Maui’s Duval twins mystery

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OMG so much repetition in this 30 min documentary - they could’ve done the whole thing in 10 minutes. SMH.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/pprabs 📅︎︎ Sep 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

So weird to stumble across this today... my dad is from Haiku... I remember when this happened. What a shame.

They don't even show the scariest parts of that highway... out on the Kaupo side its practically a one lane dirt road with a straight drop off into the ocean... you can see several cars smashed up at the bottoms of gulches...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 25 2021 🗫︎ replies
a clump of blonde hair on the highway to heaven she said don't forget we're leaving planet on the 30th two beautiful twins climb into their suv and vanish when i came back they were gone they're driving on the long and winding road to hana maui squeezing under tree tunnels over one lane bridges and around dangerous curves 620 of them it takes some paying attention to make sure you're on your side of the road it's scenery to die for literally alexandria and anastasia duvall were 37 year old identical twin sisters who reportedly did everything together not only the fun they shower together but the ferocious they get into nasty fights they pull each other's hair they hit each other what do you make of this for them they have to be with each other they cannot be separated anastasia's ex-boyfriend cab driver jeffrey hall says despite the twins regular disagreements they were almost like one soul in two bodies do you get the sense that they were also inseparable as much as they fought in between the fighting they were like normal sisters they would like finish each other's sentences and know what the other one was looking for before the other one even said anything in high school they were cheerleading twins and as adults they became the yoga twins they lived in this luxury high-rise apartment in west palm beach florida and twin power yoga was featured on a local news station our tagline is power the body power the soul that's exactly what you get in our hot power yoga discipline monica coleman is a former student of the twin yogis they were inseparable we didn't see one without the other unless of course when they were teaching class but in west palm beach alexandria and anastasia were known by different names alison and ann de dao there was a lot of negativity that surrounded the twins at that point twin power yoga generated so much buzz hollywood came calling a producer approached the twins about a reality show the show is going to be about a gathering of various different personality types and then bringing them into a home but police sergeant gordon sagoon jr says when the show fizzled the twins were suddenly in over their financial heads and flaked on the bills they didn't pay their employees they didn't refund their clients they just got up and left the twins packed up and moved to park city utah when they went to utah they actually changed their names to alexandria and anastasia sagoon says the twins brought something else with them to utah a drinking problem they were contacted by a utah police department out there for some kind of another disorder type call it was body camera footage from utah officers just seeing the way they were acting and what did that video reveal looks like they're one of them is intoxicated basically they're being very disorderly after that incident they moved to the gorgeous hawaiian island of maui that's where anastasia met cab driver jeffrey hall so tell me how you met anastasia i got a call from the police that somebody needed a ride from a hotel the cops were standing by her and they were like escorting her out and she said she needed a ride to hana so i'm like okay sure i can do that jeffrey says after that long drive they started dating but he says anastasia's drinking bouts were epic he even videotaped her during what he claims was a two-day bender never take picture video you're gonna kill me they'll kill you two champagne bottles today not to mention the two oh where's your bacardi i kind of made the video to protect myself but to show anastasia and actually the way she acts not long after that jeffrey and anastasia broke up she soon found a new boyfriend federico bailey what was your first impression of these two women when i first met anastasia i was amazed she appeared out of nowhere did you ever see the two of them fight and pull hair yeah actually the first day that i met alexandria they began fighting more like punches elbows and they struck each other like they wanted to hurt each other one day federico and anastasia left their house in haiku to camp out in an isolated area of maui way past hana town federico and anastasia went to costco to go buy some camping equipment but for some wrong reason they had alexandria's credit card so they ended up leaving they went back to haiku and this time alexandra kind of forced their way to go camping with them now all three take the treacherous hana highway to get to the campsite she began breaking the rules she brought a wine to the camping trip when i was trying to keep them off of the wine you didn't want alexandria on this trip right i personally did not really care for her to be there on the trip no anastasia did not want her sister on the trip federico says when he left to use the bathroom the twins had disappeared and i didn't see him again and it was about to become clear the twins had left the camp once again in a bitter sister battle alexandria was at the wheel when she and anastasia were driving back toward hanatown the driver was swearing and there were screaming from another girl lawrence lau says he was behind the twins on this very narrow portion of the hana road the fight is about to go from bad to worse we could see arms pulling her pulling pulling her hair and and her head was yanking and jerking like this he says he saw the twins pull over into one of the turnouts driver kind of turned to this side and was like fighting the girl off in this manner she put it into gear and stomped on the gas then in a crazy chaotic second the suv plunges 200 feet with the terrified twins inside of a sudden i heard this boom virginia timbal was at her flower shop when she heard the chilling sound of certain death it just went down the rock and boom is like a bomb when maui police sergeant lawrence b craft got to the accident scene he was shocked when the vehicle landed did it land straight you know like a cat lands on its feet or was it on its side it landed on its rear end almost perpendicular so its front license plate would have been up to the sky in a breathtaking rescue attempt a helicopter lowers first responders down to the crash scene but only one twin was airlifted to the hospital the fatal nose dive off the high cliff is almost like the chilling climax from thelma and louise except in this case the passengers were the so-called terrible twins of yoga engaged in what cops call a hair pulling plunge to the death a fight that turned physical alexandria and anastasia duvall drove off this steep cliff in maui landing on the rocky shore 200 feet below i was kind of shocked that it was landed where it did maui police officer ian custer was one of the first on the scene it's just a little piece of land a rock right maybe 10 feet more to the right and it would have been in the water and likely no one would have survived one twin survived one twin died and what did you see i saw an adult female with and she was unconscious i tried to feel for a pulse and there was none and she wasn't responding the dead twin was anastasia alexandria the driver was uninjured was she crying was she hysterical was she asking for her sister no she didn't say any a word to us she refused to talk to us actually but if she's just been in an accident wouldn't she be asking where's my sister well a normal person maybe alexandria was airlifted to maui memorial medical center officer justin maliola rushed there hoping she would open up about what happened she didn't really want to say much to us at the hospital she remained pretty defensive on questions how was she defensive her initial reaction to us coming was why are we there she seemed pretty disconnected from the whole scenario did she ask about her sister we ended up having to tell her what happened to her sister because she refused to answer any more questions from us and how did she take the news i remember her just having a real blank look on her face he was actually pretty um bizarre from from the normal her face just a blank stare and what moliola says was even more bizarre the reaction of the twins father to the death of his daughter his first words to me were if anyone should have died it was that alexandria but that's the one who survived correct so in other words he's saying the wrong daughter survived that's the way we took it yeah at the hospital police took blood samples from alexandria was the driver intoxicated her blood results came back that she was three times over the legal limit here in the state so she was pretty intoxicated behind that wheel that's what the blood results showed yeah because alexandria and anastasia were identical twins the cops needed a positive id to make certain that it really was alexandria who survived the crash the maui cops went to alexandria's house in nearby haiku her current boyfriend lonnie dickerson answered the door one of the things that stuck out to me when we got into the house was there was a pretty good size pretty large picture of of these twins standing side by side it just didn't sit right it didn't seem right to me it seemed very weird and you recognized them i recognized just because we had seen her you know i'd seen her at the hospital i knew one of them was her i couldn't tell you exactly which was which cops asked the boyfriend to come to the hospital to positively id alexandria when you said that they went off the cliff and one of them is dead i mean was he shocked was did he show emotion there really was no emotion he kind of just stood there and stared at us you've got one person dead and and two people close to her and neither one of them is crying or upset that she's dead it was bizarre it really was and while all this was playing out anastasia's boyfriend federico bailey was still back at the remote campsite wondering why the twins hadn't returned how did you find out that she had died i ended up sleeping in the tent that night by myself and i waited for them they didn't come back that night and so in the morning i decided to hitch a ride to hana i stopped at a friend's house and he said i'm sorry but one of them died there was a wreck and one of them died and i just couldn't believe my ears and cops couldn't believe their ears either when they soon heard what spilled out of federico he shared basically that he he could see this coming anastasia saying that oh alexander is going to kill me what you're about to hear is federico's version of events that led up to the crash seven days prior to the death alexandra informed me that she was going to kill her sister and then she said it again but she did it a different way she said i killed my sister as though it had already happened but why would she want to kill her sister well she didn't really say why she wanted to show do you have any suspicions well there was a lot of jealousy there between the two of them what were they jealous about even though they were listed as identical twins they didn't see themselves as identical twins and they actually resented the idea federico reveals even more he further claims he heard alexandria make a chilling comment to anastasia was alexandria planning a suicide mission she said don't forget we're leaving planet on the 30th are you then inferring leaving planet is i'm going to die i immediately suspected that they were planning on doing suicide when maui police got the call about the crash on the steep cliffs of hana patrol officer ian custer knew it would be deadly the water is there and are you getting wet are the waves hitting you yeah the waves were crashing and we were getting wet i destroyed my taser and some other weapons in the mangled suv behind the exploded airbags custer finds anastasia's bloodied body dead from the sheer trauma of plunging 200 feet to the rocky shore below in the sun visor and clutched in anastasia's cold hand strands of blonde hair presumably her twin sister alexandria's one person was pulling the hair there's screaming going on they're driving very erratic high speed low speeds swirling all over the road maui accident investigator sergeant lawrence b craft and i went back to the crash scene there's since been a concrete barrier erected b craft takes me through his theory of what happened so which direction were they coming from and who is driving um alexandria was driving they're going in this direction that we're walking and by the time they got here had people already seen them fighting and swerving yes the first thing beecraft does is look for the tire marks on the road and where were they they're right where we're standing um there are two sets there's one on the left one on the right i saw these marks and the normal way of doing an investigation is you start from the vehicle and you work your way back but in this case i couldn't do that because the vehicle's over the cliff i saw these two marks and these marks are unique very unique when i saw these these are not breaking these were yaw marks b craft says yaw marks are curved marks that show the driver made a very sharp turn turning towards the ocean toward the ocean correct as i got closer to this dirt area all in this area over here you could see that this debris had been shot out so these not only was it a yaw mark it was also accelerating that tire was spinning so as it approached this soft area that soft gravel it shot out onto the roadway it wasn't somebody breaking for an animal it wasn't somebody breaking to avoid a car you could see that the marks were marks induced by steering it was over steering the vehicle could not steer any further than what it was then bcraft recovers the car's black box just like airplanes newer cars have data recorders that document what was going on during the final seconds of the crash what did the data inside the car tell you it gave me that there was a hundred percent acceleration i believe it was up to three seconds prior to collision and could the car's data also tell you whether anybody hit the brakes yes and did they there was no braking no breaking i mean because if if you're driving and you're turning this way and the ocean's right there how do you not hit the brakes you don't hit the brakes if you want to go off the cliff how did alexandria survive while anastasia died according to sergeant b craft it's simple the reason why she she survived is that she's in a compartment she's behind the steering wheel the airbag deploys it keeps her in the seat anastasia was not contained in that her area is bigger she also had an airbag in front of her side curtain airbags and airbags coming out from the seat she was bouncing around in that area well isn't it possible that it was just really bad luck that of all the places to go over it went over the part where there was no wall no why not this was intentional there was no luck involved this was not an accident this was not a traffic crash this was a criminal act a criminal act that is what maui police are calling the plunging cliff crash detective sergeant gordon sagoon jr says the evidence shows alexandria purposely crashed the car in a murder-suicide attempt and is it possible that they were just in a fit and they were arguing and she lost her mind and it created this horrible tragic situation it could be but i still believe it was it was very intentional that she definitely drove that vehicle off that cliff to kill both herself and her sister but some have suggested anastasia's pulling alexandria's hair may have led to the dramatic steering wheel turn and fatal plunge so now to test that theory and others the police reenact what might have happened in the seconds before the car went over the cliff the things we wanted to do was disprove the theories that won the hair pulling we were trying to disprove that the passenger caused this whole incident what we knew at this point was that the wheel was turned to the left 288 degrees we knew that it had to be done in one second the vehicle homicide unit places colored masking tape on the steering wheel to represent a 288 degree turn which is what the black box recorder showed you can actually turn the steering wheel 288 degrees within a second so we're just trying to prove that it could be done the officers run through different scenarios the passenger anastasia grabbing the wheel even anastasia trying to put her foot to the pedal and turn the wheel to the ocean what do you believe was the intent of the driver what the intent of the driver just from our investigation showed is that she had definitely intended to drive that car off the cliff at that point but why i couldn't tell you maui cops say the crash on the cliff was no accident this was intentional this was not accidental sergeant lawrence b craft says the evidence shows alexandria duvall purposely plunged off the peak killing her twin sister anastasia so you don't think that it's possibly just coincidence that this is where they went off the cliff off the road absolutely not take a look behind us it's basically a straight roadway this was calculated they knew or she knew exactly where she was going off investigators say the circumstantial evidence was piling as high as the 200-foot cliffs on the northeast shore of maui the hair pulling fight the tire marks on the road and the data from the car's black box it all adds up cops say to murder suicide attempt what do you think the motive was i believe that alexandria did not want to lose her sister anesthesia because the plan was that anastasia and federico are going to move they're going to start a business on another island and i believe that alexandria did not want that to happen that she was not going to lose her sister to anybody and she potentially drove off that cliff to stop that police charge alexandria with second-degree murder they go to her house to make the arrest only one problem everything was was gone it was empty the house was empty and at that point we knew she was making moves to leave the only way off our island is either plane or boat so more than likely if she's going to go back to the mainland it's going to be plain cops quickly learn alexandria is booked on a flight for the mainland so they make a mad rush to the maui airport something happens to the plane i can't remember if they told me it was uh i think it was mechanical difficulties so the plane was grounded what we found out was she was sitting in a hotel near near our airport and sure enough she was there and we arrested her alexandria pleads not guilty at her preliminary hearing she's wearing an orange jumpsuit and a sling on her broken arm that woman that was in the driver's seat if you were to see her again would you recognize him yes did you see her on court today would you please point to her and tell us what color she's wearing but after the evidence is presented the judge makes a surprising decision the judge says what he basically states that we don't have enough probable cause to hold her for the murder charge and releases her the murder charge dismissed alexandria now books a flight to new york state but while she's there another legal shocker the maui county grand jury indicts her she wasn't attempting to evade detection or anything she had no idea she'd been indicted new york cops arrest alexandria her second arrest for the alleged crime the indictment charges you with murder and the second degree and now in a yellow jumpsuit her hands cuffed she's pleading not guilty for the second time she left hawaii to come back to the states to grieve not to not to escape from justice and after she left it appears that the district attorney out there in hawaii is familiar with that principle which is a grand jury can indict a ham sandwich you went for a murder charge but why didn't you also add perhaps other charges like reckless driving drunk driving because it wasn't reckless driving or drunk driving the evidence was compelling that the suv was driven intentionally over the cliff so that made it murder murder being defined in hawaii is causing the death of another person intentionally or knowingly now the woman accused of getting into hair pulling fights with her twin sister isn't a fight for her freedom she returns to maui as her sensational murder trial this case is a tragic accident not murder alexandria's defense attorney said it was actually anastasia who caused the accident he blames it on the hair pulling so violent that we have evidence from the body the autopsy anastasia duvall in her hands had long blonde hair she's pulling my client's hair so violently that it pulled her hair out lawrence lau the boy scout chaperone who claims he saw it all go down took the witness stand and described the chilling final seconds before the car tumbled off the cliff what did you see i saw a woman that had it was kind of a curly hair and uh i saw what appeared to be fighting between the women though the hair was being yanked on yanking the uh the head of the driver and the driver's head was being pulled to the side but then a dramatic courtroom moment that raised everyone's eyebrows after i learned that i had died and i saw alexander [Music] you heard right federico bailey says after his girlfriend anastasia died he gave a shower to twin sister alexandria he then testified about some strange behavior [Music] did you question her about wearing anna's clothes no when i saw her in an especially dressed it was disturbing seeing alexandria clothes as she was wearing and it's kind of hard to distinguish [Music] but the defense put up a strong fight and compelling evidence defense expert wayne slagle an accident reconstructionist testified that the data from the black box showed that alexandria didn't intentionally drive off that cliff your opinion is this consistent with a person who is intent on intentionally driving off the cliff based on the steering chart that i put up there no there's a lot of jerking on the steering wheel going alexandria chose a bench trial meaning the judge would decide the outcome for me one of the most dramatic pieces of evidence in this case is the hair it's sitting right here on the bench and when he announced the verdict everyone was stunned the defendant lost control of the vehicle and maybe she did input the left turn she may have done that but that's as a result of the evidence that shows her hair was being pulled and whatever happened happened she wasn't responsible for that the court will enter a judgment of acquittal and the defendant is discharged not guilty alexandria is free were you disappointed that the judge didn't find her guilty of murder yes and obviously i disagree you disagree of course does that mean that you believe she got away with murder that well that's the fact okay she got away with murder [Music] i i forgiven alexandria when she was found not guilty of murder is that a just verdict alexandria has always maintained her innocence crimewatch daily contacted alexandria's attorney for a comment but he told us she's not giving any interviews at this time now two people will spend the rest of their lives without their soul mate alexandria who lost her twin sister and federico who lost the love of his life i'm sorry for your loss what's the last thing anastasia said to you she told me that she loved me she was very beautiful
Channel: True Crime Daily
Views: 496,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 37sec (1717 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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