Maverick X3 XRS RR vs Polaris RZR Pro XP! 4 seat LONG TRAVEL BATTLE!

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before this video starts just remember the battlefield giveaway we only have so many days left may something it's coming up boom 18 look at this double double double double look at this look at this rich rules dude it's never going to get us gold's broken go buy this merch side by side blog parts dot com forward slash merch buy the merch get entered in for a chance to win battlefield you want the merch you want the machine you want everything done get it done all right smells like 2j dude you can smell 2j all right onto the video boys all right boys you know love the buffalo you've seen it this is our long travel pro xp build it's got all sorts of great stuff all stuff well you haven't seen yet is this rr finally a real demo from canada i'm a real demo i tell you dude back in 2012 dude when i first got in the industry i'm like we'll never get anything from anybody you know 12 years later we still don't get nothing from nobody and here we are we got this from can-am 2021 anything is possible but yeah we got it here it's a four-seater didn't expect that but here it is a four-seater it's got the live or it's got the smart shock uh technology on it which we're pretty interested about i got to be honest with you i'm pretty interested about it um so um tell us a little more about this uh richard oh yeah 2021 can-am x3 xrs max big dog smart shocks double r 195 horsepower you know the deal big dog yeah the hood wouldn't denote that but after some digging it's actually an rr uh so yeah this is a used unit from their demo fleet uh had some modelo cans under the seats yeah we had the takeouts you know what they say dude it's model time took it for a short ride yesterday with the family for mother's day turns out uh shocks were flashing at me a bunch um primary bearings smoked on it but you know at the end of the day it's not going to really stop us from ripping it out here at the track and that's what nick's going to do right yeah we haven't spent a whole lot of time in x3 four seaters i mean we've had buffalo for quite a while now done a lot of cool things with it interested to see how this thing's gonna stack up to it i mean you know this thing has a lot of aftermarket stuff on it so not exactly an apples to apples comparison but sure you get the deal you know the deal she's pretty close i mean both 72 inches both have you know a lot of trouble a lot of travel you know magical shocks blah blah blah i'm pretty ready to blah blah blah these things are on the track yeah i woke up today ready for this if you're at the point of buying either of these machines you don't really care too much about the amount of money so to turn this one into something like this one it's going to require a lot of extra money but again you're already blowing a bunch by having this so let's just really compare long travel versus long travel 72 verse 72 72 verse 72 he's right yeah so if you don't know a lot about this machine it's got an hcr long travel account this is an elite suspension it's got just a spring kit in the front with the stock valving just the spring kit in the rear with the stock valving so the front's a little soft it's got simpsons seats bcf cage it's black which didn't actually make this color or maybe they did but it had stickers on it anyway regardless regardless i mean this is if if flares had made a 72-inch freaking pro xp it'd be this so here's what it would be we we did that for them so now you know we're going to do the test hey we're going to put in the work we're going to do the the r and the d you know ripping the dip and dude the ribbon and the difference so which one you want to drive first man so uh should we baseline it with a buff or should i just get in the turbo r and uh the turbo rr i should say and uh you know what i don't know we'll figure it out in a second you're gonna see that but the plan on here today is what just to go over them i think it's gone so i'm just not gonna go off the you know i'd like to get some seat time in the sucker and you know there's gonna be a lot more to that coming so uh cuttings and then uh we're going to i'm gonna just try i'm just gonna feel it out i'm just gonna go around i'm gonna drive around and then i'm just gonna go wide open on the track and see what happens i'm pretty uh comfortable with the track now the track is excellent that's good so one little difference that i noticed in the spec sheet the rear has only got 22 inches of travel which is weird yeah and then also the ground clearance is pretty low compared to this so just say that this is set up from the fact that this is factory setup right here this isn't yeah not adjusted not adjusted and it's on 30s compared to 32s but sure yeah i don't know cool car spent some time yesterday a lot of fun the the smart stuff is is actually pretty good we haven't really had a failure on the polaris stuff so to have a failure on these quickly kind of sucks but i'm sure they got it figured out on the ones that they're actually selling to people how it actually it's it commands it at the bottom of the shock yeah so it actually commands rebound and compression on this one whereas this one it's only compression but it's just weird will that matter i don't know we'll find out you know i spent a lot of time and uh the player set up and i'm pretty happy with that setup overall pretty much all the machines i've driven it whether the turbo s or the pro xp it seems to work pretty badass so be interested to see what this is like especially having you know the high speed and the low speed and all the you know magic yep that they supposedly talk about well let's load you up dude get you in here [Applause] the wendy's logo is still haunting us dave must be watching bring it closer i swear it looks closer i thought it was that that one before i don't know what happened i don't know what's going on last time nick seuss was in the next week he had a great time i was out here witness that but yeah a lot of good things to say did claim it was better than his which at the time his was pretty bunk now his is totally fixed but we'll see [Applause] he's immediately going 2 000 miles an hour [Applause] [Music] that car is really quick for a four seat jeez louise i mean say what you want about nick seuss this guy can drive pretty much anything [Applause] into the dust bowl i did notice some interesting clunks coming out of that machine too looked at it didn't see anything he's really freaking giving it dude yeah he doesn't care about that wheelbase being 9000 feet long this is as long as a suburban fyi oh wish we could have seen that a little better but all right he's just ripping two you know i don't really know what he's ripping i will say it'd be nice to have the machine in one piece for tomorrow's trail ride but who's to say you know wow all right matt first lap [Music] oh how can he see anything [Applause] it's a full-on dust nato out here yeah we need to get the race unit water tank burning on this thing i mean [Music] i can be able to see the big double here again either dang it looked better that time [Applause] he is honestly hauling dude [Music] i've lost him i've lost him there he is about that that's pretty good what's good about this dude is that if we break anything we have about 10 000 spare parts for this machine so we got that going for us jumping pretty good for a four-seater getting a little tail hop over here but not that much for a machine that long not bad all right he's trying to hang the tail out over here so we can hit this full [Music] speed oh my gosh oh my gosh [Music] especially having fun because he just keeps going that's a good one typically when he doesn't like something he just stops after the first lap right we're looking at for about lap time so far man best time uh yeah best time 106. that seems really quick it's a long track nice [Music] [Music] um wow wow wow uh yeah you gave it out there bud what are your thoughts on this big dog man this thing so when i first started i had it in sport and it handles everything really really well like they're still i think that's because the car is so long like there's still a decent amount of body roll which i was sort of surprised by and i'm sure these tires might be a little soft i don't know whatever but the way it handles is really really good like it handles so good and then again having a four-seater you really can't feel what's going on behind you so i feel like that in itself gives you confidence to just push as hard as you really want like there's nothing i can't you know everything up front is doing all right i don't know what's happening back there it's like a whole different zip code whole different zip code i gotta say too i think they might have i think they did something with the steering because the steering on this is yeah the assistant has a higher assist motor on these big dogs it does yeah on the four seaters are you saying all the new ones i think the xrc comes with it as well and i don't know about the other new models but the four-seater definitely has a higher assist this is excellent yeah like it is really really good it's very like the weight is there so you it feels like you have feedback you know it's i don't know if it's more simulated feedback but like it it has weight in the in the steering wheel it doesn't feel like you're just you know pushing around a little bit of water and it's very responsive power feels really good in terms of laptops what was the best lap time matt best lap was a 106.7 106.7 6.7 so anyway so then i switched to sport plus and sport plus you could definitely feel uh the difference like it definitely cuts off the body roll but it almost might be too stiff like when i came over that last one and i like i felt the front tires clip like the the bottom of the jump and then like coming around the corner like you could feel like it wants to pop up a little bit more adventures are so much stiffer okay and we're sitting pretty low too so this is a neat car it's a little neat car interesting life yeah the 4c life is definitely a weird thing i wonder what it'd be like in a two-seater but as far as the shocks go they i think they do more work than you realize you know yeah like you almost don't notice they're doing anything it just works pretty well well that's interesting good to hear it's interesting one thing about this that you know i don't like okay for instance pretty much any polaris products you have this and if you want to see what it's doing you just look on your screen and it tells you where it's sending the stiffness right right i don't know you know i have a comfort a sport and a sport plus i don't know what it's doing past that yeah there's no indication anywhere even the talon tells you a little bit more than this and the talon is abysmal in terms of uh gauge cluster so but yeah the star of this is just how it you know how it how it handles and how it puts the power down i i'll be i'll be completely honest with you right here right now do you prefer a stock m over any of your guys yeah cause we cook them dude i mean i'm glad you like the stuff that works as a design instead of stuff that's blown up dude yeah this is yeah it's pretty cool it's classic cool carry you know it's a those are some hardcore laps i say you uh hop in the buffalo give her as much 110 as you can another thing too okay before we jump ship the amount like how relaxed you are driving this car is pretty shocking to me yeah there's no drama going on here no drama llama dude we need them out here we do need them out here it's just like i mean there was times i was one-handed that doesn't seem safe anyway all right well let's get this uh giant limo this out of here let's go let's go start some other stuff well rick i'll be honest with you i know that x3 is going to be faster on the track calling it huh yep it's just got a lower center of gravity shorter tire a little bit snappier acceleration there's almost no way the buffalo is faster oh you put nick seuss on his home product when he finds a way to make something happen i don't know i wouldn't roll them out it's a good point we'll see we'll see [Applause] i know it's got an evo exhaust on it but you really just can't beat the sound of that car it sounds so good real mean just flying too nick it's a psycho man i think this has a better turning radius too yeah see how he doesn't have to check up there [Music] [Applause] wow [Music] [Applause] uh better but was it quicker is the question i don't actually know we all come down to the lap time and matt made a pretty good point when you roll this jump here that you can't make one that uh frankie hasn't fixed yet it really affects your lap time oh jeez louise it looks freaking great ah [Music] [Applause] man for big heavy 32s on there that thing is handling so [Music] [Applause] good i can't get enough of these machines jumping dude they're talking like a ton of flying [Applause] beasts that did look better out of that corner that did look better for sure there we go just hauling [Applause] even for having 64-inch valves like that car is working pretty good it's not really slamming the front too hard at all [Music] [Applause] [Music] just beasting dude [Music] you were doing a great job in that car you're keeping up with nick in the 2c pro like that was crazy all right no more basketball on this one buddy here you go [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] jeez he's hauling [Applause] took some rocks on that one [Music] what do you think wow just two completely different machines 100 this seems like the thing that we run into whenever we compare a razor to an x3 they just do they get to the same point incredibly differently it's so uh so weird i mean this car is you know like i was saying in that one like there's no drama in that one not much going on but i feel like in this one it's just like you're in a like you're riding a bronco you know maybe a buffalo riding a buffalo dude and i've seen a buffalo they're big girls [Applause] there's no it's this sucker's tight like number one number one the turning radius on a pro is so freaking good it's so much better like you can if you want to cut at any time you can cut no problem yeah we noticed that in the 180 going into the the tabletop here and then yeah over there like it just it does such a good job you know those tires a little rounded off whatever that i mean they should still cook you know i feel like i could turn it in the you know and it actually grips which you know allows you to go through jumping in this this feels so much flatter it's so much flatter like i feel like i go up on all fours and i land on all fours like with that it seemed like it wanted the nose a little bit more at least that's how it felt while i was driving it like with this it just it pops you know it pops and i feel like polaris has nailed that with like that's i 100 has to do with the freaking dynamics like when i used to have my freaking uh my 1k like if you weren't on point with the braking in the throttle like you were going to have a bad time and like once you get in the turbo s or this or whatever i mean it doesn't matter what size the jump is it's just going to handle it really really well um this definitely sat up a lot higher so you know yeah the cg is probably higher than this i definitely feel it feels a little bit more tippy for sure it didn't look more chippy though yeah look more vladimir really not more planted but look planted for what you're working on yeah like i can feel like you know that does sit quite a bit lower so i feel like i could come in the corners really really hot you know yeah i noticed that coming in off the double over here you'd come into this corner a lot hotter on the x3 and just basically turn whereas this you had to break it into pretty hard to get it in um oddly this feels a heavier like it feels like you're you're you're you're slanging around a lot more weight could be the tires yeah the tires and then i mean this one has a cage and the hdr stuff you know it's actually beefed up so but it's still like a it's a you know it feels like you're putting in more effort but it also it's still pretty easy to drive like i said still like you know at times and just you know one handed it and then it's very predictable as well you kind of know exactly what it's going to do that's interesting well as it comes down to the lap times matt yeah where are you at with the lap times hey do you think you went faster or i don't know maybe yeah i don't actually know like this i'll be honest it's pretty much wide open yeah so i think the steering radius really helped yeah on this interesting before with the x3 you ran a 106.8 that was your best lap this one best slap 104 3. wow no kidding that was your last lap it was way better than the rest yeah that wasn't the one where you basketballed over here either did you guys see that i hopefully definitely saw that you call that slam dunk dude you know i was taking her to the hospital so i it'd be interesting to run that one more time i was doing a little bit different lane but i still think you know like i feel like i could put this where i it to go a little bit faster just it gives you a lot of confidence yeah the turning radius i mean that was like matt said very visible over here i mean every every lap in that x3 blew through that berm at the end there this thing you were just cutting inside of it so yeah and that's something to consider too not everybody's going on a track what you are going to do is go on tight trails yeah and that machine is a little bit longer but if it has a worse turning radius too that's like doubly bad yeah and then you remember what i'm talking about too like i don't feel anything that's going on behind me on that one right this one and i've said this before i said it when we first got this car like this doesn't feel like a four-seater like it feels yeah like the back end is right there and that you know it's a good thing and a bad thing i mean it's a good thing because you know exactly what's happening your rear end but i guess there is no bad thing about it like you're the one with the car you know yeah i think the bad thing is big tall dudes like me trying to fit in the back i've done in both cars and honestly there it's not that much worse than this car my knees do hit the seats worse than here but also it's not like i'm enjoying the back seat in this either like they're both not super great so yeah sure i mean they're not really made for large sized people both i can take away from both like they're both like leo was saying like they get you to the same place it's just how you want to get there it's very weird like the driving dynamic of this is so different than driving dynamic it has everything everything the steering input the way it feels around the track the way it jumps the fricken the way the motor comes on like that's such a it's such a quiet like just a shh motor and this thing is just such a like a it's screaming it's just screaming like it's just you can tell that too immediately took off this thing you know obviously it's got an exhaust on it but it was still just i mean the ones we've had in the past even stock they're pretty loud like pretty astonishing how long they are yeah so i mean just to caveat again anybody who's trying to bring up well this one's built yeah sure it's all we got though and honestly i anticipated a two-seater and so we probably could have had something two-seat and a razer flavor that would compare to that better very good hey what are you gonna do you know this is hey this is the cookies we have either you eat them or you let them on the table and go stale you do the math the rats come and get them the rats will come and get them and we've had some rats in that freaking shop he's right i've seen him try talking to him what i think we should do though is uh you want to drag race them that's uh 200 what is it from the factory 200 200 horsepower is it 190 195 yep and then this one with the tune is was 182 right with the two one no it's like 200. so it should be a pretty close race yeah i think the tires on this are going to be the the real the equalizer the beast elizabeth the beast eliza matthew matthew i'm trying to tell you something here dude i'm listening hey i'd like to introduce you guys to uh matthew baba he's uh why matthew baba what's that just looks good on paper dude okay all right let's get this right racing going let's do it boys all right all right all right all right yeah well the moment you've all been waiting for freaking beasting out here dude x3 xrsr vs the buffalo stage three evo here we go yep yep looks like the x3 i think the x3 got out quicker but the buffalo kind of stayed with it seems like uh on the top end it was trying to catch up to it i don't know we'll have to see what mike reed says but that was a lot closer than i thought yeah yeah x3 is fast oh yeah yeah yep x3 is a lot faster man i'm not surprised by that at all yeah definitely it lights up so much faster lights up faster it's a lot lighter too out of the box than the pro like the x3 it's a strong chassis but they have a lot of thin really high strength metal on that thing where as opposed to polaris they just kind of go for thick not super high strength but very thick metal so we'll see maybe we're going to go again here [Music] [Applause] here's a problem you give rick something to the drag race you're not going to get it back it's going to be 10 minutes pretty much we'll see you guys a little later i would say a tiebreaker but x-rays won every one of them not like incredibly different though the buff does have like a 50 60 pound spare tire in the back too which i don't really think too much about but well and then you know so it's running 32s it has bigger bfgs on it that one's running you know 30 30 so gearing is lower anyway yeah we'll see you through that set that's pretty expected from my opinion though x3s are fast dogs for a four-seater this thing kind of rips dude yeah it feels really good yeah honestly impressed honestly yeah good machine like you're not adding that much weight when you go to a four seat with these things yeah i think it only weighs like 18 80 or 1800 or something like that yeah yeah not a whole lot back there i guess yeah pretty wild they look cool though seeing these two limos how did the buffalo do matt uh see i'm used to x3 so this thing definitely seems a little bit laggier on takeoff yeah uh by comparison but still feels pretty fast obviously it's not as fast as that right especially i think 30s probably helps on that right this is probably a little heavier so yeah i think these are like at least 100 pounds heavier out of the box plus this cage is heavier spare tire these tires are way heavier than stock plus matt he's like 260. so the guy dude he had at least 75 chicken nuggets today it was so weird i told matthew please slow down man slow down matthew baba please take her easy dude punch me in the face stole my nuggets you can't trust this guy so tomorrow rick what are we doing buddy uh we're going to take both these rigs up to our favorite riding place st helen michigan trails of america he's right no he's actually right we looked it up in a dictionary it's in trails of america that's pretty interesting like every time you go to st helen and then we go somewhere else in the world we realize how good st helen is we're pretty lucky to have that trail system close and it's gonna be a good spot to test these things so i'm not sure what's going to be better but i think we'll both well all four go in each one and really see what it's see what it's like yeah and it's nice just to be able to take there i mean we know the trails it uh allows for a more fair comparison i guess we're not just taking them to a bunch of random places and yep putting them against each other we know the trails you know what to do there adds up good stuff good stuff well i guess we'll see you guys in the next video tomorrow two days from now whatever it'll be our tomorrow you're two days from now see it this week he's what he's trying to say yeah for sure it's a good point yesterday monday today's monday we got a video coming out already today later today later this week this will be wednesday friday you'll see the video you guys got to figure this stuff out though as far as getting over to and buying limited time merch so you can win battlefield if you think these things are cool imagine having battlefield in your garage yeah every day for the rest of your life it could happen you just got to buy the limited time merch that's that's simple fresh closet fresh machine wow fresh light think about it fresh closet fresh machine that's a good promo yeah i know you've got that uh pretty much nailed it on the head imagine if like the entire world ran out of uh power you know like electricity went out well you have to worry about it because you have the light bar that was made by douglas butterfield themselves they'll light up your entire city not only would you be winning that machine you'd be a hero so you just got to do the math that way but those shirts are tight and it's coming close so you guys should probably get in there as soon as you can because they're on it's going to be gone may 18th wow midnight holy moly est you said this last time buy now or buy never buy now or buy number i was going to drop that you treat me on that sorry good work i thought you forgot a lot thanks glad you didn't forget that say it again say it again buy now or buy never that's key it's crucial yeah we're not coming back out with these shirts like that's it no i'm done with these shirts i'm done with them so just probably i'm still pretty into the shirts i mean i mean in the shirts you're going to want these shirts because they're never going to come back again you know you want to go down in history as wearing the shirts that existed at this time this place by richard himself then you're going to want these shirts also the shirt the machine who doesn't want doug's machine mike reed wants it we told him get really appreciate you guys tuning in watching these videos liking subscribing donating on patreon buying the merch we were just talking about buying the parts all helps keep us out here doing this fun stuff having sweet buffaloes getting these demo units from can-am wouldn't be happening without you guys and uh if you think this is cool and wait till you're about to see what happens next you see we're missing somebody here name's douglas butterfield okay [Applause] i'm gonna say no more but big things big big thing there's a saying that goes like this when doug is away the kids will play dude think about it it's uh it's pretty much uh to a t this week uh you're gonna like what you see yeah someone's definitely not going to like what they say that's good that's gonna be a douglas for sure uh oh well all right see you guys next time bye bye bye bye like peace to me come on
Views: 139,602
Rating: 4.9415178 out of 5
Id: CpVrKBcPoyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 36sec (1956 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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