Matthew 22:1-14, The King’s Son’s Wedding

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turn in your Bibles to Matthew chapter 22 we're going to be looking this morning at the parable of the king's sons wedding in Matthew chapter 22 I was very much tempted to entitle this message an invitation to participate in the kingdom because that's really what this parable is all about it's an invitation to you to participate in the plan that God has for you in the unfolding future that must happen let's pray Heavenly Father we do commit this time to you Lord we pray that you would prepare our hearts Lord we pray that we would have ears to hear and eyes to see Lord I pray for each and every person within the sound of my voice that they would begin to understand that this parable is universal that it applies to everyone and that every human being who has ever existed and will ever exist can find himself or herself in this parable lord I pray that each person who's listening would ask and answer the question where am I in this parable in Jesus name Amen Matthew chapter 22 we read and jesus answered and spoke to them again by parables and said the kingdom of heaven is like a certain king who arranged a marriage for his son and sent out his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding and they were not willing to come again he sent out other servants saying tell those who were invited see I prepared my dinner my oxen and fatted cattle are killed and all things are ready come to the wedding but they made light of it and went their ways one to his own farm another to his business and the rest seized his servants treated them spitefully and killed them but when the King heard about it he was furious and he sent out his armies destroyed those murderers and burned up their city then he said to his servants the wedding is ready but those who were invited were not worthy therefore go into the highways and as many as you find invite to the wedding so those servants went out into the highways and gathered together all whom they found both bad and good and the wedding hall was filled with guests but when the king came in to see the guests he saw a man there who did not have on a wedding garment so he said to him friend how did you come here without a wedding garment and he was speechless then the King said to the servants bind him hand and foot take him away cast him into outer darkness there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth for many are called but few are chosen in chapters 21 and 22 we've quickly gone through three parables that has focused on the rebellion of the nation and the rejection of the nation and then retribution of the nation in the parable of the two sons in chapter 21 verses 28 through 32 we learned in part that the rewards of the sons were given in reference to in relationship to their willingness to obey their father in the parable of the vine dressers in chapter 21 verses 33 through 46 we learned that the vineyard would be given to other tenants now in this parable Jesus describes a wedding feast where the least likely are invited to both participate and celebrate with the king it is an invitation to participate in the Kingdom of Heaven in Luke's Gospel there's a similar parable in chapter 14 verses 15 through 24 in Luke's parable it was told by Jesus earlier in his ministry in Matthews parable the events surround this great marriage feast in Luke's Gospel it's called the parable of the great supper there are subtle differences between the two in Matthew's Gospel the great wedding feast has something to do with the Kingdom of Heaven and when you see that expression the Kingdom of Heaven you know it has something to do where God is large and in charge and in control why is this important in one sense the parable once again streets Israel's rejection of Christ claims and message and then illustrates God's great mercy in extending another great invitation to those who are the least likely to participate again what is the message of the Lord Jesus wants his hearers to know that God extends a wonderful invitation to participate in his kingdom and if you accept the invitation you'll experience joy unspeakable and full of glory and rejection of the invitation leads to darkness loss judgment punishment in short the king is God and the son is Christ and once again Jesus claims to be God's son distinct from the messengers distinct from the servants the great marriage feast is that glorious day of redemption it's the day when those who are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb and the sacrifice of the Savior will see their Lord face to face it's the time that Paul intimates in 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 verses 13 through 18 when he writes about a time when a trumpet will sound and the dead in Christ will rise and we who are alive and remain will hear the voice of the Archangel there is a final generation there is a terminal generation who are alive and will remain and they will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet in the oil the Lord in the air and it says and thus we shall always be with the and so here the invitation is at first declined in verses one and two and three look what it says and jesus answered and spoke to them again by parables for the first parable in the second parable and this parable remember I've reminded you repeatedly a parable is an earthly story that illustrates a heavenly truth remember a parable is something that was intended to reveal to those who want to know and to conceal from those who refuse to know and so he says the kingdom of heaven is like a certain king who arranged a marriage for his son we see in this parable an allegory for the Messiah's wedding feast which was spoken in the Old Testament in Isaiah chapter 25 verses 6 through 8 and then again in Revelation chapter 19 verses 7 through 9 this feast this celebration would have been known to the people who he is speaking to and he says and he sent out servants to call those who were invited to the wedding and they were not willing to come the first people called to this glorious celebration and wedding were the people of Israel you should note very carefully and he sent out servants to call those who were invited you're going to see a progression take place in the parable of the past and the present and the future that expression to call those who were invited is a reference to those who have already received the invitation the servants in the past the prophets in the past who called on Israel to change their heart and change their mind and change the course in the direction the servants included the prophets in the past and John the Baptist in their lifetime it also included the servants who were the apostles who preached and the 70 that Jesus appointed to go into every city to prepare the people for the coming of Christ in Luke chapter 10 verse 1 the words are few but chilling and they were not willing to come now you've got to understand something that in the ancient world a royal invitation was rarely refused and then only under the most extreme of circumstances why in the world would anyone refuse a royal wedding some of you are old enough to remember the wedding of princess died to Prince Charles can you imagine if Queen Elizabeth sent you an invitation and said I would like you to attend the wedding of my son and you said I don't have any way to get to London I'll pay your way I have nothing to wear I'll purchase your garment I have no place to stay all reservations all people who are invited to this royal wedding everyone and everything will be provided for you why in the world would you reject this invitation some people might think that they're too busy they might think that a commitment to something else would take precedent it could be hatred of the king it could be a desire to insult the king it might be a belief that perhaps the king can't make good on his promise it might include something as wicked as a hatred for the Sun even a hatred for the bride in Psalm 81 verses 11 and 12 we read but my people would not heed me they would not listen to my voice Israel would have none of me so I gave them over to their own stubborn heart to walk in their own counsels the Lord through the psalmist reminds the people listening that the people my people wouldn't listen to my voice says the Lord I spoke to you rising early it says in Jeremiah seven thirteen and now because you've done all these works as the Lord I spoke to you rising early and speaking but you did not hear and I called you but you did not answer it was the Lord's way of saying I woke I got you up early and said I love you won't you come I walked with you throughout the day and I said won't you come I was with you towards the evening and I said won't you come they were called by God from the very first again as you see this unfolding drama called the people of Israel we've walked in the past with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob we went into Egypt and we found Joseph who would deliver the nation we saw the nation grow we saw God send a deliverer Moses we walked through the wilderness we entered into the land of promise in the book of Joshua there was repeated invitations in the Book of Isaiah in the Book of Jeremiah in the Ezequiel in the book of daniel they were called by God many were called but liquid says in verse four again he sent out other servants saying note this tell those who are invited see I have prepared my dinner my oxen and fatted cattle are killed and all things are ready come to my to the wedding come to the wedding they have to understand something in this culture two invitations were expected in our culture you usually get one invitation usually a person will say hey my daughter is getting married just like my brother sent me a note a couple of weeks ago my niece got married yesterday and the wedding invitation is on my refrigerator and it gives the day and it says to RSVP in this culture and in this society there was an invitation that would have been extended and then there was another invitation the first one asked the guests to attend the second invitation would say everything is ready all is prepared all of the arrangements have been made it's time to participate the King has made an enormous and an abundant provision when it says see I have prepared my dinner my oxen and fatted cattle in that culture and society the vast majority of people would never get to dine like this you never had steak can you imagine what what they're basically saying is we have all of the beef fajitas you can eat you'll have beef burritos you'll have beef tacos you'll have beef enchiladas but it goes way beyond that in this culture in society it would be like Kobe beef it would be like beef that's a hundred dollars for every three ounces that if you put that one taste in your mouth it just melts in your mouth this would have been like no I don't want to stretch the analogy too far because as you know Jews keep kosher they don't eat lobster they don't eat shrimp but in our culture in society it would be like imagine all-you-can-eat sushi Lobster Thermidor I've prepared everything we have unlimited resources and you'll get to participate in all of it now again this King responds with mercy he once again responds with grace he once again responds with patience and in an incredible thing in something that would never ever really happen in the ancient world in the face of disrespect and disgrace the invitation is extended again and again you have to understand something you're missing the point if you fail to see what this parable is saying the implication is the invitation is extended and accepted and now the people refuse to come Jesus is going to die Jesus is going to come back to life after the resurrection the same audience will hear that Jesus has defied death he's come back to life he truly is Israel's Messiah and Savior all the sacrifices have been made ever a preparation has been made the invitation stands if ever there was a time to put aside doubt unbelief differences it's the day of the king son's wedding the day has come this is the day for joy this is the day for celebration this is the day that's been marked since eternity pass for the son to embrace his bride and the feast it will be the greatest feast that has ever been given for the greatest wedding that has ever taken place it's a picture of God's heart and God's ability and God's willingness to receive us it's a picture of how God longs for our presence and that his preparation has been made for you to participate in this great marriage feast look at it says in verse 5 but they made light of it and went their ways one to his own farm another to his business and the rest seized his servants treated them spitefully and killed them this is almost unimaginable again a second invitation the invitation is extended to a busy farmer it's extended to a busy merchant it's extended to the religious it's extended to the worldly Jesus uses very interesting words when he uses the term one to his own farm you look at it and think so what in the original language it says Tong edy on edgren it's almost surprising when you read it in the original language means his own farm his very own property the implication is that this is a person who's decided that everything that he owns is apart from God everything that exists is for his own selfish enjoyment and you have to understand that in that culture and that society the king owned everything yes you might have a stewardship over your farm you had ownership and property there was ownership and property but in an absolute monarchy was the king able to seize whatever property he wanted whenever he wanted in certain cultures and societies that was the case there was another busy merchant a businessman the implication is that they live in the city they're involved in commerce they're involved in trade these are the people who are working laboring making a living generating a profit there's no time in their way of thinking there's no need to acknowledge the king or his son the king is a distraction the king is a disturbance the king is a hindrance the king and his son are a threat to their personal interests their business interests their financial interests and if the king and his son are a threat to their wealth and security and their business is going to generate hostility John MacArthur said be indifferent guests in the parable represent people who are preoccupied with daily living and personal pursuits and lots of people find lots of reasons to ignore God to ignore Jesus to ignore the gospel to ignore God's claims on their heart it makes no sense to try and overthrow the king and his heir and take his kingdom but that's exactly what they do look what it says but they made light of it and went their ways they mocked they scorned it says and the rest seized his servants treated them spitefully and killed them the people who rejected the invitation gave themselves not only permission not to show up to the wedding but to persecute God's servants made light translates again an interesting word in the original language it is a word that means to care little or at all it also could be translated to be care less the word is for the Greek scholar what's called the eros participle the the translation would have to read they were making light of it but in other words it isn't just simply they offhandedly made light of it the idea is that this is something thoughtful deliberate it is definite they've made the definite decision they've made the definite decision not to attend the great marriage feast this is negligence this is carelessness this is the person who says why in the world would I want to believe this why in the world would I even believe that there is a God who might be king why in the world would I concede that there's something or someone supernatural why in the world would I want to lean on religious superstition or psychological crutches this is every single person who hears the story of Jesus his love for the world his sacrifice for sin and they say I don't care I don't care I don't need God I don't need a Savior I think that this is all nonsense this is all garbage some people will devote their entire lives gathering evidence from science and philosophy and morality and history to buttress their hard hearts and their stubborn unbelief even though there's ample evidence from science and philosophy and morality and history to support the claims of Christ so why do people reject the invitation why do people reject God's invitation to believe and receive and accept his son the reason isn't because they have to the reason is because they don't want to in John chapter 5 verse 40 Jesus earlier told the religious leaders you will not come to me so that you can have life the Kings messengers are often met with scorn and ridicule and abuse and persecution and sometimes the messenger is even killed some of you might at this point I've already found yourself in the parable you might say I'm not the person who wants to reject Jesus you might even for a brief moment consider yourself to be the messenger telling people that there's a God who loves you there's a Christ who saves you that his sacrifice on the cross can bring you to a place where you're accepted by God and forgiven by God look the rejectionist is described in verse 7 it says but when the King heard about it he was furious and he sent out his armies destroyed those murderers and burned their City then he said to his servants the wedding is ready but those who were invited were not worthy that expression the king was furious one translation reads he was raw or angry or enraged in Genesis 6:3 it says and the Lord said my spirit shall not always strive with man forever for he is indeed flesh yet his day shall be a hundred and twenty years some people wrongly thought that that means that human beings lifespan would only be a hundred and twenty years but in the context it seems to mean that there is a hundred and twenty years until the ultimate judgment of a flood is going to come and overwhelm the planet some people hearing me right at this very moment in their heart will think well I don't believe in a God who gets angry I don't believe in a God who judges I don't believe in a God who would judge me or punish me for my sins and you're free to believe whatever you want but that doesn't make it true the king reminds his servants the wedding is ready but those who are invited we're not worthy the ones who rejected the invitation note what it says are not worthy to attend either the wedding or the feast and they won't they won't attend either so I want you to just for a moment just think for a moment why aren't the invited guests worthy you should pay careful attention to the two sins that invited the judgment from the king the first was the ridicule and the abuse of God's servants know God destroyed those murderers verse 7 the people who persecuted the messengers and number two those who rejected the invitation that's the thing that made them unworthy they rejected the invitation it was the rejection of the invitation that invites the judgment because later we discover that they call both good and bad Jew and Gentile it's the implication of rejecting God's gracious invitation to know Christ to come to Christ to believe in Christ and so look the invitation list is revised in verse 9 it says therefore in light of everything that you've seen thus far go into the highways the highways include those places that were well-traveled and as many as you invite find invite to the wedding look what it says again so those servants went into the highways and gathered together all whom they found both bad and good and the wedding hall was filled with guests now people on highways usually don't get special invitations to special events unless you're on the code that leads from Utah to Nevada and you're headed for Las Vegas and you see billboards that read come to this event come to that event come to this event come to that event but can you imagine if you read a billboard on your way to Las Vegas and it said come to Las Vegas and stay at the Trump Tower for free all meals free all entertainment free let's just say for purposes of this illustration that Donald Trump's daughter one of them was or I know he has a son that's unmarried so we'll fast forward into the future and we'll say that Baron gets married in about ten years and all of a sudden he's going to throw a great big party for his son and he says come to the Trump Tower stay for free eat for free be entertained for free what do you think the chances of that happening are you know it's zero I want you to see the outrageousness of what's being told especially since anyone could come Jew or Gentile the invitation goes out people on the highways don't normally get this kind of treatment the traveler on the highway wouldn't expect the invitation and again I'm going to suggest you that this becomes a type and a picture of all the roads that lead to the Gentiles and note what it says and as many as you find invite to the wedding the invitation is extended to everyone old young Jew Gentile slave free male female poor rich no carefully moral immoral religious irreligious the wedding hall is filled with guests and and this might mean some bad do accept the invitation but they never really dressed for the occasion in verses 11 through 14 we learned earlier in Matthew 13 1 that the visible Church contains both good and bad there are people who will pray a sinner's prayer they'll invite Jesus into their life and they'll say I want Jesus in my heart and I want Jesus in my life but they don't love him and they don't serve him their life has never really changed their mind has never really been changed the real way in which they live has never changed remember Jesus said in Matthew 9 13 but go and learn what this means I will have mercy and not sacrifice because I haven't come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance and in Luke 19:10 for the Son of man has come to seek and save that which is lost in verse 9 notice the word find invite verse 10 and all who were found we find and then invite them to be found God's servants are to invite the good and the bad the moral and what you might think of as immoral the religious and the irreligious both moral and thoughtful like Cornelius the Roman centurion who gave his life and his Venice good and is his service to the people of God but also there's a list provided for us in 1st Corinthians chapter 6 verse 9 because apparently Paul invited the deceived and the fornicators and the idolaters and the adulterers and the homosexuals and the sodomites and the thieves and the covetousness covetous yury greedy covetous is too hard to say you get all tongue-tied drunkards partiers extortioners it says in verse 11 that's who you used to be but you've been washed you've been cleansed you've been sanctified in Matthew 9 13 Jesus had come and I'll give you rest in revelation 22:17 it says in the spirit and the bride say come and let him that has ear say come and let him that is athirst come and whosoever will and take of the water of life freely in isaiah 55:1 it says woe everyone who thirsts come to the waters you who have no money come by and eat the ideas I can't I don't have enough money to get to heaven you don't need money come buy wine and milk without money and without price it's a picture of salvation by grace unearned unmerited undeserved it's the King's way of saying come to the wedding I don't have anything to wear I'll provide for you I'll give you the garment that's appropriate and so in verse 11 it says but when the king came in to see the guests he saw a man there who didn't have a wedding garment and he said to him friend how did you come in here without a wedding garment and he was speechless the final scene teaches us that salvation is personal an individual in the parable the King enters to see the guests that expression by the way to see translates a very specific Greek word feoh saath AI it means to view carefully with scrutiny with an attention to detail probably a better word is inspect inspect is something that you ooh that's thorough and complete the emphasis is on the one performing the inspection the king wants to make sure everything everything all of the people everything everything is in order for the greatest occasion everything is in order for the wedding feast there's no problems there's no issues and so the King asks a simple question only one friend how did you come in here without a wedding garment the joy and the celebration is interrupted a man tries to attend the event and properly clothed and you might think again what what's the big deal what's the didn't matter how you dressed if you came to church it doesn't it isn't talking about how you dress when you come to church it's talking about how you're dressed when you get to heaven what is he trying to say all guests must wear clean clothes proper clothes remember even in the ancient world if you were on the highways and the byways and you are covered with soot and you're covered with mud and you're covered with dirt you may not know this but in the ancient world it wasn't unusual for ancient kings to provide linen robes for guests and special celebrations and so the king has provided the appropriate dress for the appropriate people why soiled garments is going to take away from the focus of the bride and the groom you may not be able to see it in the story but in the story the king wants all the attention on his son and so if a person comes in dressed inappropriately they bring undue attention to themselves you might think in the story well what if the guests can't afford the necessary garment again this man's disrespect and ingratitude comes because he refuses to wear the garment that's been given by the king how is it possible by the way that the guests ignored this man's condition and yet the king was able to see it the wedding garment is righteousness the proper attire at the wedding is what the Bible calls the robes of righteousness in isaiah 61:10 and said I will greatly rejoice in the Lord my soul shall be joyful in the Lord for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation he has covered me with the robe of righteousness in matthew chapter 5 verse 3rd or 20 the Lord says for I say unto you that except your righteousness exceed the righteousness of the scribes and the pharisees you will in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven in Ephesians 4:24 says and that you put on the new man which God has created in righteousness true holiness the king gives you the robes of righteousness that's found in Christ but you have to put it on God invites you to the wedding and then provides the necessary deer in the book of Revelation chapter 7 verse 13 one of the elder says who are these arrayed in white robes where did they come from John says sir you know and so he called to me these are the ones who came out of the Great Tribulation and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb how can you have a white robe crystal-clear beautiful shining dipped in blood it's because it's Jesus you're accepted in Jesus you are made right with God in Jesus as the King makes a special provision for the clothes for the guests who accept the invitation the king gives him an undeserved respect friend how did you get in here I know what you want the text to say I snuck in I came in the back door when nobody was looking I didn't know I had to accept Jesus I'm one of those guys that you hear about when people talk about the aborigine or the person who's never heard about Jesus that's me I snuck in when nobody else was looking that's not what the text says the man is speechless again it's a very specific Greek word it's muzzled muted we could even translate this tongue-tied he has no excuse he has no response do you know why because he's guilty of with disrespect and dishonor he's wearing a garment that's unsuitable in the King's presence and unsuitable for the occasion his garment is unclean and so it is for everyone who thinks that they can appear before God based on their own righteousness based on their own goodness based on their own participation in church or reading the Bible and in verse 13 it says then the king said to the servants bind him hand and foot take him away and cast him into outer darkness there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth the servants who bind the man hand and foot are not the same servants who had delivered the invitation in verses 3 and 4 different word is used these are angelic guardians of heaven tasked with heaven security note three things number one the man's tied hand and foot these are the body parts that we normally use to sin against God the hands are bound because there's no resistance the feet are bound because there is no escape whatever the King says is done on that great day no one no man no woman will be able to escape and number two the man is taken away number one from the Kings presence he is taken away from the Kings presence the provision of the King the celebration of the king the joy of the occasion he's taken away from the light look what it says that's number three he's cast into outer darkness far away he's removed from the King but he's also removed from the other guests he doesn't get to participate in the occasion he doesn't get to see the occasion whatever light is generated by that occasion whatever brilliance is given because of the great wedding feast he doesn't even get a glimpse in Matthew chapter 8 verse 11 the Lord said and I say to you that many will come from east and west they'll sit down with Abraham Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven but the sons of the kingdom will be cast into outer darkness there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth it's described as a place of sorrow and regret and in verse 14 it says for many are called but few are chosen in a single sentence we see the tension between God's sovereignty and man's will Jesus made the exact common in Matthew 20 verse 16 in context there are several calls the Jews are called but they don't respond the Gentiles are called but few are responding there's God's call to those who enter in what are you wearing are you wearing the robes of righteousness that are found in Christ you will be wearing either the robes of false profession and personal hypocrisy or the robes of righteousness there are those within the church who have not put on Christ and the evidence of course is because they love this world they love the things of this world they refuse to repent they refuse to turn from their sin they refuse to love the Lord and love each other they refuse to live their lives as if the gospel are true there's an absence of love and thought and speech and conduct in Luke 13:24 Jesus says the tragic words many I say to you will seek to enter in but they won't be able what do you mean I want to go to heaven you can apart from Christ you can't I want to go to heaven you can but I want to hold on to my sin you can't I want to go to heaven but I don't want to change you can go to heaven but everyone who comes to Christ will change because narrow is the gate difficult is the way which leads to life few find it narrow difficult few the wedding piece is a great day it's also an inspection day before god presents us to Christ he will inspect each one of you to see whether or not you're properly clothed here's the invitation I've been given permission to give it to you come to the wedding I'm going to also extend the courtesy to each and every one of you you have the right to invite everyone to the wedding but you have to faithfully deliver the message to your mom your dad your brother's your sisters your friends your family what if I faithfully deliver the message and they won't hear me welcome to the club Mae West famously said when I have to choose between two evils I always pick the one I never picked before I watched Mae West's movie was so good but that's the way the world is when faced between a decision between two evils but we're not faced with a choice of two evils we're faced with the choice between one good and one evil a narrow path and a broad way an easy way and a difficult way have you made the choice have you received Christ as your Savior do you have you put on the robe of righteousness I remembered a poem there is a line by us unseen that crosses every path the hidden boundary between God's patience and his wrath oh where is that mysterious borne by which our path is crossed beyond which God Himself is sworn that he who goes is lost how far can one go in sin how long will mercy spare where does grace end and where begin the confines of despair an answer from the sky is sent yeehoo from God depart while it is called today repent and harden not your heart there's still time there's still a choice there's still a decision you can make it you can accept the invitation I'm going to extend it to you right now let's pray Heavenly Father Lord you've given me permission to extend this invitation Lord I'm hoping that people will find themselves in the parable not as the person who rejected the invitation but as the person who accepted the invitation maybe even one day to become the person in the parable who extends the invitation to others who will say what I'm saying right at this very moment that God loves you and that Jesus loves you that Jesus came to the earth to die on a cross for sin a sin that disqualifies you from heaven and makes it impossible for you to participate in the celebration but Lord you said that you would give each and every one grace and mercy and your love and acceptance for those who will call out to your son who will believe with their heart and confess with their mouth that Jesus is the Lord that his sacrifice for sin will cleanse my heart and so Heavenly Father I pray for that person who's never made that decision who's tried to postpone it who's tried to put it off who tried to ignore the repeated invitation to come to you to turn away from sin to love Jesus and serve Jesus and walk with Jesus and if that's you and you've never accepted Christ and you know you need to the invitation is extended to you won't you accept it the acceptance isn't just by raising your hand or saying that this is something that I want to do it comes from believing in your heart and confessing with your mouth that it's true so I'm going to invite you to do exactly that to come and say this is what I want I'm going to invite you to come accept the invitation and to make sure you're wearing the robes of righteousness so that when you get to heaven you won't be surprised or when you get to see God now this is my job it's to prepare you for that moment when the Lord says to you what are you doing here I need to be able to tell you what to say I've accepted Christ as my savior I'm wearing the robes of righteousness there was an invitation that was extended to me but if I would believe in love and serve Jesus that you would accept me I have it on good authority but that's exactly what's going to happen or you come it's easy to do just get up out of your seat and come we're going to end with a song this is your opportunity
Channel: Calvary South Denver
Views: 13,825
Rating: 4.6410255 out of 5
Keywords: Calvary Chapel, Gino Geraci, Christianity, Bible Study, Matthew, Calvary South Denver, CalvaryCSD
Id: zoa4PO_hdAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 55sec (3355 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2017
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