Mastering Kubernetes: Scenario-Based Interview Questions & Answers | Kubernetes Interview Prep

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hello everyone and welcome back to my channel in today's session we will look at 15 scenario based interview questions that you can expect as part of your um interview questions and this will help you to master uh kubernetes and also impress your uh interviewers from deployment strategies to Disaster Recovery I've got um everything covered once again before I start off with the session please don't forget to hit that subscribe button so let's jump right into it the first question that I have is you have a microservices based application consisting of multiple containers how would you deploy and manage this application in kubernetes so for this essentially what we can do is we can create a deployment object which uh uh which is basically a micro service for each of the component that we have for each of the uh component of the application so Within These uh deployment object we will be specifying various information like which container image to use what port numbers to use uh any resource request or limitations on the resource utilizations and also any environment variables or configuration settings so we will be defining all of these details within the uh deployment object then we will need to create the respective services so uh deployments will create the PS for us but then if you want to access the containers the application running inside these Sports we will need to create the services for them so the kubernetes services will help us to expose the microservices to other components within the cluster or external users that is uh the services will allow us to access or basically um work with the application that we are running Within These microservices so that's how we can deploy the application the next question we have is your team needs to update the version of an application running in kubernetes without causing any downtime how would you perform a rolling update so for this again we will make use of your kubernetes deployments and this kubernetes deployments will mainly help us to manage the applications life cycle and also perform rolling updates so whenever we talk about performing rolling updates we can make use of your deployments in uh kubernetes so how we will be doing this so we will gradually increase the number of replicas with the new version of the application so we will increase the number of PODS and these pods will be running the newer version of the application and simultaneously we will decrease the replicas with the older version of the application that we are running and this will ensure we have a smooth transition without impacting the availability of the application so basically we will create a deployment uh which will where we'll be increasing the number of replicas of your pods pointing to the newer version of the application simultaneously we will be decreasing the replicas which which is pointing to the older version of the application that way we are smoothly transitioning to the newer version of the application without any uh impact on the availability of the application the next question we have is your application experiences varying levels of traffic throughout the day how would you implement autoscaling to handle increased demand automatically so uh in kubernetes when we talk about autoscaling we have this feature called horizontal for auto scaling or HPA that your kubernetes provides now we can use this to specify your target resource utilization metrics as to you know when do you want to um increase or when do you want to autoscale your resources we can Define that so it could be your CPU utilization it could be your memory utilization so basically um what is your scaling Behavior what is a behavior on which the scaling needs to happen we can Define uh that so using these metrics kubernetes will automatically adjust the number of pod replicas that are running based on the realtime metric so if my CP utilization is at 80 percentage increase the number of C So based on the real time utilization kubernetes will increase the number of replicas to meet the defined criteria so you know when it reaches 80 percentage how many parts do you want you you can Define that criteria and then your HPA will accordingly meet that criteria for us the next question we have is your task with deploying a stateful application that requires persistent storage how would you ensure data persistence and high availability in kubernetes so uh we can essentially for this we can make use of your stateful sets to manage the deployment of your stateful applications that way we can ensure that each of the each of the Pod has a stable Network identity and also persistent storage volume so again here we make use of your deployments uh to create our uh pod so deployments can be used for U um making an application um rather making your pods having the persistent storage volumes and also having a stable Network identity so with this we make use of your persistent volume claims which will allow the pods to make use of the persistent storage volumes and then also associating them with the storage classes that are available kubernetes will handle the storage provisioning and also management of this storage transparently so uh uh creating the storage volumes the persistent volumes and then claiming those persistent volumes all those things can be done and that way we can make your data is persistent and uh your application is also um uh having the necessary storage capacity that you it needs the next question we have is how does cetes handle service Discovery and load balancing for applications running in the cluster so uh kubernetes Services is basically what we use to expose the pods uh to within the cluster or outside the cluster so basically whenever if let's say you're running a web application and if you want to access that web application we make use of your services which will expose those pods to access the web applications so the services this provides us with a stable virtual IP address and a DNS name which can be used to access the pods running within the cluster so uh we will have the application running inside a pod and this pod will be behind a service so as a user we will hit the service and the service in turn will hit the Pod and get the response back from the uh pod so Services it makes use of the cube proxy to essentially do the uh load balancing across multiple pod replicas and also Distributing the requests evenly across the pods and this will ensure we have a high availability and also we have a better fault tolerance in terms of the application the next question we have is you need to ensure that containers running in kubernetes are securely configured and isolated how would you implement container security best practices uh so for this we can follow various best practices in terms of your container security such as using very minimal and only trusted base images so you know having proper um um I would say official base images then implementing least privilege principles enabling pod security policies and then also regularly scanning the uh images the container images for any vulnerabilities and we can do this making use of your tools like Clare or trivy which helps us to basically scan the images for any vulnerability so these are some of the best practices that we can use uh to make sure that we have proper images and we don't have any security breaches in terms of the uh application that we running inside the container the next question we have is your organization wants to host multiple application with varying security and resource requirements in the same kubernetes cluster how would you implement multi-tenancy so for this we can make use of kubernetes Nam spaces which will help us to logically partition the cluster so we know that name spaces are used whenever you want to create a logical partition uh within the same cluster like if you're running multiple applications within the same cluster and if you want to isolate them we can make use of your name spaces for them we can also enforce resource quotas and we can apply Network policies and this will help us to isolate and also secure the resources for each of your tenant or each of the applications that we are running within the respective name spaces we can also Implement our back which is your role based access control that can be used to restrict the access and also control the permissions based on the role of the user and also the responsibility of the users so we can make use of all these things to basically Implement a multi- tency application within the same cluster the next question we have is your team wants to gradually roll out a new version of an application to a subset of users for testing before fully deploying it how would you implement a canary deployment in kubernetes so for this we can create a kubernetes deployment but we'll have two separate versions of the application so basically we will create two deployments uh one pointing to let's say an older version of the application and the other deployment pointing to a newer version of the application and then we can make use of your service mesh like stto or Linker D to basically control the routing of certain portion of the traffic to the new version of the application based on the rules that we can Define and then we can also start monitoring and start uh looking at the metrics that can be used to evaluate valuate how the newer version of the application is performing before we start promoting it to the full production or to the full users of the application so essentially we'll have two deployments let's say deployment one and deployment two deployment one will be the newer version deployment to with the older version and then we'll have service mesh like sto let's say which will where we'll Define rules as to how much what percentage of the traffic should go to deployment one and how much should go to deployment two and then we start monitoring the newer version of the application and then we start doing the evaluation basically the performance how the performance is and if you feel that the performance is good then we start promoting all the traffic to the deployment one which is a newer version of the application the next question we have is in the event of a cluster failure or outage how would you ensure timely recovery and minimal data loss for applications running in kubernetes so for this we can make use of your disaster recoveries strategies now there are multiple strategies when we talk about your disaster recovery so some of the common strategies would be regularly taking backups of the cluster data and also the application data and again we have tools available for this so we have tools like valo or native kubernetes mechanisms like uh taking a snapshot of the etcd itself which is your cluster data that way if something goes wrong we can recover the data from these uh snapshots additionally we can also design a multizone or multi- region architecture for your kubernetes which will ensure we have a high availability and fault tolerance in case of something uh going wrong so let's say if you're having a multi- region architecture if there's an issue in one region we still have another region where the application is running and we will not have much impact to the users or rather we'll have zero impacts and even if something goes wrong we we making sure we have proper backup we can do a restoration of the application the next question we have is your organization wants to prevent resource contention and ensure Fair resource allocation across different teams or projects in the kubernetes cluster how would you implement resource quotas and limits so for this we can make use of your resource quotas which can be used to basically put a limitation on your resource utilization so we can enforce limits on your CP utilization your m utilization and your story utilization within the kubernetes name spaces so like for example let's say you have a default name space now within the default namespace what is a CPU limitation all those limitations can be put by making use of your resource K quotas Now by specifying maximum resource quotas for each namespace we can basically prevent individual workloads from monopolizing the resources within the cluster so you know we can make sure that uh the workloads are not taking all the resour like single workloads are not taking all the resources we can avoid that by allocating maximum resources to each namespace and this will ensure we have Equitable resource distribution across all the resources we are running within the cluster the next question we have is your team needs visibility into the performance and health of applications running in kubernetes how would you Implement application observability so uh again with this we can make use of kubernetes native tools like Prometheus which can be used as your data source and we can make use of your grafana for visualizing that uh data we can also make use of kubernetes events and logs for any troubleshooting additionally we can also um have applications with distributed tracing using tools like we have Jager or zip kit which can be used to have a distributed tracing across the applications and we can use this for end to endend visibility into the request flow so how the request is coming in how the request is going out all that end to endend visibility uh we can have so that we have a proper uh monitoring in place so that something goes wrong or if you want to keep track of all the events that are happening we can make use of all these things the next question we have is your organization follows the immute able infrastructure Paradigm and wants to ensure that all changes to application deployments are versioned and reproducible how would you implement immutable infrastructure in kubernetes so for this we can make use of your declarative cuberes manifest which is basically having all the instructions in in in terms of yaml file so it could be your deployments it could be a ports it could be a Services everything should be in a yaml fine to to basically Define the infrastru structure configurations and also your application deployment so everything should be in in yaml file should be converted to yaml files and then we can start show storing this manifests in your Version Control Systems like git and using implementing your cicd pipelines which can help us to automate the deployment workflows this way we can ensure that all the changes are being tracked all the changes are being tested and also auditable so that way even if something goes wrong since we since we writing code it is easily reproducible um we can go back to the same version of the application by simply rerunning the same version of the code the next question we have is your organization operates in multiple geographic regions and wants to deploy applications closer to end users for reduced latency and improved performance how would you implement geod distributor deployments in kubernetes so for this we can leverage kubernetes Federation or multicluster management Solutions so we have Solutions like anos or Rancher which can be used to deploy and manage your applications across multiple clusters which are running in different regions okay so we can make use of these uh tools we can also make use of your network policies and Global load balancing that way we can route the traffic to the nearest cluster based on the user location for Optimal Performance so that's that's how we can do it so basically the point is to deploy the uh clusters across multiple regions and Implement Global load balancing so that the load balancer will route the traffic to the nearest cluster based on the location of the users the next question we have is your organization has workloads running on premises and in public Cloud environments and wants to adopt kubernetes for workload portability how would you implement hybrid cloud deployments with kubernetes so for this we can make use of your kubernetes distributions that supports hybrid Cloud deployment such as you know using Amazon eeks anywhere or Azure AR or VMware tanzo so we can make use of any of these things that imple that supports your hybrid Cloud deployment so when we talk about your on premises and Cloud that becomes your hybrid architecture we can also leverage consistent kubernetes apis and management interfaces across the on premisis and Cloud environments that way we can deploy and manage the workloads seamlessly across the hybrid infrastructure so for this we can make use of some of the tools some of the services that are available to basically deploy our workloads across the hybrid um infrastructure that we have the next question we have is your organization operates in a regulated industry and needs to ensure compliance with security and um privacy regulations for applications running in kubernetes how would you implement compliance and governance so for this we can make use of your kubernetes native security controls such as your pod security policies uh Network policies and rbac which is your role based Access Control to enforce any regulatory requirements and security policy so we can basically put controls uh we can implement polic policies which will help us to have the regulatory requirements accordingly additionally we can also make use of your auditing and logging solutions to um keep a track and monitor the activities that are happening in the cluster for any compliance purposes so uh keep um uh logging uh enabled keep your auditing enabled so that we have all the historical data and keep track of everything that is happening in the cluster and that brings us to the end of your 15 scenario based interview questions that you can expect um in your kubernetes interview now these questions will help you to Ace your interviews and also demonstrate your uh practical kubernetes skills if you found this video helpful please don't forget to um uh subscribe to the Channel please leave a like and hit that Bell icon for more content let me know in the comments section what other topics you would like me to cover thank you for watching and I will see you in the next video video
Channel: DGR Uploads
Views: 4,104
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Keywords: AWS, Amazon Web Services, DevOps, IAM, EC2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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