Materialize -- An AMAZING Free Texture Map Generating Tool

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hello ladies and gentlemen Mike here at game from scratching we live in spoiled times I gotta say it's amazing the number of tools that are out there available for game developers and even more impressive is when new free ones come along and yesterday a new free tool called materialized was just released and you're gonna be amazed at just how polished and powerful this tool is now what does that mean is it for well basically it's all about taking images and turning them into materials now in this day and age I material is getting more and more complex is composed of a number of different Maps things for normal Maps the few smap's or color maps ambient occlusion height maps all these things go together under modern game edges to create more realistic in lifelike materials but the process of creating them has gotten more and more frustrating now there are a bunch of tools out there for handling exactly what materialised does in fact there's commercial one called substance b2m this is several hundred dollars as part of the substance pack I think it's 200 bucks so that's several but it is a commercial product there's also shader map which does the same thing and there's mod lap which is a free one that I covered in a while back but today what we're looking at is materialized from bounding box software now this guy is as I mentioned earlier free now III get requested to mention this up front I always forget to do so but I hate to tell you right now Linux users Mac users you are out of luck this is only available currently for windows 64-bit so I'm not sure how these shader packs work it might be able to work within those engines but yeah this is a Windows only tool so your are a bit out of luck but the entire kind of premise behind it is you can use the diffuse to generate height metallic smoothness and normal and then use normal to generate edge Oh clusion etc so basically as you could generate more Maps you can make more maps out of it and if you have multiple maps already defined so for example if you already have a height map you can just load your height map and use the existing one on top of that it does things like tiling your textures which is normally a pain in the butt and it can also be used for making rapid tweaks to a texture you've got so it's just a Swiss Army knife tool for generating textures now when you go ahead and grab it it's a zip file just extract it out and then run materialized within the violates its small it's like 20 Meg's in size and here you can see materialized we'll let that load up takes a split second here we go here's the primary interface and one thing I find a little confusing is everything Springs from the diffuse map but it's the second item on the list and this list is not alphabetical and doesn't make any sense to me for it to be the second item as opposed to the first but minor quibble so what you do is come on in here go to your diffuse map now that is basically your texture your color texture and I'm using when I downloaded off the web so I'm just gonna go over here and grab this manhole cover and there you see it in action now I'm not gonna get into a whole lot of detail about how to use this guy because you can actually go over to their tutorial sections and see a few actually they did a sewer cover so exactly what I'm about to do now they document the process and go through each of the tweaks and the settings that I'm not going to deal with now one the other thing I didn't mention earlier on materialized was actually used on the Uncharted collection to generate the metallic smoothness and inclusion textures when updating uncharted 1 and 2 from the collection so this is a battle-tested product alright back over to the tool nothing spectacular happening so far that is quite literally just a manhole cover texture now this is being textured in 3d so you can see here with the right mouse button I can orbit around and we can see it now right now I just have a diffuse texture so there's nothing going on here there's no light reflections there's no normal mapping your height mapping or anything else so it's just a flat texture on a flat surface so far now we can actually go into this guy click Edit and we can change the default diffuse behavior so this is what also if you would normally have to go into an image editor to order to make these kind of modifications and you can do things like change the contrast so if you want to have it a little bit more severe you can do so you can do a little bit of a blur on it you do an overlay blur of contrast so and just kind of play around with this settings each setting is interactive so you can see the direct result as you're using it now this one here it's kind of cool this shows your kind of before and after reveal and then when you're happy you just basically go ahead and set that as your diffuse Channel so now you've edited and modified your diffuse layer and now we can go ahead and create a height map layer so we're gonna go over here to height map the height map is like a black and white rendition we're black is going down height is coming up or sorry white is coming up black is going down so you see here that dark areas are gonna be recessed the lighter areas are going to come up vertically and you can see on the left hand side or the well the right hand side there is our diffuse as being modified now I'm gonna say we're gonna use the we can choose between the original diffuse channel or the one we edited we're gonna go with the one we editor and then once again here you can see there is a slider option that illustrates the that knot over here is the height texture we're working on and you can come through hearing you change the frequency wait so you can do it like if I wanna do displace details default now this is gonna give you a really granular level it's gonna look a little bit strange to you so what you probably want to do is come up with a bit of a softer one here and then you can change the contrast so if you want like the background to be quite dark so if you want it to really recess you can do like in that so your height map will be quite recessed down there and we can play around with a few of these settings like that until you get something that you ultimately are happy with I can also change the crack showing up let me go to default again placement details default so I'm gonna go back to this place let's do final gain just fuzz that down a bit and then we can actually go ahead and we're good with that so we've just created it so we now have a height map and we go show full material and there you can see now our height map in action so I could come back here again and which one is it so this is copy paste so that's PS paste see is copy always open s is save but since okay let me just figure out how to do this I don't know or edit one guess I have to just create it again so I can go clear we can go create and we could give this guy so if I do the full-on displace that or sorry details so there's really really strong it'll give it a stronger bias that and then we'll set that as the height map now when you'll see it in action so you see it's it's really pronounced what it's doing there and that is obviously not what you want so that's why you're gonna want to play around with the settings particular so we're gonna just go ahead and clear that again we'll recreate it as you see the process of actually creating it is just trivial well just go straight up this place that that's actually probably fine right there so we'll go show full material and there you say so you're getting the illusion of height where there really is not which is actually pretty sweet so we are part way towards creating our texture so all we started with was a few SMAP now we have a height map come in here we can create our normal map this one's pretty straightforward it's almost always just a matter of just clicking normal there's a ton of programs out there for creating a normal from a surface again this one actually doesn't work so I'm not really sure what's going on there maybe it's yeah I'm not sure what that particularly is all about but we can go ahead and change we can have a crisp normal map we can smooth normal map mids mids looks about right and they can change various different values here you can change your final contrast so you get something you can so if you want to be a little bit more muted and then you can set that as your normal map that once again here is the final result now with normal map in and you see you're getting a real realistic looking cobblestone street and manhole cover here you know like almost no work it's just absolutely awesome and then what we've got in this day and age is now with PBR workflow metallic maps are also becoming more and more common hey let's create one of those and yeah that's all you need to do and then once again you come in here kind of you can play around with it you can do a color pick to set the baseline on it so pick color I thought that was it hmm thought I could pick the color over there I might be missing something there so we're using the edited diffuse normally you can now there we go so there's just no UI update so there we're picking basically what our male metalness color is we can change it now I'm not actually that familiar with how metalness Maps works so what's so let's set that out and see what it looks like that's not bad a little over shiny but so there you saw we created our metalness mountain and you just kind of keep going is you can go ahead Chris smoothing this map and will be born and just create straight up one edge mapping again and tweak all the different settings so we could do soft tight that's too tight set his edge map an ambient occlusion map and here you basically create the power so this is how your lighting is interacting so pixel spread depth normal and blend normal and depth AO not sure what that's setting particularly does again there are a set of tutorials that will take you through this process exactly but we'll call that our ambient occlusion map and now go ahead and show the full material here you see there's the lighting interacting off fit the metalness map from the channel we set so our metal looks so we have the shiniest newest overwhelmingly powerful metal going on there but you see we've got depth going on we've got texture going in from our normal map in our height map we have the lighting the interaction of the lighting on the metal just looks flawless it's just amazing this program to be honest we've also got post-processing options here so we can do bloom bloom amount this is configuring them basically the interaction of our environment here we can do a lens flare if you really really want vignette so you see it coming in on the outside kind of shows the the environment the rendering settings that we're seeing our scene in it cools that one out we can also pile our maps as I've mentioned earlier on this is a very common requirement so you see here we can think you so we're tiling a bunch of maps together texture tiling I don't actually want to do that then you also splat them like so I don't need that can I undo that and I'm back over there so you do have the ability to generate your tile knobs right here or I can just click right here and just undo all of the lovely work we've just done and now that you're done with creating this again you've got a game ready texture in seconds with all of the maps created you can see it just looks sharp I'll amazed that this tool is completely free to be honest and then once you're good to go you come up here oh you can pick your own your texture format to go out so if I want to say these out as PNG see we've got bitmap now of course bitmap doesn't necessarily have transparency so to be aware of that or you can say about property maps red-green-blue separately so when you're done you can also say flip my normal out you can save this project so load back in so if you were working on something and you're not quite done you can save it and come back so there's my PNG gonna save my project will save that out to the desktop we'll call it um what the heck is that thing called man halt manhole cover and save that and then we come here look at our desktop and you will see it generates our normal our smoothness our metallic our edge map our diffuse map our ami an occlusion and our diffuse and height and then of course our original and then this guy gets created as well I'm not entirely certain what that is that might actually be there file format yeah that's their their native file format so if you want to open this guy back up you can and that's kind of it and it is amazing again I'm just shocked at how good this looks and how well this works you'll see down here you've got a click here and shows you the controls for navigating the world view you click that again to get rid of that we've got some settings options here so you switch mean mac style and maya style normals you also set your default file format so if you don't want to keep changing this all the time there's full screen it's disabled not really sure what to do about that suggestion feedback over here and you can also hide the GUI so if you want to just look at your generated texture that is an option and again I am staggered by just how awesome this free tool is and I hope you're just as impressed as me cuz this is really cool stuff and this is stuff that isn't fun to work with trying to get your textures to look just right is never fun especially when you're doing a bit of a workflow where say you've got Photoshop or your image editing tool open and then you make a tweak to the one map and then you gotta load it into your environment and see how it looks in the end it's nice to have it all here in one place with this real-time feedback and you can see exactly what you're creating as you're creating it and as you saw from what we just did we did this in a matter of just seconds and I didn't even really get into the details going on here now I do wish we could edit that's one of those things that my only regret my only feedback other than that the fuse map should be on the far left is the only one we can jump back in and edit is the diffuse channel otherwise you have to recreate it so you can't get your old settings back so I do wish there was an ability to to add it and one of those if I click does that brings back my old settings or does that reset it I'm not sure actually but that is dead yeah that is materializer I just and I'm amazed that materialize it and what it is capable of and you know I'm gushing a little bit in this video but I hope you can see why this is the sweetly impressive stuff alright and so again completely free unfortunately only available for Windows but you know when you're gonna have free tool like this that is this polished and this capable and this kind of life-changing if you are working in this space if you are creating materials and you don't have access something like b2m materialize is a gift from the heavens so I hope you guys found this as interesting guys I did of course the links will all be down below and kudos the bounding box software for making such a cool tool available completely free alright that's it for now see you all later goodbye
Channel: Gamefromscratch
Views: 531,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Materialize, Texture Map, Material, B2M, AO, Normal, Height, Displacement, Diffuse, GameDev, Game Development, Texturing, Free, Art, 3D, Tool
Id: vtnJToPxBNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 16 2018
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