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ladies and gentlemen the final level are you ready are you ready to witness the brand new drill this is going to be a completely new look a completely new drill I present to you for shels big congratulations I hate having a small pby driller when all my friends have big strong drills that will change C away let's get to work we got places to be what if we level it up once it will still be completely useless but what if we give it a log a single log with the power to remove dirt that's right it is beginning to be buttery smooth but what if we get the drill s version that's right now it's going to be a wooden drill with two logs this is going straight to the Earth's cor we might only be five layers deep but in my heart we're almost there let's add in another one that way we're going to have all the way to three now keep in mind these are still just wooden drills don't get too excited all the good stuff is going to start later on let's get the fourth one in the way and with the power of stronger clicks we are going to increase the speed that's what I'm talking about all right things are doing good we already made 733 gold so let's go ahead and incre auto rotate which is going to boost the rotation speed no one cares let's get a stronger drill we're here to dig quicker and with 300 coins we can get a power to swing the drill all right so it's not swinging that much but gently yet steadily it is going to destroy all the walls more walls destroyed more money and we all here love money soon enough all my friends will be jealous this is a drill they will only see in their dreams level zero complete let's go straight to level one this time we're going for iron instead of getting pugby dirt everything is going going according to plan let's level up one of the spikes into a straight log it is made out of a strong piece of wood no longer just a plebby log this is where all the magic happens this is where we get the real strength we want to make sure all the sides are of strong wood remember this thing can break apart at any moment this is like a cheap teu toy this is not a drill you want to keep in your backyard what if you want to dig a tunnel to China this thing is not going anywhere but with just a couple of touch-ups we will level up the drill come on buddy you got to go deeper than this this is still not strong enough level complete what if we start Auto clicking oh okay maybe that is a little too much before we completely obliterate the game let's take it step by step let's buy one more orell and scaling which scales up the whole thing soon enough we will reach level three that is when the real magic will happen look that's a new or that's exactly where we're going before that happens let's level up the drill click away my child go get the white orse that's one that's two this is going to be so much money we are going to be successful this is going to bring generational wealth let's get more swing power more rotation power it angles really well it goes all the way up to the both sides which is perfect unfortunately this thing is still wooden so we're going to have to build our way up level three is almost done but we are going to require stronger drills as Generation Z I've been working hard for 5 minutes straight and I expect great results this wooden drill is not one of them so let's level it up all right soon enough drill prepare yourself you're about to witness a new life a Transcendence with this drill you will attract all the female drills everyone is going to look at you look at that that is a that is a spike no drill can be ashamed of it is just a shovel boys don't think about anything different all right Dr what we're going to need you to do is get back to work this is only level four you're still not strong enough you're not there we need to step up our clicking game this is clearly not enough we also need to get more income that way every Ora is going to give us 15 instead of 12 we also need to scale up all the damage by 10% and last but not least we are going to get more Crystal chance because who doesn't love a good gamble now with the power of patience we are going to wait the gamble Gods need to bless us why is there nothing here drill are you kidding me we need to go deeper here's a stronger drill on the side good stuff good stuff you've made you're making $18 per one dirt block I want you to look yourself in the mirror this is not working out for us let's level up the drill one more time and what we're going to do is focus on the crystal chance 0.2% not good with the amount of luck I have getting struck by a meteor is a bigger chance than finding a crystal oh there's one Crystal all right drill you need to go all the way to the right to the left come on come on you got this are you kidding me you are so close but so far that's okay drill you'll get there other ways I want you to focus on the mission go deeper go stronger you're about to get your second shovel of the day this is going to be a very exciting time for you to live in and look at that you're going to need more swing go back destroy the diamond use the shovel we gave you use the power of gods oh come on Boom we got it it we got it let's go all right how much is it worth be honest with me 113 coins easy money but that is it we haven't found anything else no need to panic we're just getting started let's increase the auto clicker speed to 10x oh wow okay maybe that is a little too much I bring great news say hello to your second shovel how exciting for you to live here all right we need I need you to spin a a tiny bit quicker that's good that's what we're talking about and that way we can afford two more shovels hold up looks like we struck gold boys our first Crystal of the day a big chunky Crystal not the plebby one what is it worth be honest with me $124 are you kidding me I've worked so hard my whole life clicking is way more efficient than anything else that's why we need to go deeper all right next on the list is going to be shovel number three once that's done we're going to go straight to shovel number four and then we move to the good stuff we will leave wood forever it is time to get a different higher quality material something everyone will be excited for cuz let's be honest no one wants to dig dirt with just pby dirt shovels that can break at any moment we're better than this ladies and gentlemen the final level are you ready are you ready to witness the brand new drill this is going to be a completely new look a completely new drill I present to you four shovels big congratulations very exciting the dirt is getting way more expensive as well but most of all the shovels it's it's like mining through butter the moment it touches anything it's instantly over all right let's click away what we need is more click power that way we will generate more wealth and then we can get one more Drill level behold one of the shovels is a lot stronger than the other one don't get click baited by the visuals let's level up the click power one more time that way we will generate oh wow look at all that money go up my life is amazing I can retire now and become a professional Miner you are just one level away remember this is going to be it one level from the ultimate drill you will be leaving wood forever guys if we get another wood level I am done this has been 20 minutes of straight work and I expect great results are you ready 3 2 1 go iron shovel let's go but it is time to take the drill to the final level we're speeding up the auto clicker all the way to to max level this is the fastest we'll ever be are you ready it's not quicker is it oh oh okay it's a little bit quicker I won't lie I was expecting a little bit more I won't lie what we need is to prestige we have done it we're instantly way stronger than before one click provides 35 coins and with auto clicker it is just infinite money all right Jal you're not going to get any level UPS we are we are going to make the ultimate money machine and you are the last on the list instead of getting the whole Dr you just get one one ple shovel enjoy it for your life this is the only thing you'll ever see I want you to better get used to it but one click is going to be 93 coins and if we put the auto clicker on yes beautiful this is a work of art we are artists behold the beauty of the single iron shovel all right honestly we just need we want to make sure everything is leveled up including maximum swing look how far this thing goes it is going to scoop out the whole perim perimeter damage needs to go further or income same thing we want to make sure the whole thing is covered up with crystals so let's level it up to 0.6% all right guys I'm sorry you deserve better shovels but do we level up the click power or go for stronger drills we should definitely make sure all the drills are iron shovels including this one I'm sorry don't take it the wrong way buddy you're going to get leveled up all the way same thing with swing power if our calculations are correct we should be seeing the swing going all the way to the edge come on come on okay almost there just one more swing and it should be maxed out is that right yes good perfect the whole thing is swinging around perfect we got the whole map covered up all we need is more Rarity this thing is already producing tons of money let's level up the final drill so that way all of them are fully shoveled I didn't forget about you last shovel you are going to become just as your brothers our whole drill looks magnificent now we need to take it to the next level let's begin the money stack one click is going to give us 170 coins which is not that bad however it is getting quite expensive so I suggest you start moving level up the drill one more time at this point everything the drill touches just gets destroyed obliterated instantly we need to get a higher mining level because this is just too pugby we have a special expensive drill not the dirt kind of drill this place is a disgrace we are like a master degree student going into Elementary School we deserve more ladies and gentlemen are you ready for the new drill here we go the golden drill H big Applause I cannot believe it we we have done the impossible are you kidding me drill how did you miss this you've missed one piece an entire Rock oh that's another one how dare you you're getting paid for this that requires more swing power more rotational power and most of all do we want to exit the golden shovel transcend into a higher form we have a bigger chance of finding black rocks which are worth how much are you guys worth come on okay that's one show me the money show me where the money is wait for it 280 bucks that is pathetic the amount of commitment we are going for this ladies and gentlemen we have also unlocked the most expensive most good-looking drill out there absolute work of art we have $1.8 million here we go if this is garbage the video ends 3 2 1 go I'm out
Channel: Bax
Views: 35,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: letsplay, english, bax, batrix, Craft Drill Clicker ios, Craft Drill Clicker android, android game, ios game, autoclicker clicker game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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