Easy Steps to Profit: Trading Strategy Break Down Tutorial

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we're going to break it down into several layers um of these things um by the way before we begin I also want to take a moment to congratulate all of you guys who joined the mastering price action 2.0 last quarter the reviews are starting to come in I'm really really really happy to see those reviews now you got a taste of what is possible in your Journeys just started so you know I really I get I get glad whenever I read these reviews so keep up the good work and I'm very happy for your progress all of you guys who have who have started just less than three months ago so good work good work there okay so let's get started so we're going to break this up into few pieces okay piece number one now the reason why this is so such an important piece because everyone is raring to go that they always mess up they fall and the journey just becomes 50 times longer maybe a thousand times longer you you get what I mean now if the question is for example surgery okay we're just going to use a medical surgery for example and you see a doctor basically doing this you know let's say this is the body and the doctor takes a knife and then he cuts here and then he removes something out of the body and then he res stitches it back up and says we're good the patient is healthy and then there's an invoice that comes along with that that says $300,000 right so now what most people see is they see the $300,000 and wow it took him only 15 minutes to do that surgery and $300,000 I am going to learn exactly how he cuts open and how he stitches that's all I'm going to study do you agree with why it's important to talk about this first topic here if your doctor has trained only to cut open and Stitch you back up do you want him to do surgery on you right you want to learn all the elements around it okay what is this for why are we doing the surgery what benefits does it have to do it this way should we even be doing it this way why is this patient even here all these elements play a role so we can't just be focusing on this piece right here how was the surgery performed you're asking the wrong question you're asking the wrong question if you focus on how constantly and you don't know what is this about it's it's a it's a slow death of little by little account will be wiped out if not quickly okay little by little account will be so let's go back to what is this all about so what is happening in the industry you're on for this particular example we're using FX right we're going to use the Forex market and we're going to talk about well what is this all about and where do you come in as a Trader okay do you understand the role of a Trader what ises a Trader supposed to do apart from thinking only about himself and trying to make some money what's a Trader's job why was that role invented to begin with okay it is to allow an individual to partake in Risk let me let me emphasize on that word again it is to allow individuals to partake in Risk in order for him or her to make money from the markets now that key word is to partake do does do do many of you guys know what the word partake means it means to be involved in to to join in on basically yeah so now when does this risk come when does this risk come so this is something we need to understand okay so now the game that you're being involved in is a game of transactions the game has always been about transactions whether you're financially looking at it through a monitor or you're looking at it out in the real world the game has always been about transactions okay now what does that mean when you hear the word transactions how many of you guys in this room think of Oh you mean 495 for a banana 285 for a apple and 65 cents for a candy you mean those transactions is that is that what's going through your mind when you think of the word transaction okay so I'm gonna I'm going to use another word for you transactions or Deals Deals this is an important thing to understand this is not just in the the material the the sorry the markets that you're dealing with in the FX markets in the stock markets in the crypto markets or in any markets that you're dealing with but it's also in the real world as well in the real world as well it revolves around this it revolves around this now many people are unaware of this because there is a lack of let's put it financial literacy around this right okay so far so good are you guys with me you guys uh C catching on that the game is all about transactions and deals or transaction not the one on a receipt not that transaction but in other words deals now what is a deal what is a deal let's start with there let's work backwards what's a deal what's a deal mean to you guys okay what's a deal a deal is something that is worth buying but it's available at a good price let me repeat that a deal is something that is worth buying but that is available at a good price okay it does not mean because I traded Swiss frank Yen Swiss frank must be the deal that's incorrect you're you're working in the wrong direction because you traded something doesn't make it a deal you need to do it the other way around you need to trade what is a deal does that make sense we're going to work around that I want you to grab onto that word deal and start working backwards start working backwards from there that's going to be your Pinnacle your your um your your starting point you're going to work from there so what's a deal what's a deal let's talk about it let's talk about it now now let's say this is you okay this is you now I'm going to give you A nice smiley face because you're a positive person and I'm going to give you some super cool funky hair because whether you're a guy or a girl that hair is pretty cool so keep it okay now when you're looking as an individual I'm GNA just change the word I'm going to change the word and I'm going to remove this for the time being I'm going to remove that out of the picture and I'm just going to make you focus on a certain element so so let's for time being put you in real estate okay everybody understands housing because at one point or the other either you've bought a house or someone you know has bought a house or someone you know wants to buy a house and wouldn't stop talking about it right it's one of these three always right okay so real estate okay especially after the boom that we've had in the last 10 years in real estate someone or the is always talking about it right okay now this is you and you do real estate now your understanding of deal is basically there's a billion houses on the planet all across the world you have in your pocket in your pocket here if I open that pocket up you have one million for example okay you have one million spare that's available okay that's your investment Capital that's the one where you're like hm how do I make this pot of gold explode right I want to make this one million to two million to four million to five million I don't want the one million to become half a million you know that's the last thing I want so what do I need there's so many houses to buy which one do I buy or do I just show up at the nearest auction and say I'll pick that one that looks good I'm bored I just got home from work I'll buy that house have you seen anyone do that they just come home from work saying I'm so tired H what house do you got I'll take it is that smart now tell me is that any different than what's going around in the Forex Market when anyone just says I want to make some money and they come around and says huh I think Euro USD is good I'll buy it it should go up I think Swiss frank looks good today I'm gonna sell it it should go down why why you you understand what I'm saying is everyone with me so far is everyone starting to catch my drift what I'm trying to tell you guys it has nothing to do with just because it's there you should trade it so you got to get that out of your mind just because it's available 24 hours a day it doesn't mean you need to be there and there's opportunities all day every day in that one particular product you have to be careful you have to find where is the deal where is the deal so now you as a real estate individual I'm going to allow me three more minutes to dive deeper into this and then we'll we'll move on to the next phase okay now as a real estate individual your focus is now going towards where the heck is the deal okay where is the heck is the deal and how do I make more of my money suddenly you get a phone call and you're like listen the or listen Bob let's say that that's your name listen Bob there's a bunch of millionaires moving over to Dubai and they're specifically interested in the Palm Islands you know that islands that are shaped as a palm tree there's a bunch of millionaires relocating to there why are they relocating there you say and you find out you do some research and you say hm Dubai's recently opened their visa criterias to people who work from home they've opened their visa criteria to every millionaire that comes in they're going to give them 10year visas you're like that's interesting so that's going to attract a lot of uh high stakes individuals this is not a guess from your size this is real data this is not because I think there's four Starbucks there it must be good not like that please okay you you understand right don't just guess use real data use real data use real research once you understand all this thing and you're like when is that law going to be passed that's going to allow all these millionaires to start coming in not only just that with the unfortunate situation that's happening between um Russia and Ukraine everyone seems to be moving to uh Dubai are they moving in are they bringing their cash with them as well interesting well I'm currently in real estate in the USA time to say bye-bye USA hello Dubai because I see an opportunity for a deal the law is going to be passed in two years from now I see that there is a potential that is coming and I get to position myself that's a deal that's a deal that you're working with so do you understand what I'm talking about right now in this whole process in this whole process did you see me do anything like this did you see me do anything like this and saying that's why we buy because line has been crossed you didn't see me do anything like that right because that's not how deals work that's not how people flow their money around you have to understand that did you know a technical chart is a representation of human behavior so if you want to do good in technical analysis which many of you guys are actually proficient in technical Anis never let me take that away from you you guys are good at technical analysis but you seem to to have a lack of understanding of why is it there to begin with what does it represent let's study that first suddenly your technical analysis will become 50 times sharper you'll start to realize that technical analysis now is like a gold mine for you but without the knowledge of why am I using it it's useless it's actually useless it is just a drawing because you don't know if it's a deal or not does that that makes sense okay so far so good yes yes can you guys give me yeses or thumbs up so I know you guys are following along every time you guys understand you guys can either like the video or you guys can put a fire icon which means you really understood it a thumbs up for your following along and a heart which means you just had an aha moment yeah so this way I know you're paying attention I know you're paying attention I'm watching you okay now let's move on to the next piece let's move on to the next piece if everything is about deals and now let's come back to the FX Market let's come back to the FX Market because I Ed the real estate to give you an example for you to understand okay for you to understand now what makes you what tells you a deal is hot what tells you a deal is hot before I give you the example and how it works in trading let me ask you this do you know Amazon have you shopped on Amazon before have you bought a TV before in your life have you bought a fridge before in your life let's take a trip down memory lane did you just buy whatever by just walking into the nearest store and saying I'll take that I don't know what it is I'll buy it what did you do tell me exactly what you did what made you buy it you looked at the reviews you saw the ones that had the most reviews and you saw the ones that had the highest and most reviews as a combination you read the reviews and you saw someone else said good things about it that made you want to buy it and then you're like the deal must be hot after all of that stuff you also saw there's a discount following it so the deal must be hot everyone is getting in on this it must be good it must be good so you used you use the Public's understanding of a particular item to reduce your workload of saying I don't need to do all the work they did all the work for me this must be the best I'll buy it does that make sense this is similarly hopefully given the reviews are are not fake you know we're dealing with a lot of that nonsense these days but given that the reviews are official and they're real this is how generally people respond if the price is very low and the reviews are bad I don't care how low the price is you're not going to buy it right let's be honest let's be honest so now if you keep those things in mind you're doing the same thing in trading but in trading all you're doing is technical analysis where is the deal where is the deal this is how you find the deal in in trading if you're dealing with Euro okay I'm just going to give you a set of rules and you're gonna have to accept my opinion on this okay let's put it that way you're gonna have to accept my opinion on this because for the sake of time I don't if I go into explaining every little detail we'll need 30 hours together okay minimum okay so let's say you like Euro okay let's say on the news today at 12 there's a Euro News okay what it is forget about it don't worry about it right now then at 1:30 there's a Euro News then at two there's a Euro News so seems like they're going to be talking about Euro right okay so if Euro seems to be on the spotlight for today what happens is let's say the news comes out and this is the price and this is where the news came out what happened nothing Next News comes out what happened nothing just because a news came out doesn't mean you respond a news came out nothing happened means there is no de deal on the table that people want stand by now if you want it I want it Lisa wants it Sally wants it and if we all buy with our 10 $20 of investment that price is not going to move so forget about Lisa John Bob and Harry what you want is the deal flow from the larger players you don't want deal flow from Lisa you don't want deal flow from Bob and Larry you want deal flow from the large corporations that says that's the one we want we want it now okay next news comes out okay this news event happens here and the price does this now this tells you your first clue intention it tells you your second clue if it stabilizes if it stabilizes it tells you Direction these are important pieces for you to understand is there a deal on the table as of right now all I know is intention and Direction but no deal yet no deal yet but I do know this is like that Dubai thing happening everyone is heading there that's where the action is that's where the money is now we come in as Traders and saying where do we fit into this how do we get a deal from this where is our opportunity to make money from this up until this point anyone who's activating anything in that area is simply shooting himself in the foot and everyone on all the floors below right you know it's so it's just a losing game to play that that is a liquidity game for unfortunate people who are just thinking of I want to play liquidity and fight the algorithms good luck okay now with a launch this way you've got the intention you've got the direction now I want you to think this way okay there's two sides of thinking that that comes along with this side number one okay this is the bad thinking here's the bad always remember this what's the bad thinking ah I missed it I missed it that's the bad that's the uneducated thinking ah I missed it the second thinking the good one this is now I know now I know okay now I know what that means is it's telling you their intention right now okay you don't know anything about a deal yet it's telling you their intention now let's move on to the secondary piece up until this point yes everything good with you guys so far I am just getting the tip of the iceberg right now to make sure for those of you guys who are new and really beginning and you were stepping into trading in 2024 I really want you to start right so you can avoid void going through the pitfalls of five or 10 years of stumbling upon this accidentally through losses I you know that's a very painful way to learn things um however you will learn it you know if you just give it time you will learn it but if you can avoid it then that's better my my mentor used to say this one saying which I really really love is uh uh a smart man learns from his mistakes a intelligent man likes to learn from others mistakes I thought that's a fascinating quote that's a fascinating quote okay so keep that in mind keep that in mind okay now moving forward okay up until this point you guys are saying yes perfect perfect now let me start cleaning all this area up since you guys have this fine okay we're going to go into this for another five or 10 more minutes and then we'll move on to the charts I can promise you for those of you guys who are watching this live I can promise you this I promise promise promise promise if you watch back the recording the most watched part of the video is going to be the part that has a chart on it and I promise you these are the ones who are not going to make it because they're looking for what's the answer I just want to know the answer this is the meat you miss this meat everything else is a waste of time if you mess up here nothing else matters okay you can be the best cutting surgeon the best stitching surgeon but if the person says Dr my toe hurts and you cut open his stomach oh okay you get the you get you get what I'm saying so learn of what you're getting involved with first before just learning how to do whatever okay okay now let's take a look at this now now that you have the intention and now that you have um now that you have the intention and now that you have the what was it calling at Direction sorry intention and direction is fit what this represents what you need to understand is what this represents sorry is demand okay now again I need to rewire your brain for what the word demand means many of you guys when you see the word demand what goes through your mind oh drop base rise that must be demand so I need to draw a box here no no no no no no no no please no let's rewind that thought process and let's delete that from your mind okay what a demand basically means is there is 40,000 people with a bunch of money saying based on whatever Euro News that just came out I want this if I want this you want this Bob wants this Sally wants this the big corporations wants this what's going to happen is we're GNA fight how do we fight not physically how do we fight I'll give you this price the next guy says forget that guy I'll give you this price the next guy says forget both of them I'll give you this price what I want you to remember from this launch of a move is majority didn't get filled this is the moment that you need to understand this words that I'm saying majority did not get filled fi l l e d no no no fill okay I hope that sinks in let that sink in and this is your critical turning point in your career they didn't get filled so if they didn't get filled what are they going to do about it this is where you come in this is where you come in this is where the deal is now being watched by Traders like us so I'm GNA say this is you now you are here at a distance with a telescope okay that's you in a distance with a telescope you're watching very carefully and you're like you're interested you just noticed wow look at that craziness over there in Euro I can look at the whole world I'm not interested I'm interested in what just happened to Euro after this explanations you'll start to understand why when you when you look at the your um CNBC or Bloomberg and stuff why they always talk about the biggest movers or the biggest losers there's an importance there because that shows you where the deals are flowing that shows you where the deals are flowing remember that it's important you don't just join anything okay you don't trade anything just because you can okay that's not the right way to trade just because you can does not make it right okay now so far so good so you were watching it very very carefully and you're saying if they really want it I want to see I want to see now tell me one thing here if you see price immediately afterwards doing this tell me about the intentions of the people do they want it no doesn't seem like they want it does it why is it dropping why is the price crashing down if they don't want it you don't want it so you say cancel the deal is off something is wrong the demand has disappeared what am I going to do with buying it what am I going to store the euro in my locker in my house I don't need it I need to turn a profit from it I don't really need it so if the demand has disappeared it's not a deal I need the demand to be there so what that looks like in technical analysis terms is this okay what that looks like is this you you get a jagged move down you get a jagged jagged move down okay you get a jagged move down now as the jagged move comes down as the jagged move comes down you are now watching this with extra excitement because now a deal is developing a deal is developing because you know this is something people want and you know you're about to get this at a better price you finally have something you can call a deal you've never been able to call a deal of anything before in the past you now have something you can call a deal and saying I want to see what I can do with this if I can buy this at a decent price I can sell it to all of these people who desperately wanted at a premium price at a premium price does that make sense is it starting to make sense to you tell me for those of you guys who are on the younger side of things okay um and this also goes with many of you parents who have younger kids now those of you guys who are on the teenager side of things or probably in your 30s and you're fans of uh video gaming uh systems you stand in line outside the the stores to get the first day of when it's released right the the new PlayStation the new Xbox the new whatever it is you're standing in line suffering to buy four or five or six or seven of those things right why because you're getting it at the best price possible because you know you just need one for yourself because you like it and you can come home put that thing on eBay and sell it for $2,000 more and people would still buy it do you have you seen this happen all of you guys whether you understand video game consoles or not have you seen that happen whether it's with iPhones on the day it comes out or it's with PlayStations and all that stuff have you seen this happen if the answer is yes you've seen this happen I want to change that deal ever so slightly and saying try doing that one year later will it work one year later you're still buying it at the price you bought it from the store but you can't sell it for 2,000 anymore the demand is gone your job your role is now obsolete you have nothing to do as a Trader in between that is illogical to now participate in it is it starting to make sense what you do in real life you already know you need to apply those tricks in your charts I'm just going to show you based on what you already know you have to start to bring that Evolution back into your trading and we slowly draw it for you and tell you why does it look that way and how do you need to take advantage of it because that's your role so far so good making sense yes yes okay good good let's go deeper let's go deeper now as the discount is coming in okay this is called the discount phase okay as the discount phase is coming in everyone's looking at this and saying come on come on let me see what's the best deal I can get and then suddenly you see this out of nowhere you see let me draw it in a different color you see bam and you're like uh oh the intentions are hot the players are back I got to get my hands on this because everyone's want wanting to to get their hands on this the prices are going to rise again the prices are going to rise again if I can get my hands on whatever this price is whatever that price is then as things go out of control I can sell it at a premium price later and this difference is going to be my profit because if this price let's call it $1 just to make it simple and if price goes upwards it's obviously going to be more than $1 right whatever that number is above is your profit because you can sell it to someone you know wants to buy it you know wants to buy it because they have a whole different reason for needing the Euro than you think okay they have a whole different operation for why they need their Euro not everyone is looking to become a Trader in their life not everyone who buys euro is a Trader right people travel they exchange money interest rates move around what am I going to do with all my European properties I got to sell them off I got to move it not everyone is looking to be a Trader that gets involved in Euro you need to understand that okay so you are able to sell at a premium because you're able to determine there's a deal on the table that I need to get good at and your how your how is in this area this is where you focus your house okay now all of this stuff so far all of this stuff so far if you understand it now I'm going to throw you some of the wonderful wonderful wonderful technical analysis people will look at this and say you know what that's it went up because it's a 50% discount let me ask you this based on your knowledge you have today is that why it went up because it went to a Fibonacci number many people will say oh it's going up because you see if I draw a trend line like this the trend line broke and from the other side of the trend line the prices go up it was a trend line break test you tell me is that why the price went up you're smarter now you understand things now you understand why that design is being formed that's making all the YouTube technical junkies to say that's why it went up good good for you but you now know you have a better understanding of when can I use this trend line break when can I use my Fibonacci stuff and when I should avoid it when there's no deals when there's no deals you got to be smarter you can't just be a how junkie you can't be a how person you got to learn it all you got to learn it all and you can learn it all anyone telling you you don't understand this stuff you're never going to get it kick them please don't kick him but don't let anyone tell you you cannot understand this stuff I'm sure you can how much of this is difficult to understand it's not hard I'm sure you understand this thing okay if you do understand write write it in the chat I want everyone to see that it is not difficult to understand this say I understand in the chat so I know you know and you get it and I'm going to now move on to the charts while you type and I'm going to show you how my team today traded the Japanese yens I'm gonna show you I'm gonna pull that up okay all right all right I'm still waiting for you guys to type I understand okay it's coming in coming sorry there's a slight delay that's why okay good good good give me a second here while I get the charts up for you guys we're going to go probably five minutes uh over the top of the hour okay I'm running a little bit behind but that's okay he when you guys need to learn you have to learn there's uh nothing else matters you got to commit got to commit okay good I see a bunch of understandings Karan Ral um VTO Chi suly a Emanuel trade with Coco Mr Trader Anthony good good good yeah like tons of it is coming out now you're saying you understand very good I'm very happy for you guys good job good and guys remember 45 minutes into the webinar I've open the charts if my predictions are correct the most viewed part of my video is going to be from this moment onwards I can just tell I can just tell but those of you guys who have watched all the way from the beginning until now I promise you you're going to make it 30 times faster than the rest I promise you that I promise you that okay here we go okay now you can see from from this chart the angle is in an upward Angle now how steep the angle is makes a difference okay now when I say how steep the angle is I don't mean is is this at a 30 uh you know 30 30 degree angle this means something is this at a 45 degree angle is this is an don't don't go too technical on me like that what I want you to understand by the word steep is steep represents the price keeps Rising that's what steep means okay if the angle is like this or if the angle is like this okay now I want you to tell me the difference between the two is this an up angle and is this an up angle on one and sorry one and two they're both up angles right what what this angle means is both of them the price is rising higher and higher but there's one key difference is how fast how fast is the price Rising higher and higher the faster the price Rises higher the more you need to understand desperation in the market the the the demand for it the requirement for it is boiling hot versus when the angle is less angled upwards price is going higher but the desperation is not so high because it's taking longer to go higher so time is an element okay time is an element so far so good okay okay uh Maya yes correct how fast and at what time exactly exactly those two have a correlation and those two things need to there's a relation of those two things that tells you you know if you have a child that once a year says I want a video game next year comes along I want a video game you can tell like he does still want it obviously but the desperation must not be so high versus if that kid says I want a video game every two minutes until your ears bleed you know the desire it's going to be high okay you get that now right so the frequency of the demand it makes a big difference so far so good okay now once you understand it so in this particular case is from the 10th till the 12th this was catching everybody's eye and this was not just happening in euroyen this is happening across all the Japanese yens across all the Japanese yens okay in this case since this is called Euro Yen this represent present okay this represents sorry sorry yeah this represents euro is getting strong and Japanese yen is getting weak all the yens are going upwards okay that represents all the Japanese yens are basically uh getting weak across the board now correlation when I use the word across the board what that what that word across the board means is Euro yen up pound Yen up Aussie Yen up New Zealand Yen up dollar Yen up that that's what I mean by across the board that means a lot of them seem to be having that same look if a lot of them seem to be having that same look you need to start to understand this isn't just a Euro Yen thing this is a Yen thing just Yen like the world is dumping the yens for whatever reason it might be and you're like aha got it understood I need a deal understood I'm a Trader I'm not going to make stuff up I need a deal if I can get it get my hands on a deal we can make some money we can make some money so how do we do that first we've identified the direction the intention now we're on alert remember that's you with your binoculars in your hand saying I see it whoa whoa sorry this this is this binocular is pointing there okay sorry so you're looking at this and you're saying I see it I see the demand but I can't do anything about it what are you not going to say when it goes up and you're not in it what are you not going to say I want to see if you guys are paying attention type it in the chat and those of you guys who are watching the recording say it out loud what are you not going to say when that thing goes up and you're not in it ah damn I missed it I don't want to hear that from you because you didn't miss it you needed that to happen first because now you know now you know and now the question begins on excellent where's my deal where's my deal now that I know what the world wants I don't got time for research I know what the world wants I need a piece of that action I want to deal in something that is worth buying that's what a Trader's job is allow to participate in the ongoing risk of what the world wants okay that's your job whether you're buying a banana a property uh whatever you're doing it's the same thing over and over and over again okay now as prices start to come down they hover and they start to pull in they hover and they start to pull in now how much do you need it to pull in now that has remember this is now we're getting into the how part okay we're getting to the how part if you watch some of my if you go through our courses it's the fastest way I'm not trying to plug that in as as a selling point but if you're a person who's strapped on cash for example then you don't need to go through the course R just go through my videos the answers are there they're not in order they're all over the place but the answers are there but if you do are if you're not strapped with cash obviously you can go to the course routes everything is straightly lined up of what you need to know in what order and it's just unfolded piece by piece and it's like next next next and you get hungrier and hungrier the deeper you go down the rabbit hole Yeah okay now as the prices are starting to come down tell me this there's one thing I want you to understand I'm GNA give you a little shortcut a little shortcut anything that goes upwards think of it from a buyer's perspective anything that goes down I want you to think of it not as a seller I want you to think think of it as a store owner I want you to use this word this is my word that I have developed for you to understand better it's not trademarked it's not anything like that you want to use this go ahead and use it it helps people understand quickly so you have my blessing if you have your nephew or your uncle or your auntie you want to explain this to store owner on the sell side and anything that goes up think of it as a buyer now I'm going to divide half of the room okay um pick a letter in your mind letter A you're on team one letter B you're on team letter A you're on team a letter B you're on Team B okay just pick a letter in your mind okay all the A Team a you guys are buyers Team B you guys are store owners okay now if if the price is going up this drastically okay Team B you guys are store owners okay you guys are the ones that are selling the euroyen you're selling it you're getting rid of it you're saying I want to sell it I have too much I have too much I gotta get rid of it and team a is the buyer say says I can't get enough of it more baby give me more give me more I just want to swallow it you know I want to put in my shirt put in my coat put it in everything in my underwear I can't get enough of it give me more okay with the speed the buyers are gobbling up the Euro Yen I want to ask one question from Team B would you give a discount if you know the intention if everyone is lining up outside your store and saying please you have to give me some you have to give me some please would you give a discount no I want you to keep that in mind this helps you understand how price moves very easily if you keep this relationship between a buyer on this direction and A store owner on this direction your mind will be free from thinking nonsense it stays stable in a realm that you understand does that make sense so there's no reason to give a discount so you are tiptoeing until someone jumps back in tell me did the buyers jump back in here okay this is for the store owners you gave a little bit of a discount you gave a 5% discount and you're seeing did the buyers jump back in you're all saying no the buyers did not jump back in right all of you buyers team a let me ask you this question when you saw a discount coming down at this speed when you saw a discount coming down at that speed would you want to buy or would you say hey maybe I can get a better deal you have to think of it both ways you got to think of it both ways does that make sense so the buyer will obviously look at the speed of that and saying I can get more you tiptoe again give a little bit more discount buyer buys a little bit you tiptoe tiptoe tiptoe tiptoe tiptoe bam you drop the price where are the buyers where the damn buyers go they were shoving it in their underwear for the longest time now I can't see any signs of them you are forced to give a discount you are forced to give a discount meanwhile the trader you with that telescope when you're watching I Dr I angled it down again when you're watching this thing you're like the deal is getting a discount but no sign of the buyers yet stand by Charlie stand by no signs of them yet I don't want to get involved if I do not see the deal coming back to life buyers are saying hey they're giving a discount let them I don't care let them I really want this but it's on discount let them the discount tiptoes its way when the discount tiptoes its way it's a sign of the store owner knows they're coming it's a sign this sign generally represents a first higher low okay now I'm talking technical language what's a first higher low which means if this is the lowest point and then this is the lowest point and then this is the lowest point these are all lows right lower low lower low lower low a first higher low is when this is the lowest point and the price is higher okay you don't know what a lowest point is until this portion comes out until that right side comes out and then you're like wait a minute it was doing this and then this and then now this why is that higher what does a store owner know that I don't know is he seeing something what does he see how do I know what what's going on what's going on so what that essentially means is the store owner is backing off with the discounts and team a starts gobbling up the prices shoving it in their coats in their pants in their underwears and they're buying it up now you tell me Mr store owners when you see this what are you going to do now with your discounts that you've been offering them what kind of discounts are you giving them now you're not going to give them a penny of a discount you're like I gave you discount before no no no more discount it's over you buy premium Now I know you want it you buy premium I'm I'm jacking up the price you buy premium this is where you come in in this sector here that portion right there is your sweet spot okay now remember when you go to buy a business when you go to buy a a house when you go to buy a banana no not a forget a banana when you go to buy anything how do you know the valuation of something you got to find that sweet spot where is the spot you can get in whether you get in here here here here where you can say I don't care where I get in in that angle and how much premium I pay in that angle I know I can still make money that's a position you want to be in with deals all the time where you can say I know no matter what which one of these premium prices I pay I will make money off of this thing so again bringing this reeling this in and saying did this thing go up because this is a SNR did this thing go up because it's an SNR did this thing go up because sorry not this one there's a thing in here where is it I haven't used this in a while hold on there it is did this thing go up because it's at a 50% retracement exactly it's a mathematical phenomenon okay did this thing go up because a trend line was broken here and this is on the other side of a trend line and therefore it's a buy and if that's what you in then I want to know next time you buy a house how many lines you drew before you said I'm going to buy this house because on a piece of paper I drew a few lines and the line was broken so I need to buy the house I want to see you do that I want to see you put your life savings behind a line that you draw and saying that's why I bought it it's because it was a phenomena it's not a phenomena it has logic behind it it's a deal you are putting your money on the line because you understand something if you don't understand it your money should never be at risk never never that's a waste of money don't guess does that make sense so we got a few minutes together I want to sit here now and speak to you directly okay everything you've everything today that we discuss you understand okay do you understand everything that we've discussed so far is it making sense to you if you've understood a thumbs up if you've had an aha moment a fire icon please like And subscribe also I gotta I got to throw that in it helps the YouTube algorithm obviously um but what's more important is if you're GNA if you're going to get into this industry it's already you know like to be honest look you know this I know this information as much as there's information out there good information is hard to come by trustworthy information is hard to come by everything that I'm telling you I'm telling you not for you to just study endlessly learn to apply it practice it open it up on your demo account and see how much of this logic does it click with you does it resonate with you because if it resonates with you you can sharpen your skills better because you're excited about it you now understand something there is hope there's light at the end of the tunnel you can finally say I can actually make this into a career this is not a drawing game it's not preschool stuff that makes million dollars it doesn't work like that okay but it actually has a bit of science behind it it's a deal making game so to your 20 24 ladies and gentlemen I want you to become the best deal makers there are out there I want you to be the best Trader that you can be and don't take no from it don't take no for an answer from anybody get in there crush it and make sure 2024 is your year thanks a lot ladies and
Channel: Urban Forex
Views: 62,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fx, forex, urban forex, trading, pips, foreign exchange, analysis, technical analysis
Id: cW9iBqaM0Co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 3sec (3423 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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