3 Dominant Body Language Gestures in Peaky Blinders | Shayan Wahedi

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body language three Body Language Lessons you can learn from peaky blinders look at these three clips and try spotting the commonality says if you don't do it then you can walk away from this family for good what the family you're not family that was number one let's look at the second clip and on the bends unlucky [Music] my family now here is the third one I've learned something well there's no need to rush I think there might be some measure of respect development between us yes I know ahead of you is domination as a quick side note Tommy is a master of knowing when to give someone eye contact and I'll elaborate on this scene in point two of the video [Applause] foreign what I know what happened to Michael in jail today are you you see where they were standing and look how close he stands to him now there was way more to be read into this particular scene but I'll leave it at this to keep the points concise if you observed carefully you would have spotted some kind of spatial regulation or to be more precise proximity closing in all three clips it says if you don't do it then you can walk away from this family for good what the [ __ ] do you know about family you're not family this is an invasion of the other person's personal space the same thing happens here stealing from the peaky blinders man foreign [Music] so you might wonder okay what does this mean this moves makes people who are not ready to have you in their personal space extremely uncomfortable it triggers a sense of unease and danger it triggers their fight or flight response to kick into full gear and as far as you go you need to learn the art of spatial regulation why because it can be applied in many many ways whether that's taking more space when sitting or perhaps even gesturing or even to become more intimate with someone one of the best ways to notice this in a benevolent non-aggressive manner to see what happens to you and the other person when you're in the bus or train and someone enters your space anyhow a full video on spatial regulation will follow in the future your field agent and you're just an analyst right right who are you really Brent this particular form of spatial regulation or more accurately speaking closing the distance can be perceived as an extremely dominant move why is that though when you do this you're basically saying I have the right to enter your personal space if you do not like it I'm ready to battle you to prove it it's a very powerful enemy or full signal so I want you to be careful with this one you can also see Harvey Specter doing the exact same thing over here take a gander at this what the hell is that if you recall our last proposal reduced contingent compensation this one wipes it out altogether what's the matter I'll Snappy comeback Wait if you did not catch that you're not soaking in the body language knowledge of the previous video Harvey showed the prolonged eye blog a gesture you have to be able to spot in your own life as I covered in a previous body language video many many times and eye blocking comes in many many forms like this one or like this as you're seeing these examples know that in this video we are covering three gestures which means it's less in depth than the video dedicated to the eye block if you want to know the meaning of it go watch that video it is more in depth and has plenty of nuance included let me fast forward this to the Hostile aggressive and dominant proximity closing move I didn't start this but I'm gonna finish it and when you said I only ever looked at you as competition you were wrong I never looked at you as anything at all as you're watching that remember as I tell you in every body language video I gesture on its own will not give you an accurate reading you need to keep the three C's in mind so what were those again clusters congruence and context let's look at the variation of closing the distance this is an even more intense and more aggressive move I call it circling your prey some animals do this either before a jewel or before they're about to give their prey a Chase no no don't look at me like that perhaps we could have a bite together observe Arthur Shelby doing it here look at this this is it Gina this is my [ __ ] people yeah well what don't you think of it like uh quarantine Michael I will treat you like a [ __ ] dog you see Arthur Shelby circling around Michael it's an extremely aggressive and dominant move by the way this scene has many many great things to point out I might make a full video breakdown on this scene like I did in Tommy Shelby for his Billy Kimber video I'm told the boss is called Tommy and I'm guessing that's you because you're looking me up Mandela I'm a [ __ ] tart Tommy Shelby vs Alfie Solomon's video but in this specific context rolling up the sleeve is signaling aggression and all they should have read this as a sign of I better back the hell off anyways oh he thought his life nothing else yeah but what were you doing was marking the runners in the paper you see how submissively he breaks eye contact and even the Tommy Shelby versus Luca changuetta full body language breakdown video Luca breaks the eye contact First and lowers his head adjusts his sleeves and then takes on the Fig Leaf position now this spray circling move can also be spotted here in The Avengers between Tony Starks and Steve Rogers you need to step away why shouldn't the guy let off a little steam I want you to notice how this touch of dominance sets or better put ads to the rising tension between them you know damn well why back off oh I'm starting to want you to make me yeah big man in a suit of armor take that off what are you here you see the circling but since next week's video is about verbal dominance have a listen to this take that off what are you genius billionaire playboy philanthropist lovely again the same can be spotted here with Harvey Specter so what is this a new cologne or just a hint of jealousy Lewis lit is closing the distance if Harvey does the same thing he's on the losing side but why is this it's because Lewis would have closed 90 of the distance between them and Harvey the remaining five to eight percent so here's the counter to when somebody does this to you I'm surprised you uh don't recognize your wife's perfume the prey circling again I also want you to know this Harvey's body language this is a very dominant move but Nuance is needed as it has at least three meanings and that will be covered in another video as you saw in the clips I just showed and I have plenty more by the way this move can come over as aggressive and hostile when used in this manner however what it also can indicate is intimacy between people who like each other what are those are friends family or lovers so don't see it as just a hostile move because it also can be portrayed in intimacy again guys the three C's keep them in mind but in this instance it is a highly dominant albeit also aggressive move to make and I want to side note that something that's dominant is not always aggressive I do not want you to conflate those two things as one as mentioned before we have many variants of this to cover as will be shown now the leaning in as a variant but has much more meaning for example my cousin was shot territorial boundaries or boundaries of our personal space of varies and cultures and even by your upbringing see Farmers tend to need more space than people raised in a busy City like New York for example but since this is a video of three gestures I will not go in depth on this one a separate video on this personal space Invasion will follow in the future and there I will elaborate on how you can use it to test whether someone perhaps romantically is ready to accept you in their personal space and even intimate zone or not in that video so let's move to point number two just check the time and I have to move really fast through these two other points so I'll leave the new ones out for now guys forgive me for that one thing you must never forget is that in general Alphas or dominant people give usually less eye contact as their attention is harder to come by Tommy Shelby is no exception to this let me show you these examples so you've worked this all out I see only my head haven't written it down notice how she is talking to him and he's looking straight ahead I do want to caveat this with one thing I do not want you to use this as an excuse to not look people in their eyes because of your dormant social anxiety or because well that's what Cheyenne told us and that's what's making us High status if you do this the wrong way it you will portray a lot of insecurity but more Nuance is needed for that so that will come in another one you must remember that eye contact is great to give to people it relieves a lot of feel-good hormones like oxytocin for example so again just because he doesn't do it don't think that you shouldn't do it but this is great to know for times where you need to establish some dominance hopefully occasionally in your life and that is when you can strategically use some of these tactics I want you to also learn the difference between portraying dominance and exuding Charisma because most of the time those things do not overlap again no once it's needed and you're not going to get that right now in this video that will be covered in depth in the Charisma video another great scene is right here my invitation for this event was obviously an oversight on your repair business Journey this guy starts talking to Tommy but look he doesn't give him his eye contact at all look how needy this makes the other guy look moving all the way in Thomas line of sight now you might wonder but in the first point you said it was a dominant move or an aggressive move because you're moving into someone else's space and now all of a sudden when someone else the other than Tommy does it it makes him seem desperate guys this is where you need to be very careful the Clusters you exude makes this either a very needy move or a very dominant move let me exemplify this as in a case of Seduction see in seduction you can use the exact same move especially when you're in a group of people when you withhold your high status attention of a select few this stirs up all kinds of emotions within them you look everyone in the eye but the select few that you are trying to seduce or are trying to get a conversation even going further and those are the ones you give a little less attention and this makes them wonder why are everybody else getting the attention if you have a group of very beautiful women and there is one of them that you are attracted to or the one you want to explore things with a little more you give all the other ones especially the number two in the group in terms of attractiveness a lot of eye contact and you withhold it from number one now what this does this will makes them feel especially in my experience like they want to keep connecting with you keep connecting with you and that's when you get them to where you want them another noteworthy thing to tell you that you can apply instantly in your life is what I've mentioned in the James Bond body language breakdown video what you need to do is move first and then either break or establish eye contact I've used this in the past for seduction reason and also for pressure building reasons in my personal life let's give you this example and guys it's very hard to do on camera because I'm giving you literally all the eye contact I can right now what you're gonna do is let's say we're in a conversation and I'm looking at other places except giving you the eye contact and right now I'm talking and I tell you something that's a meaningless yeah I've been doing X Y and Z and I'm feeling fantastic it's been great how about you what you have would have observed is you saw my head move first and this builds anticipation you know what's coming to you and then I give you the eye contact but the moment I give you the eye contact that's when I drop in the question and that's when I go silent and when you're in person that doesn't have the same effect on camera obviously when you're in person this will feel like a bomb dropping on you but why is that the reason being is that you're all of a sudden being put on the spot even with simple questions like what about you or how are you because you're getting the question then my head moves and then you get the eye contact and then it's silent you get full attention now and what this does in real life you'll feel a sudden urge to not bathe in that silence to remove that silent away all the attention is on you if you learn to master that it's a very very powerful move and I want you to learn how to master that however it's not a simple move because the only time you will be able to do this is when you build and establish a solid base of confidence remember the scene in the beginning when you plan something well no need to rush [Applause] he gives gamble very little attention with his eyes but when he does it intensifies the meanings behind his word he's also capable and that is key guys capable of locking his eye contact straight on to the point it becomes uncomfortable and to some people even unbearable if you wish for me to elaborate on this let me know in the comments below Tommy has done this a lot throughout the show and if you remember correctly for long time subscribers of this channel the Luca chongreta video look at it the exact same thing the level of security is pitiful we are an organization of a different dimension he gives eye contact when emphasizing certain words this is a very powerful way to communicate here look at it we have an organization on a different dimension I could have killed you when I walked through the door guys these body language cues and gestures is all great but I want you to better yourself in your day-to-day life and not just using these gestures to portray yourself in a certain way Doing It Wrong will make you seem weak insecure and even braggadocious all qualities a man or woman of character doesn't portray work on your relationship with yourself by simultaneously working on your outer appearance to the world become a man or woman of character of Integrity of Honor don't watch these videos to learn how to manipulate people that is the last thing I want for you however you need to be capable of these things especially when you come across people who do that the laws of Power video especially the intro video is explaining this in more depth multiple videos on eye contact are in the planning but by the way for the next body language videos onward I'll try covering one at maximum two points instead of three so I can keep them more in depth and also keep them sure they're whilst keeping the Nuance in the reason I took all the nuances out of this one is because I want to keep the video relatively short as I mentioned in this video before now before moving to point number three let me show you one more example of Harvey Specter doing it here foreign 's running out let's keep this one even shorter than the previous two points I've covered this one partially in the six trades of a high status Walk for men and women already look at how slow Tommy moves it's smooth yet purposeful it's not from a place of hesitation if you learn to master this way of moving you'll instantly be perceived as high status he went to buy an ice cream I decided to tell he should be light you knew I'd be here yeah we know you'd be here made some business for you now if you are not high status this perception will not last long body language is not a substitute for True confidence it is a portrayal of an image and perhaps and hopefully not a facade that you might show if it's not coming from a place of deep-seated confidence however if you learn to do this and you're developing yourself as a person at the same time there's a deep sense of substance you will portray to the outside world slow deliberate smooth movements comfort from your non-reactivity just like Tommy Shelby's non-reactivity it conveys you have emotional control over yourself it portrays you moving with a purpose in life that things don't easily fluster you or take you out of your path or vision and these slow deliberate smooth movements you can see throughout the show continuously [Music] if you are new here the goal of this channel is to provide you tools and strategies that you can Implement in your life so you can achieve your desired goals and dreams in an ethical manner learn to become a better person by mastering your internal self I make videos on body language verbal dominance power and personal development I cycle through them each week and next week it is the turn of verbal dominance in which I show you a technique which enables you to never run out of instant responses when someone insults you if you learn to master that is and that takes practice if these types of videos resonate with you you might consider subscribing in the next body language video I'll cover seating Dynamics in depth and also show you why you do not want to occupy the power seat at all times like I said this slow deliberate smooth movements come forward from your non-reactivity I made a video on this right here and here you can check the most recent video on the channel I'll meet you in one of these two videos again enjoy
Channel: Shayan Wahedi
Views: 47,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shayan wahedi, body language analysis, body language breakdown, peaky blinders, peaky blinders body language, body language analysis peaky blinders, body language breakdown Thomas shelby, Thomas Shelby body language, shayan body language, body language shayan, body language Tommy Shelby, body language Arthur shelby, how to learn body language, peaky blinders body language shayan, shayan peaky blinders, peaky blinders shayan, Tommy peaky blinders, Tommy Shelby peaky blinders
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2023
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