Routes in Laravel Complete Laravel 10 Tutorial in Tamil | Tutor Joe's | தமிழ் Day-2

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HTML ftps folder structure https thatp PHP rting that extension name absolute and then the CL function get actually welcome welc accps welcome.php terminal composer command inst create uh compos create iPhone project sample CD sample then CP local IP address 8000 version 10.3.4 34.2 PHP version 8.2.4 welcome.php double get method then UR function function bra bra sing full about page contct refesh BAS bases so passinger data integer function this is blog this is BL PHP variable dollar not this is BL this is actually the string data usid Val first second so in case multiple parameters so ID and then Place function function parameter string ID and then H1 tag slh1 user ID user ID dollar ID and US name and then in the userids users and then user name expr regular expression constraint print welcome name dollar name h11 expression and then expressional small a to small name ID so student ID is us and so uid user id id name SL usal letter so so user ID 25 and usern name is function with function number user us then Al us name users the then UR category C category g r y SL return just H1 tag you are in category so you are in movie category you are in hel function double or single ID type parameter EX com userid us service provid folder providers service just route pattern the integer number Global constraint routech search search particular function parameter search doar search curly bra search slash in single or double quotation simple dots the search fores in routing gallery gallery photos photos oh yes photos and then videos with groups using pref G rout groups fall back routes fall back routes f page not found4 message not Ur routes
Channel: Tutor Joe's Stanley
Views: 3,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Laravel in Tamil, Laravel 10, what is laravel, laravel tutorial in tamil, best laravel tutorial, learn laravel in tamil, laravel for beginners, laravel course, laravel framework, laravel in tamil, laravel crash course, What is Route?, Basic Route, Parameterized Route in Laravel, Passing Multiple Parameter, Regular Expression Constraints, Regular Expression with Helper Methods, Global Constraints, Encoded Forward Slashes, Route groups Using Prefix, FallBack Route
Id: zBbqnkGeOYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 34sec (2314 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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