Matthew 14:22-36 | Strengthened by the Storm | Matthew Dodd

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privileged to study God's Word we're gonna be in Matthew chapter 14 we're just making our way through Matthew chapter by chapter verse by verse we're gonna be looking at the last several verses there from verses 22 to 36 the title of my message tonight is strengthened by the storm strengthened by the storm let's pray father we thank you so much for this privilege that we have now to study your word Lord you know where every person is at here tonight father you know what they're going through and father you have a plan for their lives and father as we look at verses that are familiar to many of us I pray father God the message the lesson wouldn't be lost on us because of familiarity father that you'd find in us hearts that are teachable that are hungry and responsive to all that you have for us because we who've been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ we want to look more like Jesus so please use this time to mold us and make us we pray in Jesus name and all of God's people said amen and amen you know it's been said that there are two types of people in this world those who are going through a storm and those who will be going on who are in a storm right now so either you're going through one or you will be going through one and you're probably looking at me going thing thinking wait a second where's the encouragement in that Matt not feeling too happy about that maybe we'll just go home well before you leave before you leave you need to know that Jesus warned in John 16 verse 33 in the world you have tribulation tribulation or storms can take many forms there are literal storms but there's also storms that come in relationships or financial difficulties legal problems or health issues the expected or unexpected death of a loved one or someone near to you there are troubles in the lives of our children getting laid off at work or even storms related to following Jesus and serving his people now fortunately there's more to John 16 verse 33 for Jesus concluded by promising but take courage I have overcome the world and tonight as we study Matthew chapter 14 we will discover how we can be strengthened not weakened by the storms of this life let's begin in verse 22 immediately he made the disciples get into the boat and go ahead of him to the other side while he sent the crowds away after he had sent the crowds away he went up on the mountain by himself to pray and when it was evening he was alone there but the boat was already a long distance from the land battered by the waves for the wind was contrary and in the fourth watch of the night he came to them walking on the sea when the disciples saw him walking on the sea they were terrified and said it is a ghost and they cried out in fear but immediately Jesus spoke to them saying take courage it is I do not be afraid verse 28 Peter said to him lord if it is you command me to come to you on the water and he said come and Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came toward Jesus but seeing the wind he became frightened and beginning to sink he cried out lord save me immediately Jesus stretched out his hand and took hold of him and said you of little faith why did you doubt when they got into the boat the wind stopped and those who were in the boat worshiped him saying you are certainly God's son when they had crossed over they came to the land at guess interet and when the men of that place recognized him they sent word in to all the surrounding district and brought to him all who were sick and they implored him that they might just touch the fringe of his cloak and as many touched it were cured you know as we're making her way through the Gospel of Matthew one thing stands out when it comes to the reactions to Jesus and his ministry I see it it's a it's a story of extreme extremes we noted last week that while Jesus was rejected by the religious and political establishments his popularity was booming with the common people in fact the Apostles and Jesus were so busy that Mark wrote in mark 6 verse 31 they did not even have time to eat so what did Jesus do he invited the Apostles to get away for a retreat to be refreshed but also so that he might prepare them for his departure for his death burial resurrection and ascension into heaven but we're also told as they were sailing on the Sea of Galilee northeast to Bethsaida the crowds were watching from the shoreline so that they might meet Jesus the moment he came on shore now once Jesus and the Apostles landed and they were overwhelmed by a very very large crowd in a very remote location we're talking ten to fifteen thousand people now the disciples saw this they quickly did some calculations they said you know what you better send these people away it's getting late and they need to eat well to their surprise Jesus commanded them to give the people something to well Philip did some quick calculations said we don't have enough money so Andrew Peters brother chimed in and said here's a boy's lunch five barley loaves two fish but what's that when you're talking about this many people jesus said have the people sit down in groupings of 50 and 100 then he took that poor boy's little lunch and he looked up to heaven thanked God for it and then as we studied last week began filling the Apostles baskets with bread and fish we noted last week where the miracle take place in Jesus hands whatever the baskets were emptied they just had to keep coming back to Jesus he would fill them then they would send them back out empty the baskets and every single person was satisfied they all ate to the full and afterwards Jesus had the Apostles collect the leftovers twelve baskets full of leftovers an amazing story this brings us to a new scene in Matthew 14 here we see that the Apostles are alone in a boat Jesus he's up on a mountain praying and then a storm hits now when storms hit for us we need to remember if we want to be stronger not weaker we need to remember you're not alone you are not alone in verse 22 we're told that Jesus made the Apostles get into the boat literally he compelled them to get into that boat this is a much stronger and more accurate sense of the word now I'm sure the Apostles they didn't want to leave Jesus I mean they were supposed to have a retreat they were supposed to get away and be alone and be refreshed but we're told from the Gospel of John that there was another issue in the mix we read that Jesus also sent the crowd away because they were intending to take him by force and make him King according to John 6:15 you see the Jews were looking for someone to lead a revolt against Rome and who better to lead them than this man who filled their bellies with bread and fish and obviously he's moving in the power of God but Jesus would have nothing of it I love the words of warn words B he said men will follow anyone who promises them material things of life but Jesus will not have bread and butter disciples that's a good word Jesus also knew that his apostles wanted positions of power and they might have agreed with the crowd to make Jesus King you know the story James and John what did they do with their mothers help they came to Jesus and said when you come into your kingdom grant that one of us sits at your right and the other at your left right and then the apostles the rest of them they get upset why because James and John use their mom and ask first okay that's what's going on here and so I think Jesus was protecting them from that temptation you see Jesus had something much more important to accomplish than overthrowing Rome the overthrowing of sin and death our greatest enemy and the establishment of an eternal Kingdom with redeemed people as its citizens so Jesus compelled the crowd to go away and he also compelled his apostles to get into the boat now did Jesus know that he was sending his apostles into the eye of the storm of course he did he knows everything but here we need to see that there are thing that you can learn from a storm that you cannot learn anywhere else you see we need to remember that you're not alone and we will discover when we realize that in the midst of the storm we also discover that Jesus is praying for you when you're in the midst of a storm you're not alone Jesus is praying for you in verse 23 Jesus went up to the mountain by himself to pray it was evening now if you ever wondered why prayer is important all you need to do is look at Jesus example the disciples saw the relationship that Jesus had with a father the intimacy that came through prayer in fact according to Luke chapter 11 verse 1 they actually said teach us to pray now in addition to enjoying the presence of the father Jesus also prayed for the apostles and disciples what we need to see is is that Jesus is praying for us to Hebrews chapter 7 verse 25 says therefore he is able to save forever those who draw near to God through him since he always lives to make intercession for them now from Mark's Gospel we read that Jesus saw them straining at the oars for the wind was against them and I am convinced that as Jesus saw them straight at the oars he would have been praying for them and what an encouragement it must be for them but it can be for us as well the reality that our Savior lives to make intercession for us even when we're going through storms I need to confess that I'm truly blessed I really am my wife Heidi is a woman of Prayer and I know whenever I'm stepping out and doing things with ministry my wife is praying for me it blesses me there are times when she can't be here on a Sunday night and you know what right before the service she'll send me a text message I'm praying for you I love you and that strength is because I know I'm not alone my wife is standing with me I have a praying wife and she knows that her husband is praying as well isn't that a reassurance it sure is for me it's huge because if you know anything about me you know I need all the prayer I can get okay that said Heidi and I are even more encouraged to know that Jesus is watching over us and praying for us he knows us all by name and to think from his lips our utter prayer requests on my behalf on your behalf oh the comfort the encouragement and the strength that comes to my heart and should come to yours as well doesn't matter what the circumstances are my Jesus is praying amen amen you know before Jesus was arrested he warned Peter that he was about to go through a terrible personal storm but notice how he sought to bring encouragement and reassurance to Peter Luke 22 verses 31 and 32 say Simon Simon behold Satan has demanded permission to sift you like wheat but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail and you when once you have turned again strengthen your brothers there you have it just as he was praying for Peter so - our Savior is praying for us brothers and sisters in the middle of a storm you can be strengthened knowing that you're not alone and Jesus is praying for you next we see that God has a purpose in life storms God has a purpose in life storms you know there's a teaching which says that if you have enough faith everything will go well in your life chi-ching honky-dory right you're always gonna prosper you'll never get sick you'll be healthy wealthy and wise some even go so far as to say that if you go through a storm it's because you don't have enough faith but let's apply that to this context here did Jesus send the apostles into the storm because they lacked faith to avoid it no they were sent into the storm because there's some lessons that can be only learned in the storms so what is God's purpose in the storms of life the Bible reveals that there are three kinds of storms the first one is correcting storms you know some storms people bring on themselves I know I've been guilty of that and so God uses correcting storms to correct the course of our lives not to beat us down to strengthen us I think of Jonah God called him to go to Nineveh what does he do he heads in the opposite direction so what does God do he sends a storm and a big fish right a correcting storm number two there are protecting storms God uses protecting storms to keep us from stumbling into something that could be detrimental to our faith and witness the Apostle Paul is a great example of this for we're told in 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 that Paul was given a thorn in the flesh to keep him from exalting himself because of the revelations he had received and he penned some amazing words after he asked the Lord three times to take that thorn in the flesh and remove it and God says my power is perfected in your weakness as so as Paul say your grace is sufficient you are more than enough Lord therefore I will glory in my weakness because when I'm weak I am strong because I'm not relying on myself I am relying wholeheartedly on you a protecting storm number three there are perfecting storms and I believe Matthew 14 is an example of a perfecting storm because the Lord allowed his disciples to go through a storm in order to increase their understanding of who Jesus is which ultimately increased their faith and gave them peace but you know someone might say it's difficult being in the will of God if it means I have to go through a storm right but you know it's more difficult than being in the will of God it's being outside the will of God amen you see God uses these storms for good one of my favorite characters in the Bible is Joseph he was the favorite of Jacob's sons now the other brothers knew it and they were jealous because Jacob loved Joseph more than he loved them so what did they do they wanted to put him to death but eventually decided to sell him into slavery in Egypt how could they do that to their seventeen year old brother God had made it clear to Joseph that he was going to raise him up and all of a sudden he finds himself so far away from home and the father that he loved and then while he's in slavery he's falsely accused and thrown into prison for thirteen years he's either a slave or in prison and at the right time God raises him up and he becomes second-in-command only inferior to Pharaoh and God used him to bring about a great deliverance and guess who he also delivered the brothers had sold him into slavery now here would be a great opportunity if you didn't have the right perspective to get even but notice what he said in Genesis 45 verses 7 & 8 this is what he's saying to his brothers the one who sold him into slavery said God sent me before you to preserve for you a remnant in the earth and to keep you alive by a great deliverance it was not you who sent me here but God perfecting storm you see God's goal is not to make us comfortable but to transform us into the image of his son that's why Paul wrote in Romans chapter 8 verses 28 and 29 we know that God causes all things to work together for good whether it's a correcting storm whether it is a protecting storm or a perfecting storm God's working it all together for those whom he foreknew he also predestined to become look at this conformed to the image of his son you see the problem is we wrongly interpret storms and we think it's because of this or because of that and we need to see God's doing something else he's conforming us into the image of his son he wants us to look more like Jesus may Jesus increase and may we decrease amen through the storms next when you're in the middle of a storm I want to put out a challenge and this is gonna be a hard challenge but I know you're up to it because you could be anywhere else on a Sunday night and you're here because you want to be in the Word of God you know what that challenge is to purpose in your heart to be a student in the storm what do I mean by that this storm was a significant part of their learning to trust in Jesus what they learned would help them get through future storms you see God's laying the groundwork to make them stronger so that they go through future storms they can handle and weather the storms and we also need to know how to go through storms these things were written for our example for our instruction to build up and increase our faith therefore I believe we must be intentional when it comes to storms to be students in the storms of life so that we may learn all that God wants to do in US and through us the first thing that stands out is this to be faithful to do what God asked you to do the Apostles headed west because Jesus had directed them to do so unfortunately the storm was coming in from the West and so they were gonna meet that storm head-on then we're told that Jesus came to them during the fourth watch which would be between 3 and 6 a.m. here he is walking on the sea but get this that means they've been straining at the oars for nine to twelve hours 9 to 12 hours I think would have been really easy for them to justify just cutting bait right just pivot the boat around and let the wind take you where it wills and then tell Jesus I'm sorry later right but Jesus commanded them to go ahead of him to the other side so I think we need to give them credit for being faithful to Jesus command you know when it comes to storms one of the things that I've learned and one of the things that I have seen that God blesses faithfulness in my life there was a particular storm that was very very difficult and that was the counsel of Pastor rich just be faithful just be faithful and God will honor and bless your faithfulness and brothers and sisters that's why I'm here today because God not that I'm perfect but he blessed my faithfulness and has blessed me beyond measure to him be the glory you see what I've realized is this I cannot control what other people do or use it as an excuse I can't control what life will bring but I can trol what'd I do that's why Paul wrote in first Corinthians 4 verse 2 in this case moreover it is required of stewards that one be found trustworthy what does God called you to do do it oh it's difficult the wind is beating hard well should you expect anything else you see I believe if you're in the middle of God's will of course the enemy's gonna resist of course there could be opposition but you press in and what is God gonna do he's gonna make you a man or woman of big faith you see any storm on the horizon and you know my god can handle it he shall supply all my needs one of the other keys that we see here is that we need to look for Jesus in the storm number to look for Jesus in the storm the apostles were off course and about three to three and a half miles from where they had left Jesus when they saw Jesus walking on the water they didn't recognize him but thought he was a ghost not Casper the Friendly Ghost here we actually in the Greek get the word phantom from the word that's used here some type of apparition some type of phantom now why didn't they recognize Jesus because they weren't looking for him they weren't looking for him and you know storm storms can take our eyes off of Jesus if we let them where there is fear there isn't faith where there is fear there is blindness meaning we can't see what Jesus is doing or remain confident that he is with us and that he will meet us at the right time work with me here a little bit think about this if they had been looking for Jesus I think their prayers would have looked different I'm sure right here they have been praying for 9 to 12 hours now if they've been looking for geez I think their prayers would have looked something like this Lord when we were in that boat a few months back and Jesus was asleep in the boat and there was a huge storm he calmed the storm therefore I know he is the lord of the storm that he cares for us that he's for us and not against us we know this battle this storm belongs to you Lord so we trust you God because we know those who hope in you will never be disappointed let me tell you if you are looking for Jesus in the storm your prayers change because you know the answer already God's with you and he's for you and at the right time he will intervene you see if they've been looking for Jesus they wouldn't have cried out in fear thinking they'd just seen a ghost they would have rejoiced and said we knew you had come Jesus come aboard Lord it would have changed everything my point is this Paul tells Timothy in 2nd Timothy 1:7 God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind if there is fear brothers and sisters your eyes aren't on Jesus you're not looking for Jesus you've forgotten the promises of Jesus but you know what faith casts out fear be strengthened in the storm Jesus immediately and graciously answered their fear and said take courage it is I do not be afraid in verse 27 now I want to capture something here because the English doesn't portray it correctly when Jesus says it is I in the Greek he's literally saying I am take courage I am do not be afraid now if you know the Bible you know I am is very significant is the name of God according to Exodus 3:14 and it literally means all that I am I will be to you so here we have a great answer to all of our fears I am is with us all that he is he will be to us and that's why the writer of Hebrews said this in Hebrews 13 verses five and six he himself has said I will never leave you nor will I ever forsake you so that we may confidently say the Lord is my helper I will not be afraid what will man do to me oh my word if you have faith fear runs away it changes everything lastly I think we need to see here that we need to keep our eyes on Jesus in the storm it's not enough to be looking for Jesus in the storm we need to keep our eyes on Jesus in the storm Peter he then answers the Lord it says lord if it's you command me to come to you on the water verse 28 now here Jesus also uses special Greek word which literally means bid me to come why is that significant because it's only used by an individual when they're in the presence of a king bid me to come so what was Jesus say are Peter saying he's recognizing Jesus as Lord and King you're the lord of the storm it's also important to note that this little word if can also mean because or since so in other words Peter was saying because or since it's you Lord bid me to come Peter wasn't saying if it's really you Lord prove it and Jesus invited Peter to come now this is also an important aspect of faith we don't command God to prove who he is God is the one who gives the command yes we have authority but only under his authority amen now the amazing thing is is that Peter got out of the boat only two people in history have walked on water Peter and Jesus and I'm thinking where are the other eleven why were they content to remain in the boat I mean think about it this is Jesus who just got done feeding 15,000 people do you think he can sustain more than one person on the water perhaps twelve and there's a lesson here for us don't be content to watch others step out in faith I'm looking at a crowd of people who all have a calling on their lives God has a purpose for your life don't be content watching someone else be used of God God wants you to get out of the boat don't be like the other 11 stepping back let's use Peter as a lab rat see what happens to him okay step out and do what God has called you to do no I love Peter's heart here he left the safety of the boat and he didn't even ask Jesus to make the water calm first I find that interesting because if it was me more than likely I said could you make it calm nice and easy I mean the wind and the waves are still going Jesus would you wait a little bit I got to get my life vest or my water wins he doesn't do any of that he started out with great faith we see here could you imagine the first time his foot touched the water and it held firm he started with great faith and a lot of people start with great faith but he ended with little faith why because seeing the win in the waves Peter became afraid and began to sink and he cried out lord save me and Jesus graciously and quickly reached out his hand and took hold of Peter and then he said you of little faith why did you doubt where's the failure the failures when he took his eyes off Jesus and he began to focus on the storm and not on his Savior and you know what the moment any of us do that we will all sink it's gonna happen you step out with that vision that God's called you to have and you experience that success the first few steps man you're getting traction here and all of a sudden the waves they begin to get taller the wind begins to blow stronger and all of a sudden you're no longer looking at Jesus the author and perfecter of faith you're looking at the wind you're looking at the waves you're thinking how am I doing this why am I doing this where's the boat and you begin to sink it's a lesson for all of us to keep our eyes on Jesus because Hebrews 10:23 says let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering for he who promised is faithful he will never let you drop here's the deal if he's called you to walk water walk on the water he will sustain you every single step along the way so Peters brought back up together they walk back to the boat and they get in and two more miracles happen the wind immediately stops the moment they get into the boat and we're also told that the boat suddenly just makes its way to the destination according to mark six and John six and through the storm what did the Apostles learn that Jesus certainly is the Son of God and there was only one correct response there we're told they worshipped Jesus now worship is real serve for God alone but Jesus is God's Son welcome the worship it was right it's the right response in closing have you taken your eyes off of Jesus do you feel overwhelmed by life and feel like you're sinking under the storms of life it wasn't too late for Peter it's not too late now will you please call out to Jesus Psalm 138 verse 7 says though I walk in the midst of trouble you will revive me your right hand will save me let's pray father thank you so much for this time in your word that you are the God who strengthens that you are the God who restores that you're the God who revives and Lord you know the hearts that are here tonight and I pray for each one Lord that they would experience your strength father you know those who are going through a storm right now and maybe they didn't feel alone and they're here tonight because they're looking for a word of hope Lord would you minister to them right now and fill their cups to overflowing and help them see that you're for them and not against them that you have a plan to look for Jesus to keep their eyes on Jesus that they would be conformed into the image of Jesus Lord minister to them father for others you are calling them to get out of the boat and Lord you're calling them to walk on water you're calling them to trust you wholeheartedly and even now I pray that you bring clarity to that vision and father even though they might not know the conclusion that they know they can trust you one step at a time holding on to your word for it is a lamp into their feet and a light to their path we thank you father make us big people of faith strengthen us through the storms of life we pray in Jesus name and all of God's people said amen can we give thanks to our Lord this evening amen
Channel: Calvary Chapel Worship Center - Hillsboro, Oregon
Views: 2,994
Rating: 4.8823528 out of 5
Keywords: The Bible, God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Holy, Pastor Rich Jones, Pastor Matthew Dodd, Calvary Chapel, Faith, Grace, Revival, Truth, Prayer, Salvation, Calvary Chapel Hillsboro, Exodus, Matthew, Strengthened by the Storm
Id: QQOuVb1Pztg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 56sec (2276 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 27 2019
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