocket launcher I'm so going to surprise Tyler with this hold on a second Sil I'm using the toilet right here well my slingshots using the toilet what Tyler why do you hang out on the toilet for so long because you never know when you're going to have to go snowy anyway I'll race you to the end I'm going to get there before you easily no I'm all the way back at the beginning hey Tyler I got a present for you oh my gosh is that a rocket launcher I see that I got my slingshot oh no which one is more powerful slingshot or rocket launcher I guess slingshot are you sure you didn't just o your self with your rocket I saw it shoot the ground okay guys let's see what other items I could buy cuz I'm at over 1,000 coins right now ooh I'll get a rocket launcher too and I'll shoot back at snowy oh no oh no here comes lava ah no I'm all the way back and it took away my rocket launcher what the heck I got to buy that thing again so if you O then you lose your items anyway where are you right now oh I see you on the tree guys can I hit her all the way from here look there goes the rocket come on come on come on hit snowy hit snowy hit so yeah oh wao what the heck was that perfect shot get sniped Rocket no you got me well Tyler I may not be very good with the rocket launcher but I have something else up my sleeve guys I see snowy all the way on the slide over there I'm going to try to get her with the rocket never Tyler you're never going to get me with the rocket Tyler I'm never going to let you get to the end oh yeah well I'm already halfway there I can see the end from here oh and I see you I'm going to try to get you with the rocket no no thankfully the Rockets are a little slow so I could Dodge them oh no level five tsunami is coming all that I'm close to is this slide hopefully this is enough wo yes and I got to slide down hey there's Tyler yes I finally get to use my new tool with him wait you got a sword I see that sword I see that sword no no I got to jump through here and Escape let's go let's go wait where did you go Tyler you're never going to find me soe I see you up there ow I just hit myself with my own rocket it's a level eight tsunami no ooh I'm going to get to the end Tyler I'm definitely the furthest I've ever gotten so far oh yeah well guess what I could buy a speed coil wait what this thing's a total scam I'm barely faster ah whatever still it's better than nothing let's go let's go are you fast enough to catch up to me okay guys I need to get the flying carpet for 1,000 coins so let me just spin this thing real quick and maybe I can get 1,000 coins out of this let's see here how many coins is it going to get nothing it landed on nothing you got to be kidding me spin that thing again wao look at this giant Treehouse I finally made it and let's see it landed on 10 coins spin it one more time I still got three spins left wo wo the lava ow I got hit by the lava guys I'm at the top of the tree house right now which is pretty awesome look how high up we are but it's not the end the end is that trophy over there see that guy going for it okay I used up all my free spins let's see what I could get now no I still have 1,000 coins for the flying carpet guys I going to chill here and wait for Tyler so I can Whack Him with this snowy I have a feeling you're not going to whack me with anything what the heck no I was so close to the edge oh Tyler okay s I've made it to the Treehouse so I'm definitely going to get to the end before you oh man all the way at the beginning guys I can't let this happen I'm going to explode Tyler oh my gosh the end's right there oh what I exploded oh now I'm ahead again Tyler oh yeah well I can respawn where I died but you didn't expect me to do that huh snowy oh I did not expect you to do that yes I'm back at the Treehouse which means the trophy's right there oh my gosh it's beautiful guys I win that entire trophy for making it to the end come on come on let's go I got to get there oh no another tsunami no that's okay I can respawn again guys this is a level 15 tsunami it's serious business well snowly I've made it to the winner lad so I don't think you're going to get here before me but before I step on the winner circle it's time to do one last thing to troll everybody in the server look at that the Giant Wave has been released no no no no no oh it's huge look at that guys I'm the only one at the very top who's at the very end everybody all got pushed back to the beginning yeah guys every single person had a start over including me okay guys it's time to reveal the super secret that's at the end of this game when you win let's see what that gave me what the why do I have this head Now Zoe look at the prize that was given to me for making it to the very end wao Tyler what happened to your head it's so awesome I'm jealous a yeah this is awesome guys I'm going to try and make it all the way to the end so I can get that awesome duck head all that's left is for you to click on one of those videos that's on your screen right now see you and hit the like button if you haven't already bye
Channel: Tyler & Snowi
Views: 672,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, funny moments, funny, moments, roblox funny moments, roblox funny games, Roblox funny moments, Roblox funny videos, Roblox funny games, Roblox escape, Roblox escape evil, New roblox games, roblox survival, roblox survival games, survival games roblox, lava, roblox lava escape, lava escape, lava floor, lava traps, lava tsunami, roblox lava tsunami, lava tsunami roblox, roblox tsunami lava, tsunami, roblox funny videos, roblox funny stories, tyler and snowi, roblox lava
Id: -jwREWOX_zU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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