Mastering Laravel 10 Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) with Image Upload and Pagination |தமிழ்

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hi friends now I'm going to register Stanley in the videos create read update delete including images foreign foreign index dot HTML in the HTML pages foreign foreign foreign space nav bar iPhone extend up into the photograms foreign navigation foreign foreign foreign new product foreign foreign foreign foreign table heading serial number images table automatically stylish is one two three four five six boxes in our product name Samsung phone uh 25 600 number and then selling price on the 18500 actions foreign foreign iPhone dark on the BTN iPhone Danger ous is some array either is IMG so Source database images foreign foreign laravel credit s so just create pages foreign foreign gram item s l i either breadgram items so add new product updates so call iPhone MD iPhone 6s foreign so input otherwise name on the form control ID name is enter product names foreign label in the foreign r dot p save money input is on the text either class name on the form control and then ID name on the MRP just so tap responding and name on the MRP placeholder enter selling place selling price and then input one name on The Price Mr ID name on the price holder selling price foreign foreign label foreign iPhone control and then other ID name description description in the column size holder enter descriptions image products image name on the images a button type on the submit and then save product S Class ES BTN BTN iPhone dark black colors reset in the button on the dangerous clear all right foreign HTML foreign foreign anchor is show dot HTML fine numbers foreign product details um view products open item s IMG and the image image images iPhone image iPhone top ICS images foreign foreign um foreign text descriptions foreign foreign so class font weight again this is interesting about reporting one pixel solid hash CCC called this is foreign foreign type foreign foreign the download enter 8000. 127.0.50 homepage 13.5 PHP 8.2 levels foreign controller that is foreign foreign foreign blade dot PHP North Carolina foreign foreign foreign function the function name index is return in the view index and index.blade.phones so route please so just a class automatically foreign cooler create Dot blade dot PHP I've been right now is is Slash publicly function create Adela just over curly bracket my written statement number create viewer called you create dot blade dot php4 talking about the glass and then in the index pages foreign foreign foreign gram foreign MRP price images foreign foreign foreign request s request s foreign PHP Artisans the new products Productions foreign program test description and then another image and then the image on the select class select connected pictures thousand test description India [Music] dollar s validate foreign foreign foreign is iPhone invalid e n d i yeah foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign invalid feedback invalid hyphen feedback examples and if now I'm foreign sixty five thousand sixty eight thousand five hundred descriptions images products so an image images so in the requested image more sorry MO you know public functions so public underscore path number folder name on the products du CTS in the dollar file name and the dollar file name is new and the class name on the product P capital letter image attribute in the images foreign Galaxy 000. Now list of data online foreign foreign so with foreign if alarm message equal to equal to number session success messages written with success message so on the success we are blending a password success message foreign alert so in the close button automatic I will create items in case Google pixel 7 product name selling price size data uh same selling price and then in the dummy data foreign number product or the model s single quotation products comma foreign foreign foreign foreign so curly bracket open close money products foreign display foreign foreign ID it is a dollar product equal to and the particular ideal products where ID foreign foreign foreign foreign copy money show template yield cooler that is foreign foreign so name is foreign foreign CSS style dot CSS um blade dot PHP in the pages foreign foreign foreign yeah controllers description product like description description images foreign number is function update on the particular data password parameters foreign so in success foreign foreign foreign delete foreign functions foreign function destroy is written back with success photo foreign foreign foreign foreign products tag minus one foreign foreign
Channel: Tutor Joe's Stanley
Views: 14,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tamil Computer Tutorials, Tutor Joes, computer course tutorial in tamil, laravel in tamil, laravel 10, Bootstrap 5 CDN, Google Fonts in Project, Product, Install Laravel Framework, Product Controller, Master Layout, Template Inheritance, Route, ProductModel, Database Migration, Form Validation, Validation Class, Upload Product, Success Message, Custom CSS Styling, Update, Delete, Pagination, Custom Serial
Id: uwhJHwjTeck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 27sec (6387 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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