Matisse meets Picasso documentary (2002)

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right magic quark leopard to your eldest son today I'm chose the design 18 patio set having the Maya de Ciencias ASEAN mr. karate vacant pre-made the dark path okay I'm certain I can trust that I believe no personally I can indeed Apache donated surface soup the soup as clear as do you satisfied met neoman even a poor Melissa said in patio a victim I led [Music] what happens when two giants of the art world meet Rafael no doubt met Michelangelo but we have no account of it in the 19th century uncommon delaqua confronted each other from a distance the relationship between Matisse and Picasso was unique there has been nothing else like it in art history [Music] is a genius necessarily a Lone Star or Ken genius be nourished by the presence of an equal Matisse and Picasso side-by-side [Music] at the start of their public renown both have broken with tradition with the establishment petrified in the imitation of nature Matisse is first with his woman with hat he becomes the uncontested leader of the group known as the full which includes Brack and Dara in 1905 at the autumn salon the portrait of his wife Emily causes an uproar everyone who saw the painting of his wife was stupefied the reaction was either anger or derision they were the only reactions but there was one group of rather strange people there and they were American of course it was the stein family they weren't laughing they were absolutely stunned by the picture and they ended up buying it the Stein's two brothers and a sister with an uncanny knack for recognizing what was really new Lea the East the chooses Gertrude the intellectual rights and Michael the oldest takes care of the family fortune their first Matisse is hung on the wall of their Paris apartment among the gogans and the seasons it is then joined by the paintings of a young unknown Spaniard Picasso Gertrude Stein is determined the two should meet Picasso and Matisse have the strength of genius she declares she is convinced it will be a Clash of the Titans [Music] Picasso the andalusia born in Malaga impetuous volcanic are born painter his father was a painter and drawing teacher who initiated him to art and encouraged his talent he was a child prodigy admired an unrivaled from childhood on Matisse had a northern temperament silent stubborn the son of a corn merchant unaware of his talent for the first twenty years of his life in a small village in Picardy when he became aware of his vocation it was a family scandal was one consider Austrian Matisse needed to think things through he was someone who needed to rationalize what he did to really try to rationalize explain the castle on the other hand really didn't care about that he thought of himself as a worker he wore workers overalls which is something that tisse never did medusa Gilligan I would say that Matisse was very French in the way he organized his thoughts don't go New Jersey bossy whereas with Picasso you have someone much more impulsive he grappled with his painting immersed himself completely in it driving it on to its conclusion restructuring painting giving it the force of a primal image Picasso spends nine months on a picture that was to be a manifesto [Music] about Barrett bordello the Casas [ __ ] lehder Moselle davon ooh are the final blow flying in the face of tradition proclaiming life's a [ __ ] Matisse's Demoiselle painted the same year our idols they inhabit a golden age in the light of the first morning the sacred becomes tangible as man breaks free of nature Matisse is no longer the boss he considers this youngster who has usurped his place at the head of the avant-garde maybe this sacrilegious young man is a chance for him a chance for him to get bolder more audacious [Music] when he meets Picasa there is no clash but there is an exchange an exchange of paintings - to seal their mutual respect Matisse chooses vars Bowl and lemon a kind of primitive Suzanne he lets Picasso choose one of his most precious paintings the portrait of his daughter Marguerite with her defenseless look it is said because his friends used it as a darts board but it fascinated Picasso and he kept it all his life he was surprised at how much courage Matisse put into a search for simplicity his desire for a return to a state of innocence what really intrigued them both was not how strong or striking their work could be because they both had that strength what intrigued them was the irreducible in the other's work what I mean is for example the innocence the knife T so to speak that is to be found in Matisse from time to time and the intellectual approach to constructivism that was often Picasso's great strength that was something more or less foreign to Matisse a painting can represent the idea of things Picasso said as he threw himself into the Cubist adventure [Music] in 1912 Picasso invents the first collage an oil cloth imitating the cane work of a chair [Music] Picasso is at the forefront of Cubism the team leader from the very start Brock and Doha abandoned the full movement to join his ranks Matisse was furious said Fernand Olivier Picasso's partner at the time he talked of bringing Picasso down but despite his talk when a Russian patron buys 20 of his paintings Matisse's first thought is to introduce his patron stucking to Picasso by 1914 stood King owned 51 Pegasus in 1913 a Matisse said Picasso is a rider and we write together rep acaso is scared of horses and Matisse's legs are too short for him to have a good seat in the walkways of the word of London there away from prying eyes and they can measure their aesthetic ideas Matisse said I sculpt like a painter the serpentine is a dance the unfolding of one pure line Matisse's lifeline the arabesque [Music] at the same time Picasso is deconstructing and reconstructing his partner Feldman's face [Music] I put everything I like in my paintings too bad things can work themselves out for themselves Picasso said as he adorns his young girl with Tom ploy molding wallpaper marble [Music] an illusionist celebration of his new love Ava [Music] at the same time Matisse is completing the last portrait of his wife Emily a nostalgic elegy that resounds like an ad you I want an art of balance of purity that neither Harris's no worries Matisse said I have chosen to keep torment and worries inside me and only paint the beauty of the world the viewer must be wrenched from his torpor shaken by the throat made to recognize the world he lives in and for that you first have to take him out of it Picasso said the outbreak of war in 1914 does not stop them working neither of them fights Picasso is Spanish and Matisse too old at 45 he is refused when he volunteers but they are United at the heart of the combat the camouflage regiments each have a rabbit mascot one is calm at ease the other Picasso puppet painters represent the winning couple when the first joint exhibition is held in Paris in 1918 a voluntary separation follows Picasso stays Matisse goes [Music] from the beginning Paris was the city of inspiration for Matisse for his painting that is to say for his life but that painting was now beckoning to other skies other light clear limpid tenable light which she finds in 1917 in Nice Matisse leaves his wife and three children and moves into the burp lavage hotel [Music] Alavi preska sank on Tom you know who's almost 50 years old he arrived with his little suitcase his violin and his paint box that's more or less all who took with him he was like a student but it was a real break for him cutting loose he left everything else behind he turned his back on it he did that fairly often he was a man who needed to take risks Matisse has few friends in this he lives like a foreigner but in his work he lives to the fullest [Music] inhabited by new referee odalisque s-- the lascivious women of oriental arms [Music] in Paris in the early 20s Picasso's life is suddenly turned upside down Olga pavlova a dancer with the Russian ballet he marries her she is from an aristocratic family but her tastes a petty bourgeois Olga the new muse is not impressed by avant-garde breakthroughs Picasso Proteus turns to the splendors of the classical style he is the new egg to please his wife he moves into the elegant 8th district hood the lab OSC Olga gives him a son Paola in the evenings she takes him to visit duchesses such conjugal bliss begins the way as heavily as a statue Matisse now lives in Nice 8 months a year he sets up a tableau in his apartment a domestic harm he's still deeply inspired by the theme of odalisque s' where his two passions are combined the female nude and fabrics the unique beauty of the stuff of his childhood the silks and Velvets picady [Music] Picasso comes across the yodel escs in Paris he paradis them to provoke Matisse [Music] but also to exorcise the hell of his daily life with Olga the harpy the screaming woman who me can no longer stand Matisse is far away he is travelling he has already been to Morocco Russia Italy this time it's the United States but Picasso is in his thoughts when he arrives in New York in 1930 he gets a star's welcome in America he is awarded the Carnegie Prize the Nobel of the art world he becomes a member of the jury and make sure that Picasso gets the prize too then he sets off for California crosses the Pacific on the Gogan Trail seeking the Golden Age he gets to Tahiti as mana is making his famous film taboo Myrna takes this photo of him as soon as he arrives when he got to Tahiti he said it's incredible how like Normandy it is he had an attitude to traveling that was kind of like the exotic who didn't really exist Matisse stays in Tahiti for almost three months he spends 20 days alone near a lagoon on a coral island most of the time he was just totally bored he wrote desperate letters to people he told them he couldn't work there was nothing there to inspire him he wondered why he bothered to travel at all but his boredom was always a sure sign that something was going on deep inside him I've never seen anything I've always lived inside myself says Picasso as his name goes around the world like wildfire he doesn't travel he doesn't know how to drive he doesn't leave his studio me she pondered he wasn't someone who needed tourism she palliative care he didn't need outside stimulus of that kind of it on the old Wartortle or Tony would just hang out in his studio with a packet of tobacco for care of the most banal things around him a pipe of broken old violin a little pedestal table dippers prefer he could get 10 years work out of that desorbed it all right for me says Picasso to paint a picture is to engage in a dramatic action in the course of which reality will be disengaged dramatic action needs solitude it happens at night in silence as close as possible to the unconscious is more certain I Lumiere electric Roscoe well I think he used electric light because it gives a strong light becomes especially para ninos and as it's not supposed to be night in his mind it isn't night the light always comes from a window because he knows what light coming from a window looks like he has that inside him so it doesn't really matter that bottles picasso does not use pallets or easels he uses newspapers laid out on the floor [Music] Matisse said when you want to use color you can't just walk in without thinking and he adds I haven't stopped working for one a minute in the last 50 years from 9:00 a.m. to midday the first session I have a nap and then pick up my brushes again until the evening dominating the old part of nice Matisse's new base camp wraparound balconies offer three different views between the sky and the sea it is the home of pleasure of bliss for Matisse but over the next 17 years it is also the home of his anguish at the start of every season he went from Paris to nice in September that was the start of the painting season and the Matisse painting always meant panic struggle fear he used to try to deliberately instigate the struggle by setting up visual tableau ms Olsen Matisse people's his world waiting for the latest painting to present itself to I am waiting for the love at first sight that I know is out there you I have at last found what I've been looking for for a year it is splendid it haunts me I will spring softly into my autumn season with it you Liz objects are his vocabulary but in fact the Baroque chair is still a Baroque chair it takes its place as part of a whole part of an organism that is an entity that has unity but within that framework it still retains its own nature as such [Music] the only objects that interest me are the worthless ones the scrap said Picasso there's $1 bet you're the Picasso's 3/4 of the objects in Picasso's paintings are things that never existed there are very simple objects if it's a chair it's a chair with a straw seat maybe even van Gogh chair from a painting of his roommate but it's not a chair that actually existed in Picasso's studio it's not a bowl of fruit you could actually existed in Picasso's kitchen Picasso's inspiration comes first and foremost from life women are the engine that drives him female mystery is the great subject the painter dreams almost virtual he fades away before his model who in turn does not exist nobody in the family ever really sad for him it was all done like that from memory from observation pray they I think that is a very particular trait of Picasso's very rarely ask people to sit for him take me for example goodness knows he did enough portraits if you like to call them portraits of me but in fact I sat for him for one afternoon in my whole life and that's all [Music] the painter and his model is also one of Matisse's great themes he too is a painter of women but his women are flesh and blood there in front of him Matisse needs Laurette in her movant chair [Music] one specialty muhammara fascinate vick Matisse sequin also more youthful that's something that's always fascinated me about my teeth not only the way he always had a model but he would be on the model in the model gives you a very particular vision of the model when you're so close in fact it's a defamation almost fisheye vision when you draw something that is literally on your lap your vision is totally different from how it would be if you just took a few steps back from and very different again if you're completely distanced because it's not even in the studio i have enough knowledge of the human body mutti said so why does he need the model said camilla buddha kissed that maybe it's bit like a crystal ball that helps the clairvoyant to see it serves to fix his attention it has a relay action or maybe like a battery enabling him to go in the direction he wants to go Matisse with his northern blood chooses dark Latin models Picasso has muses the under Lucien discovers a dream muse when he meets Mary Torres an 18 year old Nordic beauty [Music] holidays in DINO at the end of the 20s [Music] Picasso and Mary ties a secret passion at the same time his dialogue with Matisse becomes more intimate something happened to bring him closer to my teeth as soon as Picasso met Mary Terra's something suddenly blossomed was the rain of round forms colors the contours of the other liske a casa seizes on Matisse's arabesque to rejoice in his fertile goddess who will always be the sleeping woman I would point out that in general he was attentive to my mother but there was something else something happened as soon as she fell asleep in the lung in this softening with her whole body in sleep the voluptuousness of her form the surfaces of her hips lower back fine each head breaths a round round round ness that he loved well that was all that counted for him the paradise of femininity a reverie from the Arabian Nights Picasso takes Matisse's Rhapsody and amplifies it and the mid-thirties a blonde arrives in Matisse's studio a Nordic beauty but Mary Torres she is Russian her name is Lydia another sleeping woman to awaken an artist's inspiration Matisse as far as Matisse is concerned he loved beautiful women of course but he also wanted a strong woman who could be an equal in his life there was never any question of exploitation or domination with Matisse he needed someone who would support him but also who could work with him his last partner Lydia delectorskaya has explained how he was in relationships being Matisse's model means being the arbitrator of dreams but it also means being his assistant Lydia photographs the work-in-progress and then wipes it off the canvas with turpentine week after week always new beginnings major work but the Romanian blouse is a slow unfolding of 12 or 15 Matisse's turpentine doubt as soon as they are finished one of his process of creation was to work in the day and then rub out that day's work in the evening he rubbed out the result of the work but not the work itself so the next day he had in fact progressed although he was starting all over again on the same subject he wasn't actually starting on something different [Music] to think that I have never managed to do a painting said Picasa I start with an idea and it always turns into something else because so all your deficit because so would not rub out the previous day's work he would paint over it the next day in the end there could be 30 other paintings underneath the finished one they were still there the painting would be thick with paint that was part of its beauty sometimes Picasso masks the subject like Mary Torres hidden in the shape of a pedestal table he paints Mary Torres for all to see with lines that he borrows from Matisse nine years later Matisse remembers and sends the ball back over the fence in June 1940 the Germans are on their way to Paris France takes to the roads Matisse has a ticket for Brazil but at the Spanish border when he encounters the fleeing French he decides to stay if anything that is worth anything is fleeing France what will she have left Picasso to decides to stay in Paris for the occupier he is a [ __ ] his workers forbidden he is the archetype of the degenerate artist he stays inside his studio will de Gaulle gusta for as long as the occupation lasts painting is an exorcism for Picasso the story of the era can be read no bad two women one without a woman's face it is a him to torture you violence is everywhere in forks in knives you there is no evil to be found in Matisse's paintings of the time like there's still life with oysters and lemons Picasso is missing Matisse he buys the painting but his loans that his wife is in prison that his daughter Marguerite has been arrested and deported for working with the resistance but art goes on he changes nothing in his painting his painting resists we are not beaten if we can still try to create to bring forth harmony which may seem impossible in such times of destruction if we can create it on a canvas that's a victory isn't it a painter capable of such a victory in such times of dread is it the insensitivity of a man is it the artistic detachment of a painter in his ivory tower is its supreme indifference a witness from the time can answer that question a young painter Francoise Gilot comes into Picasso's life in 1943 she discovers Matisse's bowl of oranges in Picasso's studio Hooda grant or Gustave Picasso has just bought it and given it a place of honor it's like a manifestation of joy so full of sensitivity it's a jubilation of happiness and Matisse replied yes maybe it's a painter I was like that but it was a time in my life when I wanted to commit suicide my life was so difficult I couldn't see anyway art etc and he said but even if I wanted to commit suicide the aestheticism of joy was still there always there in the same my role is to lend calm because I myself need calm the man himself is Samba anguished he did not sleep much at night he had a nurse with him and one of her duties was to read to him at night she read him semen all he had always read seemed annoyed he loved the foggy northern atmosphere in Seminoles psychological thrillers but in the work of a painter anguish is a tool it's a calm please and he almost took pleasure in it he said I needed it to feel the cutting edge forces arteriolar brush you can live like a Pasha but if you want to do real work you have to work hard and be on the edge Picasso is Matisse's brother in anguish when he wasn't thinking liberal life especially his own life wasn't worth living here because it was unbearable he would be obsessed by how ill he imagined he was CI Seco kaspersky it's comical Rael insulted because his health was excellent he was big and strong and he lived to 92 no problem 14 packets of cigarettes and the rest sir in fact he wasn't too badly off painting needs the abyss comes all Cele Picasso had so-called fits of depression and he would have so-called suicidal ideas one day I didn't know how to cope anymore so I opened the window white and I said they go the windows open you can jump that was the end of never happened again the anguish is the same the conceptions of art that it nourishes are diametrically opposed is basically an expressionist painter by that I mean that his expression goes as far as it is possible to go it has been called deformation or it I think he's warning us that life is no joke but anything does also to bring us into the presence of death [Music] Mattie said I go to meet my feelings I go towards ecstasy he wanted it to shine out to radiate something something that would be a gift for others and the gift to himself when it gave out what he wanted it to give out France is liberated by the Allies in August 1944 wanting to demonstrate to the world that she is still standing she exports her two champions together again for joint exhibitions in London in 1945 in Brussels and Amsterdam in 1946 it is post war glory for Picasso glory and eager tributes he encourages the further I was surprised look I saw played along because it was already so well known and admired it should have made him happy enough to be known as a genius but I think that deep down castle was much less sure of himself than we all were he always needed just that bit more approval just that bit more recognition and he wanted power - he wanted to assert himself and rule over as many individuals and groups as possible Martis to has been an institution for some time now but his public appearances are fairly rare Midna so all was in the tableau it was Genoa but that guy maybe he had more self-confidence than a Picasso if he was a little more adult than Picasso who was the eternal adolescent maybe he didn't need constant reassurance about his work he had his own little world around him and that was all he needed that people in his world had no osmosis with the outside world Matisse feels the need for an opening onto the world and maintains it from a distance with regular correspondence that is also the occasion for as many drawings in 1948 picasso joins Matisse in the south his partner Francoise Gilot chooses a house in Valerie's she is a young woman of 25 pursuing her own artistic career at his side [Music] but she is above all his new muse she is the queen of the plant world she is woman as a flower Picasso is a living myth he is offered the Grimaldi Palace to work in Matisse has been living on a hillside in vance for the last 4 years his villa is called the dream the only luxury is a palm tree evoking his travels Matisse lives in the country of color Oh [Music] the Renaissance of the Phoenix a new life of the Casa at 70 years of age he is a father again phosphors gives him two children Claude and Paloma I paint as others right there autobiography my pictures are the pages of my journal it is a new life for Matisse to the operation on his cancer of the intestine appears to be a success he is reprieved but he can no longer paint he can only get out of bed for half an hour a day he is constrained in a new language cut out gouache Matisse draws with his scissors he cuts form into color [Applause] memories from his childhood in Picardy [Music] underwater images from his stay in Tahiti [Music] we should always see life as we did in childhood mateesah proclaims inspired by his first plane trip [Music] [Applause] in Valerie's the Casa 2 is exploring a new language ceramics an artistic tradition that he soon bends to his own rules the highlight of his life in the South is the family visits to the Matisse household in his last nice apartment Regina and simmias a social norm of yesterday was the only thing I remember is the intensity the state of excitement when we were setting off in the car to visit Matisse shame at ease because at the prison he can wash it there OC multi-block I was as excited as my parents when we got there it was like a firework display I see everyone bouncing words of each other OC sizing each other up assessing where the others were at how alert they were it was gripping he another interlocutor throughout the century that was Brock never still her and me a ho there weren't many but there were a few but you said with Matisse our it was obviously on another level it was a question of caliber and that was irreplaceable for Picasso the bedroom is the setting for these meetings oculus was often in bed he didn't give the impression of being ill he was more like a leonine prisoners like a lion with velvet paws but a lion all the same the old fall they take up their discussions again often led by Picasso always concerning the mystery the revelation of opposites black Casso would complain that he always found the solution right away on the first day he would already have found a solution so he would demolish it to find a second one that's why he said his painting was a sum of destructions so my teeth said to him but that makes you lucky because you have so many ways of going about it you have so many ways that you don't know which one to follow you can help one today and another tomorrow it's not at all the same for me I have only one possible choice there is only one way for me the fascination with opposites is nourished by a series of full frontal shocks from a distance like in 1945 when Picasso discovered Matisse's open composition in still life with magnolia Pablo thought the painting wasn't well enough thought through yes but it works rumbling away that I always said everything Matisse did was great and he didn't like that makeup but he also said that it was true but it worked it had precisely that element of irreducibility that escaped him and made matys what he was as a committee said the chelating or during the occupation when Picasso acquired Matisse's red chair astounded by the use of red and green he has always said look at that painting I can't understand how anyone could put those two shades together he's the only one person who could have done that or when Matisse first saw Picasso's reclining nude at the Grimaldi Palace and was so dumbfounded that he stood for half an hour staring at it thus comedies because Matisse was often incredibly attracted to things that seem foreign to him questioning himself about a reclining woman by Picasso it was so anti Matisse in every way with its deformations in all the rest Matty's would even copy it onto a notepad to study later all that proves that we cannot see the dialogues between them as being about their similarities but as being about that dissimilarities they both knew that if the other had done something there was a very good reason for it and he wanted to get to the bottom of it either to talk about it or to do the opposite the clash reaches a climax when Picasso or Communist Party cardholder discovers Matisse's project for the vast chapel see Matisse rematches himself showed castle a model for the chapel because I said right tell me this do you pray no I don't pray I meditate what does that mean you meditate what exactly do you do I meditate like Orientals maybe I'm a bit of a Buddhist well Picasso did not find that kind of Buddhism very respectable he liked things to be clear-cut Picasso could obviously never have done the vast chapel because of his perfectly Spanish and anti-clerical atheism he could never have made that kind of compromise but I think it was exactly that awareness of their differences that brought them together fate chose me to work on the chapel project says Matisse the free thinker Picasso was to help him carry out the project for which he came up with two different models and to which he dedicated four whole years of his life I want my work to be like a flower I want it to be my masterpiece [Music] but he says 80 years old he forgets that he is an invalid he wings away towards the light [Music] you Matisse's Chapel is a total creation you how to introduce immensity into such a small space you [Music] Kassar said of the temple of war and peace I want visitors to carry candles and to walk around the walls like in a prehistoric cave [Music] he undertakes his own chapel in reply to Matisse and in the name of his communist commitment painting is not for decorating apartments painting is an instrument of offensive war and defense against the enemy [Music] the two giants give each other ambiguous presence which reveal the double facet of their relationship homage and admiration but also unmitigated defiance like a threat Picasso gives Matisse a broken piece Matisse gives Picasso a primitive Idol from the New Hebrides mighty said here I've got a present for you really happy he said I'm sure you're going to like it the statue of an idol from the Pacific because I did not like it at all but he didn't show it so we stayed a bit longer and when we left of course because so forgot to take the tribal sculpture seem bad yeah and as soon as we were in the car he said to me what an ugly thing does Matisse think I'm a barbarian that Idol is just awful I like things from the Pacific but I've seen so many better than that one why does he want me to have it probably because he doesn't want it himself and he went on and on about it the sorcerer and Picasso couldn't make it out didn't know if it was really a good omen but he had to put up with it anyway when Matisse wanted something he'll we've got it in the end once exorcised the idol took pride of place Matisse's idea of the importance of Picasso's work can be measured by his reaction to a new painting winter landscape when Picasso brought it along for Matisse's opinion Matisse is so fascinated that he will not be separated from the painting he wants to keep it in his bedroom at the foot of his bed he hadn't expected to leave the painting with Matisse but out of consideration for Matisse he said he'd leave it with him for a while every time we went there we'd see this picture on the chimney opposite Matisse's bed whom Pablo said I'd like to have my painting back oh yes but I haven't finished looking at it yet Matisse was probably right the winter landscape represents their life in the south Picasso has shown his friend in the form of a big palm tree it's fiery fronds illuminating the hillside a fire that went out on the 3rd of November 1954 [Music] Margate Matisse's daughter call Picasso straightaway [Music] he never returned her calls he did not attend the funeral he gave no sign now the metal death of Matisse was the most awful thing that could have happened to Picasso because in spite of all their little Tiff's Matisse was like a friendly despot and he had been particularly benevolent to Picasso perhaps even a kind of fantasy father figure indulgent understanding so because his wave morning was to to carry on in their dialogue but more or less taking the Matisse role for himself Picasso spent several months on a series women of Algiers after dellacroix where Matisse died he said he bequeathed me his odalisque s' then he finds the house to suit them in cann a vast oriental style villa whose great space is reminiscent of Regina the justice of the peace [Music] the other son he who must be surprised has disappeared but painting and life go on the only government one realizes that even if it was not clearly stated he must have been asking himself what would Matisse have thought of that but he was on his own and he knew it he said to himself right Baptiste isn't here anymore you see Picasso is 90 years of age in his collection there are three seasons seven Renoir and ten of Matisse's paintings a casa said at that time I feel like I'm getting near to something I've only just begun one of his last paintings seated old man symbolises the painter he's wearing Matisse's Romanian blouse the two giants are no longer painting goes on [Music]
Channel: Manufacturing Intellect
Views: 301,442
Rating: 4.8460584 out of 5
Id: _b2eTU6fOEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 41sec (3461 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2017
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