Mat Fraser Full Documentary [2017]

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the the one line i always liked was uh i'm gonna do today what other people aren't willing to so i can do tomorrow what other people can't i always love that line of like like whenever i'm training by myself you know kind of always like running running lines like that through my head when i'm suffering like people aren't willing to do this right now you're the only one in here and then when i get to a competition and and i'm able to outperform someone on something okay i did yesterday with what you didn't that's what i can do today what you can't just knowing that trusting the hard work i'm putting in right now it'll pay off maybe not today might feel like [ __ ] tomorrow but it'll pay off what are you doing [Music] my dad was a paris figure skater my mom was a singles figure skater my dad from what i've been told had just split up with his partner was kind of taking time off from paris figure skating and was looking for a new partner saw my mom in the skating rink went up and it's like hey my name's dawn i think you should try paris figure skating with me she was not allowed to at first and when they finally [Music] got permission from her parents they started skating together and started dating and went from there there were pears figure skating team in those 76 olympics in brook austria on the competitors side i think i i got the best traits from each of them um my my mom was all about the the training the working hard preparation all that stuff and my dad was just a pure performer loved getting in front of an audience and that was that got him going [Music] and i didn't realize until later on but like i made it i made a joke one time like we're trying to get my dad start exercising a bit and i said something to my mom like you know i think once he gets back in the routine you know just be like back like when he was skating you know once he started got it part of his regular day you know he would enjoy training again slash was kidding me your father hated training like she she was like it was like pulling teeth to get him to the rink early in the morning she was like like if there wasn't an audience he had no reason to do it but then my mom on the other hand was just like like putting that work like when no like the work gets done when no one else is watching type thing so luckily i got the good traits from both of them so yeah i know i know the importance of [Music] you know when when you're on the competition floor it's just a reflection of what you've been doing all year long you know that work that gets put in it's when no one's looking you know i'm down here by myself doing running intervals i'm down here by myself squatting there's no one here to cheer me along pat me on the back but then at the same time when i get to regionals of the games and there's people watching that's i'm like i want to perform like when there's a crowd cheering like you you want to show off that's everything um [Music] so i'll probably save the lifting stuff like the dedicated like power snatch snatch pull back squat until later uh i'll go through some of the some of the metcons kind of get warmed up get going um so yeah i mean i'll start out with that just because it's paced cardio so you're kind of told what to do so there's no real thought into it so it's just easy paces just get the lungs get the lungs warmed up and then and then i'll go into the the metcon like actually having to push it and kind of grip through it and then after that i mean everything else numbers there's no like trying to work through it it's like nope these numbers hit kind of check it off the list more or less yeah today's [Music] day [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] like from being on the road for so long sleep got really screwed up the last couple days on the road and then yesterday yesterday my training is affecting me today and i knew it would um it's just the way it goes but so i'm feeling super slow today so you kind of grind it out on this day yeah i mean i mean like the the workouts i did it's like all right i know i'm not going to be performing at my max potential but you know instead of like my goal being like the fastest time i'm capable of like when i'm fresh just pick something so like the one worked out it's like if i refresh i probably could shaved off like the minute 45 secs something like that but instead i'm like okay i'm not gonna be able to do that just go on broken don't let go of the bar that was my goal so slow down the cycle time try to stay consistent on the road just picking out a different goal for the day something that i can work on something to focus on okay i look at my medal from 2015 and i hate that [ __ ] medal because because i didn't do it right you know it's like second place i got second place in 2015. i should be proud of that result i was the second fittest man in the world but i just look at that and i'm just like i [ __ ] hate that year because i'm not proud of the effort i put in i'm not proud of the corners i cut you know i i really like 2014 i had the same results 2014 2015 i had the exact same results completely different feeling about both seasons 2014 i i was so excited i felt like i had one second place 2015 exact same results i felt like i had lost and gotten second place oh and just about the effort you put in the expectations to set for yourself and so 2016 you know quit cutting corners started doing it right and the results showed for it and so as long as i'm training i'm going to keep trying to do it that way and we'll see what the results reflect [Music] before the games you know it was still [Music] training because that's where my friends were that's what they were doing type thing um never taking it seriously not putting any long hours you know it was like hour two in and out of the gym that summer of the 2014 games i was working full-time uh at an engineering internship at an aerospace company so you know that consumed a ton of time uh and i i think before that like i never met any other games athletes in terms of like like actually been with them outside of competition so like i always just assumed they were in another league you know um i didn't know what they were doing for training i didn't know what they were home lives were like i didn't know anything about them so i just assumed they were these untouchable athletes um and then at the games there's a couple different scenarios you know i kind of sit down like athlete briefing and i sat down next to one of one of the really good guys and remember kelly like huh you're my size like and like we're in little chairs and kind of look at my quad next to theirs i'm like oh like our legs are the same size like you're not like this superhero everyone has on a pedestal okay like maybe i can compare with you um and i mean rookie year the games i mean you don't know what you're about to get hit with but i mean held up fairly well made some really dumb mistakes had some really good moments and came out in the wash in second place i was like okay i think i can do this 2015 was just like a [Music] being dumbass ended up getting second again but then by by the 2016 season you know i kind of figured my stuff out kind of figured out what i needed to do what i needed to change uh for that upcoming season you know really dedicated myself i wasn't in school anymore so really dedicated everything you know day revolved around my training it wasn't just my time in the gym is when i put in the work you know i started putting in the work outside of the gym as well that i think that was a big big game changer and that was when i realized like okay i can i can do this wake up same time every day on day off day doesn't matter how much i have to do that day same time every morning got some coffee breakfast [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] search device depending on the what exercise i'm doing that day i'll either start my training at home i have a base pretty much a full affiliate worth of equipment but in a tiny space so i can't do like metcons at home i can only do like single modality stuff like just rolling or just squatting or you know just stationary stuff [Music] there's certain stuff i'll never do down here because it's like i can't get to the point [Music] of like just suffering with other stuff but it's there's no there's no opinion i i really don't like workouts where there's opinion in it of like i think i did that correctly or yes no kind of i like things that's like there's definitive numbers hold this number for this duration time you do that for probably two hours altogether finish that up immediately eat stretch uh then i'll go go into champlain valley crossfit i'll do all the stuff that i can't do at home you know like the metronomes where you're running around different stations type thing anything overhead lifting any pull up type stuff [Music] [Music] [Music] about the pace i probably could have done two more rounds [Music] probably should push a little more finish that up stretch eat and then uh and then usually when i get home i'll do another like hour two of like just kind of the accessory work you know stuff that isn't hard i'm not gonna be breathing heavy it's kind of stuff you know you can do it with a buddy and kind of carry on a conversation the whole time just all that little nagging stuff that just piles up finish that stretch eat bed so i'm in the corner like i didn't realize that time like the top lifters in crossfire snatching like 285 maybe 300 and i'm just repping out 275 like not too much effort and so some of the people like what what are you doing like like dude why aren't you like competing type thing i'm like well like you haven't you haven't seen my cardio showed up to 2014 regionals and won it and so i think that's when people like kind of first notice me like oh like this is your rookie season at regionals and you did so well i was like nope actually i was here last year and like did very well in events that required heavy barbells and then tanked everything else and i remember i remember leaving that and looking at the guys that beat me and thinking i think if i worked hard like i think if i practiced i could beat them like i don't think they're naturally physically more capable to me um and so there was one workout that was a thousand meter row 50 thrusters 30 pull-ups that was the whole workout and some of the guys were getting on the road and pulling like a 140 pace for the whole thousand i'm just like never seen those numbers on the screen i think i pulled my thousand meters out like a 152 just dead dead slow but then i was fast enough on the thrusters to make up time and it was great like i suck at rowing uh so i got a rower and i rode between four and five thousand meters a day for a whole year and just i was like i suck at rowing time to fix that so i rode and now i still don't enjoy rowing so much but i'm comfortable on it like i'm comfortable enough on it to push the pace when i need to biggest apple in the world what's the goal of this meal not pass out during training last time we ate was three hours ago now i won't eat again till dinner probably so i just want something not to get me through training but not make me full because i'm about to run on the treadmill a lot [Music] going to sprint practice two or three times a week probably six months but that was the only reason it was like that was because that's when essex high school had spring practice if they had it five days a week i would have been there five days a week i got a lot of weird looks like the first couple days from the kids because like first day of sprint practice show up and i think they just kind of all assumed like i was like a new assistant coach or something and then they're like all right everyone make four lines we're going to start the warm-up and i got in the back of one of the lines what are you doing old guy we're 14 what are you doing here sprinting with the high school team was incredibly humbling it's like you have the games for a couple years in a row and it's like okay i'm physically capable you know like i'm one of the top of the world in the crossfit scene and then i'm showing up to sprint practice a bunch of ninth and tenth graders and just getting thrashed i consciously every day seek out what am i bad at and how can i just pound this weakness until it's a strength in the time from when i retired from weightlifting i retired i was like 200 pounds i lost 25 pounds and got fat at the same time like i don't know how that sway happened but i remember coming back from that job in alberta and just like just having like a big gut and like just flabby and i was like what the hell happened i used to they used to be in shape and uh you know just really not a happy camper you know just missing something you know move back vermont i don't i don't know anyone i'm older than all kids in my class you know i hear what they're doing outside the classroom i'm like i want nothing to do with you type thing like they're just typical typical college kids you know away from home first time partying and just like i know interest in that no friends no girlfriend didn't want to meet anyone that i was around and it's like and the fact that i'm like five or six years behind track of everyone else you know everyone in the class is 18 19 years old i'm here i'm sitting there 24 years old and i just wasted four years so i was like all right i'll start being a little more physically active you know i'll get back into weightlifting just for the exercise i'm not gonna compete i'm not gonna train or get on a cycle for a competition like just regular go in maybe feel good about myself [Music] um so i just looked up crossfit in vermont because they all have bars and bumpers so they just walked into the gym owner came out hey how can i help you i was like hey matt i'm a weight lifter can i weight lift basically okay man i don't want to do your crossfit thing so yeah i would just go in there a couple times a week and sit off in the corner out of the way of the class and i would do my snatches playing jerks squats watching everyone else run around with a loud music playing and yeah that was my introduction to crossfit of like just chaos going on with the loud music and like weightlifting it's like you're in a quiet room your coach is watching you every rap like you don't lift unless he's watching you one person lifts at a time if someone's going for a heavy lift everyone just freezes you know like no one walks in front of them no one makes a noise nothing um and then this introduction from the prospect watching [Music] this is chaos but they all had smiles on their face and i'm sitting over over in the corner alone like debbie downer i was like all right maybe there's something to this it's like a workout would come up that was like a lot of just barbell like 30 clean drips of time like oh you'll be good at this it's just weight lifting you'll be good at this nope like you thought wrong the first time i ever did grace 30 cleaning jerks for time uh first time i ever did it was with 225 and uh i want to say my time was like 601 or something and i was missing cleans i missed some jerks i remember like i was on rep 30 and i missed the jerk and i remember when i finished i could finally get my breath back and i was talking to the kid that like convinced me to try it i was like the last time i missed a 225 jerk i was 13 like actually it's the last time i missed that jerk but do it 30 times in a row as quickly as possible it gets hard ah i'm in it just to rewrite history cause i'm in the mood to label us the leaders of the leaders of the new school this ain't for the radio can't find this on youtube this is the type of killing that these critics saying used to victorious victorious [Music] victorious [Music] the last competition i hit the 300 kilo total i want to say like i snatched 133 kilos cleaned 167 kilos and i remember i just like finished and i walked off my coaches all happy big hug and just like all right i think i'm done and he's kind of like okay i get it and it was really uneventful anticlimactic just had enough i was like all right time to move on to the next phase of life and figure out what the hell that is so we we used to go back and forth between uh between my camp and here and so it's a six hour drive and like we didn't have the dvd players in the car and for most of the time my dad didn't even have a radio in the truck and so a lot of times it was just he and i going up like i'd be on school break and just pack up go up to camp you know we'd find a project to do and and like as soon as we got on the interstate like that tell me a story like there's no radio no movies no tv like it was just that tell me a story you'd be like oh well what do you want to hear like and like i knew a list of his friends that he skated with i'm like tell me story about you and port and uh and so he'd he'd have a handful and i always thought it was so cool he's like oh you know we were on tour we were in spain like at the world championships or some pro tour and and just cool stories about him with friends traveling the world and getting experiences that none of my friend's parents had those stories and i was like that's so cool like and and then to boot like you know he's he's on tour with my mom like they met at 18 and seeing all these cool countries and and i always said like i just want to find my way to make those stories and uh as a teenager i thought that would be through weightlifting that didn't i didn't pan out the way the way i was hoping it would and uh and then it started happening with crossfit and you know it's just i'm going on all these trips and touring around being with my friends and getting to see all these places that i would never get to see otherwise i'm like all right these stores are getting made all right cool they kind of corral everyone you know they call the heats tell you what lane you're in everyone gets in your your little corral for 10 minutes and [Music] in that 10 minutes i usually usually dry heave puke you know just the nerves of that waiting that anticipation of i think it's half knowing like this is about to really hurt um like i'm gonna i'm about to push myself to a level that's not enjoyable um but then also like the fear i'm i'm always so scared going out of the competition floor you know thinking all these guys are more capable than me like what if things don't go right just being really scared you know all these guys have trained all year to win no one's showing up trying to win second place everyone's there to try to get first place so it's that's pretty nerve-wracking to me we'll be uh may 2nd right now we're like two and a half weeks out from regionals the east regionals first week first week to go what weekend is up may 19th how's training been well training is good um you know not not hitting any crazy numbers no prs anything like that but just you know staying healthy feeling good uh you know kind of games trainings in full swing i'm on that regular routine that that i always i always chase you know it's i like i like routine i like staying home i like being in my house you know having my facilities all that stuff all stuff i'm used to i like that uh this week it's a it's a d load week so you know just really incredibly low volume try to bump up the intensity but you know i'm training maybe 20 minutes worth of work a day you know so putting a lot more time with the warm-up you know taking care of my body fixing up all the aches and pains but really trying to go hard in actual work itself [Music] i don't want that fear to go away um i mean like i hate it it's a very unenjoyable feeling but at the same time it's like when i'm scared that i'm not capable on a workout you know i really focus you know i really i know like all right there's no room for error there's no room for slacking off anything so anytime anytime i have that fear you know i'm i'm willing to go to a darker place to make up for that for that being uncomfortable or not feeling confident in that movement perfect example i mean regionals nate uh was that that was the 2016 season you know that workout i was petrified of that workout you know when i did it in training i i got uh eight eight rounds plus something out of a 10 round workout i wasn't even close to finishing it and uh you know you see all the videos of guys online you know [Music] pumping out sets of ten strict muscle ups with a weight vest and it's like uh oh i'm in trouble like this workout could derail me so i'm going into that workout just like absolutely petrified and then and then i end up doing well you know i ended up i think i won the workout in my region you know it was like i didn't let my mind wander for a second i didn't care how much anything hurt during that workout i was like no it doesn't it doesn't matter you can't afford to slack off even for a second so it's like just keep pounding and then there was other workouts where i was so comfortable so relaxed going into it as soon as something started to hurt a little bit i was like i'll just back off a little bit you know let this pain go away and then i pull a tenth place in the workout it's like what the hell that wasn't supposed to happen um so it's part of it is like i don't want to get rid of that fear you know it really pushes me to strive for excellence and then on the other end of things like when i am feeling comfortable like not letting that affect my performance not letting that that comfort creep in and you know make me slack off oh i'm getting all anxious right now rest days few and far between so when they do come around i really try to cash in on them you know i get up at the same time try to go to bed at the same time you know i don't want to get off my training schedule but uh you know i really try to take advantage of it you know just really relax you know it's more of a mental break than a physical break i think you know it's just kind of i get to just lounge around all day uh i love that feeling of going hard all week and just [Music] being so tired that i'm okay with not getting out of the lazy boy so you know like the day before rest day you know i usually add in a couple extra things that i wouldn't normally just to kind of make sure to bury myself so i'm okay being completely unproductive the next day but uh yeah sami up at the same time same breakfast i usually eat the same on a rest day and it usually just revolves around watching movies and stretching all day you know i'll have some rest days where i stretch like three or four hours and somewhere it's like eight or nine hours like i literally won't leave my living room floor just stretching stretching and rolling out all day just so i'm good good to go for the whole next week [Music] pretty much all my days revolve around coffee motorcycles guns and crossfit you know if uh if the weather is good you should take my motorcycle out for a big long ride you know we got some beautiful beautiful roads around here going up through the through the mountains so i get lots of time in on the motorcycle it was really good shooting range not too far from here so it's you know pack up a lunch and go go have a day at the range you know out enjoying the sun and working on target practice [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so if it's a day of or just like an afternoon knowing that like i'm not leaving the living room um it's pretty much guaranteed it's going to end up on the office you know i've watched the show 100 times the type of show you can watch without watching it you know you just hear the audio going so you're not really concerned about watching it and missing something it's just that familiar show i don't need to think about it it's cheap laughs and i mean i've seen every episode of 20 times so it's kind of that mindless mindless show to watch um you know i like uh like crime movies like a lot of those um stuff like like the town boys in the hood stuff like that um it's pretty rare that i'll like gamble on watching a new show [Applause] i mean i'm home so little and like i have so little time to like actually just like okay i have an hour to sit down and just turn off my mind and relax it's pretty rare that i'll like gamble on watching a new series i'm like i'm going to what i know what i know will make me laugh so yeah usually ends up on the office you know the last year i don't think there has been more attention on me um you know i think i think last year was probably a better story for people to talk about of you know oh he's come second twice is this year that he's gonna change that you know that's a much better story than like oh he's been here three times he won it once you know like i mean people will make a story out of whatever they want but i mean there hasn't been too much more added attention this year so i mean it's just kind of the same as any other years you know i've stopped traveling quite as much during competition season um so it's any time someone wants wants to film you know like all right well this is my schedule i'm staying home you know i want to keep in my routine so i can you know tap the potential out of every single day you know i don't want to be taken out of my environment like you know change my sleeping schedule for three days at a time or change my diet for a couple days you know i want to just stay where i know i'm comfortable where i know i can have my training routine [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so [Music] that was good usually a workout like that doesn't end on the run just makes it hard when it does because you can always go faster [Music] [Music] when you're coming out of your third day of training and nothing's going right and like everything's feeling bad and and then usually on top of it that's when it seems like everything is going perfectly for everyone else so it's like you just sit there you're like oh man like what's happening right now like this is this is my job this is my full-time job and i'm not doing well at it like this isn't good um but you know it's those moments that you know you have to [Music] i wanna say like trust the process but you know like stay on your grind uh it's like all right well things aren't going well make them go well you know like why are they not going well is it i'm not getting enough sleep is my diet a little bit off you know am i traveling too much like you're in control of those things make the changes um and i mean when i'm going on like week four of you know i'm just staying home the only person i'm seeing throughout the day is my girlfriend uh it's not like i have friends dropping in from out of town at the trains not like camera crews are around all the time 99 of the time i'm in this room alone uh no one there to you know slap me on on the ass and tell me good job like nice pr it's no it's me telling myself get the [ __ ] back on that treadmill get back on that row or start squatting again you know anytime i'm sitting in between training sessions like just messing around on my phone it's me telling myself like put down your phone and get back the training like you could be doing something productive right now like why are you just sitting here looking at looking at instagram like put your phone down go stretch be productive you know better yourself instead of resting on your laurels um [Music] yeah i mean that that's the stuff that i mean no one wants to see that it's not exciting uh it's not exciting to like walk into the gym and see me sitting on the platform stretching for the third hour straight like who cares but i mean that's what goes into it behind the scenes you know i think i think before it happened i never really thought too much of what it would be like or what it should be like anything like that um and all the changes kind of happened in little progressions you know it wasn't just like an all of a sudden like light switch type change of like this is your life now um and you know i kind of i have to remind myself a lot of times too of like you know people see the highlight reel um it's very rare that someone someone will post or like show the world the non-glamour stuff like the stuff that isn't sexy um the only posts that go up are the the videos of pr's going up and the videos of when things are going well when things are looking good it's don't post up the video of like oh man you know i have all these tears on my hands and i'm missing 245 snatches over here and no one wants to see that [ __ ] you know i get a lot of messages you know like people see the footage of the games you know see the footage of the 2016 games like oh that's so cool i'm like you're looking at a five-day window of my entire year like that is just like a flash in the pan this great content it's really good um we're not doing we're not doing too much today um just uh one quick workout i don't know no barbells or anything like that just kind of put the pedal down high intensity low impact stuff um and then i'll i'll squat tonight but that's basically it well not not too much going on easy day body feels good you know um kind of take these days of like you know the total workout time is like i could be in and out of the chain in an hour uh so you know try to take a lot of that extra time that i don't usually have during the day you know just do bodywork you know stretch roll out um i don't know kind of fix any aches and pains that i've kind of accumulated over the last couple weeks make sure that next week going into training you know feeling healthy 100 no no aches and pains just feeling good [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] um [Applause] when i'm done with crossfit you know i'm not going to try to [Music] i'm not going to try to stretch out my career longer longer than i should you know uh i don't want to stay in the game [Music] longer than i longer than i should you know i want to keep my health i want to i want to leave the sport still loving it you know uh like i did olympic weightlifting for 10 years and and when i left the sport i hated it and you know it kind of sucks because you know what i have a lot i had a lot of great friends [Music] um that that i met over the years you know like i grew up with them you know started competing when i was 12 years old and had the same guys at every competition and like we trained together we'd get together in the off season and uh i remember for a long time after after i finished weightlifting and it was i mean it was it was really bad on my part that because of my resentment against weightlifting i didn't want to hear from them i didn't want to see them because it just brought up my bad blood whether that was jealousy envy and just kind of disappointed in the way things worked out for me so you know i've kind of reached back out and kind of rekindled a lot of those friendships but you know at the time it just wasn't wasn't happy for me so you know the day that i decided to stop competing in crossfit you know uh i want to make sure that i'm still happy you know i don't i don't want to leave any bad blood you know [Music] so i've never followed too strict of a diet in 2014 you know i was a full-time college student so you know it was eating chinese food off a food truck that was parked behind the library literally five days a week and then if i was there late uh i've got to be i got pizza off the pizza truck by the library um so my i remember 2014 in a three-month span i did one competition and i weighed 169 pounds and then three months later i did another competition i weighed two or three so i mean my weight was just like a roller coaster uh 2015 season uh really did not pay attention to diet you know i almost intentionally ate bad because i i thought you know i work out so much i can eat whatever i want i thought i could out train a bad diet and you know you kind of see yourself every day so you're not seeing like this drastic gain and weight or like change of body composition um and it wasn't until like i watched footage of myself from the 2015 games that i you know that's the product of being a glutton and you know just like if i saw something that looked good it wasn't like i would walk by a bakery and see a danish be like oh i'll have like a danish i'd be like go in and get like six of them and just eat them all um so you know it was after i watched footage from the 2015 season that i was like oh man you know i can't out trade a bad diet but i wasn't like counting counting macros or following a strict diet but you know just trying to cut out the junk eat you know natural foods you know just a lot of fruit and vegetables and meat and you know kind of rule like if it comes out of a package you know probably shouldn't eat it type thing so trying to cut out all processed foods my body composition changed quite a bit you know i dropped 10 pounds pretty pretty quickly um so you know instead of floating you know just over 200 and having the problems with any gymnastics movements you know when i was over 200 pounds my hands are just tearing that little bit of extra weight would just cause calluses to rip so you know now i float closer to 190 um you know not trying to have those like giant fluctuations either of uh i used to wake up and i can barely have breakfast and then skip lunch and uh and then have just like a huge dinner but then i remember some days i would get a gym and like i'd be doing heavy lifts and like you know get light-headed and be like i have to go i have to go eat before i train anymore uh and so then i have to put my training on pause for two hours so i go eat let the food settle and then have the energy again to go train so now it's i try to i make sure i eat throughout the day you know i have meals planned um i have a sponsor that sends me pre-made meals so paleo natural sends me food that is like there's no preparation you know let's take it out of the freezer throw it in the microwave and it's made you know it's not going out of my way it's not a hassle in my day but uh yes you know just trying to stay even keeled with my energy levels throughout the day not binging out at 10 o'clock at night right before bed type thing you know simple simple stuff that i should have been doing from day one um just some leftover chicken from the other night with some spicy orange sauce that sammy made white rice it's delicious it's just to tie me over until we get to dinner no nothing nothing too crazy i have breakfast 8 30 every morning and then and then i usually don't eat like i might have a meal mid-afternoon if i'm training at home but if i'm not home i'll eat again like 4 or 5 p.m and then like all my calories in the day are between 5 and 10 p.m all of them what makes up most of your diet rice now between paleo natural meals and mini wheats mini wheats bite size only sammy brought home the hannaford brand get out so nervous it was really a lose-lose at that point because it was like okay get the regular brand but the big size and get criticized or do the bite size because what's your reasoning for the bite size though they fit more in milk yes and the proportion and the frosting ratios all jacked up yeah the frosting ratio so it was like okay i'll get the hannaford grand but the bite size because at least the frosting ratio should still be up to car they seriously taste like cardboard [Music] you know every morning it's roughly the same breakfast you know bacon eggs oatmeal that kind of generic breakfast and i eat that like as soon as i get up you know uh like awake poor coffee as i'm drinking the coffee breakfast getting made i try to let let food settle i don't like to train on empty stomachs so you know usually a hour two after that i'll get into the gym on the way to the gym i always have the same shake you know uh creatine glutamine beta alanine and aminos kind of just all thrown in one that's my pre-workout shake usually when i get home after training it's uh like a blender bottle of just milk spinach and uh whey protein you know very very simple and then i usually won't take another pre-workout shake before my second day of training or my second training in the day just because uh i'm fairly sensitive to like stimulants so i cut out all stimulants after like one or two in the afternoon and then and then before right before bed you know brush the teeth and i take the wad pack of you know the fish oil vitamin vitamin d all that stuff just to pack just have them right right near my toothbrush so i remember to take them every night but yeah same thing day in day out nothing nothing special nothing sexy it's just the stuff that i find has the most bang for the buck [Music] you know i had i've had a couple couple seasons of you know going into competition um where i'm seeing physical therapists massage therapists like two three times a week going into the competition just because you know things are flaring up a couple weeks for the competition and so it's like my ass is on fire so i get all the treatment i can while i can to try to you know pull things together for the competition you know i'd wait until things were injured to try to fix them whereas now i intentionally put in a lot more time and effort before things are hurt you know to kind of maintain things you know as soon as i feel like a little pinch in my shoulder or something go and get that get that little pinch worked out even though it's not gonna stop me from doing anything but i just wanna i wanna deal with it before it becomes like a big pinch or like the type of thing that's like stopping any mobility you know so a lot of time gets put into recovery and uh just maintenance work i try to do as as much bodywork myself as i can um so you know like just days off of stretching you know stretching rolling out at night um and then when things are a little bit worse than that can be dealt with by stretching i have a a scraping tool that that my girlfriend will like get into a tough area like on my lats or my back and like she's digging in there she's putting in work you know and then if it's any worse than that and i think about it ahead of time you know booking pt appointments uh a girl girl in my gym does uh dry needling and it's like oh dry healing is so good it's the creepiest thing i've i've had hundreds of needles from her never once have i watched the needle i've never seen the needle i have never seen it go in nothing i can't watch it i'm in a full sweat the entire time i'm doing it but is like bang for the buck results that is where it's at it's that constant reminder of whether i go all out and finish this in a minute 50 or slack off get rid of this pain in my chest and go at 210 [Music] in 10 minutes whichever route i take i'm going to feel fine in 10 minutes i'll be up walking talking i'll have a drink of water and i'm going to feel fine in 10 minutes regardless of which route i take well which one is going to make me feel better about the effort that i put forth that day you know if if i slack off at 20 seconds of my total time i'm gonna leave i'm gonna leave the gym that day thinking like man i didn't really give everything i had today like next time next time next time or i can push myself to the limit where like as soon as as soon as i see that that finished finish on on the on the screen and just like collapse 10 minutes later when i'm having my drink water i'm going to think man i'm proud of myself i'm proud of that effort i put in today i did everything i could today to to push myself to that final goal if you just win like who gives a [ __ ] you know like it's it's not the win that feels good it's all the work that you put in prior to like if you didn't do any work and just won some random competition by a fluke are you going to be like marching down with a medal around your neck like so proud of that you won probably not but like the fact that i 51 weeks out of the year like i trained my ass off waking up to going to bed was all about that you know going into the gym like hands literally dripping blood and be like nope like i got got to do some muscle ups today you know like like it was it was about halfway through the 2015 or 2016 season i had to go in and get mris down on my hips because i thought i had bone spurs in my hips because i was doing so much work and it's coming back from stuff like that like i'd go and get x-rays on both my hands i thought i had boxer fractures on both my hands from flipping that pig so many times that's why that battle felt felt good like like if i had one in in 20 2014 i probably wouldn't give a [ __ ] about this like because i wouldn't have had to work for it i don't think it's the win that feels good i think it's the hard work paying off that feels better do you think you're still working as hard now as you did last year [Music] i was really happy with how regionals went you know it's kind of hard to gauge you know it was wasn't like any other competition any of us had gone into before you know they completely eliminated barbells there's two workouts with the 2159 domain um uh so there's a lot of there's a lot of like sprinty type workouts but then taking away that that max load you know there's still some weight there's 150 pound sandbag you know lots of 80 pound dumbbells so there's still grunt work to be done but what so many people focus so much time on is like that one rep olympic lifts that wasn't a factor this year so you know no one really knew how things are going to pan out you know how certain athletes are going to handle it um it kind of all came out in the wash at the end you know uh everyone that you know everyone that people expected to be at the top kind of finished at the top and uh put up the high scores and um i was very happy with how regionals went uh on my part you know um there's a lot of like northeast region you know stacked you know uh a lot of guys that you're gonna see at the top level of games and a lot of guys that when they didn't make it to the games i'm shocked because you know i've trained them in the off season and i know what they're capable of if they made it to the games in the moment it's kind of a kind of pain in the ass having like the top guys in your region because now you need to take multiple competitions seriously it's not like i can just kind of walk through regionals and then focus on the games you know i gotta i gotta produce at regionals as well um but then on the other hand in the big picture it's it's great going against those guys months ahead of time you know see see what they're working with see how i chalk up see what my deficiencies are compared to these incredible athletes so uh went well um picked up some stuff that okay like the work i was doing the off season on on that paid off uh and then other stuff that okay like this movement or this time domain or this uh stimulus you know i gotta work on it what are we i think like 50 days out from the games uh like give or take a couple days 46 days out from the games uh so you know it's like fully fully recovered from regionals uh for the last couple weeks so you know really back into the regular swing of things you know back back into the routine that i was in before regionals you know back doing the track workouts the swim workouts the barbells all that stuff i feel very good um yeah i mean there's nothing nothing that's happening that i'm like doing backflips over but nothing bad you know uh so that's that's usually that's where i want to be you know it's usually when one element of training is going so spectacularly well there's usually something that's at a deficit that's suffered because of that but you know just nice and even across the [Music] board [Music] [Laughter] [Music] okay [Music] um [Music] um so you know i just haven't been hitting the higher percentages as often as i would like to be comfortable with with those movements and so i just said all right like i want to i want to just do a test run you know progress reports see where i'm at um so i had a number in mind you know i figured like 345 350 if i could hit that with how my training's been going with um with doing the really tough swim workout this morning like i'd be satisfied with the 350 knowing that with with all those other elements that are being taken into factor that yes i could do more i'd be up with the numbers i want to if if i was in the ideal situation and with a 350 i can still work off the numbers i've been working off and uh and produce the results i want to come august um yeah so you know uh it's not like the clean tricks are going exceptionally well uh 315 335 kind of routine numbers uh 355. i was very happy with how 355 went it was an awful lift but it was the fact that you know i caught the bar out of position and usually that's just a don't dump the lift right away type thing um but came up was able to get readjusted get my breath and still complete 355. and so i was really happy with how that went considering the circumstances of you know it was out of position it wasn't the pretty technical lift but it just let me know like okay if you catch a bar at a place it's not not just dump it and try again later you don't i don't have to waste that attempt um yeah so made the 355 and uh and just and just i don't want to say just like [ __ ] it but you know it's like kind of what's the point of doing 365. it's been done before you know it's a i don't want to say it's a routine lift for me but i mean i've hit it a handful of times so i just threw on threw on an extra 10 made it 375 kind of a pretty number and uh and i mean it went better than i could have imagined you know it was like for me it was the picture-perfect lift you know everything was right in place there was no sticking point out of the clean it was just like clean breath jerk done you know there was no struggling no walking around so i i was i was pretty happy with that uh but i think i think i'm more happy with the 355 just with the confidence that came behind it of you know you can fight for something [Music] for some reason we thought it would be a good idea to go to the track at one in the afternoon 90 degrees outside 60 humidity and uh with no water like what can go wrong right [Music] so you know we're going to the track and uh and i'm asking him like all right like what's the plan he tells me the workout and it's a 200 meter interval on on a time split finish the 200 jog back 100 meters and then 200 again jog back 100 200 again jog back 100 and do that until you've completed four laps around so at 16 intervals 3 200 meters at pace and uh and then 16 100 so trying to recover while still jogging and he told me the time splits that that i was going to be that was the goal to keep and i just i was telling him like um are you sure like is there a break built in like after every four after every lap something like he goes nope nope i think you can do it i don't think so he goes yeah okay and so all i'm thinking to myself is like okay i'll try i'll give it my best effort and the worst thing that's going to happen is i'm going to pass out on the track and hopefully someone comes over and sprinkles water on me and i'll be fine so it's like it's just the acceptance of like okay worst case scenario this is going to absolutely hurt like hell for 30 minutes um if i pass out it'll end earlier but i'm not gonna die um and and even if i even if i fail and don't hit my my splits good you know uh then for the next 50 days i know what i have to work on [Music] got it the workout was what 5400 plus you had three eight nine twelve hundred and warm up twelve fourteen hundred shoot yeah seven thousand dollars seven thousand i'm just over here do you feel your heat keep rising yeah i know it's i know it's not good because i'm not thirsty yeah the track time of the pool time definitely get more attention when he's in town because um it's a area of training that i'm not familiar with you know when other stuff in the gym comes up that i'm like all right now i need to work on on my snatch i know how to train that i know how to hit the milestones on that but when something comes up like all right your swim isn't up the par well i don't know how to get better at that you know i i can do the bulk of it but like the fine tuning i have no idea what i'm doing so i seek out the advice of an expert and and just do what he said you know so you know he came up and he was like all right this is what we're doing like there's a couple different time trials in there and let's get after it and uh so you know it's like pool time is pretty limited as it is um but then pool time with the expert in the lane next to you kind of yelling out split times and yelling out uh critiquing technique um i really try to take full advantage of that you know who cares how much this hurts who cares how uncomfortable i am he's in the pool with me for one hour and like those hours i can count on one hand throughout the year so it's like i'm taking every ounce potential i can out of this [Music] session [Music] [Applause] so but if i don't hit my time we're swimming an extra thousand it's a little bit of a challenge i'm gonna do the swim make it in time but not touch the wall until after just so i can do the extra thousand oh you're gonna go like this [Music] [Music] henshaws humbled me a couple times you know like i'm like suffering through some like intervals and uh and i'm literally just pushing i'm no longer thinking about like okay i need to hit this interval in this time split it's going to just go as hard as you can and hope that you get in under under the time split and as i'm doing that he's running next to me backwards just like yelling my technique stop i'm like damn he's running backwards this is embarrassing uh no i mean i like it you know i'm not [Music] i'm not holding myself to the standards of trying to be the best runner in crossfit you know i want to train with the best runner right that's very unrealistic that i'm like trying to compare myself to someone who's running a four minute mile but that's what i'm striving for [Music] the games not too much will change um you know my training will stay pretty similar to what it's been um at this point at this point you know traveling is off the table [Music] as we get closer and closer you know even visitors like camera crews or friends coming in from out of town that'll kind of dwindle [Music] [Applause] but i think the only other thing is you know i kind of become more and more removed from just everyday things um you know it's like the sites just kind of narrow in on that weekend and and luckily i'm i'm surrounded with people that completely understand it and completely support it so you know stuff [Music] i remember last year's best friend just having a bachelor party and it was nothing crazy it was just a weekend on a in a beach house and last year it was too close to the games and i said i'm sorry can't make it and he completely understood and and you know it's it's a scenario that it's like that's only going to happen once in his life and and i can't be there um and so it's the same with everything you know uh staying staying home more and more um interacting with people less and less uh and really refining in the things that i have control over [Music] what's really unique about matt is the fact that he was an olympic level weight lifter and he is not rested he got crushed this morning he got crushed yesterday and then he comes in and he hits a lifetime best in the cleaning church that is legit i mean the fact that you don't train one sport and by doing other things you hit the best in your life that is that is really showing something different in this sport he is really truly like pushing the frontier and i think that's what's so exciting about him right here's a guy that's supposed to be tired he's supposed to be fatigued and then he comes in and gets a lifetime best what the heck does his fatigue even mean then right oh i'm tired i can now pr it's making jumps like that that have made people the champions as jumps like that that have taken people out of their careers like so you don't get one without the other like without taking those risks you know it's that same mentality that that blew out my knee when i was 16. that's the same mentality that broke my back when i was 19. like but that's the same mentality that made me win in 2016. so i don't know if i want it go for it [ __ ] it why not listen right is that some people don't they're not experimenting in their workouts right they're trying to like hit the max and what's my way of hitting the max lift and what you're trying to do is learn and if you fail you fail i think that's the difference between a workout athlete and a competitor right you're working out to find more information on you hook up next little half decent looking [ __ ] we got cold beer freshly snow on the e.t just gonna send it [Music] [Music] uh [Music] what's there v hit the ground b hit the top of the plate and like then plate was it wasn't like a high jump so it's like 100 has to be under under 60 seconds 30 seconds yes that drill is cool because anybody can do it yeah right and measure up against against you but the thing is is like you did it in an incredibly fatigued state right i figured at the end of the day he's trained six hours i figure he's good and tired and clearly my rested is is more tired than his tired is tired but i remember when when i finished weight lifting when i kind of walked away from it and uh you know i wasn't really proud of the effort i put in you know i wasn't proud of the results or anything um and one of one of my really good friends i grew up weightlifting with uh who became very successful in sport uh we were having a conversation and why why are you just packing it in you know um he was like you you were good and uh and i specifically remember telling him i did not give him the sport to be good i got in the sport to be great and it didn't pan out in weightlifting so i just kind of looked for my next venture um so now with crossfit going into every workout i'm telling myself like i'm not here to be good i'm here to be great i love it i love it when people discount me because of you know my build or my my sports background or anything like that like anytime someone says something like that i think good good you think you think you can't touch me because of the way i'm built and so in your mind all that's saying is i can never be as good as him because i'm too tall i can never be as good as him because i didn't have 10 years of olympic weightlifting background and in my mind i know that's not the case but i think good you've already told yourself i'm going to win so it's the same same thing when when everyone comes out with like a whole steroid argument people say oh he's only that good because because of steroids good because you just told yourself without you taking steroids you can't compete with me go ahead keep that mentality see where it gets you in life people see an ounce of adversity and they and they shy away bergeron actually sent me a sent me a thing the other day and it was like cowards and champions have the same fears but the difference the difference is how they attack them and and so like i was saying with with the with the track workout you know if i didn't think i'd be able to complete that workout i was genuinely scared that something was gonna go wrong that i was gonna fail but then at the same time it's like well if i fail good i have something new to work on i have something new to get better at um so you know it's like that with anything i do it's like worst case scenario this goes awful and then for the next two months i have something something to aim my sights on so you know it's the same as after the 2015 games you know that that pig flip could not have gone worse yeah of course in the moment yeah i wish i figured out that deficiency not on the competition floor in front of how many people but after the fact good i have something to work on so i mean i think it's that keeping that 2015 season fresh you know remembering my mindset during that season remembering the things i was doing that i shouldn't have been remembering the the corners i cut but then at the same time remembering what happened in the 2016 season and not just the good stuff keeping the whole season fresh in my mind of like you know how did i deal with injuries um how did i deal with being tired how did they deal with this that everything you know keeping that stuff fresh my mind watching footage reminding myself you know when i'm having a bad day at training and i don't feel like training i don't feel like going hard going back and watching watching some video 2016 season and reminding myself how good that felt reminding myself like all this hard work right now will pay off like it it's worth it in the end you know i talked to sammy about this all the time you know like i'm not trying to lie to myself and say like this is going to go on forever you know there's there's a there's a time stamp on it you know um when that's gonna be i hope it's far down the road i'm gonna try to make it far down the road but um you know i know i don't want to be a coach i know i don't want to own a crossfit gym uh i'm in crossfit because i like to compete in crossfit but you know i kind of look at it as the same as when i left weightlifting you know when i left weightlifting i was lost you know i was not a happy person you know just i didn't have a thing you know i didn't have something to concentrate my energy on i didn't have something to focus my work ethic on i didn't have something to work hard at [Music] so when i found crossfit it was kind of like like oh awesome i have something i can apply myself to something i can work hard at huh i was asking if you had all this [Music] stuff there's a hole in the room no i i just just worked out so my hair is all kind of sticky from the sweat and shark [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah we're heading into next town over for uh winooski i just got an email of duplex up for sale so we're just just driving by take a look at it um if it looks like anything decent i'll call call the real estate agent and kind of get a showing for it but it's kind of it fits the mold of what i've been looking for you know a couple units you know regular residential place but uh just a good opportunity for uh an investment property i mean sammy's gonna be the one running the place not me that's the bed and breakfast we open someday i just want to bake fresh fresh goods for people in the morning that's it you know not nothing special i mean it's very outdoorsy i mean vermont's a lot of outdoor activities you know skiing in the winter hiking in the summer that type of stuff uh oh very very typical childhood of you know lived in like the typical neighborhood you know there's all the groups of kids you know everyone's within four or five years of each other there's like like 15 20 of us all together and you could tell where everyone was because of where all the whose front lawn all the bikes were laid down on 195. we're looking for 295. the siding looks new yeah sign looks good windows look good yeah there's two separate units for uh utilities super easy to redo yourself looks like there's like um like a sun room like covered porch yep yeah that that then upstairs duplexes entrances into a finished porch oh that's great all right i'll call it real estate agent yeah don't be scared oh i never think this through it's too full boom you know that's that's the that's the number one goal um is just happiness you know who cares what else is going on in life like if you're unhappy then what's the point of it you know so happiness is definitely number one um what's going to produce that happiness um you know the big things you know i think i think the biggest one is just family you know i know i know i want to have a whole litter of kids so so you know hopefully hopefully you know find find some acreage find a house [Music] sammy and kids whatever goes along with that you know i don't know yet you know it's uh kind of the excitement you know you don't know what's next so i look forward to finding that out in due time okay i look at my medal from 2015 and i hate that [ __ ] medal it's because because i didn't do it right you know it's like second place i got second place in 2015. i should be proud of that result i was the second fittest man in the world but i just look at that and i'm just like i [ __ ] hate that year because i'm not proud of the effort i put in i'm not proud of the corners i cut you know um i i really like 2014 i had the same results 2014 2015 i had the exact same results completely different feeling about both seasons 2014 i i was so excited i felt like i had one second place 2015 exact same results i felt like i had lost and gotten second place well it's just about the effort you put in the expectations to set for yourself and so 2016 you know quit cutting corners start doing it right the results showed for it so as long as i'm training i'm gonna keep trying to do it that way and we'll see what the results reflect [Music] yeah everyone's your best friend when you're doing well but who's who's there like building me back up when when things aren't good who's there building me back up when i when something goes catastrophically wrong you know uh and the people i have in my life are those people and that's why they're in my life you know they've they've come through in a moment that that i needed them and even even simple stuff you know i'll be i'll be here at home training and uh doors closed the apartment and like when the music gets turned off sammy knows all right music's turned off that's training's done and i'll literally walk into the living room and just lay on the floor just sprawled out i'm so tired and i'll just like fall asleep right on the living room floor and and i don't have to say anything i don't have to do anything and she knows like i don't want to eat i don't want to do that but she'll come up like kind of shake me like here's dinner and and like she's there to support me she's there to help me do the things that you know i probably won't do on my own of eating right after training she'll remind me like hey you're going to go you're going to book a pt appointment you're going to go get a massage like you need to do that and so it's that stuff that day in day out the little things you know when when i'm on the floor competing that's that's for me and like i know it sounds selfish and uh hell it probably is a little selfish but i'm i'm out there competing for me like i know my parents my parents are proud of me [Applause] but they're just as proud of me for graduating engineering school on on the dean's list they're just as proud like that's unconditional love you know um they're going to love me and support me whether i get first place or 40th place they don't care if i had bad results and the people around me you know they're very brutally honest and they're kind of like well did you work hard enough or like did you do the things that you thought you had to do and if i was like yeah i absolutely did and just the results weren't good enough then it would be like okay then hold your head up but at the end of the day if it was like well no i mean i was i was staying up late you know i wasn't training you know training three days a week and eating like crap then they'd probably be like well probably deserve the results you got you know but well they they support me day in day out they love me regardless the results [Music] the one line i always liked was uh i'm going to do today what other people aren't willing to so i can do tomorrow what other people can't i always loved that line i was like like whenever i'm training by myself you know kind of always like running running lines like that through my head when i'm suffering like people aren't willing to do this right now you're the only one in here and then when i get to a competition and and i'm able to outperform someone on something like okay i did yesterday what you didn't so that i can do today what you can't [Applause] just knowing that trusting like the hard work i'm putting in right now it'll pay off maybe not today you might feel like [ __ ] tomorrow but it'll pay off in the end
Channel: RxMindset
Views: 1,177,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: x4pp8praRlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 4sec (6364 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2017
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