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Russula Such mushrooms look much like matsutake mushrooms. Matsutake Wow! It's so big. This year's first matsutake mushroom. This one is matsutake too. I'll dig it out lightly. My god! Wow! This is the biggest matsutake I've seen. My god! It is even bigger than my hand. Eh? What mushroom is this? It is purple. Wow! So beautiful. And they are hard. How come it smells but there is no matsutake mushroom? How many are here? Wow! There are four. Wow! Two pairs of twins. Two mushrooms. Oh my god! What kind of mushroom is this? It smells good. This mushroom has quite a lot of moisture. I'm a little afraid. Forget it. I dare not eat it. I didn't expect to see them in such places. Let me see whether these two are stuck together. I'll keep this small one here. What mushroom is this? Brother, the place where matsutake mushrooms grow is really cold. Yes, it is. At home, it is so hot that we dare not wear many clothes. But here, we have to get warm by the fire. Do you want a drink? I'll get one cup for you. No, thanks. You drink in the daytime. Have a drink. No. We're at an altitude of over 3,000 meters here. Mmm. Our hams have been cured and left hanging. You cured them this year and will eat them next year, right? Yes. This matsutake is too big to be worth it. (So you grill it.) Yes. I'm going to satisfy my taste buds today. You are lucky. Yes. Grilled Matsutake Wow! A delicacy on earth. It tastes good. Eh? How come there are two big flowers here after only a few days of my absence? I can't believe it blossomed. Grandpa, look, I've got so many matsutake mushrooms. Mmm. Where did grandma go to find mushrooms, grandpa? I don't know. She still goes to the mountains when she is old. She insists on going. I can't stop her. Grandpa, the biggest one will be steeped in liquor for you. Steeped in liquor? Yes. Grandpa, it took me three days to find these matsutake mushrooms. How come it's so hard to find them? There were a lot of people in the mountain. Mmm. I dared not speak. I looked for them quietly. Matsutake mushrooms are expensive. I'll put less here. Bake them I'll pick the biggest one to steep in liquor for grandpa. Matsutake Liquor Grandma, you're back. Aji, you guys are back. Let me see how many mushrooms you've found. Well, I didn't find anything. My god! There is such a large basket of them. Oh my god! I didn't find mushrooms. Are these not mushrooms? Just some Russula virescens mushrooms of poor quality. I can't believe there are Lactarius angustizonatus mushrooms. Grandma, you didn't tell me the place where mushrooms gather. The mushrooms don't gather in one place. It's just that there are very few in one place. They are under the trees. It doesn't matter. I like to find them under the trees. Well. Wow! These mushrooms look really nice. Let me take a look at this chicken. Stop. You scared it. Ham Pick an ugly one. Scallion, Salt Lard Carrot, Peas, Corn Diced Matsutake Sweet Sausage Water Simmer it for half an hour Egg, Salt Add lard and water Steam it for five minutes Light Soy Sauce Steamed Rice with Matsutake Steam it for another five minutes I'll leave this big one for Axia. Steamed Egg with Matsutake Chopped Scallion Pieces Chili, Garlic Cloves Mixed Mushrooms Salt Grandma's Mixed Mushrooms I'll leave this big one for auntie's family. We'll eat this small one first. Snow Matsutake Wasabi Stewed Chicken with Matsutake One bowl of soup for each of us. Grandpa, this bowl of soup with two slices of matsutake is for you. Give me less, or I can't finish. Spoon less. Matsutake tastes sweet. Our place doesn't produce this kind of mushroom, right? Right. How could our place produce it? There is not enough altitude and the temperature is not right. This is the way to eat it. What is it? This is wasabi paste. Dip the matsutake into it. Mmm. Dip one piece into it. If you dip two pieces into it, they won't taste flavorful. These two pieces are for grandpa. Doesn't it taste good? My god! It tastes great. It tastes crispy. Is it crispy? It is tender. It is very tender. There is a refreshing smell. It is crispy. It is really tasty. It is tender. It tastes really good. This small plate of matsutake sells at 688 yuan in the restaurant. Everyone must have it. The raw piece tastes even better than the cooked one. You can just give me 100 yuan. Okay. It is as smooth as tofu. Mmm. Get a full bowl of it. Is this Termite mushrooms? It is matsutake. It is matsutake, not Termite mushrooms. You need to eat more. This tastes good. Mmm. Then eat more. It tastes so good. Really. This dish is spicy and flavorful. Mmm. It tastes great. That's the way it should be. With more garlic, it smells great. Let me take the pot here. I'll fry matsutake for you. Eat slowly and don't get choked, grandpa. It tastes best when it is cooked this way. Mmm. I wonder whether our neighbors have smelt it. Even if they have, it is quiet. The smell goes far. It travels for kilometers. How could they not smell it? Pan-Fried Matsutake How could it be several kilometers? When they roast duck at the entrance of the village, we can smell it at home. They are ready. Eat. Let me taste it first. It is tasty. Where can I find such a delicacy? It is going to be burnt. No. Huh? Grandpa, do you want more? Will you eat corn? Oh, you love eating corn. It loves eating corn. It really likes eating corn. Eat the last few pieces. What do you keep them for? Well. Okay. Dried and Ground Matsutake Pork, Chopped Scallion Pieces, Minced Ginger, Egg, Salt Dried and Ground Matsutake Well, this is enough. Keep it for future. Dried and Ground Matsutake-Flavored Wontons Grandpa, let's not wait for grandma. Let's eat first. Can you guess what this is? What is this? It is the wonton I put matsutake inside, grandpa.
Channel: 滇西小哥 Dianxi Xiaoge
Views: 6,851,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 滇西小哥, Ms Dianx, Điền Tây Tiểu Ca, 雲南, 雲南美食, 鄉間美食, 云南, 云南美食, 乡间美食, dianxixiaoge, 火锅, dianxi xiaoge cooking
Id: 8_04c3UsmqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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