Mastering AWS EKS: Top 10 AWS EKS Interview Questions Unveiled with Answers!"

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hello everyone and welcome back to my channel in today's session we will be diving into the world of eks which is a kubernetes service in AWS so eeks it stands for elastic cuber service and this is another containerization service that we have in AWS so in the last session we have looked at your ECS which is based on your Docker and EK is based on your kubernetes now whether you preparing for an interview or you just want to enhance your um knowledge on uh eks then you in the right place once again before I start off with the session please don't forget to hit that subscribe button so like I said in this particular session we will be looking at top 10 uh interview questions that you can expect as part of your eks service that you have in AWS so the first question we have is what is AWS eks and how does it uh simplify the deployment of your uh containers in kubernetes so eks that's your fully managed kubernetes service provided by your AWS and this service it mainly helps us to deploy manage and scale your containerized applications by making use of your kubernetes so if you want to work with kubernetes on AWS then we can make use of this EK service and this is fully managed by AWS so you don't have to worry about the underlying infrastructure or you don't have to worry about manual uh uh worrying about setting up the infrastructure AWS takes care of that for you so uh the main uh advantage that you get with this service it abstracts the complexity of your cluster management which allows you to focus on the development of your application so instead of spending more time on setting up your cluster uh you can leave that work to AWS and you can start concentrating more on the development of the application that you want to deploy on this eks cluster moving on to the next question how does eks differ from a self-managed kubernetes clusters on AWS so eks it mainly simplifies the management of your uh kubernetes cluster such as uh it could be the patching it could be update uh applying updates it could be scaling all of these things will be handled by uh AWS all right so we don't have to worry about uh let's say you know you want to upgrade to a new version of your kubernetes so you don't have to manually worry about that AWS if there's a version available AWS will give it to you and you can go ahead and upgrade that using the Management console whereas with your self managed clusters you will have to do the manual work so it's more of a manual intervention so if you want to upgrade you'll have to manually do the upgrades and there are many things that you'll have to take take care before you plan for the upgrade so that's where uh it is recommended that we make use of your eks because it gives you more advantage over the self-managed Clusters the next question we have is uh what is a kubernetes cluster and how is it structured in EK so the kubernetes cluster it is simply a set of nodes all right and this is the nodes where we will be running our containerized application so you know whenever we want to run our containers if you want to make it highly available it is recommended to run them on multiple nodes and this collection of nodes together we call it as your kubernetes cluster so in your eks your generally when we talk about your cluster it consists of a control plane a node which we call it as your control plane and then you'll have lots of worker nodes now this control plane will be managed by AWS whereas the worker nodes will be provisioned by the users which is us so users who are going to use this clusters will be managed uh will be managing the worker node the control plane on the other hand will be managed by AWS the next question we have is how does eks manage security for your kubernetes cluster so uh eks again it has integration with other services so in this case we can integrate it with the IM am service which will help us to take care of the user authentication and then the authorization of the user that's how we can manage the security in your eks cluster now in addition to using the IM am it also supports your um rback which is your Ro based access control which can be used for fine grained Access Control within the cluster itself all right so we can either utilize the IM and we can also make use of your rback to control to basically manage the security of your cubus cluster the next question we have is what is the significance of a node group in AAS and how does it relate to the worker node so a node group it is simply your collection of worker nodes all right so this worker nodes together we call it as your node group and these node groups will be within a cluster and all of these node groups will share the same configuration um uh when I say same configuration it could be your Ami the instance type the storage it would it would maintain the same configuration for all the nodes now this allows the users to scale and manage your uh worker nodes independently based on the requirement of the based on the requirement of the applications all right so once again not groups are simple your collection of notes the worker notes which we have set up within your eks cluster next question we have is how can you achieve High availability in an eks cluster so in AWS whenever we talk about high availability it is always recommended to distribute your um uh resources the AWS resources across multiple availability zones so in case of your eks also we will be having these nodes which will be spread across multiple availability zones and this will make sure that the cluster is highly available so if there's an issue with one availability Zone we would still have the other availability zones where the nodes are set up so worker nodes can also be distributed across M aets for increased fault tolerance all right we can do that as well the next question we have is can you integrate eks with other aw services and if so how so yes uh we can integrate your eks with other services in this case let's say we can integrate it with your database for RDS S3 for storage Cloud watch for monitoring and other services as well so uh it provides you a seamless integration with other aw Services we have uh this integration it mainly allows us to have a better storage capacity better management of your database and also the monitoring cap capability so in terms of your storage we can go with your S3 which gives you unlimited storage capacity in terms of your database we can go with your RDS and then uh to have a uh wide visibility of your e cluster we can go with your cloudwatch service the next question we have is what is the role of an eks worker note and how are the manage now worker nodes is where we will be deploying our uh containers all right so we can make use of these worker nodes to deploy our containers as well as if you want to execute any tasks we make use of your worker noes for that so control plane will be controlling these worker notes and whenever we want to uh deploy any containers create any tasks it gets created on the worker node so these are uh managed by your eks node groups which allows us to add remove or update the worker nodes dynamically so if you feel that you need more capacity you can go ahead and add more worker noes and if you don't need the capacity we can remove the worker nodes dynamically without having any issue on the availability of the application right so once again worker nodes can be used whenever we want to deploy our containers and whenever we want to execute any tasks moving on to the next question how does eks handle updates and patches for the kubernetes control plane so eks it provides us with automated updates for the uh kubernetes control plan so like I said whenever there's a newer version of kubernetes available AWS will provide us that updat so we get automated updates and this will ensure that the cluster is always running on the latest and most secure version okay so this is something taken care by AWS it always recommends so whenever there's a new version relas released it always recommends that we uh move to the newer version and at you know at a certain time AWS will forcefully move you to the latest version if you don't move so that the cluster is always running on the latest version and on the secure version of your kubernetes so users can also schedule these updates to control plane without disrupting the running applications all right so you can do it with dynamically basically without having any issues on your application the next question we have is what is the purpose of the Amazon eks optimized Ami for worker nodes now the eks optimized Ami can be used when you want to have a preconfigured um Ami which is your Amazon Amazon machine image now what this does is it simplifies the launching of your worker node so uh if you want to maintain worker nodes multiple worker nodes with the same configuration then we can go with a pre-configured am Ami so that whenever we create a worker node from that preconfigured Ami we would be getting the same configuration and the time taken to launch the worker nodes will also be much faster so this uh e optimized Ami it will include all the necessary softwares all the necessary configurations that are needed to seamlessly integrate with an eks cluster okay so that is where we can utilize an eks optimized Ami so this Ami is it is specifically optimized for eks cluster and uh it will have everything that is needed um for the eks cluster uh setup for launching new worker nodes all right so there you have it that's the 10 uh top 10 interview questions that you can expect as part of your um eks service in AWS once again whether you're preparing for an interview or you're just looking to enhance your knowledge this should be sufficient um if you like the video give it a thumbs up and don't forget to hit that Bell icon to stay in the loop and please subscribe to the channel for more um AWS insights if you have any specific topics or any specific questions that you want to talk about please drop them in the uh comments section until next time happy learning
Channel: DGR Uploads
Views: 2,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AWS, Amazon Web Services, DevOps, IAM, EC2
Id: TPH5TAeZwg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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